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76 Results For 'bitch'


October 23, 2019 @ (Florida)

Tags: bad breakup

On March 28 of my senior year, a day after my year and 7 months anniversary, my boyfriend had broken up with me. It was sudden and unexpected. We were fighting at the time about something stupid and I had apologized and he never did. I didn't go to school the day after because I was sick. Heartbreak. I loved this man and the reasons he gave for leaving was horrible. He told me I was a bitch, insensitive, and that he hadn't loved me for the last 2 months and he was only with me so I was happy. Although he already planned to break up with me the day after school ended. The next week comes and I found out he already had a new girlfriend. Realization set in. He was cheating. A few weeks later rumors about me were being spread, he was throwing shade at me. I snapped. I told him that if he wanted to be "done" with the relationship like he said then he needed to quit being a petty asshole and grow up. It was over, he moved on and I was on my way with a good life. He didn't stop, but karma was a bitch. His new girlfriend broke up with him after she talked to me and realized that everything he told her about me was a lie.

There was a lesson to be learned. If you say you are done with a relationship then don't make things harder for the other person. Move on. If you hate them, that's fine. Don't go and make their life miserable because you were.

Karma is a bitch.



August 25, 2018 @ (Singapore )

Tags: Lying bitch

My ex gf met in Uni and we dated for 3 years. She broke up with me saying she is not sure of her feelings for me. She assured me there was NOT another guy involved. I asked her what is it about me that she felt insecure with . She said there was nothing to do with me and that she just needed time alone. I tried to bargain and asked that we meet up once every 2 weeks but she wanted a clean break. I was devastated and pleaded via text for a week . I decided to stop becos it hurt too much to hold on to hope. I was sure she was seeing another guy and I hired a private investigator and I was right. She was dating some rich lawyer in his early 30s. I cut off all contact without confronting her and concentrated on healing. 9 months later she called me asking me how I was. I said I am ok and cut the conversation short. She began to call me once every few days talking stupid shit. I told her just get to the point. She wanted to talk face to face. I told her there was no need as I was sure she was not the right person for me. She sounded very surprised and said don’t you want to know why I wasn’t sure of my feelings for you. I was tempted to tell her “ bitch I know of that rich lawyer you were dating.” But i just said “ no not really, I do not love you anymore.” She never contacted me again.



September 20, 2017 @ (India)

Tags: Bad Rebound Break up

Hi Guys, Let me share my story
Myself RJ(28) working in a software company as Team Lead and my ex(23.9) she joined as a fresher in our company recently and started liking from the first day after seeing her. After a casual talk for 2-3 weeks i got her contact no and we went out after office and things started from there and she used to say " I really want to be with you all the time" and later one day she came to my room and we drank and had fun time.She said that she loves me and want's to marry me but i tried to tell her that it may be very difficult because for the fact that we are from different regions like i am from south and she is from north (language,custom difference) and there is age gap of 5 years and i also told her it is just an attraction but she keep on saying that i love you and will marry you and will try to convince her parents . I gave my 100% commitment since then and things went pretty well for 5 months but from jun end she started behaving different and phone calls ,chats and meetings got reduced day to day .I can see the change and started asking what's happening and she used to say that "Her parents started looking for a match", i told her to talk to about us and she said she will talk to them in Oct (she is going to home for Festival) .All of a sudden one fine night she sent breakup message saying " Her family financial condition is not good" and she don't want her father to take any tension because of the relation. I tried to convince her that i will to talk to her family but she is no way interested, I asked her if there any third person came in between and she said "no" . For 1 month i tried to sort out what's happening but one day i went out with our mutual Colleagues to a trip (she didn't came) where i came to know that she had a boyfriend (College break up) and she is still in contact with that guy and he came into her life again and also she showed their close pics to one of my mutual colleague and asked him to help her in talking to her parents to convince them and he talked to her Ex as well. I was literally shocked after hearing that news and the next day me and the colleagues asked about the boyfriend and she was very angry and started shouting on me saying " I just made up this story to cover our relationship in office and said i don't want to see your face again" and said she is getting married(LIE).But from then she stopped talking to me saying that i took her respect in front her colleagues and she said " i made her a bitch" in front of them. All i tried is to make her to understand how much i like her and how much i wanted her in my life . Now day to day its very clear that all the time she just made time pass with me which i thought as love and she stopped talking to me and don't even like to see my face because i exposed about our relation to colleagues which they don't know for last 5 months. We are staying in the same office ,same floor and same section and it is not easy for me to say that daily seeing her and listening her voice all the time and staying calm. She is with her ex now who she broke up with before and all the time she lied ( my understanding) to me .... I came to know that she is in contact with him since beginning but she cleared her traces everywhere and didn't gave a chance to doubt her actions.In office she talks to everyone and being close to a guy who i was in secured off before . I hope now u understand my situation and please suggest how to stay calm in the office. I never said i love you or i will marry you she started the things and now she just broke my heart for her ex boyfriend . I did nothing wrong even she knows that but i am going through a lot of pain now .The worst part is " His ex and me we both don't know that we exist in each other life's " she is too brilliant and hided everything from both of us (me and her ex)


Karma Is A Bitch

September 13, 2017 @ (Quito)

Tags: bad break up, friendzone, karma

Ok, first, sorry for my broken english.

