Searching for "husband"

31 Results For 'husband'

Vee Lavinia

September 04, 2024 @ (NJ)

Tags: Marriage Restoration

My husband Left me after years of our marriage, Dr. Salem started the spiritual prayer on my husband, and gave me so much assurance and guaranteed me that he was going to bring my husband back to my feet in just 48 hours of the prayer. I was so confident in his work and just as he said in the beginning, my husband is finally back to me again, yes he is back with all his hearts, Love, care, emotions and flowers and things are better now. I would have no hesitation to recommend him to anybody who is in need of help..(salemmanifestloverspell @ gmail. com...


Joe Crow

June 20, 2022 @ (Bronx)

Tags: Long Term Breakup

I met a cousin sister in 1992. She stated that she felt so close to me. She asked me to write letters to her. She later got married and her husband wrote a letter with her. I sent one final letter and it was not answered. I sent a Christmas card. In 1995, she gave a phone call to speak to her parents and sibling. Her sister told her that I was there and handed the phone to me to speak. My cousin sister hung up on me. Her mother claimed that she called back to say that I was invited. My mother told me that this was lie. In 1994, my father visited India and told his brother that I was expecting a letter form her. There was no answer. When I visited India, her father claimed that my cousin sister was there the day before and her mother claimed that this person was interested in seeing and was looking for days off from her teaching job to be with me. My mother told me not to believe this. The next year, I went to India again to get married. I was thinking of contacting her. My mother pointed out that there was no need to contact someone who hung up me. My mother told me that the sister could easily call me if she wanted to. As my relatives kept talking about her, I could not get her out of my mind because I had a feeling that she was in neighboring state. When my parents drove me through the streets, I looked at different houses, wondering irrationally if my cousin sister was somewhere in one of those. I talked to myself angrily since my parents would not allow me to visit her. My dad would constantly break down the bathroom door to try to stop my habit. My dad would talk about how I would feel better after I got married. The reality is that I still miss the chemistry of the previous relationship. My wife listens but does not have much to say to me. On an average day, my son and daughter say nothing to me. My children act as if my dad is the dad instead of me. It have not seen any of my relatives since 1998. I do not understand why people are so upset about Trump's travel ban when I have been banned by my own parents from seeing my own relatives in my native country. I see my cousin sister in my dreams. I had a feeling that I would see her after my parents die. Now there is a feeling that I will die before them. I have not been allowed by them to leave the state of NY for the past 20 years. Even though I have a driver's license, I am no longer allowed to drive the family car. I have to accept the fact that I may never see my relatives ever again.



June 16, 2022 @ (Netherlands)

Tags: Breakup

When I was 16 I was curious about having a relationship with a boy. Any if possible, although I had some in mind for a while.

He was the friend of my brother, but also a friend in a group at school I was part of. He was nice, treated me like I was normal. I had very low self esteem. No other boy treated me like him.
I chatted a lot with him on MSN. At one point he broke up with his girlfriend and I was kind of eager to match him with someone. I started to like him and wishing I was his girlfriend. He made me feel tingly.
At one point I convinced him to kiss me. And he was very good at it.
We were not a couple at that point. He kept me on a distance, not sure what to do. Mostly because of my brother. The summer was hot and we were getting more involved. We shared many kisses and it was amazing. But still he would not want to be my boyfriend.
I was getting down, but I waited for him.
It was September when he finaly dared to make it official. My brother was kind of let down, but wanted us to be happy so he went along with it.

My relationship was in a nutshell a life changing experience, but not good for me. We had lots of sex, what kept us addicted to eachother. But he was not my match. He wanted to go out a lot, see sports and friends, while I wanted to stay at home, watch movies and such. And there was his toxic mother. In the beginning she was enthusiastic, but later on she didn't saw me as a good daughter in law. She was convinced I was not good for her son. In the end, she was right, but the way she treated me was not right. I felt worse about myself than ever before. But I loved him, so I holded on. Even when we were on a break for a month, I still went back to him. The last year of our relationship was the most miserable one. He made me feel like I was not good enough for him, because I was not myself. He was also right. I wasn't. I left all my hobbies behind and did things I didn't like. Even though he ment I was not his ideal girlfriend, I know now I couldn't match his expectations.
In the end he went out with a girl to a cinema. And that was his trigger to end it.
I was heartbroken and begged him to come back.
But he said he would not.
We met one last time and after that I never spoke to him again.

