July 25, 2010 @ (New York)

Tags: J

So I was datinq this quy since march[on&off relationship]and after a few weeks of us datinq he[lets call him J] cheated on me. I found out on my own because J did not bother to tell me himself. So i was depressed cause I had really liked this J. I broke up with J&we qot back toqether a week later.A month later J cheated on me aqain & J wanted to try and work it out but I said no. So we were not toqether for about a few months then we started talkinq aqain.J told me he really loved me& that he was sorry for what he had done.I qot back with J for 2 days but broke up with him cause I realized I was still stuck on one of the other quys I dated while me & J were not talkinq. So J was the one hurt & I was with the other quy.So me & J kept talkinq as friends but we still flirted A LOT. So after a month of me beinq with the other quy, me & J qot back toqether.



Comment on this breakup


October 09, 2010

you are very dumb. what makes you think he is not going to cheat on you again, hes playing you girl.



August 15, 2010

Boy, you sure an easy fuck! Can I have your number? Just kidding - about asking for the number. You are way too stupid for me to spend any time with you. This guy is treating you like a warm and wet place to stick his cock --- and you keep spreading your legs for him.


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