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191 Results For 'sad'

Fatih Dikmen

August 16, 2024 @ (Türkiye)

Tags: Metallica, Break Up, Musician, First Love, Cheated

-Metallica: Nothing Else Matters-

I said to her; "This will be our song…"
I have never opened up to anyone else this much. I told her everything. Moreover, we had only been seeing each other for 7 months with a long distance. There were kilometers and countries between us. I promised her, despite everything, and she promised that she would do this for our love, despite everything. Nothing else mattered. I was blindly in love with her and trusted her for 7 months. Her lies seemed like a fairy tale to me and I fell for her like a child. I would never have believed that love would draw me in so quickly and change my life this much. I had never been in love before her. My only purpose in life was to work, support my family, do games, music and research. But when I met her, it was as if I had never been me before her. I was a brand new person with her. I, who used to get angry at the slightest thing, overcame everything and became a good person thanks to her. The words she told me, said and gave me were all lies, but she brought me back to life. I believed her and thanks to her, I discovered that I had a heart.

We have overcome everything, overcome everything and finally I had the chance to meet her. Last week I traveled for miles, crossed mountains, seas, continents and countries and reached her. When I first saw her at the airport, when I first hugged her, I felt my heart beat for the first time. I could only spend 5 days with her, I was happier than I had ever experienced in my life. When I fell asleep in her arms, I was no longer afraid of the anything. I felt peace with her scent.

But I will leave the sentimentality aside now! She left apartment one evening and came back 40 minutes later. There was no regret, fear or sadness in her eyes. She told me directly that there had been another man in her life for 6 years... She told me; "We have been living separately for the last 1 year, but I was talking to you because I felt good and I never expected you to come here, so i was need your support."

I had never felt alive before her in my life, now I felt dead more than ever because of her.
I was helpless, I was devastated there, crying pitifully, she was watching me and there was not a drop of tear in her eyes. She had only used me for a moment. She used my pure love, my feelings and emotions for herself.

But instead of being alone and foolishly harming myself or her, I called my friend for support, told this to people I didn't know and seek for support. And thank you everyone helped. And now I have become a little more courageous and decided to overcome my pride and write these.

She is over for me now. I'm going to forget her name, her smell, her smile, her voice, everything about her. I forgave her betrayal to me, I will not hold a grudge against her anymore. I will only keep the happiness I had with her in a corner of my heart, but it will be full of pain and betrayal. And I will continue to be braver and stronger for my future life, my dreams.

Thank you for everything people! I express my endless gratitude to all these people who helped me, to musicians and music groups who gave me life with music.

Never be afraid to love and live life... Remember, "Nothing else matters."



June 14, 2024 @ (USA)

Tags: break up,

Hello my name is Sally my fiancé broke up with me last week i was so sad I changed completely, I wasn't eating and i wasn't talking to anybody, I cried a lot, I was so depressed and stressed out that I was scared I'm going to end up in the hospital because of all the stress and depression until one day i search online on getting love tips because I Love



May 22, 2024 @ (Delaware)

Tags: Bad break up

So my friend told me to talk to this girl so I did and she said do you want to be my boyfriend so I said yes and then I had to go somewhere and I told her that I need to go and I will call later and then I tried calling her but she didn’t answer so then Later she said I want to Break up so I asked why and she said because someone dared her to do it no I fell sad now I can’t trust no girl no more.


