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August 24, 2015 @ (India)

Tags: So sorry!

We were close friends... but eventually friendship turned to love..he loved me soo did I ..after school we got together.. we met once every month, spoke every day...he sent me his pics.. everything was perfect...until now..just a few weeks back in july 2015... i sent him a collage with our pics and a message..after that i was having my important university examination ( Medicine) so i could not call or text him much..but still i felt that he was avoiding me.. in the midst i tried texting and calling him a zillion times... he never answered my calls..neither did he respond to my text messages... but i was not ready to believe that he would cheat on me... i contacted our school friends..i mean we all were pretty close.. i told them that he was doing this..they told me that they have also stopped getting information from him.. i was alarmed.. they said don't worry and don't spoil your exams..thankfully in the midst of so much anxiety i was able to do my most important exams in life..... and he had told one of my friends who called him upon hearing my complains..the truth behind his avoidance.. but she refused to tell me.. because she was scared of me spoiling my exams..i understood that something was terribly wrong..i waited..yesterday at last my exams got over... she called me at 11:00pm... it was a conference call..three friends... she began.. i listened... his parents saw the collage... his mom cried...and stopped talking to him for two days..his dad still doesn't speak to him... he was beaten... they feel that this is not a serious relationship..and that their son is giving me false hopes..iam a doctor..he is studying for Bcom... his mom said all these.. her parents will never are playing with her will never get settled before her..allow her to live... :'( and made him promise upon Holy Quran .. that he won't speak to me or see me again.. he has decided to lead a bachelor life... :( i cried bitterly... i was was he... if he had cheated on me..i could at least hate him.. but we still love each other soo much and yet....i spent sleepless nights..i can't cope....we could not hear each others voices for one last time.. :( ... I don't wanna be any one else's but his... and yes,,, i will wait... i will wait for him... i won't let him go... let me ask my parents when it's time.... the rest I leave to God..... My God had never disappointed me... and I believe in him.. he won't disappoint me any further... Cuz it's our first love.. and I want it to be our first and only love..... <3


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August 23, 2015 @ (first state)

Tags: evil, wrong, cheating

Okay, so this is extreme. When I mean extreme, I mean this is some messed up Jerry Springer sh*t.
I dated this guy H for about 6 months. Oddly enough I really thought he was a good guy (big mistake). So one day I got a phone call from a friend.
She told me "k, you gotta sit down."
I sat and she says "H had sex with :blank:, right after you had sex with him. I mean literally, when you left, they did it. She listened in before and she's telling everyone they planned it out."
I threw up... a lot. Not because he cheated on me, because :blank: was 13 and H was 18 and she was listening in on me, us and they planned it. WHO DOES THAT????
The police were told and since :blank: kept telling the police different stories [she did stick with it was consensual] about how/when/where it happened, they didn't press charges.
A few months later I saw her (before the police dropped the case) and the first thing out of her mouth was "So, H will be out of jail when I'm 18." with a huge grin. I really thought I was on the twilight zone.
The whole thing has stuck with me for years. I feel so sick and angry when I'm reminded of it. Since we all live in a small state, I see them sometimes and I just want to puke. They date and worse of all, they act like what they did was ok.



August 23, 2015 @ (NY)

Tags: bad break up toxic love lonely depressed loveless

We started to date back in February and it was long distance, I convinced him to come to my college. He moved into my family house and stayed with me, I had work so he'd stay home with my little sister. Who is 3 years younger than us. He fell in love with her, I told him to please stop being foolish and think about our future plans...when I put all my trust in him I saw he was acting weird and questioned him...only to find out he kissed her...multiple times... we broke up then. And he's been living in my house since, I'm sitting here watching them fall in love while my love was just thrown away like paper. I told him to leave several times but he'd make me feel bad about bring him here and abandoning him. I'm in so much pain. I decide to separate the two and he calls me a bitch and mean names. Sad thing is I still love him I cant throw away 7months like that.



August 22, 2015 @ (doha)

Tags: help

i need help.. i love my bf allot and he loves me allott we had lots of moments together then a day came and his mom asked me to leave him, never talk to him again , like forget him ,she said if i didnt leave him she will put me in lots lots of troubles its his mom and i shall respect her i cant say no to his mom but at the same time i cant leave him.. do u think i shall listen to his mom or stay with him??