I met this girl in college, when we were 18, so I did my best to get her to like me, we were friends and I felt weird because I was falling for her really deeply, fast forward 7 years; we graduate from college, during that time she had at least 5 boyfriends (and some sex friends) while I was alwas at her side, we spend a lot of time together in that time, I used to help her with homeworks study and stuff; even I helped Her with her tesis; one day she tell our group of friends she broke up whit her current boyfriend.

So I decided that was my chance, but one day I texted her using sweet names like princes and all that stuff; and she texted me back: "I really like the way you treat me, but my boyfriend got mad, so please dont' treat me that way in texts".

I was devasted, I didn't knew they went back, so I decided It was enough, I remember like It was yesterday. I just stopped talking or texting her, and when she finally decided to ask me what happened (3 weeks later and she only texted me because she needed help with her tesis again) I told her the truth; I told her my feelings for her and I told her I wanted her to be happy and decided to leave.

So of course I was the liar, the fake friend, she said she couln't believe I lied her all these years and even she told me she never used me as I told her (even when all my friends told me "she is using you idiot", litterally with that words) and she did nothing else; we never speak again, I letf and she did nothing about it, and is really hard because we have common friends.

So yes, she broke my heart, she didin't give a crap about what I felt for her, and all 7 years or my life went rigth into the trash can, all my friends tol me she was using me and actually teke my side in this story.

Then she met Karma.

She broke up with her boyfriend, dated 2 more guys and finally got married with a guy she met at work, this guy has a child with another woman, and this other woman is crazy, so the girl I love (yes, I still love her) had to take care of the kid, and she has ugly fights with the mother of the kid (she even got hit in the head with a phone, they both ended in the police station).

Even worse, she and her husband don´t have a place of their own, they live in his parents house (My first thougth: wow they can't even pay rent) and my friends always tell me when she has problems in her marriage, she was unemployed for a while, and she even wrote a post on facebbok about her husband's ex and the problemns they had (my friends showed me the post) I don't know how to feel for her.

And me? Well, I got my law degree; I moved from my parents house, got a decent job, and I'm proud to anounce that I'm buying a house of my own.

So, yeah, karma is a bitch !!!!


Silly Girl

March 04, 2017 @ (Taiwan)

Tags: Sad breakup, silly breakup, silly girl, unimaginable breakup

When I was 13, I meet my ex in high school. I remember in the first class, we look at each other and smile which is the moment i remember until now. Those time, when young soul are pure and kind.. When time passes. We had a crush on each other, we knewit but we never confess it.

5 years later where we both are 19, we got together, he is my first love, while im not his first love. He went into several relationship during that 5 years. We were both in a long distance relationship(LDR) as at the year 19 people start going to college in University. I stayed local to further study, while he were in the State.

When we first separated, we fully committed to maintain this uneasy relationship, because i believe in fate. For those who been in a LDR, will know that how stressful, insecure, it is. It brings a lot of stress to me. At the first 4 months it was okay, and after that he start to playing missing, like for a whole day. Dint reply my text, dint pick up my call and dint even told me that when he is awake and when he is going to sleep. The time different between us is horrible, it was me that stay up till midnight to wait for him to wake up, but ended up receiving nothing. This kind of ignorance and gone missing go on and off continuously till another 6 months.

At the 10th month of LDR, i received an odd message from him. It was some very rude words, saying that I am a bitch. And then I realized that it sent by another girl through his phone. At that moment, my heart felt apart. My heart was broken. I cried and call him to explain everything, he told me that he was actually with the girl when he is in the State. He throw all the responsibilities to me to settle all this mess. Ask me to make the decision. I was mentally and physically being tortured. Everything was in a complete mess. His cheating partner was crying and screaming while we having phone call and I am really not under a sober condition to settle this mess. And I decided to hang up the call since I cannot think comprehensively towards everything. After the night, he keep send me sorry words, saying that he din't mean it, saying that he still love me, and a lot of sentences that mentally hurt me a lot. He spam and spam and spam.. every single day and act like he is the one who got hurt. MAN!! I am the one who silently being hurt all the time, every single time! 6 days after the messy break up, his cheating partner texted me, asking me to give him another chance, and told me that he was sick, asking me to send him some warm messages. I cried every single day, i cried a lot. The pain that both of them gave me is unbearable. It's like a knife stuffed into my heart and slowly twisting.

