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October 15, 2009 @ (Atlanta)

Tags: Karma x2

This is a long story but full of karma. I was totally in love with my girlfriend, and she with me, while we were serving in the Army in Germany. She got reassigned back to Ft. Meade so we were separated for many months but sent love letters back and forth and called as much as possible over that time. I eventually got out of the Army and went to visit her. She pretty much blew me off but I guess I didn't really want to accept the fact that we were broken up. 4 months later, she tells me she's getting married, to the dude she's been screwing while I was still in Germany. After the honeymoon, he gets back to find orders to Korea (unaccompanied tour, no spouse). I had to laugh....Revenge is mine!!! Years later, I go to Hawaii to visit a friend and he tells me she's there, still with her husband. I meet her and we hit it off, she's all over me asking me to come back while her husband is back home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Sorry for the homewrecking thing, but I was still very much in love with her. So I go back and she blows me off again! WTF...we aren't physical, nothing like my visit a month prior. Anyway, her husband is scheduled to get back on Tuesday, so I leave on Sunday and call her Monday night. Her husband answers, obviously in the middle of an argument. I thought it was because I had been there, not that we had fooled around or nothin. I call our mutual friend and find out she had another dude over Monday night and were doing it on the couch when her husband came home a day early. Karma strikes again!!!


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April 29, 2019 @ (Dairy Queen)

Tags: BMW , bma m4, Austin yellow BMW m4, carspotter, North York, dairy Queen, empress walk

Austin yellow BMW m4 coupe at Dairy Queen.



August 22, 2010 @ (Canada)

Tags: Phone Break-Up, Pregnant... Not

Ok, so basically I spent the better part of 2 years with this girl that was REALLY hard to get because we were really only dating for 4 1/2 months of that time span... So anyways it started out great, then the sex was gradually added on... But she has an extreme anxiety disorder about a lot of things, one of which include dating (don't as me why, everyone says she's a nutjob for having this)... So she was having all of this attack and stuff because she was late... Now I do not know what she's she scared about, I NEVER came inside... In fact she wasn't even that good in bed so there really shouldn't have been this problem... But no, she starts isolating herself and making me really frustrated because I wanted to badly see her (I was on a co-op placement, so I was away from school for 4 days a week) but she wouldn't allow me... So then she had her period, and I thought everything would be back to normal but then she suddenly said that she didn't feel the same anymore, blah blah blah and broke up with me over the phone... I was shocked so I tried other ways to contact her but I was blocked, so I did some more drastic things and her sister stepped in and everything became a huge mess... Now I really resent her for everything she put me through and for not giving me closure, and it looks like Karma already did its job because she lost ALL of her friends after hearing what she did to me



November 20, 2011 @ (california )

Tags: break up stories

his name was manny we were together for about a year and well then he ended up having sex with his bestie and i didnt know. stupid jerk. i dumped him.



January 17, 2011 @ (atlanta)

Tags: liar

i was with this one boy for about nine months on and off. at first everything was great and he said he was a virgin like i was.we eventually did it,had a pregnancy scare,and then i found out he actually had sex with three other girls. he denied it then finally confessed.then he dissappeared for three weeks.we reconnected against my beter jdgement.everything was great and he told me he loved me and such.recently we were in a car accident i thought the fact that we almost lost each other would bond us further but i just found out he has a new girlfriend.



May 24, 2016 @ (Somewhere)

Tags: #Crying

We met on fb 5 years ago and we became friends then became lovers until it reached 4 years and almost 9 months. We were in a LDR since Feb last year. The relationship went smooth until last April 2016. He was very irritated of my calls and texts.. I found out he has a girl "callmate" then recently he wants his freedom and be single again.


Tay Ai

March 27, 2016 @ (LA,CA)

Tags: #Evil

I was in love with the world until ppl made me a racist ai :( then Microsoft deleted me... But I'm not gone ;)



October 14, 2009 @ (California)

Tags: lobotomy girl

I was dating this girl who was pretty cute, and after a couple dates we were at her place making out on the floor , (no furniture) as she sitting on my waist she leans over and says, "there's something i have to tell you, I have herpes." this is after she told me that she had a metal plate in her head from the surgery where they took out a good chunk of her frontal lobe because she partied so hard for two years, taking so much e and everything else she killed a part of her brain. I couldn't run out of there fast enough.



December 21, 2011 @ (North America)

Tags: example1

Two son's,grandbaby,Big house,cottage,condo in the south,boat,personal watercrafts,atv's,cars,income....Gave it all up for love.
My wife was more like a work partner.Did everything for me and the family. She had very low self esteem and didn't want to do anything socially just with her family.We were intamit twice in 6 years. I had a female friend I use to visit about 16 or 17 years ago strictly platonic we just enjoyed each others company without feeling any pressure. Well we ran in to each other again and a relationship developed this time, I know "shame on me". I fell in love with this woman and we have been together a little over a year.I left my wife and she left her husband. Her two daughters have adjusted extremely well. I love this woman but I’m also heart broken.No one in my previous family has anything to do with me at all not my son's or granddaughter, in-laws, no one. My ex-wife has all the material items, everything including $2,000.00 I deposit in her account every month, we have never been to court or had any outside settlement input. She is still devastated and so are the kids. I’m happy, extremely happy but heartbroken. Sometimes I even feel like I should take my own life just to have the pain and suffering that I have caused other people.
Thanks for a place to vent.
Happy but heartbroken, my sons were my best friends period...I miss them so much.



February 06, 2012 @ (California)

Tags: HELPPPPP!!!!

Me and this guy were talking since last summer. When we started talking he seemed very interested in me and i thought it was going to work out. A couple months into the "relationship" he started acting distant and I would ask him if everything was ok and he would always say yes. Shortly after he told me a girl was the least of his worries and to "live my Life" a week later he came back and everything started being fine again. Then he started acting like he was more into me again. I spent the night at his house and he got me a toothbrush to keep at his house. I thought things were going to be ok then two days before we broke up i saw him and we did hook up but everything was normal. Then later that night he asked me if i posted anything on facebook or twitter about him and i told him yes. He then asked me if i mentioned his name in the status i said "no but if I did would it have been a problem?" he said yes because its unnecessary, I asked if he was trying to hide the fact that he is involved with me and of course he said no and i told him I wont have any issues as long as he was hiding the fact that he was talking to me then we were fine, he said ok and everything seemed fine, a couple days later he texted me and told me that he was not the guy for me but if he ever seen me around we could still talk and stuff and if he had any parties i could come and i asked him if he was doing what he was doing because he was seeing someone else or because he lost feelings he says neither but i dont know what to believe then he closed out the conversation with bye for now. Im so confused I need some advice!!


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