Colson Anderson

February 28, 2024 @ (Bexhill )

Tags: Losing my love of life

I meat my partner 7 years ago as her builder after two months we became partners it took me 10 months to rebuild the house for witch I loved doing I only saw her weekends. We had a lovely house.then she moved in after a week or so we were watching tv. And then she started to rock in the chair I did not say everything I just put my hand on her back and she stopped. Then as time went on she would do mor strange things she was constantly on her phone playing games it was sometimes hard to have a conversation when it come to the bedroom it became a no go when it come to love making I only had to touch her and she would complain so I said if this is going to happen then we should stop and we did for the rest of our time together. I did not mind as sex is over important to me .I still loved he very much.we then sold the property and moved in to a new house witch I also turned in to a nice house. As time went on she done more strange things so I took on my self to look it up on the website.all the things she would do and the way she would treat me and the way she talks to me was heading towards being on the spectrum I would try and talk about it and she did not want to no and it got worse .and the last year the jungle was on tv Friday night ant and deck as from tomorrow we will be voting off so I sad who do you think will go first and she I don’t know you are watching it not me ion a bad tone of voice I had seven years of this and I sad something I should not of said I was so up set with my self for saying what I sad. It upset her so much that she wanted me out of the house.that was in October it’s turned out she is allistic so I was right I tried to talk about it but she wouldn’t she never wants to see me again. When an allistic person gets something in their head that’s it. I loved her and still do so much what I said was wrong but I had this for seven years and I would go back tomorrow if I could .we all need to talk if we don’t how can we work it all out. I’m 69 and now I have lost the one I loved so much. And I don’t want to go on anymore being alone is not good for the soul.



April 26, 2022 @ (N/A)

Tags: Bad Breakup, Sad, Emotional

Here's a link to they story. (trigger warning is very emotional and talks about calling a hotline for people going through a critically unstable mental state) Thank you for reading if you do writing this has really helped me figure things out and work on my mental health as well.

We had a "closure talk" I thought it went well considering it was 13.5 hours long and I though she had given me all of the answers I wanted. I just couldn't trust her word and I reached out to the person she cheated on me with who claims he didn't know she was in a relationship and said he was so sorry. There stories did have overlap it's just the frequency and timelines are slightly different. She told me it was only 3 times but he claimed it to be more. Who should I believe?



March 22, 2022 @ (US)

Tags: sad break up, sad, death

My fiance was 11 years older than me. About six months before the wedding was planned he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. All he was going to need was a surgery to remove one testicle and six rounds of chemo. Unfortunately both testicle were removed by mistake. It was absolutely devastating. I broke off the engagement a few weeks later. He was heart broken but understood why. Sadly the cancer spread and ended up passing away after Thanksgiving last year. He left his house and money to me. I feel so guilty because remained so generous and kind to me.



December 09, 2021 @ (West virginia)

Tags: Bad breakup, sad

Okay so I just broke up with my boyfriend of 5 months 2 days ago. We are both 15. It all started at church camp. My dad is a pastor and he goes to my dad’s friends church who is also a pastor obviously. So we will call my ex Gabe, how it all started was the first night of church camp Gabe’s pastor's son (Elijah) introduced us. I didn’t even give Gabe a second glance. Then that night we just got out of church and it was dark and late and my feet were hurting so bad, so I took off my heels. I was walking out the door and I hadn’t even noticed that he was in front of me. He held the door open for me but I didn’t say thank you, and he said “You’re welcome” and it went from there. He walked me to my dorm room and he said goodnight. I was head over heels for him now. The next day he was with me all day long. Turns out that he has had a crush on me for 2 years!! Now I just found out who this dude is but that was the main thing that got me was the fact that he had his eye on ME out of all the pretty girls at these things. So two days later he asked me out and I obviously said yes. So church camp was over but we still saw each other. He lived 2 hours away and the first time we met up was at Pittsburgh Zoo because that was like the halfway point for both of us. So everyone knew we are dating at this point. Now we would facetime for like 2 hours every night and we would talk about marriage and what age we would get married, you know like things every young couple talks about. Well everything was going good until last month. He tells me EVERYTHING and a lot of those things he shouldn't have told me. But he told me that his youth pastor said that he needed to let go of something . And I was terrified that it was me. But Gabe told me it wasn't and that it was the fact that he looked at pictures. And I was super upset because I felt that I wasn't good enough for him that is why he looked at pictures cause if I was good enough and pretty enough then he wouldn't need those pictures. I didn't break up with him though. So after that things just weren't right I didn't feel the same about him anymore and I couldn't trust him. I still tried to make it work because he loved me so much. But then I found out that he was telling my ex about my body and some of the things he's seen and things we've said and that drew the line for me because I didn't like how he was trying to make my ex boyfriend jealous. Gabe was too clingy from the start and I was too nice to slow it down. Now I broke up with him 2 days ago and I am really missing him and missing talking to him. I know he is hurting like crazy and that makes me just want to check up on him but I know it will make matters worse if I do.



