Tags: "Let's be friends"break up
I really thought that he was the one. After 2 failed attempts at marriage and a failed long term relationship of 5yrs and countless miserable dates... He walked into my life and was what I thought I needed. The lies came slowly despite my inner thoughts of knowing the truth that he was indeed married. He assured me he wasn't and we continued what seemed to be a solid connection. We laughed, we shared jokes, we made love.... The quickies and the long passionate kind. Then he dropped the bomb on me that he had 4 kids and was unhappily married. He allowed me to make the decision to keep seeing him telling me that he was soon to get a divorce and said he had been looking at places to live and gave me a date of when he had planned to move out. A plan that seemed like it had been thought of for sometime. I believed him and continued to see him against my beliefs. We continued to get to know each other on a personal level. He acted like he didn't care about anything in his world except me (and his kids of course). I just knew he was going to divorce his wife. Not for me but for the simple fact that he too wanted to be happy and just wasn't in his marriage which happened to be dead before I came along. He traveled often taking me with him but definitely calling me religiously on the trips where he couldn't. Then one day it all changed. The day I said the "L" word. We had only been dating for 8m and I only knew for 2 that he was married. The L word scared him... It scared me but it was how I felt, so enamoured by him I couldn't help it. After that moment the phone calls became lesser and lesser. The good morning and good night text messages slowed down. After weeks of frustration I confronted him. It was then that he told me that he didn't feel the same way as I had felt and that he didn't know if he ever would or could. It stabbed me in the heart b/c I sacrificed so much of me, my morals, my beliefs to be with him. I stopped dating other people and was exclusive only to him. I was happy living in the moment but often times thought about a future with him. He decided that maybe we should cool off and it would be best to stop it now before I got hurt anymore than I already had been. He said he liked me a lot like a lot (his words) and wanted to still be friends. In that moment of anger I wanted it all and if I couldn't with him or have him love me after 8m of daring and sacrificing then we should stop talking all together. I reached out to him a week later. We cleared the air and realized some things were said out of anger,fear and a lot of alcohol but the truth is they were still said. We still talk some but just as "friends" conversation initiated by me mostly because although i know I need to let him go it's too hard to.
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Tags: heartbroken, deserved it
Our love stories begins in September 2010. How fitting it ends now.
I will be honest and tell you that I didn't deserve his love the first year we were together and if I could find a way to take that time back. I would. A bit of history - he is 10 years younger than I (I am female). Although our maturity levels were in sync age (until recently) was never an issue. (It was something that troubled me. And because of that created unnecessary stress).
He worked full time, I was in school full time and worked two part time jobs. I have two children. One was 11 at the time the other 16. I had made the decision prior to even meeting him that I wasn't going to just introduce my kids to just anybody. I needed to know he was going to stick around. I didn't want to be one of those parents who bring partners in and out of their childrens lives. One year I told him when we met. I would introduce him after one year.
My family and friends disaproved of our relationship because it was interacial and because he was so young. I fell under the pressure. And ended it in December 2010. It didn't last long. We both loved each other and to end a relationship for others seemed wrong. Yet I always put my family and friends needs before his.
He lived 45 min away and was always ready willing and able to see me at the drop of a hat if I was free. Free time was something I didn't have much of and I soon began to resent the fact that all my time was consumed making someone happy, either my family, my children or him. I began to resent how much time he wanted from me.
I felt I had nothing to give in the first place. In May 2011 I noticed there was a girl he worked with that he was msging daily. I confronted him and he deleted her from bbm and facebook immediately no questions asked. The fact that I was uncomfortable made him do it. Why couldn't I do the same for him. I had a 20yr friend who made him uncomfortable and rightly so but I didn't do the same for him and he didn't push me. I know it hurt him.
I chose soding the back yard with family on a night we should have been together because my obligation to family was stronger to my obligation to him.
I could list several situations where this was the case. All of which now, I regret.
In july he lost his job. Money became tight and I found myself frustrated at the fact that he was playing video games all day while I worked my butt off just to make ends meet.
When september came time to meet the children my son had a death in his class, then his aunt was diagnosed with cancer and died shortly after. Excuses I know. But I wanted my son to be in a good spot prior to meeting him.
In december, he still had not met my son, still didn't work, was borrowing $$ from friends family and me who didn't have any to begin with. I ended things again.
Naturally we ended up back together in januay. But this time roles had switched. I realized how much I loved him and wanted to be with him and I was ready to share my life with him. Every aspect. The things I hesitated doing before I did without hesitation including getting rid of that 20yr friend. But now, he was distant. He was reserved. He was worried. I tried everything I could to make up for the wrongs that I had done.
The things he requested were unreasonable we both know it but I did it. Some of the things he asked me to do I am so ashamed that I did. Most, I will never tell a living soul because I am so disapointed in myself.
