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615 Results For 'she'

Michael Nalder

October 15, 2024 @ (Ellesmere Port UK)

Tags: Bad break up

My ex said she was unhappy, wanted me to leave, proceeded to make life as difficult for me as she could so is leave, she promised she wasn’t seeing anyone, interested in seeing anyone and I could visit the house and kids whenever I wanted to get me to sign over tenancy, I did stupidly and 2 days later she had another man in the house under the same roof as my three young kids, 1 boy, 2 girls. She met him 6 days after we split she says, she took the kids and claims that’s the first time they met. She sees absolutely nothing wrong with introducing a new man to three kids aged 7,4 and 2 while there dad lived in the house and had him stay 2 weeks later, my kids were sick few weeks later I visited the house like she said I could and was told to go away and nobody opened the door she rang the police as I messaged her outside the house asking to see the kids for 5 mins, the police warned me this is harassment and to not contact her at all again. My son 7 told me that my daughters been getting in bed with her new man in it and that they have to sleep on his couch every weekend so she can sleep with him, I messaged her (she had been messaging me in the meantime, ok for her to contact me) she refused to answer, responded by getting mad at me, I had no choice but to inform social services to ensure my kids were ok, she messages me and kicks off thinking it was a personal attack on her and labelling her a bad mother
Time goes by and she eventually starts contacting me again and I try to be nice, she doesn’t tell me about my son is in a school play and parents can go, I have my son asking why I wasn’t there and he also said her new man was. I messaged and said I wasnt happy and didn’t want him to be at these things. He has his own kids and he can go see them, few weeks later my daughter tells me she’s in a school play and ask em to go, I say yes and ask her if her mums boyfriend is going she says no she wants daddy there, I turn up at the school to see my ex and her bf near the school gates, standing either side of the path so I’d have to walk through them, I don’t do anything and walk past, I queue up and text her to say I’m here and ask for her not to bring him inside. They wait until last minute to come inside and sit near the door, soon as the plays finished they leave quickly and run to the car, I try ringing her to ask why she’s just disrespected me like that and she doesn’t answer, I message and she lies saying my daughter wanted him there, as I was typing she text stop and I didn’t see it, I sent another text and she ignored it, the next morning I was arrested for harassment and locked up for 6 hours and told to accept a caution as technically it’s breaking the law, sending 2 messages after someone says stop. The next day she texts my dad saying that she won’t take her new bf again and she gives a list of upcoming events involving the kids, a week later she’s messaging me again. She never blocked my number despite being “harassed” I asked her why she did it and she told me that she did it on purpose because I said I was going for custody of the kids, I sent the messages to the police who said there’s nothing wrong and she was telling the truth when she made the complaint so that’s it, it’s been 14 months and I moved away for work but go back and see the children and we both went to parents evening together and were ok.she was having problems with her bf and about to break up,
I told her I didn’t care about everything that happened and have her the opportunity to be a family again, she refused but never definite and over a few weeks I’ve been trying to talk to her and her to open up and just be honest, she literally never answers any questions I ask, skirts round the subject and eventually if had enough. Asked her outright and she didn’t want to answer, I wasn’t happy and then messaged her the whole story like this and she just gets mad at me for being mad at what she’s done, she won’t admit any wrongdoing, she gets angry at me for hurting her feelings, not seeing it from her point of view and will not take any responsibility for her actions, now I’ve given up forever of being able to live with my kids, and her being sorry or showing any kind of sympathy, I can’t understand why she thinks she’s done nothing wrong and won’t be held accountable and that’s all I want so I’m posting this here.
By the way 9 years together, never hurt her, cheated or did anything whatsoever to her
Was her carer for 5 years due to her Chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety, she gets better and leaves ??????? all she has to do was talk and be open and honest and I’d have accepted that.



October 03, 2024 @ (Colorado)

Tags: #sohestillkindacheated

My worst breakup was last year. I was in a relationship with this guy and we’d been dating for about 6 months. Right around my birthday he asked if he could get my “best friends” number and I said no because whenever she got a guys number she texted them nonstop and I wasn’t okay with that. I said he could have girls numbers but not hers. He ended up getting her number anyway and then lied to me about it. Even when I figured out what happened I didn’t break up with him because I was too obsessed with him and loved him too much. He started making fun of me to my “best friend” who was more involved in the situation then he was begging me to break up with him so she could have him for herself. I caught him telling her he liked her and when me and him broke up they could date. I dumped him but after he cried and told me he didn’t mean it, we were back together within the hour. He ended up breaking up with me a month later over text because “I was too clingy” and “he didn’t feel the connection anymore” turns out he was sending heart emojis to another girl from NC as well as texting my “best friend” at this time.



August 21, 2024 @ (UK)

Tags: I appreciate the role that Dr. Salem played in enabling me get my wife...

I appreciate the role that Dr. Salem played in enabling me get my wife back after she has filed for divorce. the reunion love spell is amazing that restored peace back in my marriage with positive results from the holy temple. contact salem manifest lover spell @ g mail. com….


