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46 Results For 'depression'


June 14, 2024 @ (USA)

Tags: break up,

Hello my name is Sally my fiancé broke up with me last week i was so sad I changed completely, I wasn't eating and i wasn't talking to anybody, I cried a lot, I was so depressed and stressed out that I was scared I'm going to end up in the hospital because of all the stress and depression until one day i search online on getting love tips because I Love



December 01, 2021 @ (Massachusetts)

Tags: Twisted

So this all started from meeting this great guy in a game. I know meeting people usually isn't a great idea especially dating them but that didn't really bother me anymore. I met him in the game and we started talking that day. He told me about himself and I decided to as well. Then a red flag came up. He said he liked this girl...yet asked me out the day we met just to "try it out" and see how far that goes. So of course I accept his proposal. This had to have been the biggest mistake of my life. We started calling later on every week and it would be so awkward, the silence and everything. School was around the corner which was online since the whole pandemic happened. I met this girl and we would start communicating in the meets. I asked if she had discord...and she said yes! So i decided to add her. That day when I added her on discord and on game, we started talking more often. She decided to invite to this group chat in discord which had her best friend, crush, and me. I asked them all if its okay that I add my boyfriend. His name was Lume. I added him and that point on everyone liked him and would talk to him 24/7. He started slowly ignoring me and playing with them more often. Mind you I was very busy at that time and had no time to play. I got really upset and jealous because he would be bffs with the girl that he cheated on me with. We aren't at that point yet so, this day I decided to see what he was playing because he was playing with ash (the girl I met in the meetings). Then I noticed he was playing with everyone. Ashs crush, best friend, and Lume. Mind you I hated her crush. Her crush is the girl the Lume cheated on me with. Her name was Izzy. Izzy and I fought in the group at first due to her flirting with Lume. Yet Lume took her side. Another red flag huh? So I got so pissed I ignored him. We started fighting ect.....then depression hit. Lets get to the point, Ash and Izzy dated then broke up which I found strange. Lume later on in the weeks broke up with me....saying I was manipulated. This was a day that I was in call with him and Izzy!!! She knew the whole plan. He decided to block me so I did it back. I still talked to ash since she talked to Lume and Izzy. I was perfectly fine after the break up, I got over it little by little..then something happened. They started dating. Izzy decided to show pics of Lume kissing her in game or whatever and confessing love to her. I broke down. Of course she liked him too and mind you this was when Lume was dating me and Izzy was dating Ash. They are both fucking cheaters. I tried to ask them and yes we did argue over text and I was going all out, but I didn't give a shit. Lume broke up with her due to cheating on her. Then I started talking with Izzy again for a while and we got along yet it ended. Ash dated her best friend who was transgender to a girl and was straight on lesbian. They broke up too. She apparently didn't give a shit about us since she only wanted attention. She talks to Lume now and I'm pretty sure everyone else is too. I hope Karma gets him. He started dating more girls and they would break up. Hes a cheating bastard and you ladies should never date online especially when you notice red flags. Think twice, now I'm in a happy relationship with someone irl and I'm done with people online.


A Guy Who Belived In True Love

April 14, 2019 @ (Somewhere)

Tags: breakups depression

Hey, im a guy in my twenties and i meet this girl who is 20 years old this year last summer. I have been together with her since then into recently. She have struggled with depression and school, and she told me she wanted to break up and be alone. She did this twice and came back twice after 1-2 weeks. Long story short, but i just keep wondering because today she told me it is over like really over. And i have tryed everything, like literaly anything. It has even gone out on my mental health, because i have tryed so hard to make things right. Everytime i tryed to move on then she was there again but now it seems like its over for good. I have had the best time of my life with this girl, and i dont want to realise that this is true. I have always belived in true love, much like in the disney movies kinda, and my parents have been together since they where at my age. Im a very sensetiv and empatic guy who just want to find someone to build a life with, its like my missing piece in life. So i wonder. I have never given up on anyone i have been together in, in my life. Is that strange? Its like im so in love and i would do anything to be with that person. Can a person love you even when they leave you because of depression and timing in life. Because this girl has said that to me several times, still this is compliated to tell and its a short story of the whole picture but i wonder about those questions. Is it strange that i want to build a life with the girl i love even if im in my tweenties? Is it true love when i never give up on someone? But i have never seen that in any girl og friends i have or have been with. Im i just weird?



July 10, 2017 @ (Mississippi )

Tags: ???

Me and my ex have been best friends since 6th grade. We started dating in 9th grade and it lasted 3 years. Our senior year is when we broke up and he started telling everybody we broke up because I screwed people for money. So I got called a whore the rest of the year by literally everybody. I went through depression. He still tries to text and call me when he ain't around nobody. Near people though is when he calls me a slut. I do miss him but it ain't worth what he put me through. That's what I get for going with a linebacker!!



