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122 Results For 'facebook'


May 16, 2024 @ (united states lousiana )

Tags: badbreakup

met this male on facebook dating and we went on date it felt like love at first sight , he was from nigeria first foreign boyfriend,this man ask me to marry him the first month , never experienced been loved so i said yes because he did everything right had sex multple times a day he started getting distance blame it on college and that he was failing .... he stopped coming around and we decided to breakup istill think about it and a year has passed.



November 08, 2020 @ (USA )

Tags: Bad breakup

It's been a month since I realized it had all been a lie. It was easy to trust him because we had a mutual friend little did I know that was my ticket to hell. We had been friends on Facebook for over an year but we never talked then one day he reaches out and from there on the rest was history. The beginning was amazing. We had so much in common not only in what we liked but also in out careers. We talked for hours on the phone and I remember being the happiest person until I was not. Throughout the seven months we were together he was seeing me and another woman who he had denied and swore on his mothers name that she was just a person he knew. He denied even when some of his friends told me it was all true. I remember being so devastated it felt as if I was losing my mind. I was so angry at myself. I felt so much anger I couldn't be around people and I still am. I have been trying to understand why he chose to do this to me. I was having a peaceful life a couple of months ago now I don't even remember how that felt like. I hope one day I wake up and stop crying. Stop blaming myself for being stupid and easily lied to. I just don't know how I will be able to trust again.



October 24, 2020 @ (Ozamiz City)

Tags: heartbreak, sad breakup

It's funny, how two people could meet online.
When I first met her on facebook, she was very pretty.
So I started liking a lot of her facebook posts and it return she also liked mine.
It was only on the first day we met on facebook, I asked her where she lived and it was actually really close to my house.
We lived on the same city.
I asked what she was doing, and she said "School." and her school was only a few distance from my house so I asked if we could meet up.
We went out for ice cream.
The say after, she told me she only had half a day of school so she asked me if she could hang-out in my house.
I said sure.
In that afternoon we watched a movie in my house and started taking a LOT of selfies together.
And before she went home, I asked her if I could kiss her than she sat next to me and gave me a kiss on the lips.
I never really thought of anything could be so sweet touching my lips, it was cherry flavored.
And a week after that, I was finally about to ask her to be mine I got everything ready, the movie tickets, red roses but she didn't show up.
She only texted me saying she already had a boyfriend from the start even though she told me they already broke-up.
Even until now, we're still friends on facebook lol.


Destiny Mullins

July 30, 2020 @ (Vicco, Kentucky)

Tags: Saddest thing I've ever experienced

First of all, we're gonna put some back story in here.
It wasn't me, but it was my ex bestfriend (who we'll call Jessica) and her ex boyfriend (Noah). Now, please note that they had sex the first night they met, so it obviously wasn't gonna last. But, basically, Noah was kinda a player. He went around from girl to girl without a care in the world...until he met Jessica. They are both really great people, they come out as assholes sometimes, but they have big hearts. A few weeks after they met, Jessica got pregnant. So, since Noah's parents were really religious, they felt it was right to get engaged. They were so cute together, Noah offering to hold her hair while she puked, or just them falling asleep together while watching a movie. All was well with everyone...until Jessica lost the baby. She blamed it on Noah because he "was never around", but he was ALWAYS around. He works from home because of corona. They were devistated, and had A LOT of issues after that. One day, Jessica said she needed some space and Noah was completely understanding of that. She went to her cousins house, where her ex lived, but Noah believed that she would be loyal. A few days went by, and he hadn't heard of her. So, like the loving boyfriend he was/IS, he checked her facebook and saw something I wish he hadn't. He saw that Jessica had gotten back with her ex, and had unfriended him. He started crying, and I swear it was so sad. He went in their room, got his stuff, put it in his car, and said the saddest lines I've ever heard in my life: "I don't know what I did wrong, but I'll be okay. I can't say I haven't gotten jealous, because I have. But most importantly, I'll miss you guys, you're like family to me...I love you all."
I'll never forget the look on his face when he left.


