Searching for "badbreakup"

16 Results For 'badbreakup'


May 16, 2024 @ (united states lousiana )

Tags: badbreakup

met this male on facebook dating and we went on date it felt like love at first sight , he was from nigeria first foreign boyfriend,this man ask me to marry him the first month , never experienced been loved so i said yes because he did everything right had sex multple times a day he started getting distance blame it on college and that he was failing .... he stopped coming around and we decided to breakup istill think about it and a year has passed.


Pedro Ramirez Nancy

March 18, 2021 @ (Bangladesh)

Tags: #badbreakup #heartbreak #firstlove

My name is Taylor and now I am 15 years old. Here is my bad break-up story: I was 12 years old and in Grade 5 when this guy named Sam had a crush on me. But as days went He started liking me more and more and then in class 6, he asked me out. And I said YES. 2 months went and then suddenly his mom somehow knew. and then she texted me that I should stop texting his son and that it's all over. I got scared to death as I always feared his mom. (ngl but his mom was very strict so yeah that's why I was always scared. And she was very popular among all the kids' mothers). so the next day, I came to school and I see Sam talking to one of my classmates about how his mom knew and all. and I went up to him and then asked him "Hey, can we talk?", he shouted at me in front of all my classmates "You get out of my sight right now! RIGHT NOW!!", I didn't know what's going on so I left, humiliated. and then so after school was over and it was time for me to head home, Sam came up to me and then told me "Hey that was actually a prank." and I said "what was a prank?", he replied "that mom text" and then I left without replying as it was so lame. he chased me and said that he loved me. and I told him "Aren't we on a break or something?" and he just left, mad and I didn't like that for some reason. made me feel like I couldn't take his joke. so then I went to him and said that I loved him too (which was true btw, I really loved him) and then the next week, his mom again found out that we're still together and then she suddenly came to my school and I had to face her out of nowhere. She told the rest of my classmates' moms that their children should not talk to me as i will make their children bad and that I am toxic. So I eventually lost all my friends. So She started the conversation by saying "I'll slap you and break all your teeth, who do you think you are?" and she continued "do you even know who we are? how stupid of you to even think that I was uneducated like your mother??? Sam's mom and dad aren't uneducated like your parents so know your place. How dare you even run after my son?? I have warned you earlier. Didn't you reply to my text? why did you not listen to my warning? I will make sure that you get expelled from school. Where's the vice principal?" I still don't understand how my parents are involved here. Most of the stuff that she said was about my parents. My parents had nothing to do with this. An just because they are richer, doesn't mean that my parents are "uneducated" just because we aren't as rich as them. I was scared to death. and Sam just stood there. he didn't even stop his mom. and then I was shaking and standing in one corner and then I went home and I couldn't tell anyone as I thought it was actually all my fault.. and then the next day I go to school and I see Sam with his friends, all ready to start an argument with me. I really wanted to talk to him and so I ask him "can we talk?" and he starts his argument by saying "You're so cheap!", I felt bad. He then continues, "Do you guys know what his dad does?? Your parents are uneducated" - and my classmates then shouted "OHH DAMNN SAMM" and I just couldn't take it anymore so I head to the washroom and then my classmates started taking votes like "Sam or Taylor?" and everyone supported Sam. Months go by and we are always in the same classroom. He never stopped bullying me. And then quarantine happened and I am so happy. I feel so happy. But then a few days ago I had to go to school for something and then being back to school made me depressed once again and made me feel bad like all those flashbacks came and the whole week I was depressed. I'm okay now and I will have to face sam one day.
It just hurts so much. I'm in class 8 now and I still haven't moved on.



December 17, 2019 @ (Sad Girl Island)

Tags: breakup 10years badbreakup boyssuck ihateyou iloveyou

It has officially been 12 days since my boyfriend of almost 10 years broke up with me..Slowly but surely its getting easier. He did it over text while we were both working so im sure you can imagine how that went..He said he met someone at work and wanted to see how things might go. Since im not where i need to be at in life and for us. Its him and not me though. I begged him. How sad, begged him not to do this. To pick choose me, want me, love me. Dont give up on me. Well what he needs right now is time and space to do whatever he wants and needs. He wants me to wait for him..How can you expect that of me. Sit here hurt, wondering and waiting. I finally told him yesterday i dont want to talk to him. If the time comes for us to talk and possibly get back together i hope im in the right mindset and better place in life to leave completely.



October 29, 2019 @ (South Carolina )

Tags: #badbreakup

I was with this boy much younger than I was at the time. We were together for 2 or three months. Then, he started talking to me less and less, until I confronted him and he said he wasn’t interested anymore. I offered to fix things and we did. 2 weeks went by and we met outside to talk because we haven’t in days. I went outside and we spoke on a gated playground outside my house. Then, he says that he wants to break up for three weeks and then get back together because “it will be better for us “ so I said okay. I knew all along that it was over in my mind. But three weeks went by and he never spoke to me again. He really just wanted to break up forever.



September 07, 2017 @ (California)


The Ending Of My Relashionship. So it all started in 3rd grade when she told me do you know who i like ? and i said no. She said guess and then she eventually told me she liked me. Which made me feel very special but in 5th grade it all came to an end when she was secretly dating my freind and she said she didn't like me anymore it really made me deppresed when i came home. was it because i got fat was it because im Immature sometimes ?. Please tell me your thoughts.