I hadn't seen him in 6 weeks. We hadn't slept together in 3 months, he was refusing to meet my kids still. Then on friday when I was supposed to spend the weekend at his house, he sent me a bbm msg while I was at work I am a manager of an employee and it was his first day. He didn't even give me a chance to respond before he deleted me on bbm. Blocked my emails and my phone number and I haven't heard from him since.
Why is it I love him so. Why is it I can forgive him anything now, but that first year we were together I couldn't give him what he deserved!
I dated my ex for 3 years and one hour before my final exam he decides to 'accidently' break up with me. he only dated me for the sex and etc. needless to say i failed. the next day he proceeds to have sex with me and messes with me. afte that he ignores me AFTER getting me pregnant.
Tags: Anger, Disgusted, Revenge, Cheating?,
I'm writing right now 5:08 in the morning about my breakup story, it was a while ago back in January, I was in a relationship with a girl, where we were in love deeply, but notice how I said were, because after a while, something happened... We were taking the same class of music, where she met this other guy, now, I was cool with it at first because I don't want to be completely restrictive. Then something hit me, I started noticing her not replying to my messages often and stopped interacting with me, I'm easily angered so I immediately confronted the other guy about this where he was cool with it and respected our relationship. We used to talk over 3 hours a day, then we talked less than 10 minutes a week, she started ditching me to go see him, sitting closer to him than she would sit beside me. Then she said she needed space, remember how we hardly interacted now, and I thought it was total bullshit, we had a huge argument over it but eventually resolved it, she told me to stop looking at her, talk to her or walk with her (we are still in the fucking relationship), eventually I couldn't take it anymore and broke up because she is being bullshit, and now we are in a very unhealthy friendship where she is extremely bias towards anything about me, she constantly pisses me off, fuck thats how it is now and I want is revenge.
Tags: break up
lets call him alex. he asked me to be his girlfriend on september 25, 2009. he was sweet, caring, funny, i loved him with all my soul and he would always tell me that he loves me that i was his only one. he would tell me that he wanted to marry me and have children with me someday. he was my happiness, my everything. we went out on the weekends and sometimes on weekdays. since the moment i met his family we got along so well. on january 2010 he was acting sort of distant with me. i wondered what i did wrong. then the last week of that month we were talking on the phone and he told me that he needed a break. that he was stressed out cause of school and football. i cried, i was broken. the next day he texted me and told me that he had actually cheated on me, i didnt believe him. so i talked to a mutual friend we both have and he told me that alex was lying to me that he just told me that he cheated on me so that i can forget bout him. so i acted like i didnt know this with alex. then that same week he had injured his ankle and i went to see him. i knew we had to fix things and i was afraid it was gonna be our last goodbye. but i was wrong. when i got there i saw him sitting on his bed and he told me to sit down next to him. i couldnt look at him so i just stared at his ankle and i had tears in my eyes and he told me he was sorry for what he "did." he touched my arm and i pulled away. i moved a little bit afar from where he was sitting and he moved closer and i wouldnt let him touch me. he then grabbed me and pulled me close to him and he started crying. then i cried. it was so emotional and i knew it wasnt the end. eventually we ended up getting back together and i was happy again. throughout the relationship we often talked about sex and i would tell him how i wanted to wait until marriage. he said he would wait for me. he said he was a virgin too then on february 8 he came over to my house and he said "u know we're gonna be together forever so why not get it over with?" so i gave in. worst mistake ever. we lost our virginity to each other. he then told me that he lied to me bout cheating and that he would never ever do that to me. from there our relationship went back to normal he was so sweet and caring. then came April and things were getting suspicious. the day after my birthday i found out trough my brothers phone that alex liked this other girl lets call her gina. i was broken. that weekend we got into an argument and he said that i still loved my ex he was putting words into my mouth that werent true. i made him tell me who this gina girl was and he ended up telling me that its the girl he likes and that he was confused bout both of us, and that the day of my birthday he had seen her and kissed her. so he said he cheated. i cried that whole day and then that week i went to see him and we acted like nothing happened we later planned our last day together, a week later he came to my house and spent one last day of our relationship with me. he told me then that he wasnt gonna get with gina and that our thing was just a break till he stopped being confused. i believed him, so i left it at that. a week later i find out that he got with her and i was depressed. 2 days after that i did a stupid thing. i got drunk and ended up intoxicated in the hospital. i had more than 100% alcohol in my body and if it wasnt for the paramedics i wouldn't be here telling my story. and i blamed him for what i did. after that i only saw him two times and eventually he cheated on gina with me. one day he told me he wanted to get back with me and that we can keep it low-key. i didnt accept that offer. so forward to November of 2010. gina requested me on FB and we talked. she said they were having problems and idk what. i ended up telling her that he cheated on her with me. she told me that they both lost it to each other and i was like WTF i ended up telling her that it wasnt true cause i lost it to him and well thats when she realized that he is a player and a lier. he would deny the fact that he did it with me but watever we both know he lied. so i'll leave it at that. i loved him so much and i never thought this would happen. its hard for me to trust any guy again. i wish i never met him but then again i dont regret all those amazing moments i shared with him. i still keep his gifts and letters and his shirt. i miss him and i still love him but im willing to move on.