August 22, 2015 @ ()




August 22, 2015 @ (usa)

Tags: regret

Long-distance relationship. we both loved each other very much but she didnt have time for me. i got mad at her for not caming with me during her summer vacation but i didnt let her know why i am mad cuz i wanted her to find out on her own( my biggest mistake was testing her if she could find out on her own). she had some family members that were seriously ill and she was feeling down. i couldnt talk to her due to my work and she texted me about how bad she was feeling but due to bad connection i never recieved the text and i guess that really hit her and she started to hate and broke up with me but maybe if i had been in touch with her she would be still with me.

My advice is never ever hide the reason for acting mad to your partner and having wishful thinking he or she will never break up with you no matter how much u push them over the limit. i wish i could turn back time and make different choices. All i have in my life is regret.



August 21, 2015 @ (Canada)

Tags: Bad breakup#broken#betrayed#used

I met this guy during my college's 2nd year.He was friend of my senior so he was not from my college.He saw me in my friend's b'day party



August 19, 2015 @ (London, UK)

Tags: Bad break up

I was dating a girl I met at university for 6 months. We got on really well and our relationship was highly sexual. Then, end of term happened and we both went to our homes. That night I text her and asked how she was. Her reply was this: "the sex is fantastic, Scott, but I think we should see other people now." I didn't know if she was being serious or not, so I asked her and she told me not to "bother her" any more. And that was that. Still had to spend another year in the same classes as her. We haven't spoken.



August 03, 2015 @ (europe)

Tags: Bad break up

Once upon a time I was dating a girl for a few months, I was in love with her and was really enjoying it. We had our ups and down , on the last month though we were doing pretty well. until the summer break came , so we were going to spend about a month apart, in our hometowns. A few days after she left she started to show some kind of unconcern about me, and phone calls reduced. the duration of phone calls also reduced. I understood that things were going bad, even I was complained some times to her .But I believed that it was just the distance, or that I was overreacting and overthinking it. I was very sad, angry and unsecure at that time but I tried not to show it, most of the times, not to make things worse and I just waited to get back together to see what is actually going on. But the last few days before we return to the city we were studying, she started to talk to me really cold on the phone without any obvious reason. So I decided not to talk to her again and see how far this apathy and unconcern goes. So one day we closed the phone, and didn't call her again. Neither did she. She detached and then she got lost, just like that... So I decided after a few days to call her, as I knew she had already arived, and I asked her to meet and talked,she agreed but she said she was very busy with going out with friends and she told me me that she wasn't sure about when we are going to meet. This was very offensive, I felt very bad that it was so hard for her to find 20 minutes to discuss with me the problem..just because she was going out a lot with friends. I was sure then that we were breaking up, So the next day I just sent her a text and I said her that we were breaking up, with the hope that if it was important for her to be together, she would try a just a bit. But she replied and said that she also wanted to break up. My heart teared apart at that time. Something that once was good, ended with a 2-lines text and a goodbye. I am very sad about it, some day I will feel better I suppose, but today is not that day.

I talk to people about it and most of them act like it's nothing, and respond to me with stuff like you will find another one etc. At first I was feeling but about being so hurt, but a loss like this causes pain , and it feels better now that I accepted that pain is just normal in cases like this and eventually it will pass, but not today.



July 26, 2015 @ (manila)

Tags: Sad breakup

i met a man that i fall inlove with. But he's always been a player and a womaniser. He hurt me emotionally many times since the beginning. But i still keep believing on him though i have so many doubts. He cheated on me so i decided to break up with him and i never contact him again since we were on long distance relationship at that moment. Every after a week i will receive a message from saying he made a big mistake and he hopes to see me again. Apologising but still i didnt accept him for almost 10 months. All this time im still inlove with him and i really dont know why. I always wish to see him again and be with him. One day he miscalled me and we started talking again. He came to see me right away to make things right, thats what he said. It was good, we were very happy together. Now he have to leave again for few months for work, back to long distance relationship again. I always worry about it coz i know its possible for him to do the same thing he did to me before. He knows how much i wanted him so he took it for granted. Well i found out again that he's entertaining someone other than me, and he's been lying to me all the time. Though he always tell me about being serious about me and promising that someday we will be together marrying me and have kids, everything which is really good to hear. When i found out about the other girl, he goes defensive and everything was messed up. So we decided again to finish the relationship, i dont know why he's the one who gets mad after i found out about what he did. Telling me that i should've not talk to the girl and ask questions about what is going on between them since the girl told me that she's his girlfriend and been talkimg for 2 months already. My ex now tries to make up things about what is really going on. I hate the fact that im so inlove with him that i let him broke my heart into so many pieces. I wanted to forget him.


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