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55 Results For 'emotional'


April 16, 2024 @ (California)

Tags: Breakup, long relationship

We have yet to break up. Its hard but I decided to do it.. I'm just mentally and emotionally getting ready to do it...11 years down the drain because he doesn't know if he wants to be with me or not. I'm the dumb one for staying all this time and being delusional year after year waiting on him to propose. But nope. He doesn't want that. He doesn't even want to move in together... says he's not ready. See, my clock is ticking. I'm 35 now and I want a family. Yeah I should have probably left him after the 5 year mark. Maybe then I would have met the love of my life. Maybe I would already be a mom. Life is hard. I never imagined my life without him. I get so much anxiety thinking about the break up but it has to be done. I feel I won't be able to live without him but I gotta be selfish. I have to think about my future and find someone who is willing to wife me up.



April 26, 2022 @ (N/A)

Tags: Bad Breakup, Sad, Emotional

Here's a link to they story. (trigger warning is very emotional and talks about calling a hotline for people going through a critically unstable mental state) Thank you for reading if you do writing this has really helped me figure things out and work on my mental health as well.

We had a "closure talk" I thought it went well considering it was 13.5 hours long and I though she had given me all of the answers I wanted. I just couldn't trust her word and I reached out to the person she cheated on me with who claims he didn't know she was in a relationship and said he was so sorry. There stories did have overlap it's just the frequency and timelines are slightly different. She told me it was only 3 times but he claimed it to be more. Who should I believe?



April 01, 2017 @ (Alberta)

Tags: Past regret

I was in a serious relationship with a girl for a while. We shared dreams about marriage, having kids, etc.

We were 19 and 1 day over the phone she brought up a "what-if" scenerio. "If I got preganat what would you do with our baby?" I tried to think about it rationally, instead of emotionally. I said if it was early on in the pregnancy I would consider aborting, but if it was further along and I felt I was killing a baby I would def keep it. It depends.

She was mortified by my answer; the idea that I even considered abortion was monstrous to her. I was just trying to have a conversation and she took it out of proportion, imo.

She didnt talk to me for a cpl days till she called me out of the blue to break up, blaming me for not loving her.

In hindsight I wish I answered the question differently, yrs later now having a child and would never consider abortion now that the situation is actually real.

After a cpl weeks of breaking up she found someone else, she has been with him ever since, yrs later.

I def have moved on, but it will always be a regret I always made.



November 16, 2016 @ (UK)

Tags: bad break up, I still like her

Right,so we dated for slightly over 4 months(short time,I know) but never the less I still extremely loved her,and still do.Our relationship gave no signs of falling apart,at least not any that I could see.We were your typical teenagers in love.Always by each others sides.Holding hand.Constantly texting each other. Every time I spent time with her,I was able to forget all my worries and I finally understood what that cliche about love meant.Everything just seemed so perfect.I loved her and she loved me,but things began going wrong.Because of me.All because of me I lost the one person that really made me feel alive.Made me feel like there was a point to waking up in the morning.Let's call her CC.CC was very easily jealous over my female best friend R.I have a long history with R.R always seemed to support me emotionally and never really gave any inclination that she was romantically attracted to me.Further more,me and R were and still are physically close.Whilst dating CC I would hold hands with R which would clearly upset CC.And me,being the douche i am,never done anything about it.I continued treating CC like second place and never giving her the love she deserved.On a side note,me and R(my female best friend) never done anything except holding hands and hugging,I did most certainly not cheat on CC.Fast forward a couple months,and we would avoid each other and act as if we were almost strangers. Every time we accidentally came in contact with each other we both acted as if we were being branded with a hot rod of iron.This continued for a week until we had an argument over text.Both of us were being passive aggressive but i was obviously the one who started the whole argument.And then we decided to take a break from each other. For a week we still texted.Not much seemed to have changed except our texts seemed so much more wary and cautious.Then on top of that,DD lets call them that ,texted me saying i was being bordeline mentally abusive to CC and that i was manipulative in the relationship.DD was very close to my CC.Anyway lets leave all that out and skip to the juicy bits you all want to hear.2 weeks after our break,she stops texting me entirely.Stops talking to me and avoids me. Doesn't even make eye contact from me.Then on the day we would have had our 5 month anniversary,I see her with hickeys on her neck from DD.CC has stopped caring about me entirely that's for sure...I still think about her.I still love her.I start crying whenever i think back onto memories I have shared with her.How warm her embrace felt.How her hand felt against mine.How I just enjoyed being in her company,just lying down and staring at her in silence. Savouring ever second I got to spend time with her.I have to let go now.I'm finding it hard to.Her.Her.Her.It's a chant inside my head and my heart.I love her and I hate what it does to me.