And finally I decided to text him, because I still love him at that point, he cried and beg me, asking me to give him another chance. Because I still love him, and we are back together. Same thing happened, okay at the first month was so good. And the following months he was playing missing. Finally at the third month he wanted to break up, and he said that he is in love with someone else. And we never contacted ever since.

After the break up, I couldn't sleep well at night. I always had nightmares, felt lonely and sad. When I look into the mirror i asked "What now? Am I not good enough?" "Why does being kind people will still get hurt?". All the question i asked, but non of them gave me an answer. Those sadness and insecurities haunted me quite a long time. It started to effect my health.

And after 4 months, someone with him told me the truth, the person told me that he had a lots of girlfriend before and after he gets back with me, all those classes, working timetable and trips with friends that he told me as an excuses of can't make a video call was actually going out have fun with a lots of chicks! Truth hurt. Truth really hurt like hell. I burst into tears when I knew this. I always thought that both of us need a closure, but the pain he gave me that feelings just wont go away. After the truth, and I finally realized that he doesn't deserve my tears. It is not worth to cry for him. Love yourself first girls!

Xoxo Best wishes


Why The Fuck You Need To Know

January 17, 2017 @ (On your dad )

Tags: Bitch what

His dick was too small!! Got em!! Just kidding motherfuckers



November 27, 2016 @ (indiana)

Tags: #dontmesswithme

I'm 17 years old and me and my boyfriend shave been together for 4 years and i had a friend named Stephanie and we knew each other because we are on the same swimming team ,and she one day wanted o come with me and Luke to Panera bread and Luke said he was fine with it and while we were eating i said i needed to use the bathroom so on my way back from the bathroom i saw this lady coming towards me and she said aww, isn't that two cute i said that's my boyfriend ,that bitch!! so i pulled out my phone and i took picture of them , so when we dropped her of at home we were gonna go to Luke's house to watch a movie so i asked him do you love me, he said yes i would never cheat on you so fast forward 4 months i had a swim meet and he showed up and when i was changing into my uniform i caught them making out, i was like ,that slut she was like my best friend ,so after the swim meet he takes my out the gate and we sit on bench and puts his hand on my lap , and says i think we should see other people. i was like the fuck you mean, so then i was like ,you wanna see other people? and he was like your so cool with it , and then was like ya its all good and the next day i went to the wig shop and got my self a red ass Afro, and i went out and got the longest sharpest fake acrylic nails and i got my makeup done and put on this red ass lip stick and put these high ass heals on, went to his house, so when he opened the door and i said here is your new bitch, and he said what you mean, and i said that you said you wanted to see new people so you thought your ass was leaving , and the next day i went up to Stephanie and i punch that bitch so hard she flew into a pool and i was like so you were kissing all up on my man? and then she was like ya, what are you gonna do about it? And then i said wait till tonight and you'll see, so i went home and grabbed all Luke's stuff threw it in Stephanie's yard , grabbed some gasoline , lit that shit the fuck up, grabbed a rock, threw it at her window and a piece of paper and wrote here's all that bitches shit so the i got in the car ,took a picture , sent it to Luke and said i'm the badest bitch alive and don't you ever underestimate me.



November 26, 2016 @ (michigan)

Tags: #bitchthoughtwrong #tf #dontfuckwithmethewrongway

Hi everyone my name is Britney,
That bitch off a boyfriend had left me for a hoe she look like a pig and she dress like she rolled in a pill off dog shit didn't take a shower in 4 weeks and she lives in the trailer park i'm so disapointed in him he probably only wants her because she looks like a prostitute and i think she secretly works as stripper for money and, did i mention she try to were clothes that are like 5 sizes to small for her she try so hard and she don't even know how to put makeup on she was wearing neon green lipstick, yellow wig, and bright sparkling purple eyeshadow . so i saw that scank in fucking McDonalds and i fucking pushed that he so hard on the ground and her 3 bigmacs and 2 large fries on the ground and a apple pie. that shit went flying. That whale bitch so heavy son, and so i said are you the whore that slept with my man in my bed and she was like ya and so i went and picked up her apple fucking pie and and flung her weave from here to fucking Canada and crumbled the pie on the dry ass head. so then that week i went and learned how to shot a gun and acually got one too for a bitch who wanna fucking wit this bitch. but anyways i went to my ex's/my old apartment to get ll my stuff right? no, that whore was n my Tempur-pedic 1,000 dollar fucking bed . and that shit was so wet looking i said , bitch apparently you cum all the way fro Africa cause my bed is ruined. when i saw her ugly as i looked at her one more time and i said how you just gonna ruin my bad and she had the damn nerve to say that it was hers and you know what my ass fucking did was say get the fuck off my bad you have 3 seconds and she said no her ass not moving so my ass leaped across the room into that ed and i pulled put that gun that i was saving for that day she was begging me not to shot her she was on her knees and saying please don't shot me and i was like why shouldn't i, you took my man so instead of shooting her i took her to the park and made her like the entire sidewalk and then put a diaper on and sit in the middle of Walmart saying i'm a slut /hoe and i suck dick for living so i took her home and her ass was crying and so mad she started cussing at me so i slapped her so had i think that bitch flew to Africa. that bitch fucking thought she was gonna get away.