Fatih Dikmen

August 16, 2024 @ (Türkiye)

Tags: Metallica, Break Up, Musician, First Love, Cheated

-Metallica: Nothing Else Matters-

I said to her; "This will be our song…"
I have never opened up to anyone else this much. I told her everything. Moreover, we had only been seeing each other for 7 months with a long distance. There were kilometers and countries between us. I promised her, despite everything, and she promised that she would do this for our love, despite everything. Nothing else mattered. I was blindly in love with her and trusted her for 7 months. Her lies seemed like a fairy tale to me and I fell for her like a child. I would never have believed that love would draw me in so quickly and change my life this much. I had never been in love before her. My only purpose in life was to work, support my family, do games, music and research. But when I met her, it was as if I had never been me before her. I was a brand new person with her. I, who used to get angry at the slightest thing, overcame everything and became a good person thanks to her. The words she told me, said and gave me were all lies, but she brought me back to life. I believed her and thanks to her, I discovered that I had a heart.

We have overcome everything, overcome everything and finally I had the chance to meet her. Last week I traveled for miles, crossed mountains, seas, continents and countries and reached her. When I first saw her at the airport, when I first hugged her, I felt my heart beat for the first time. I could only spend 5 days with her, I was happier than I had ever experienced in my life. When I fell asleep in her arms, I was no longer afraid of the anything. I felt peace with her scent.

But I will leave the sentimentality aside now! She left apartment one evening and came back 40 minutes later. There was no regret, fear or sadness in her eyes. She told me directly that there had been another man in her life for 6 years... She told me; "We have been living separately for the last 1 year, but I was talking to you because I felt good and I never expected you to come here, so i was need your support."

I had never felt alive before her in my life, now I felt dead more than ever because of her.
I was helpless, I was devastated there, crying pitifully, she was watching me and there was not a drop of tear in her eyes. She had only used me for a moment. She used my pure love, my feelings and emotions for herself.

But instead of being alone and foolishly harming myself or her, I called my friend for support, told this to people I didn't know and seek for support. And thank you everyone helped. And now I have become a little more courageous and decided to overcome my pride and write these.

She is over for me now. I'm going to forget her name, her smell, her smile, her voice, everything about her. I forgave her betrayal to me, I will not hold a grudge against her anymore. I will only keep the happiness I had with her in a corner of my heart, but it will be full of pain and betrayal. And I will continue to be braver and stronger for my future life, my dreams.

Thank you for everything people! I express my endless gratitude to all these people who helped me, to musicians and music groups who gave me life with music.

Never be afraid to love and live life... Remember, "Nothing else matters."


Paul Bishop

August 12, 2024 @ (United Kingdom)

Tags: Family break up

I always had a thing for Emma, we were 15 years different in age but there was something that I found so attractive.. and her eyes were so beautiful.
After 15 years of marriage, ups and downs, 2 beautiful children we were just drifting through life. Together but alone if you understand that. We lost that thing.
She told me to fight and I did, I made sure I provided everything and above to let her have more time with the children, more money to make sure they didn't go without and work consumed me.. because I thought that was fixing things.
It didn't.. I saw her draw the children in and I felt on the outside. I worked harder to bring more of the wrong thing.
She was away and I could sense she had changed.. no, she had decided. It had ended. She said we were done.
I had chances.. anyone in the same situation please don't do what you think is right, communicate. Something I'm not too good at. If that is the same for you get help early.



May 30, 2024 @ (United States)

Tags: Bad break up

On April 7th 2021 was the day I started dating my ex boyfriend that broke up with me 2 years later it was the happiest day of my life when we started dating because I have had feelings for him since 2012 and like he's a City transit bus driver so when i would go on the bus sometimes he would be driving the city bus and one day the bus that he was driving was totally empty and I was the only one in the bus and he went outside for a break and I would just look at him because I didn't have the strength to go talk to him and then one day I gave him a paper and told him to text me and that I liked him so he didn't text me when he seen me in the bus he told me in person that he liked me too and so on April 7th 2021 he went to my house and talked to my mom and asked my mom for permission to date me and that day I really thought he was the men of my dreams he was so sweet with me he would pick me up from work and take me home and spend time with me at my house and then I would go to work on the city bus when he couldn't take me in his car just because he wanted to see me i would spend more time with him then with my family and at work i would spoil him buying him things i celebrated his birthday and him presents and then on Thanksgiving Day 2021 he took me to meet his family and his dad and they are awesome people and very sweet they loved me that's why they don't understand why he broke up with me but in December 2021 for Christmas he took me to spend time with him and his family he was still that sweet loving guy with me I had a great time his family loved spending time with me except the thing was that he was jealous of his dad and brother and I would respect my ex boyfriend I was truthful with him the real thing was when I was supposed to go back to spend time with him and his family again In new years eve because his other brother from California was going to visit to his house and he wanted his brother and his brothers wife to meet me so i was excited so in December 27 2021 when he was visiting me i showed him the dress I was going to put for new years eve so when they would celebrate in family and he got so mad he told me that he didn't want me to put that dress on because I was going to be having people look at me so he stopped talking to me for a couple of days I spent the worst new years day crying it felt like my life was going to end because he wasn't talking to me he started talking to me in January 5 2022 and i felt him kind of weird like he was treating me like a friend but I didn't want to see the truth that I didn't have his love anymore I truly thought I was going to be able to fix the relationship I did everything in my part he had my love still and he kept pulling away from me that was heart breaking and he still celebrated my birthday and i celebrated his but at the end he would come see me one day a week until the surprise was in July 29 2022 at 4:30pm that he called me in the phone and started the conversation joking because I answered my phone very serious my hands were shaking and my heart beating fast like i knew he wasn't going to tell good news and it was to break up with me so i kinda of got out of control started crying and the worst thing i did was that I asked him if he had another girlfriend but his brother told me he does is his ex girlfriend she threatened him to go back with her and chose her over me that i treated him nice and she beat him up
But until this day I still love him even though I haven't seen him since the break up I backed out from his life thinking I would forget him but I still love Michael glau with all my heart ??