August 05, 2016 @ (cali)

Tags: bad breakup, inspirational

She and I were best friends for a while before we become a couple. At first things were great. But soon everything went south. She became a cold heart bitch, she would flake on plans we made together. The terrible excuses didn't help. Apparently playing video games for 8 or 9 hours out of the day qualifies as being "busy" because she's a "sensitive introvert" who needs to recharge her emotional batteries alone. I asked if everything was alright and she insisted everything's okay. She would stop being touchy/affectionate at all too. It got to the point where she would mess around with her guy friends' hair but avoided me like the plague. I had depression at the time and would talk to her about it a bit, but she would just absent-mindedly nod her head and go back to her instagram feed.

It all got to a breaking point. I realized I could either throw my hands up in the air and be a victim, or alpha up and take control of my life. I went with the latter. I did a text break up with her (serves her right) and said we could try being friends and work out any potential resentment over time. She said sure, but soon snapped and made me feel bad about it. I stood firm and said "I was born without you, I could live without you".

From that day on, my life changed tons. I decided to finally grow up. I got a job and became #1 fast. Then I did 100 pushups, 100 crunches, and several miles bicycle riding everyday. Between the extra money and new build, I got new clothing and looked like a prince. But at that point I decided to hit the books and pick up hobbies so I don't look shallow. I read up on Mark Manson, Eckhart Tolle, and classic literature. I tried pro gaming, tennis, ukelele, web design, and paleo cooking. Within a couple months, I was getting laid often and talking to tons of new girls and making a plethora of awesome friends.

I thought we could work out our resentment, but nope. She would flip me off in public and talk shit about me to various people (mostly other girls). Safe to say most saw through her bullshit and she's missing out on a lot now.



August 05, 2016 @ (cali)

Tags: bad breakup, inspirational

She and I were best friends for a while before we become a couple. At first things were great. But soon everything went south. She became a cold heart bitch, she would flake on plans we made together. The terrible excuses didn't help. Apparently playing video games for 8 or 9 hours out of the day qualifies as being "busy" because she's a "sensitive introvert" who needs to recharge her emotional batteries alone. I asked if everything was alright and she insisted everything's okay. She would stop being touchy/affectionate at all too. It got to the point where she would mess around with her guy friends' hair but avoided me like the plague. I had depression at the time and would talk to her about it a bit, but she would just absent-mindedly nod her head and go back to her instagram feed.

It all got to a breaking point. I realized I could either throw my hands up in the air and be a victim, or alpha up and take control of my life. I went with the latter. I did a text break up with her (serves her right) and said we could try being friends and work out any potential resentment over time. She said sure, but soon snapped and made me feel bad about it. I stood firm and said "I was born without you, I could live without you".

From that day on, my life changed tons. I decided to finally grow up. I got a job and became #1 fast. Then I did 100 pushups, 100 crunches, and several miles bicycle riding everyday. Between the extra money and new build, I got new clothing and looked like a prince. But at that point I decided to hit the books and pick up hobbies so I don't look shallow. I read up on Mark Manson, Eckhart Tolle, and classic literature. I tried pro gaming, tennis, ukelele, web design, and paleo cooking. Within a couple months, I was getting laid often and talking to tons of new girls and making a plethora of awesome friends.

I thought we could work out our resentment, but nope. She would flip me off in public and talk shit about me to various people (mostly other girls). Safe to say most saw through her bullshit and she's missing out on a lot now.



July 19, 2016 @ (Norway)

Tags: Bittersweet, denial, LDR

So last year I went on a working holiday, met this amazing guy from France and we started dating after 3 weeks as friends but he left 2 weeks after but we remained together and we were an LDR couple, long distance relationship. He got a job in South East Asia and I went back to Norway, during a LDR it is normal to get emotional breakdowns but I had a bit too many and he felt like it was his fault when it wasn't really. So he broke up with me saying he hated the man he had become for making me emotional and couldn't help me, so I replied (this is my mail by the way): that it wasn't his fault, long distance makes it that way and in every relationship you have to work hard and that it's like any job or project you have in school you work for it. I'm not going to give up on someone I love, I stand and fight if only he would let me and not be so stubborn and give it a chance. It's not everyday you find someone that make you whole, so I told him that I was going to see him regardless of if he wants me to or not, at least I tried and won't regret anything because I know I have done my best. So far have not gotten any reply of if he wants to meet me or not but he has a month until I leave so I hope for the best but I can't hope too much because I will be very disappointed if he doesn't want to see me, but just a leap of faith. Think cupid struck me hard. Blinded by love and crazy brave



July 18, 2016 @ (clearwater, fl )

Tags: bad break up, funny break up, ridiculous break up, epic break up

So me and her were going strong when one day her brothers girlfriend steps to her over allegedly stealing from them [i still don't know if she did or not] regaurdless I jump into action and throw my girl in the car immediately and diffuse the situation [I've been in enough trouble and am not hitting a female] I then i comfort my girl and call an hour late into work when it just so happens the district manager is there. so I square things away feeling good about how I handled the situation and went to work. she ends up calling me and breaking up with me saying I should have beat the girl up and skipped work [so glad I didnt] she had already wore me out emotionally that whole month [this day was supposed to be our 1 month anniversary lol] anywho so I say ok whatever I'm coming to get my stuff so I did and she said she wasn't ready for comminment that's all i needed to hear whatever [



