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566 Results For 'broke'


July 20, 2010 @ (Tennessee)

Tags: JoLeigh

My Boyfriend and Me were together for 7 months when it all started. He found out his Uncle (which was like his dad) had cancer. I was ALWAYS there for him, and ALWAYS tried to make him feel better. I sat in the hospital with him a couple of times, to try to make him feel better. He starting acting different around me when all this happend, He was alot more mean & starting acting like he didnt care anymore. I kept telling him how he was hurting my feelings but the fighting continued. At the first of July everything starting going down hill. We fought everyday. I always trie telling him how i felt but he never listened to me. One night around the usual time he calls me He said he wasnt going to call because he was watching a movie. I just asked him If a movie was more important than me? and he said I get mad over the littest things. All I wanted was to talk to my boyfriend? The next night, I texted him and asked him if he was getting tired of me? And he said I dont know, I just need time. So that scared me and I called him. Well apparently he didnt have enough respect for me to go somewhere private so we could talk about this. Because all I could hear in the back ground was people talking & he was saying was Idk Idk Idk to every question I asked. That night I decided to ignore him for the rest of the night & the next few days, hopeing that would make him realize how much he had hurt my feelings. But that was a horrible mistake because all he did was get more pissed at me over it. I finally broke down and texted him a few days after this and all he texted back was," You know we are not dating anymore, Right?" That broke my heart. I called him and we talked for 1 hour & a half. He wanted to take a 2 week break from our relationship because he was so "stressed" & needed time to think. So I was like Okay maybe this will Help out relationship. We went 2 days without talking and i was miserable. I missed him so much. A couple of more days went by and I found out from some of our friends he had been "talking" to another girl. And he denyed it when I asked him. & even his sister said he liked her & they were talking. I told him I was done and I wanted all my stuff back from him. 2 weeks went by, and We havent talked. He has left picture comments on that girls pictures, and ive seen them. Lastnight I broke down and asked him,"Honestly do you miss me?" All he wrote back was, " Kinda, but no not really." I was crying so hard I had a panic attack. Now here I am, Alone. I try to talk to other boys but all they do is remind me of him. I cry everytime Im not with someone being occupied. I miss him ALOT, & knowing im not good enough for him to love me forver like he promised kills me every second. Im depressed & not happy anymore. Ive always been a happy person but I cant even smile anymore. Next monday we would have been together 9 months, I still feel like texting him and saying Happy 9 month Anniversary sweetheart, I love you with all my heart, but i know I cant. God makes everything happen for a reason but i dont feel that this is a blessing or to make things better. Maybe one day someone will bring back the smile on my face.


John L.

July 20, 2010 @ (Orlando)

Tags: 8 year dream

I was with a girl for 7.5 months. When we first met she told me that she was going to try and get back together with her ex.8 years earlier I had begged God to show me the girl I was to marry. I had seen this girl and her dad for 8 years in my dreams and had been looking every day. 2 days before my 23 b-day,I took her out to dinner and it was my first date.We ended up hanging out more and more. FOund out later she was with a guy I knew and was having sex. I am a true Christian and wanted to show her that sex wasn't how you loved someone it was just being with the that mattered most. Her ex had messed up her head. I got drunk for the first time forher and apparently I woke up next morning with no clothes on. I lost my virginity.To me it was the most sacred thing I wanted to give my wife to say this is all that I am and I am giving it to you. We ended up doing it a lot and I thought she would stay with me. She was talking with her ex the whole time and I hated that but was trying to show I cared. He came back 4 two weeks and she had sex with him. I had just given her a 200 dollar pair of earrings saying the night before don't forget about me. She came back and we were together for a few months then she started working at a place full of guys then the there was no contact with her. I was like what the crap. She didnt tell me anything. I had nightmares of me being in the room while she was having sex with a guy I had never seen. Later found out she was seeing a guy from work. And that she had finally broken up with her ex.
I said is there any way that we could start over since she now had a clear head. No. She never once loved me or had feelings for me. They were all transferred from her ex to me. Sorry.
In the end I gave my virginity so she wouldn't go to another guy who would use her for sex,gave her my heart, mind, body and soul. I waited 8 years for this girl and she took everything and said it meant nothing. Now I am afraid to even ask a girl out because I believed in her. One time after sex she was like what is your favorite part. aka on her body. I pointed to her heart. I never wanted sex. I kept telling her it was just holding her hand, being in her arms, and looking into her eyes that made me forget everything. Now I fear she is destroying her future. All I can do is pray