Erick Lopez

December 01, 2016 @ (Arlington VA)

Tags: #badbreakup #dumped

I dated my ex 5 times through 6-7th grade. I'll call her Alex for sake. She asked me out and I said yes. The next three days were the best of my life I loved her kisses and her hugs were the sweetest things ever. But one day she texted me saying "Erick, I need to tell you something". This obviously got me nervous. She said "I lost feelings for you" That hurt by itself but the worst part was that she said she found feelings for someone else. That killed me. She played with my feelings so professionally.



November 22, 2016 @ (Czech republic)

Tags: badbreakup, psycho breakup

Helped him with depression, been with him for 3 years. He dumped me, because "we have nothing in common", especially I don't want to take drugs with him. FML.



October 12, 2016 @ (Australia )

Tags: Badbreakup

We met a year ago, the second I saw him I knew he was going to become a part of my life somehow, I was right 4 months in and we where inseparable, we started living together right away and life was a fairy tale, we would go away on beautiful beach vacations, never running out of things to talk about, or laugh about. We where the same person, we where each other's person, soulmates.

But there was another side to my love story and that was he had a family, I knew he was having problmes with his wife and he told me it was over, he had a two year old who he loved dearly, and ex that I soon learned was pregnant, I was in shock but I loved him so much, I decided at that point I would stick by him as long as he was open and honest and communicated with me every step of the way. That did happen for about 3 months, but then I got pregnant and we decided to abort our child, weeks after that my mind couldn't understand why my soulmate was ok with having kids with someone he didn't even like and with me the idea was so outrageous, at that point he stared hiding calls from his ex and emails and became more and more distant, it all came to a crashing end a month after that. I blocked his phone and cut him off but he creeped back in and I let him not once but twice, the second time he seemed different he told me he saw a shrink, he told me I was his path, his life and no matter what he will never hurt me again, we went away and spent a beautiful weekend together, he reconnected with my family, moved back in, and life seemed normal again, in the. Ack of my mind looking back I was never fully at ease, I was scared and my institution was right, just two weeks after hat beautiful getaway he started acting different again, not open, changing plans, but this time I tried fighting for it, how could this be happening again? I asked my self, not wanting to believe it, but it all came crashing down on me this weekend, he was missing all weekend, I was again in the dark, feeling alone and rejected, he kept giving me hope that he was coming home to talk, and as I sat and waited for what seemed like an eternity he never came, but instead I got an email saying he can't do this and is never coming back, 4 lines is all I got from him all he thought I was worthy of receiving, frantic I tried calling and to my disbelieve he had blocked my phone number. Now every day I can't stop replaying the last two weeks, what did I miss, why was I so stupid, how will I ever recover or love again.



August 07, 2016 @ (North Carolina)

Tags: #badbreakup #ldrbreakup

I met my bf on an app called Smule. We were LDR for 7 months. I live in North Carolina and he lived in Saudi Arabia. Every day for seven months we text, talk on the phone, and video chat. There was never a day we didn't contact eachother. He became part of my life..and I there was not a day that went be he told me he loved me. I loved him back with all my heart. We had plans for him to come to America on a work visa or for me to visit him in Cebu City when his contract ended next year. About a month ago I questioned many things and found out that his stories was not true. He told me his wife left him and cheated on him and that he no longer loved her and that he wanted to be with me. I found out this was all a lie and that he was still very much with his wife..he was a cheater and I was the woman he chose to have a relationship with behind his wifes back. I not only showed him my love online but also offline by sending him emails and letters and I also sent him money when he needed. I confronted him and I broke it off and messaged his wife. According to his wife, he denied that he loved me and that it was all lust..and that what what we had was fake and that he only chatted with me to past the time. Before me there was other women that he talked to. What hurts the most is that he made me love him and made me feel loved and that he genuinely cared for me. He was having an LDR with me behind his wifes back while at the same time he was telling her he loved her and telling me he loved me. I don't know why he did this to me..I did nothing but love him and cared about him. We broke up yesterday and it hurts..



August 07, 2016 @ (North Carolina)

Tags: #badbreakup #ldrbreakup

I met my bf on an app called Smule. We were LDR for 7 months. I live in North Carolina and he lived in Saudi Arabia. Every day for seven months we text, talk on the phone, and video chat. There was never a day we didn't contact eachother. He became part of my life..and I there was not a day that went be he told me he loved me. I loved him back with all my heart. We had plans for him to come to America on a work visa or for me to visit him in Cebu City when his contract ended next year. About a month ago I questioned many things and found out that his stories was not true. He told me his wife left him and cheated on him and that he no longer loved her and that he wanted to be with me. I found out this was all a lie and that he was still very much with his wife..he was a cheater and I was the woman he chose to have a relationship with behind his wifes back. I not only showed him my love online but also offline by sending him emails and letters and I also sent him money when he needed. I confronted him and I broke it off and messaged his wife. According to his wife, he denied that he loved me and that it was all lust..and that what what we had was fake and that he only chatted with me to past the time. Before me there was other women that he talked to. What hurts the most is that he made me love him and made me feel loved and that he genuinely cared for me. He was having an LDR with me behind his wifes back while at the same time he was telling her he loved her and telling me he loved me. I don't know why he did this to me..I did nothing but love him and cared about him. We broke up yesterday and it hurts..


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