June 20, 2016 @ (india)

Tags: bad breakup

1 year from now i met a girl. I am a singer so was just performing in a college event. A girl was staring at me after my performance(in which i won).She was just sitting on a row ahead of me and she was continously staring ... i have been in 15 relationships so have a gud experience of what was it going to be. She searched my name as we din't had anything in comman. She message me on fb . And very next day she asked me to come for a walk in campus late in night. We had a good talk and she messaged me that night that she has a boyfriend.. i was like who cares. Next night she called me for a walk and that night THINGS happened and we were close . I always tried to stay emotionally away from her because she was in relation for two years that too non problematic relationship. After that we met almost daily for 4 months she was in relationship with a guy who was earlier in college was a senior so was working in a company in different city so for those 4 months whenever she met she used to say sweet things and show her affection n then she left her boyfriend. I asked her to not to leave him because i had stuff to do so cannot give her that much of time. but she broke up with him. I was also kindof liking her i was a plyboy but i started liking her because once she went to meet her boyfriend then i was not feeling good about it. But she then left her boyfriend came to me.. She always knew about experiences of girls i had so so used to say that i cannot be serious for a single girl. But sometimes being human when she flirted with someone else i used to feel bad about it and i said her. I too had many option of girls which she knew already but i began falling for her. I am a focussed man so was doing the stuff that i was supposed to do in my career so could not give her that much of time but i always tried to give her as much of time as possible . So i started falling for her even more.. i started actually loving her.. i had to go through many things in life which made me a kindof heartless playboy.. i was having a good career i am a singer , guitarist, painist, composer , millionaire, boxer(upto state level) and amazing at s**(because experince matters) so as per now u might have guessed there was no scarcity for girls .. but i was falling for her.. i started expressing to her my love.. in every way possible.. bt never lost balance as generally guys do. Now one day she comes to me saying "she wants to be friend" then next day" she wants to do her work" then next day "she wants her boyfriend back" . after 9 months of all she is suddenly realizing that she loved her ex only so she wants to move with that guy. Was i just a puppet? She shows no feeling for me now.. When she was cheating with that guy for me.. when she can come physically close to me third day after we met after a relation of 2 years then she can cheat me too.. Bitches will be bitches.. lesson learnt never trust a beaultiful face .. if she is a liar .. she will take use of u till she wants and then just hire a new boyfriend to fuck her.. NEVER TRUST LIARS.. if she can lie to him she can lie to me too.. i missed that point.



March 25, 2016 @ (Anywhere)

Tags: #surviving

I was in an emotionally abusive relationship. I never was interested in dating until 9 months ago. I am 20 years old and I am young, but I fell in love. To me he was perfect until one day he wasn't. He told me I wasn't attractive enough for him, that I was stupid, a whore, worthless, etc. None of which is true. My friends were confused what I saw in him, and I will not try to sound conceited, but I knew I was much better looking. He made his own insecurities mine, to hide how he really felt. I was so depressed, I lost almost 15 bs. I was never big. I was 5'6" and went from 122 lbs to 106 lbs in three months. It was unhealthy. The first time we broke up I was devastated. I didn't eat or sleep, my anxiety was so bad it overtook my life. I was so desperate to make things right that I drove him further away. There was a point where I couldn't leave my bed and my roommates were genuinely concerned about me. A month later we got back together. It was beautiful. I was so happy and he said he loved me all the time. However 2 months later, it crashed again. I am OKAY. I am here to tell you it gets better. We broke up two days ago, I cried yesterday, but that's okay. I feel liberated. I realized that yes, we love each other, but we both are too immature to be together at this point. Sometimes when a relationship ends, you need to take a step back and really look at it. He holds grudges, he mentally abused me, he never made sacrifices for me, which made me resent him. I realized that sometimes love isn't enough. Sometimes you realize that no matter how desperate you are to make things work, they just don't. I know it's hard to accept, heck I am struggling too. If it is meant to be it will be. Maybe it's just not the right time, but I can tell you that once you hit rock bottom you can go nowhere else, but up. I was at rock bottom, I lived and someone I am okay. I haven't bombarded him with texts begging him to take me back or whine how it isn't fair. I simply said I wouldn't contact him unless he contacted me and he hasn't. I will not reach out again. My best advice to anyone going through what I survived, as much as it sucks and as much as you want to reach out and be with them, cut them off. Take a real look at your relationship. Do you want to go back to it? Is it worth it? If it is, than fight for it and if it works, that's amazing, if it doesn't at least you'll know you gave everything you had. I can promise you it isn't easy, but it does get better.


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