May 31, 2017 @ (san francisco)

Tags: bad break up

We went out for 3 years and we started going out my sophomore year of high school. i was talking to another guy at the time, but knew it wasn't going to work out. i tweeted how i wanted iced coffee and he said he was going to bring me one. So he did and i have him a hug and i felt a spark in a hug? i asked him about it later and he felt the same way. He asked me out on a date and till this day it was just magical and when he kissed me I always felt the fireworks, even with our last kiss and i knew we were going to be over. we had our struggles of course. i was insecure and suffered with depression and anxiety. i began to distant myself and hurt him when i was trying to help myself. he tried being there for me and eventually gave up. he went out with his friends and partied while i cried wishing i was making him happy. i caused his so much stress and that's what ended it. i made him heartless and made him not love me anymore. he eventually went to talking to other girls especially his so called "sister". i went through his phone and found texts between them. i cried for days and just wished that we could get back to how things were. the first time we broke up was before out 3 years when he told me he would grind with other girls especially his so called "sister" and slept in the same bed with her. i couldnt do it anymore and went crazy. he called me crying telling me he wanted to be with me. that's all i wanted, to be with him. i couldn't trust him so i would question him so much to the point where he tells me he doesn't love me anymore and he couldn't do it. i was so heartbroken but i eventually got him back. that was my mistake, i chased him even though he was the main reason why we broke up, even though we had so many problems and we added on to them. we truly were happy for a couple of months and i thought we were over the bad times and moving on to better things and building a future we always talked about. i had my own problems and made him into a guy i didn't know. i can't blame him for everything but i owned up to my own problems. once it was our final break-up he had no feelings for me at all while i was completely heart broken. i know i can never get over him because he was my first for everything. but all i can think about it that he doesnt care about me even though i did everything in my power to do everything for him, while he couldn't do anything for me. i hope one day he is happy and will treat a girl right, but i will always be heart broken over him. i know if he came back to me in a week, a month, or even years, i would take him back in a heartbeat.



February 26, 2017 @ (Ec)

Tags: Bad breakups , sad break ups

Me and my ex , we met 5 years ago we were so in love , was the first time in my life I had boyfriend ( I was 22 y.o ) he treated me like no other ever... I was facing depression and he took me out of it ... after almost 2 years , he texted me saying he was getting enough of me and that he didn't loved me anymore wasn't the first time ,I did begged him before not to leave me anyways he did I was in a terrible depression for over 3 months I didn't almost left my house or my room I cried all the time he then texted me saying he wanted to remain friends I said yes because I still had feelings for him , he sometimes talked about a girl saying was like hypothetical situation . A month later I found out he was dating ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS , i couldn't believe it everything made sense then she never apologized he didn't told me into my face either , cried and yelled to him the pain I was experiencing became unbelievable, after a month he texted me again saying sorry and all and that he was having a really bad time with his family and needed me , at first I sent him to hell but because I'm so stupid I kept contact and tried to help him out 4 months later he was having issues with his current gf ( my ex friend) and turned still to me saying that he understood now who really loved him , to make it short we came back together I forgave him but things weren't that great since I was all the time afraid that he might cheat again he was patient but sometimes he wouldn't pick the phone and it rang as occupied very late at night . He would go freaking mad if i would quise took him about it ,he kept saying I was being crazy that he was sleeping as always I apologized all the time we went on a wonderful trip to Asia and was wonderful , after that I made some decisions of my career that he didn't liked much but accepted , he travelled a lot because of his job , I even fought him looking for prostitutes when he was in Vietnam , to which he said I was being mental because he didn't do anything and I was going through his privacy , i always caught him trying to talk to other woman and was exhausting ,he cried and everything so I decided to believe him always , so I gave up and became that kind of woman that he could yell at and say I was stupid , that kind of woman that couldn't be angry because he didn't replied in 7 hours but he could be mad at me for not doing it in 10 minutes , I was being called stupid ,asshole etc etc every time I tried to ask about something .... one day we fought so badly that we didn't talked for 1day , I felt the end coming and felt pity for myself I loved him so much but I cried every single day and couldn't do anything in any other aspect of my life , I texted him finally being so afraid telling him that he could decide our future since he last words to me were "I want to break up with you so many fucking times but I don't say it" I told him I would do what he decides ,fight one more time or end ... he asked me time to think , 2 days later or silent I asked him ,he said was hard that he loved me but he made me cry and sometimes he didn't even felt bad about it ... anyways he broke up and broke my heart for second time...
Now one month later , i get to know that he is talking to another girl , younger prettier... and even I was doing okay and slowly not crying for him . I went back to the pain of the first time we broke up , that pain in your chest that won't go , the feeling of the tears going down your face without you even noticing, because I still love him and miss him like I did almost 5 years ago



February 22, 2017 @ (Covina, CA)