April 27, 2021 @ (Midwest)

Tags: Bad Breakup

So I entered my first relationship for the first time in 2019 and everything was slowly turning amazing. I had begun opening up to him, something that he requested of me, and just being more happy in general. Sad to say I was a depressed little thing who was also agrophobic. Once we got closer to our one year anniversary we started discussing moving in together and even potentially having a family. My first red flag should have came from this as he often flip flopped on what it is he wanted and agreed to. So we move in together and about two months in I started developing BV and I would take medicine for it and get a yeast infection. I know now that not even a week after I first develop BV which I was told is common, he had began cheating on me with multiple women. This had been going on for months before I found out and it did it without any hesitation once so ever. I felt so betrayed as this was the man I thought had loved and respected me and would tell me magnificent things like he wished he had met me sooner in life. I tried to work things out with him but he said that the relationship was blah and that it had ran its course. I asked him what did they have that I didn't, besides the whole BV issue, and he just replied something different. This happened months ago and it still hurts like it happened yesterday because for some stupid reason I still love him. I do not understand what is wrong with me and my heart, but I wish so desperately that I didn't meet him. We still interact with each other and I know he still messes with some of the women that he cheated on me with, but he's just toying with them too telling them sweet nothings like he did me and fucking everything that moves. I am so desperate that I engage with sex with him and I know its stupid as fuck of me but I can't help it. I really don't want to feel what I feel anymore, but I can't cut off my feelings and if I leave I'll be homeless



January 11, 2021 @ (53217)

Tags: sad

i cote my boyfriend cheating on me and i smack him and i broke up with him


Davina G

December 05, 2020 @ (India)

Tags: Bad breakup

I was in a very dark place mentally ,I had no life plans .we just recently parted from a 1 years live in relationship and shipped to long distance relationship. He was always avoiding my calls at 1st ,then only talked when he had the time to call that too for only 5 to 15 mins then he'll insisting hang up claiming he needs his sleep . I tried my best to maintain our relationship but I got a hint of him cheating me. Obviously ,I denied it 1st then I believe it but I still wanted to stay with Me. I love to hear him say he loves me but deep down I also knew that he only calls and contacts me when I m need by him .once I denied to help him only to tease him a little bit but he got mad ,and call me many names like slut and what not ,I could his friends laughing in the back. Then few nights later he called and apologized, I accepted his apology . After two days I was feeling very down ,I was even having suicidal thoughts with inferior thought . I kenew he won't pick up my calls but still I tried calling him, because I really need a talk that night . I called him 5 times he didn't picked up then I msg him saying I knew what he did .he instantly call back and then I said y did you ignored my calls he obviously denied it,I didn't got to say a word with him a friend of his snatched his phone and started talking to me which hurter me a lot then I said to the friends in an irritated voice that I had nothing to do with you plz give phone to my bf .then his other friends started to scold me ,I was in the very of crying when he picked up the phone and said why are u always disturbing my fun . Then again his other friend snatched his phone lecturing me how I should respectfully talk to them while my boyfriend was laughing in the back which shattered my feelings .Then I got mad and asked him to never call me . Then again I was so mad and wanted to say a thing or two to his friends and him .I call 38 times weeping but none of them were answered ,I haven't talked to him since. I m sad all the time think about him ,dream about him.worst part is in my dream both of us are happy together as soon as I wake up reality hits me .


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