Now I can say I am grateful he ended it, but healing from this relationship took a long time for me. At first I thought about him daily, at almost every moment, and slowly that became less and less.

I met my husband 3 years later. Right after my lowest point ever. He is my match. Not sure soulmate, but I can't think of anyone more right for me. He is kind, caring, make me laugh and is my best friend. I can share anything with him. But most important: stay myself. I spent time on my hobbies and interests and he not only admires it, but stimulates me. I love him so much and I am grateful to have this other life.

From time to time I sometimes think about my ex. Wondering what my life would have looked like if we didn't broke up. Or what kind of children we would have had. I have a son now, so that is on my mind a lot. Doesn't mean I want to be his, but I just wonder. It doesn't hurt me anymore and I never want to go back.


Karma Is A Bitch

September 13, 2017 @ (Quito)

Tags: bad break up, friendzone, karma

Ok, first, sorry for my broken english.

I met this girl in college, when we were 18, so I did my best to get her to like me, we were friends and I felt weird because I was falling for her really deeply, fast forward 7 years; we graduate from college, during that time she had at least 5 boyfriends (and some sex friends) while I was alwas at her side, we spend a lot of time together in that time, I used to help her with homeworks study and stuff; even I helped Her with her tesis; one day she tell our group of friends she broke up whit her current boyfriend.

So I decided that was my chance, but one day I texted her using sweet names like princes and all that stuff; and she texted me back: "I really like the way you treat me, but my boyfriend got mad, so please dont' treat me that way in texts".

I was devasted, I didn't knew they went back, so I decided It was enough, I remember like It was yesterday. I just stopped talking or texting her, and when she finally decided to ask me what happened (3 weeks later and she only texted me because she needed help with her tesis again) I told her the truth; I told her my feelings for her and I told her I wanted her to be happy and decided to leave.

So of course I was the liar, the fake friend, she said she couln't believe I lied her all these years and even she told me she never used me as I told her (even when all my friends told me "she is using you idiot", litterally with that words) and she did nothing else; we never speak again, I letf and she did nothing about it, and is really hard because we have common friends.

So yes, she broke my heart, she didin't give a crap about what I felt for her, and all 7 years or my life went rigth into the trash can, all my friends tol me she was using me and actually teke my side in this story.

Then she met Karma.

She broke up with her boyfriend, dated 2 more guys and finally got married with a guy she met at work, this guy has a child with another woman, and this other woman is crazy, so the girl I love (yes, I still love her) had to take care of the kid, and she has ugly fights with the mother of the kid (she even got hit in the head with a phone, they both ended in the police station).

Even worse, she and her husband don´t have a place of their own, they live in his parents house (My first thougth: wow they can't even pay rent) and my friends always tell me when she has problems in her marriage, she was unemployed for a while, and she even wrote a post on facebbok about her husband's ex and the problemns they had (my friends showed me the post) I don't know how to feel for her.

And me? Well, I got my law degree; I moved from my parents house, got a decent job, and I'm proud to anounce that I'm buying a house of my own.

So, yeah, karma is a bitch !!!!



January 05, 2017 @ (Hamilton )

Tags: Not break up like break up

I loved one girl who is my class mate. I told her my feelings to her. I never forced her to like me . But after some time she also fell in love with me. We spent time together. But main problem was that she was married and someone told about us to her husband. Now she is not talking with me. She blocked me on social media sites. I just want to know that she really loved me? She did love marriage then why she fell in love with me?


Emmanuel Scott

December 01, 2016 @ (USA)

Tags: Jennifer

Hi,my name is Jennifer Emmanuel Scott I live in USA I am very happy today with my family living in USA, My husband left me for good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back, I have tried so many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that introduced me to Dr Brown spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are now living happily together today,thanks to him,He is a great man,you can contact him via email email ( i will also say that if you have any problem like diseases,HIV,need lost love,or financial problem you can also contact him now. He Is a kind heated man who will help you with your problems okay .contact him on email (


Clare Bartlett

November 25, 2016 @ (CALIFONIA)

Tags: I\'m so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a break up WITH THE HELP OF Dr AHMED UTIMATE