Destiny Mullins

July 30, 2020 @ (Vicco, Kentucky)

Tags: Saddest thing I've ever experienced

First of all, we're gonna put some back story in here.
It wasn't me, but it was my ex bestfriend (who we'll call Jessica) and her ex boyfriend (Noah). Now, please note that they had sex the first night they met, so it obviously wasn't gonna last. But, basically, Noah was kinda a player. He went around from girl to girl without a care in the world...until he met Jessica. They are both really great people, they come out as assholes sometimes, but they have big hearts. A few weeks after they met, Jessica got pregnant. So, since Noah's parents were really religious, they felt it was right to get engaged. They were so cute together, Noah offering to hold her hair while she puked, or just them falling asleep together while watching a movie. All was well with everyone...until Jessica lost the baby. She blamed it on Noah because he "was never around", but he was ALWAYS around. He works from home because of corona. They were devistated, and had A LOT of issues after that. One day, Jessica said she needed some space and Noah was completely understanding of that. She went to her cousins house, where her ex lived, but Noah believed that she would be loyal. A few days went by, and he hadn't heard of her. So, like the loving boyfriend he was/IS, he checked her facebook and saw something I wish he hadn't. He saw that Jessica had gotten back with her ex, and had unfriended him. He started crying, and I swear it was so sad. He went in their room, got his stuff, put it in his car, and said the saddest lines I've ever heard in my life: "I don't know what I did wrong, but I'll be okay. I can't say I haven't gotten jealous, because I have. But most importantly, I'll miss you guys, you're like family to me...I love you all."
I'll never forget the look on his face when he left.



December 28, 2017 @ (Sydney)

Tags: bad breakup, broken heart, crying, tears

So there was this guy that my aunty had mentioned she wanted to set me up with and said he was a lovely, good looking boy, kind sweet and that we would be a great match. She had mentioned that we knew each other as kids but I was probably too young to remember. Beside the fact, I said no because it was a really weird idea and I didn't want to meet him that way. However, I did know that he had dated a girl at my school for quite a while but had broken up badly with her. My best friend was also really good friends with him, but never really talked about him much. Then a week passes by and me and my best friend are at a party which she told this guy to meet us at. Me and my friend got separated at the party and he tried getting in contact with her by she wasnt responding.But he somehow knew I was with her and messaged me on facebook, asking if we were still at the party, so I called him (keeping in mind i was almost drunk) and told him where we were. he came with his friends and picked us up and came back to my house around the corner. We were there for a long time, from like 10pm to 3am in the morning. He ended up inviting me to his 18th birthday that was in 2 weeks time and ended up kissing. The next day he has messaged me and asked me out on a date (or so i thought was a date.) We were talking for that week until the date, and had a blast but he didnt seem himself. Then he completely ghosted me and ignored my messages, so I gave up. He ended up messaging me saying that he liked me and didnt want a relationship at the moment, which i completely understood considering the fact that he was turning 18 and just starting to go out clubbing etc. Then i found out he was talking to a girl, not even a week later who he probably was messaging whilst talking to me which made my heart break into pieces because for days I thought i wasn't good enough, or pretty enough or that I was ugly and that it was all my fault. But in reality it was just him being an asshole. He then asked her out a month later, and we saw each other at a dinner, he had asked me if I was talking to any boys, and I told him that it was none of his business because I was just finally getting over him. He was being extremely flirty, and I keep right back in love with him. I asked him if he was talking to any girls and he said no, even though i knew he was. He broke my heart into pieces, and the worst thing is that I still like him, even though he did so many horrible things to me, even made me cry. He is the reason why I dont let boys into my life or heart so easily. Because he broke it and now the only thing that can repair it is time.


Eleanor B

June 25, 2017 @ (London )

Tags: Bad breakup

My first boyfriend was a very big liar and got us both into trouble at college and I got to the point were college stopped us from talking and of course he messaged me and we saw each other without his mum knowing then one day we had a long discussion on the phone and said I could call him later on this week but then later on that day he said he was going o the police to file against me for harassment then the following week he told everyone that I was making fake Facebook accounts and I was threatening the lives of others and everyone else believed him but I know that it was him as he said previously before we broke up if I ever back stabbed him he would find a way to destroy my reputation for the future



March 19, 2017 @ (Cambodia )