July 14, 2010 @ (Ca)

Tags: Hooked up with someone else while trying to work it out with an ex

My boyfriend and I had been dating for almost a year... Long story short everything had been great between us until shit hit the fan in his life... Things started to get bad between us and we broke up, but continued to see each other, talk, etc on a regular basis. During this he kept telling me that we aren't together, he needs to focus on himself right now, can't give me what I need right now, but loves me and doesn't want to be apart. Well during this I hooked up with an old booty call of mine when my ex and I were fighting. I want to work things out with my ex, but is it worth telling him about the hookup?



July 09, 2010 @ (Washington)

Tags: stalker, engaged

I met my ex through a woman that I worked with (Who, in retrospect, turned out to be as much of a nutcase as my ex). So my ex and I fall "in love" and after about a year of dating, we're engaged.

At this point my soon-to-be husband had been living in the dorms on the military base an hour a way from my home. He promises that he would make the commute a little easier and move closer- even just a little(He doesn't have a car so I'm doing all the driving). So the time comes for him to find a new apartment and I find out that he completely disregards his originally promise and moves about 25 minutes the other direction. Great. We get into a fight, he tells me it's over. I spend the night miserable. The next morning I call him and we work out our issues- he then proceeds to tell me that he got mad at me and "closed" our wedding account (That he hadn't contributed a penny to) and that he left the money at the bank. Of course I find out later that he actually spent it in one night on god knows what. Like an idiot I forgive him and we continue to date....
Nine months later I drive to his apartment (still an hour and 25 minutes away) with red velvet cupcakes and plans for a romantic evening. I help myself in, he's cleaning the bathroom. I give him a big hug... and right as were having this nice moment I see the words "I want my first child to be yours." as an incoming test message. Long story short- He had been cheating on me with this chick for a while. I left heartbroken. The next week I get a death threat from the girl he cheated on me with telling me to leave him alone. I write her off as being crazy but call my ex to talk to him about it. We're talking again anf of course he says he loves me. A couple days later he "loses" his phone and is calling me from a friend's phone to tell me how he wants to work our relationship out and that he needs me. A week later I get a call from his family telling me that he was getting a restraining order against me for stalking him (really long drive to stalk someone), that he changed his number because he was afraid for his safety and that I was crazy. Two weeks later and totally not stalking him- I'm posting lovely new pictures of me and my new love interest. It's a win-win, I found someone better and he'll never have to worry about me "stalking" him again.



June 26, 2010 @ (san diego)

Tags: married man

i had broke up with my girlfriend . less than a week later she kisses her friend from high schools husband which he was already trying to get with her before we even broke up whats crazy about the whole thing she was watching his kids for 6 months prior now he is leaving his wife because he is in love with my x. should i even try to get back with her???? i just love her so much but i think how she went to him that quick just a couple of month ago she wanted to propose to me....



June 22, 2010 @ (mississippi)

Tags: rawr

My then boyfriend and I had been together two years when we got pregnant, i wanted the baby but he didnt. he convinced me to abort the baby but on the day i was supposed to i couldnt bring myself to do it. He broke up with me that day saying i didnt care about his needs.

I now have the cutested baby boy in the whole world.His name is brody allen.
After he was born my ex tried to say that he wasnt his, funny thing was my ex was also my first.
he had to pay for the paternity test which came back that he was the daddy
oh what i would have given to be on jerry.

remember girls, dont get rid of the baby cause you think he will stay, chances are he wont. brody is my miracle and i thanmk god for him everyday



June 22, 2010 @ (arkansas)

Tags: love sucks dont it

So when i was a freshman i fell for the senior soccer star. He was gorgeous goood grades great smile, family guy and all around PERFECT. i obviously was smitten but ha so was his gf of a year. he failed to mention this everytime we hung out everytime we talked and when i brought it up he said that she just couldnt get over him, it was quite sad. the saddest part was he was my first and after we got done she called him and left a voicemail saying baby when your done mowing the lawn call me, i grabbed my clothes and bolted out of there. he tried calling texting everything for almost a month finally i gave in and he said that he didnt know if i really loved him and thats why he stayed with her. LAME right,then he tells me how hes leaving for college and when he gets back were hanging haa he never left, ya i sall pictures on fb of a party in the town we live in he denied them saying they were before he left. THen his still gf posts saying how she loves her marine boyfriend and thinks little girls need to get over him. well needless to say we got into it just to find out that he told her i was obsessed and that i wouldnt leave him alone, so i told her what i knew but she said that i was lying. ha they broke up not that long after and he got with another one of my friends.
he still trys to talk to me but funny thing is now looking back at it i wish i had given myself to someone who respected people more