May 22, 2024 @ (Delaware)

Tags: Bad break up

So my friend told me to talk to this girl so I did and she said do you want to be my boyfriend so I said yes and then I had to go somewhere and I told her that I need to go and I will call later and then I tried calling her but she didn’t answer so then Later she said I want to Break up so I asked why and she said because someone dared her to do it no I fell sad now I can’t trust no girl no more.



May 02, 2024 @ (United States)

Tags: B

27M have been in a relationship with 27F for a year and half now. Earlier this year I was going through a rough time, had to put my cat down and was also needing to find a job and was really struggling with my mental health. I feel as if I put too much pressure on my girlfriend to be overly supportive but at the same time I never really communicated what I needed from her. While I wish that I told her that I needed space to figure these things out, I instead told her I wasn't feeling the relationship anymore.

With our lack of communication in the relationship, we never really ended the relationship and instead went a month and a half with just texting each other and met up once or twice. I did eventually find a job, and decided to work on myself a bit more. Part of this was meeting up with my girlfriend and spilling my feelings about how i'd like to continue to work on this relationship. We agreed to continue dating, but after just one time hanging out (1 week) she told me that she wanted a break with no contact.

I respected that and we went on a break for about a 3 weeks before I eventually reached out asking where she was at with it all. She called me up, and I explained to her how I've been working on myself through therapy and hobbies, but am still wanting to work on the relationship because I knew I could be a better partner. She told me that when we hung out last she couldn't get the thought that I didn't care about her out of her head. She said that she was happy to see my working on myself but it seemed like a punch in the face that I was doing it now, and if we were to stay and work on things then these thoughts of the past me would still bother her.

I kind of assumed this was going to be where her head was at, but she mentioned that she could feel differently about it all in a couple weeks or a month. She just didn't want to drag me along, which is hard because i'm optimistic things could work. We ended the call, but never really came to a conclusion as to what we were doing. So I called her back and asked, what are we right now. Is this still a break or are we broken up? She responded with broken up. This confuses me because I asked her earlier why she hadn't broken up with me yet, and her response was that she loved me and cared for me.

Why is it that I had to almost force her to give me an answer on this? I'm not sure if I should be waiting for her to change her mind or if I should use this phone call as closure to the end of the relationship.


Sir Jon Buynone

March 21, 2024 @ (Georgia )

Tags: Bad breakup

My ex girlfriend said she was dating another man and if I said anything I’d be beaten to a pulp.

I never called her again. Not ever.


Colson Anderson

February 28, 2024 @ (Bexhill )

Tags: Losing my love of life

I meat my partner 7 years ago as her builder after two months we became partners it took me 10 months to rebuild the house for witch I loved doing I only saw her weekends. We had a lovely house.then she moved in after a week or so we were watching tv. And then she started to rock in the chair I did not say everything I just put my hand on her back and she stopped. Then as time went on she would do mor strange things she was constantly on her phone playing games it was sometimes hard to have a conversation when it come to the bedroom it became a no go when it come to love making I only had to touch her and she would complain so I said if this is going to happen then we should stop and we did for the rest of our time together. I did not mind as sex is over important to me .I still loved he very much.we then sold the property and moved in to a new house witch I also turned in to a nice house. As time went on she done more strange things so I took on my self to look it up on the website.all the things she would do and the way she would treat me and the way she talks to me was heading towards being on the spectrum I would try and talk about it and she did not want to no and it got worse .and the last year the jungle was on tv Friday night ant and deck as from tomorrow we will be voting off so I sad who do you think will go first and she I don’t know you are watching it not me ion a bad tone of voice I had seven years of this and I sad something I should not of said I was so up set with my self for saying what I sad. It upset her so much that she wanted me out of the house.that was in October it’s turned out she is allistic so I was right I tried to talk about it but she wouldn’t she never wants to see me again. When an allistic person gets something in their head that’s it. I loved her and still do so much what I said was wrong but I had this for seven years and I would go back tomorrow if I could .we all need to talk if we don’t how can we work it all out. I’m 69 and now I have lost the one I loved so much. And I don’t want to go on anymore being alone is not good for the soul.


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