Tags: Worst break up ever

I fell in love with my best friend. He was a sweet and kind boy that loved to help people. And he loved me back. I knew he did because he treated me like I was special. He said things that no one who saw you as just a friend would say. 4 months of magical romance that everyone saw but we didn't want to admit was there. Finally one day we told each other how we felt and all our friends were so happy for us. I had never been happier in my life. We loved each other. At first it was cute puppy love, I guess you could say, but when my growing depression finally got ahead of me, we found out how much we truly loved each other. He cared for me unlike anyone I've known. The puppy love became a romance and passion that we had building up inside of us for months. We were completely in love with each other even if we both hated ourselves. We were each other's reasons for living. And I can't tell you how many times we were so close to giving up but saved each other. I'll never forget that day I wanted to kill myself and he told me that he loved me and I meant everything to him. That I changed his life for the better. That summer, 3 months after we first confessed to each other, was depressing because we missed each other dearly. School was the only time we got to see each other. Then one day I got my phone taken away. The only way I could contact him was through text. For 2 weeks I sometimes secretly went in my phone to text him. It was brief but those moments were everything to me. Then... 5 days after our 5 month anniversary, I got my phone back. I texted him happily and he replied. But he was depressed. I asked him why and he refused to tell me. I hadn't talked to him in 3 days at the time so anything could've happened. I finally got him to tell me what was wrong and he said.... "I think I'm gay..." I was in shock. And when he said he liked me as a friend, I wanted to throw my phone and just kill myself. I struggled to stay calm for his sake. If I showed how much it hurt, he would regret telling me even more. I told him I needed to be alone. I was in public, totally unprepared for any tragic news. But slowly as reality sunk in, I couldn't hold back against the tears that threatened to pour. I excused myself to the restroom where I cried so hard I couldn't breathe because I tried to stay quiet. I didn't feel anything but pain and sadness. For the next few weeks, he begged me to move on. He was extremely sad and was angry at himself for breaking my heart. He even said he wish had never said anything at all. But I would've found out one day. He wouldn't love me anymore and I would be able to tell. School started and we were friends who pretended we were fine. No one asked about our relationship. Only one person did but we ignored them. It's funny. A lot of people keep asking us if we are dating. No one asked when we actually were. He isn't the same anymore. He isn't positive anymore. He shuts down when he's sad and only talks to his therapist. He used to talk to me. I dont know what we are at the moment. Sometimes I see my boyfriend again in the way he looks at me. Sometimes I see my best friend. But sometimes I see my ex boyfriend, the broken shell of the person I once knew and loved. I still love him to this day.

If you ever hear about a break up where the boyfriend finds out he's gay and the girlfriend is sad, don't laugh. It sounds humorous, but when it becomes your reality and the thing that tears you apart everyday, you won't be laughing. In these cases, there's little to no chance of getting back together. And it hurts like hell.



January 01, 2017 @ (Georgia)

Tags: Bad breakup

So I was in a deep depression and I met this girl online during the very beginning of my senior year. We talked for a months or two and started dating. Months pass and she started to grow distant. I got clingy because I was afraid she was cheating on me. (Being cheated on was my biggest fear and she knew it). Fast forward to April. I go on senior trip and find out she's cheating on me. We break up. I planned to move to where she was in June. A few weeks of not eating and begging for another chance and we start dating again. I move four states over to her as soon as I graduate. Great summer. Things were good, until one day I had a bad feeling and I found out she had also cheated on me with her best friend a few days before I moved out there to be with her. She cheated on me twice and lied to me so much. I've never been the same since and honestly, I feel so lost since then. Now I'm living in a state four states from home with no one.



November 22, 2016 @ (Czech republic)

Tags: badbreakup, psycho breakup

Helped him with depression, been with him for 3 years. He dumped me, because "we have nothing in common", especially I don't want to take drugs with him. FML.



October 25, 2016 @ (1311 willingham drive)

Tags: bad, upsetting

so me and him kinda was dating..rn im in pain im more depressed then freshmen year i started liking him never talked to him till my 10th gr year which is rn im a 10th grader and he is a he talked to me thats how it started we got to know each other more and more and then we started with kissing each other hugging holding hands taking pictures together matching etc...he would write me these love letters i still got them although wen i reread them im always breaking down into tears...he asked me to homecoming we went we had a whole argument he was being mean and i was acting up bcus i started feeling depressed i didnt tell him bcus i didnt wanna ruin our special night but he even told me i did ruin it and i was sorry for being a bitch to him bcus of my we talked still we werent official even tho i had been wanting to b with him since last year..we had our first slow dance and my god i sung to him it was real special to me i was really happy..he made me real happy he made me feel special and i loved his personality and i started falling for him...i fell so hard that i considered him as my bf to my friends and me and him laughed and did lots together he would give me piggy ride backs and hickies and every time we met after every class and wallked each other to class and i appreciated him i gave him my devotion i gave him everything i had i did everything for him i did what i could to make him happy and i gave him all my support i motivated him to b a better person to do good in skool and b someone in life i believed in him.ppl kept telling me shit about him i didnt wanna believe them bcus i trusted him but all this time he was stabbing me on the bac and did hurtful shit to me it hurt me but i still stayed with him i stayed after he had hurt me i kept forgiving him time after time he kept fucking up and he promised he wasnt gunna fuc up and he did multiple times and i forgave him all the time..then he was telling me he loved me and shit and how he missed me and that he was loyal to me wen wasnt he was having me looking stupid out here wen i was defendin him and believing all his lies..


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