June 20, 2010 @ (Wisconsin)

Tags: Carol

We were together for 15 months before I finaly broke up with him. When we started going out (I asked him out)he really loved me, he cared, and he treated me right. But after a half of a year he started to change in a bad way. He would choose to play a video game over me. And he would be up all night with his friends and go home and sleep the whole afternoon, so I never could get a hold of him. And so we had about 15 break ups withen the the next few months. I always forgave him and gave him another chance. But then, he would ignore my calls and he would never text me back even though I would leave him a couple of voice messages. And some nights I would call him over 50 times cuz I was worried about him or where he was, but later, I would find out that he was over at his friends house. And he knew that he wasn't doing his part of the relationship. So I was feeling very unappreichated. Not only that but we would always argue and he treated every girl that crossed his path as if they were princesses. I did so much for him, everyday at school, I would buy him his lunch cuz he didn't have the money. I paied for every movies ticket. I even paid for everytime we went out to eat. I loved him so much. I tried so hard for him.I gave him space. I cried out my eyes for him. I went broke cuz of him. I am hated by the people who use to love me cuz of him(cuz every one I knew hated him). I changed my whole life for him. But he took me for granted, so I did what he deserved, cuz I know I deserve better. I bumped his a**.

I didn't want money or a car. I just wanted to be loved for who I am.



June 17, 2010 @ (New York)

Tags: new york

me and my girl were together since high school. she played volleyball and soccer. i played football and baseball. we were homecoming king and queen. to all the guys that read this i know it sounds gay but its true. we were completely in love and whatever. then i had to go serve in the army. i had no choice, its a family tradition. we first broke up because long distance does not really work, but we wrote a lot and thought we should at least try to stay together. she said she did not want to have anyone else.. at the time.. then i found out from my best friend, kyle, that she was hooking up and having orgies almost every night. that did not sound like her so i asked her in my next letter. found out it was true.. so fucking pissed. i guess since i was gone she changed and missed me so much or something and had to be with other people.. which i think is bullshit. i came back to new york and hooked up with her best friend to get back at her. i ended up actually liking the best friend because i hooked up with her we talked. we went to Starbucks. then my original girl wanted me back. fuck that. me and her best friend are engaged right now. so yeah.. thats my fucked up life..



June 01, 2010 @ (somewhere in hell )

Tags: My story lol is one undeserved nightmare

last night he lied to me stayed out all night cause no curfew n the night it was changed he rather hang out with local lowermainland surrey hookers and he ignored me he truly is a peice of shit he was always mean to me cheated on me lets guys take advantage of me tell them that i think hes my bf n so ive had some creepy creepers pull their gross baby dicks n say its ok n what MY ex bf said about being with other girls and how he hangs out with them all the time but theyre all nasty n sell themselves thats low and gross and i dont do that lifestyle he scams ppl n lies to his mom n steals from her and i paid for this month then im gone but its not that sad i guess its all for the best its over alanna ive had a bad life n alot of pain n he knew it all he doesnt remeber anything about me or us or anythin,its hard to explain how bad i let this shit continue on its kinda sad but its sad that he wants to be with that lol its funny as well lol cause im really good lookin ive tried alot of things and i knew it wasnt me and he couldnt say the truth i mean if u dont wanna be w./someone u say it n ur done but hes hateful and im warnin u girls about him hell probly lie and tell u fake info about his name n shiz or drug u up so he make mula postin pics n lettin ppl watch him fuck nasty hookers w two more old men who are junkys and trash n have hores all the time like non stop im single now and i dont wanna go out with anyone i jus wanna be me lol n honestly he can kiss my sexy ass goodbye hes borin in bed fucks like a retard
this has been hard i broke up with him cause he came to me cryin cause he got awwwwwested n had to stay clean in jail for two days lol so i deleted my email from his account cause he wanted me to change his pw and i saw his gfs emails other lady friends like fuck u he thinks im stupid ...but i sent him an email or two n it wasnt bad its jus get the hell away from me buddday seriously were on a different levels and hell never change