Tags: Break up

when I was 17 years old , i studied in grade 12 . Me and my best friends were created a fake facebook account to chat to each other for fun . We were young n like to do Sth weird . My fake facebook account named Sith . After created for a month . I stop playing it but a months later when I was so bored , so I logged in to that account again . I saw one message from a strange guy " hello , nice to be ur friend " since last 2 weeks . I replied him n we started chat . He was so friendly and cute . From day to day we chat without non stop . One day he told me that he is in love with a girl , should he confess or not ? I told him to be brave go ahead tell her how u felt she probably love u too . A moment letter I saw a message " I love you sith " . I felt so sad and shock . I don't know what to do . I crushed on him since the first week we chatted I know it was fast but I couldn't help it . I did not reply him n he said again " I give u time , it's okay just tell me when u can think of what u decide " . I started to think hard . A week later I decided to do this stupid things but only a week n I'll tell him everything . Then I told him I love him too . We were a couple that anyone could jealous . Even though we never see each other but the love was deeply hard . A week later I started to fall harder n harder so I promised myself only one more months . Time goes by n I can't let him go . One day he begging me to talked Skype but I always find excuse to lie him . Seven months later I told him everything n he said " I know since the 3rd months of our love " I was so shocked that he knew but didn't say anything until that day . Next week after I told him I saw he put in a Realtionship with other girl . I was so sad n he said it wasn't real she just need him to hurt her ex . N then he blocked me in Facebook until now . When I message him to ask the detail story . He said move on , stop thinking about me but he told me not to change phone number . It's 2 years now since we broke up but I still deeply in love with him. Love with him was the best one in my life .



March 12, 2017 @ (Vermont)

Tags: first girlfriend, broken heart, love, sad

Im 16 and I met my first girlfriend at summer camp. She was 15, had short blonde hair and was always really funny and energetic. During one of the dances I asked her to dance during the song Forever Young only because I had heard an offhand rumor that she liked me. I had no idea what it would become. I loved talking to her because we were both really talkative and she never lost interest in my long stories. Over two weeks of summer camp we really grew to like each other. Only one problem, she lived in DC, I lived in vermont. At first i thought long distance was stupid but after two weeks I would do anything to keep her in my life. That lasted 4 1/2 months, I even flew in for a weekend to see her (i dont know how I convinced my parents to pay for that one). During that trip she told me she loved me which was the happiest moment of my life. We talked for hours every night and even during school. She really was my best friend.

Then December 18, 2016 came along. Everything seemed great until she told me she had been talking to one of her friends about our relationship, I thought "eh whatever", then she just stopped snapchating me (which was strange because she would never ever do that without an explanation). Then I looked at me phone 3 hours later and there it was. The breakup text.

In that moment, every bit of happiness drained out of my life. I felt like a shell of a person. It sounds crazy now but at the time I genuinely thought I was gonna go to college with her and we would get married. I didnt ever want to go back to the god awful world of high school dating and I thought I had found my way out for good.

I still sometimes have nightmares about her with another guy even though shes probably dating a girl now (shes bi). I dont stalk her facebook feed because id rather remain blissfully ignorant. Not sure ill ever meet another girl like her.


Jay Jay

November 30, 2016 @ (Toronto)

Tags: Bad break up

Okay so I had been dating this guy for 2 years and I was madly in love with him. He was a lover and best friend which can be hard to find most time in a relationship. We argued a lot and there were many times when he made me feel like I wasn't good enough for him in our relationship. We lived together for about 1 year. There were things about him that I absolutely love but I knew he could be a selfish person. Anyways toward the end of our relationship. He said he wanted to move out to be closer to school which was already an hour drive for him. At this time we were arguing a lot. I thought this would be good for us because we need a bit of space. A couple week of him moving out he was telling me. Stuff like he feel like he is single and has been telling people he was single. But we still hadn't broken up. We decide to take a break and work things out. A week later we got in a huge argument. Then I found out four days later over Facebook he has a new girlfriend. I was like ouch I guess it's official. But he keep play mind games and telling me he still love me and we can work. Untill one day I showed up at his house while his new girlfriend was there and confronted him about he said in front of her that we had been over for months and he want to leave 6 months ago. Since then I have been trying to break all ties but it can be hard sometimes


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