Hi everyone!
I'm so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a break up. I'm Clara 28 yr old from Califonia USA, Am a woman who love and cherish my husband more than any other thing you can imagine on earth continent. My husband was so lovely and caring after 3years of marriage he was seriously ill and the doctor confirm and said he has a kidney infection that he needed a kidney donor, that was how I start searching for who can help, doctor has given me a periodic hour that he will live just 25hours left, that was how I ask the doctor if I can be of help to my husband that was how he carried out the text, the confirming was successful, I was now having this taught that since 3 years now we got married I have not be able to get pregnant can I be able to get bring again? That was the question I ask the doctor, he never answer his response was did you want to lost your husband? I immediately reply no I can't afford to lose him. After the operation my husband came back to live and was healthy I was also ok with the instruction given to me by the doctor, after 3months my husband came home with another lady telling me, that is our new wife that will give us kids and takecare of us, that was how I was confused and started crying all day, that was how my husband ran away with his new wife clearable. Since then I was confuse don't know what to do that was how I went back to the doctor and tell him everything, he told me that, this is not just an ordinary it must be a spiritual problem that was how he gave me this Email: that I should tell he all my problem that he can help that was how i contacted he and I do as instructed. After 28hours and I have done what he ask me to do, my husband start searching for me and went back to the doctor, that was how we well settle he also told me not to worry that I will get pregnant, this month making it the fifth Month I contacted he am now 3months pregnant. These great spell cater is a great man, if you have any kind of problem you can contact him here on his email: or call him 2348160153829



November 08, 2016 @ (canada)

Tags: Cheated husband while pregnant

I have been with my husband 10 years married for 5, we have 2 kids and I'm pregnant with our third, we where a great couple, in love the envy of everyone, but this year we where a bit distant from each other he owns a business with his family and has always worked 6 days a week at least 70h and I have never said a word, but got a bit bored this year and checked out, when we had the talk we decided to work on things and I got pregnant by accident/surprise right after , we sold our house for a bigger one for me to find out he was cheating on me the entire summer, he says he just got confused with us not being as connected as before and had tried to brake it off when we had our talk but was scared to piss off the other women and that she would tell me. Now I'm 6 month pregnant and not sure what to do . His work schedule has not changed and as much as he says he loves me and wants to work it out I dont find he is putting any effort in at all and all I can think of is that if you had time when you had no time to have affaire then you should have time to work on things, I think he thinks this will just blow over with time and since I'm pregnant its not like I'm going anywhere, what should I do , I would like to work this out but not with someone who seems to have no interest in doing the right thing at the appropriate moment.


Cherly Heather

April 28, 2016 @ (usa)

Tags: testimony on how i got my ex back

All thanks and appreciation goes tho the great one who has brought back joy to my life again. It all happened when i came across different testimonies and appreciations share about this man called Dr Aziza here on the internet on how he did cast spells to reunite broken relationships,winning lottos for different people across the globe .then i decided to collect is contact for me to reach out to him,because i was also encountering some problems with my man and this has torn our relationship apart. so I did that with reluctancy and i got a positive result which was just all like a magic to me,that i saw my husband calling my cell phone again for the first time in 2years asking for us to have a date and sort out as i speak we are happier than ever before.That is why i am also taking to internet to share with the whole world my testimony and also to publish about the good works of the great man who the LORD we serve has used to turn my situation all around. and also to those with similar problems on broken relationship,winning lotto,delay child birth,and delay job promotion to get him contacted on ( via cell no ( 2347064493769)


Batman Lover

February 17, 2016 @ (Kathiawadi)

Tags: Bad breakup

Hey guys.. Today i am going to share you a very sad story! Brace yourself. Here it goes -

I am Ronaldo studying in Bharati Vidyapeeth college of engineering, kharghar. I bought a porn DVD only to find secretly taped motel footage of my girlfriend having sex with her friend, whom my girlfriend later stabbed. The girlfriend, identified only by here surname leone, discovered the illicit sex on the DVD in 2015. The sexual acts apparently had been recorded using a hidden camera and were on a pornographic DVD, titled Affairs with Others' Wives, which the husband bought from a vendor to watch at home. Lee, who lives in Taoyuan County near Taipei, divorced his wife after viewing the DVD. His friend, a butcher, fled their village. In August 2008, Lee spotted the butcher in Chungli City, returned with a knife and stabbed his former friend in the thigh. The butcher sued Leone for causing bodily harm. Leone fought but was unable to countersue the butcher for adultery, because of a five-year statute of limitations.


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