November 26, 2016 @ (michigan)

Tags: #bitchthoughtwrong #tf #dontfuckwithmethewrongway

Hi everyone my name is Britney,
That bitch off a boyfriend had left me for a hoe she look like a pig and she dress like she rolled in a pill off dog shit didn't take a shower in 4 weeks and she lives in the trailer park i'm so disapointed in him he probably only wants her because she looks like a prostitute and i think she secretly works as stripper for money and, did i mention she try to were clothes that are like 5 sizes to small for her she try so hard and she don't even know how to put makeup on she was wearing neon green lipstick, yellow wig, and bright sparkling purple eyeshadow . so i saw that scank in fucking McDonalds and i fucking pushed that he so hard on the ground and her 3 bigmacs and 2 large fries on the ground and a apple pie. that shit went flying. That whale bitch so heavy son, and so i said are you the whore that slept with my man in my bed and she was like ya and so i went and picked up her apple fucking pie and and flung her weave from here to fucking Canada and crumbled the pie on the dry ass head. so then that week i went and learned how to shot a gun and acually got one too for a bitch who wanna fucking wit this bitch. but anyways i went to my ex's/my old apartment to get ll my stuff right? no, that whore was n my Tempur-pedic 1,000 dollar fucking bed . and that shit was so wet looking i said , bitch apparently you cum all the way fro Africa cause my bed is ruined. when i saw her ugly as i looked at her one more time and i said how you just gonna ruin my bad and she had the damn nerve to say that it was hers and you know what my ass fucking did was say get the fuck off my bad you have 3 seconds and she said no her ass not moving so my ass leaped across the room into that ed and i pulled put that gun that i was saving for that day she was begging me not to shot her she was on her knees and saying please don't shot me and i was like why shouldn't i, you took my man so instead of shooting her i took her to the park and made her like the entire sidewalk and then put a diaper on and sit in the middle of Walmart saying i'm a slut /hoe and i suck dick for living so i took her home and her ass was crying and so mad she started cussing at me so i slapped her so had i think that bitch flew to Africa. that bitch fucking thought she was gonna get away.



November 13, 2016 @ (Malaysia)

Tags: Bad breakup

English is not my first language so I hope you guys can overlook my errors. I honestly don't know where to start hahah. In my case, I was the one who screwed up. I screwed up BIG time. It's a little bit more complicated than that tho.. This girl, Dina is her name, she used to have a very serious ex issues when we were dating.. I guess you could say that i was her rebound.. Her ex did all sorts of horrible things to her as he was abusive asf. But Dina dated with that guy for like 4 years so she found it hard to move on and really get over him.. When we were still together, she'd still text her ex and they would fight over the phone and i'd just stand there doing nothing as i respect her decisions..I kept pushing her to just ignore that guy(in a good way) but Dina still have feelings for that son of a bitch and that she couldnt hurt him.. and she said she can handle it.. so i let 'her way of doing things' proceed only until i realized that she's developing some deep feelings of affection again towards her ex..when i wanted to take actions, she yelled at me.. we never yell at each other that point i knew it was already too late for me.. so i decided to send an offensive text to her ex and i did.. he got mad.. at Dina.. and Dina got mad at me.. which i deemed to be very unfair.. so me and Dina had a huge fight and we broke up by hating each other.. Soon after that i realized i have made a huge mistake.. the biggest mistake of my life.. i have lost the love of my life becase of my own ego and selfishness.. I mean, its not her fault to begin with.. her ex started it.. and Dina is just another weak and innocent girl.. she just wanted to help everyone.. i apologized to her.. MANY TIMES.. send her texts..letters.. but she wont return any of em.. and her bestfriend told me that she hates me so much right now.. the unfairness is real..


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