Tags: Ex-lover back
Life without peace and joy is nothing, i want to give thanks to this great-man name Dr. Mustafa who help me to get back my lover who left me for 7months,but this great man he help me to get back my lover who i never thought will ever come back but this great help me to get her back to me,all thanks to DR MUSTAFA SPELL TEMPLE who helped me to get him back people with different problem should contact him on his email: dr.mustafa86@yahoo.com
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Tags: #theonethatgotaway #sad #breakup
We met in August and had a fairytale start... everything was perfect. We are lesbians so we were already talking about how we hoped this ended in marriage. After six weeks, I found out I had a a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity. The job was short term: only 9 months. I knew I had to take it and we were both devastated the relationship had to end. We had not been dating long enough to do long-distance (plus that doesn't work well anyway). She asked for no contact so she could get use to the dynamic between us of not dating. I moved on and lived my life, but my heart was in a holding pattern for her. The 9 months ended last week and I am back in the same town as her. I reached out...hoping that our story could finally really begin. She told me she had moved on.... she's isn't seeing anyone or anything like that... she said simply "I told myself months ago this wasn't going to happen and I have to move on and I did". I'm devastated. I really thought she was the one. Nothing happened... no fights, no falling out. We ended simply because of distance... distance that no longer exists... and she doesn't want to go down that road again.
Tags: #Crying
We met on fb 5 years ago and we became friends then became lovers until it reached 4 years and almost 9 months. We were in a LDR since Feb last year. The relationship went smooth until last April 2016. He was very irritated of my calls and texts.. I found out he has a girl "callmate" then recently he wants his freedom and be single again.
Tags: Crying
We met on fb 5 years ago and we became friends then became lovers until it reached 4 years and almost 9 months. We were in a LDR since Feb last year. The relationship went smooth until last April 2016. He was very irritated of my calls and texts.. I found out he has a girl "callmate" then recently he wants his freedom and be single again.
Tags: Crying
We met on fb 5 years ago and we became friends then became lovers until it reached 4 years and almost 9 months. We were in a LDR since Feb last year. The relationship went smooth until last April 2016. He was very irritated of my calls and texts.. I found out he has a girl "callmate" then recently he wants his freedom and be single again.
Tags: breakup sad
I spent 5 months with a fuckboy until he chosed someone else over me
Tags: bad breakup, heartbrokened, sad, intimacy, men, women, problems, what is love, some guys suck,
I feel very sad that my ex broke up with me last month. He used me for a year and had a fling with me meaning making out and having intimacy. I met him at some church but he still was not kind of guy I thought he was. He was a guy who thought he knew what he was doing but he used me for only one thing. I thought he loved me. We went out for a year. We met at church although I thought he thought he wouldn't break his promise to me since he told me he would marrying me but that was a lie. He pretend to love me when I loved him and he really seem like he just wanted to break my heart. He thought he was dating me when he never paid half for date and I always did. It seem to me he never wanted a real relationship just a rebound from his ex girlfriend and he wanted to overpower me. He broke up with me in sometime in April. He said he needed space but I knew something was fishy when he said that. He started to smoke more and drink more energy drinks. I am so sick of being used. I am relieved I ain't pregnant by him. He also told me he wanted a baby but I think he wanted to do that to every women and he was just trying to overcome his intimacy addiction.
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