Tags: Bad breakup
We dated for over two years. The last six months of it was nothing but me trying to help her with her bad self esteem problems. I would do nothing but compliment her, give her gifts, listen to her problems... Everything I possibly could do to help her feel wanted. What did I get in return? Absolutely nothing, that's what. She constantly complained to me how she didn't feel loved or wanted, and she was constantly angry with me. At some point, I just felt like a husk. I felt like crap every day, I was never happy, and I was nervous to go home. On the last night, I completely shut down and told her that the relationship was over. She responded by threatening to kill herself. I had to call the cops on her, and the next day she was moved out. Fast forward 4 months, and I feel a whole lot better. The only problem is that we were moved in together with one of her friends, so she has had an excuse to come over as often as possible, and more recently she has started bringing her rebound over as well. I'm so sick of this, every time I see her in my home I have to be reminded of the absolute hell I went through. I just want her out of my life.
Tags: heartbreak
My boyfriend of a year and a half broke up with me because "we don't have enough in common" and he "needs someone with similar interests". We had a really great relationship at first but at he started hating everything I did. He would yell about my driving, hated that I don't like to cook, and would imply that I'm stupid. I'm just having a hard time dealing with the fact that he acted completely in love with me and then just realized he didn't want to be with me one day. I'm just at the point where I feel like every other guy I will date will get sick of me like this one.
Tags: Time wasted
We met through mutual friends . His best friend was my friend at the time. Me and the person I ended up dating we're never really friends before dating, we we're what you'd like call that person you say hi to because if you didn't you'd feel that short quiver going through your brain because you didn't speak. Quite like you we're supposed to speak. We had a few encounters before though. We'd always play cards and sat next to each other sometimes. Of course the other friend initiated the meetings. I ended up liking him. And his friend told him and I put my number in his phone and he texted me and asked me out the same day!!!! I said yes and was extremely happy. We started dating on November 21.2016 , which went sort of well. We liked each other kissed, went on a couple of dates. Took loads of pictures, had long phone calls. Then he told me he loved me, which I didn't want to believe. Then he need up breaking up with me on March 6the because he claimed he couldn't date me for personal reasons, I stood close by and remained his friend for about a month, he asked me out and o said yes again, and then we got together again April 12 and had a good time. I questioned him through my misconceptions I had past about his dealings with other females he'd get upset and which triggered a break up AGAIN!!! But this time it's because he claims he lost all feelings for me the moth we were friends. I just don't get it. Why? Why? Why?
Tags: bad breakup, first love
Started dating this guy in December 2013, and he was the best person I've ever met. I've never felt the things I did when I was around him. He shared his deepest secrets and so did I. I didn't use to believe in love before him, but he managed to make me do it. He said he would never abandon me and I believed it after half a year. He never betrayed me, he never lied to me. The only time he did was when he said he wouldn't give up on me.
I thought things were going great. He even said he loved me that morning, like he always did. But at night he texted and said he needed a time to think. He wanted a break. I asked why and he said it was because of school and as we only saw each other on weekends, he couldn't take it anymore. I cried my eyes out.
Two days after he said we were done, he just didn't want to be with me anymore, but I'm a great person and he still wanted to be friends.
We continued talking like we always did, but now there was pain. I still don't get the point. One day he said he still loved me, the next day he said he didn't know anymore.
Yesterday he asked me out again, and I said yes because I'm desperate to see him again. Today in the morning he cancelled it because he didn't want to.
I can't stop crying. I want him to stop throwing me around like I'm his toy. I want him back so bad. I don't understand.
I met him in the beginning of summer. Everything was perfect. We were in love, or i thought we were. It only took a week for us to start dating. I'm 15, he is 18. He was like my bestfriend. We were so comfortable around each other. I could tell him anything and not feel judged. It was the best relationship I have ever had. We started talking about sex, He told me he loved me, so I thought that it would be okay. We started havin sex. Everything seemed fine, then one day we did it in his car, and later that evening he told me he doesn't love me, and he thought he never did. I don't unnderstand how someone can do something like that. We spent almost everyday together. He wants everything to be the same, he still wants to hangout... as friends. Thats so selfish. How could I ever let myself get into something so messed up like this. I feel like such a fool. I'm scared to open up to anyone now.
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