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June 17, 2010 @ (New York)

Tags: new york

me and my girl were together since high school. she played volleyball and soccer. i played football and baseball. we were homecoming king and queen. to all the guys that read this i know it sounds gay but its true. we were completely in love and whatever. then i had to go serve in the army. i had no choice, its a family tradition. we first broke up because long distance does not really work, but we wrote a lot and thought we should at least try to stay together. she said she did not want to have anyone else.. at the time.. then i found out from my best friend, kyle, that she was hooking up and having orgies almost every night. that did not sound like her so i asked her in my next letter. found out it was true.. so fucking pissed. i guess since i was gone she changed and missed me so much or something and had to be with other people.. which i think is bullshit. i came back to new york and hooked up with her best friend to get back at her. i ended up actually liking the best friend because i hooked up with her we talked. we went to Starbucks. then my original girl wanted me back. fuck that. me and her best friend are engaged right now. so yeah.. thats my fucked up life..



June 01, 2010 @ (somewhere in hell )

Tags: My story lol is one undeserved nightmare

last night he lied to me stayed out all night cause no curfew n the night it was changed he rather hang out with local lowermainland surrey hookers and he ignored me he truly is a peice of shit he was always mean to me cheated on me lets guys take advantage of me tell them that i think hes my bf n so ive had some creepy creepers pull their gross baby dicks n say its ok n what MY ex bf said about being with other girls and how he hangs out with them all the time but theyre all nasty n sell themselves thats low and gross and i dont do that lifestyle he scams ppl n lies to his mom n steals from her and i paid for this month then im gone but its not that sad i guess its all for the best its over alanna ive had a bad life n alot of pain n he knew it all he doesnt remeber anything about me or us or anythin,its hard to explain how bad i let this shit continue on its kinda sad but its sad that he wants to be with that lol its funny as well lol cause im really good lookin ive tried alot of things and i knew it wasnt me and he couldnt say the truth i mean if u dont wanna be w./someone u say it n ur done but hes hateful and im warnin u girls about him hell probly lie and tell u fake info about his name n shiz or drug u up so he make mula postin pics n lettin ppl watch him fuck nasty hookers w two more old men who are junkys and trash n have hores all the time like non stop im single now and i dont wanna go out with anyone i jus wanna be me lol n honestly he can kiss my sexy ass goodbye hes borin in bed fucks like a retard
this has been hard i broke up with him cause he came to me cryin cause he got awwwwwested n had to stay clean in jail for two days lol so i deleted my email from his account cause he wanted me to change his pw and i saw his gfs emails other lady friends like fuck u he thinks im stupid ...but i sent him an email or two n it wasnt bad its jus get the hell away from me buddday seriously were on a different levels and hell never change


Tim Tam

May 25, 2010 @ (Melbourne)

Tags: Sexy1, holiday2, stupid3

My ex of 6 years is a stupid b***h...
She always likes to take control of situations. Well we went to Thailand a few months ago and of course she had to plan the trip from start to finish.
Well let me tell you she booked a "tour" with this shady looking guy.. Long story short I nearly lost my balls and she nearly got kidnapped.

I was sick of her stupid incompetent brain.. Useless woman so I told her it was over because she was way way to stupid for me.. To bad nice bod..

Cant have them both brains and looks.. But after a while who cares how they look you want someone you can talk to and have a proper conversation with... BUYA!!


John Smitty

May 24, 2010 @ (neverland)

Tags: breakup, cat, pussy, death

My girlfriend and I were on Skype having a serious talk about our relationship. She then grabs her cat and begins to choke it. She said the cat is a metaphor for our relationship and I had to convince her to stay in the relationship before the cat died. I tried to come up with a good reason, but the dying cat was distracting me. I told her to stop but she didn't listen. Apparently i didn't come up with a good reason quick enough because the cat died.

I really thought we had something together, but killing a small animal to prove a point really turns me off. There's a little part of me that thinks, if we didn't break up, that I would be next.



May 24, 2010 @ (ny)

Tags: 123

i was in a relationship for 9 months with a guy that i considered to be the love of my life. everything was going well untill i started hearing rumors that he was talkng to my cousin. i couldnt believe it and at the time didnt pay too much mind to it. it just so happened to be true. they were talking and i was heart broken. my own cousin betrayed me and so did he. he begged me to forgive him and assured me that she didnt mean anything to him. unbelievably i forgave him. i was too in love with him and didnt want to lose him. Everything went well after that and there were nomore rumors.

On the day of my birthday everything changed. He sent me a text message telling me that im a hoe for not telling him that i had gone out with a guy that he knows. that got me really upset since that had happened way before him. He told me off and told me it was over. He messed up my birthday i was heart broken and stressed. But my heart still loves him its just unexplainable :/..



May 18, 2010 @ (Michigan)

Tags: break up, cheating, lies, sad, heart broken, broken, depressed

In December of 2009, I started dating this guy. I was really in love with him, and I thought he loved me, too. At the end of the month, I found out he'd been cheating on me with some girl he met online. I decided to give him another chance because he had begged me, and I loved him. So, he tells me he's still cheating, and that he's sorry. I know it's stupid of me, but I gave him ANOTHER chance.

In March, right before my spring break, he tells me that he doesn't love me anymore and that I'm taking all his friends out of his life. I only said I was jealous because he was sleeping in the same bed as his ex girl friend who has a crush on him. (They weren't having sex.) I asked him to stop over a text message and he texted back saying he didn't love me anymore and that he was speaking from his heart.

While I was on vacation over spring break, I met a guy on YouTube, and we exchanged AIMs. On the last day of my vacation, this guy tells me that he's really my ex boyfriend and that he really still loves me, but he doesn't want to get back together.

We stayed apart for a few days after I returned from my vacation, and then he asked me out again. I said yes, because... I have quite the weak spot for him. He promises he loves me and I'm sure he's not cheating anymore, but the fact that he put me through that makes me cry all the time.



May 17, 2010 @ (Powell, TN)

Tags: marriage break up

Well i got married in 2007 and the first month was fine then my husbands mother calls and says she is gonna lose her place and well he goes running(such a mamas boy)he quits a dang good paying job and goes running home ta mama and well of course i went with him and well we get there and he let her run our marriage and run all over me treating me like cinderella and later he starts callin from work askin his mama if he can go out with some friends can you believe that he asked her and not me he let me there alone and my mother-in-law run all over me and he did not care well i put up with it till later when he started comin home drunk demanding sex and gettin abusive bic he had turned into a bad drug addict and was liein ta me about it well i go home after 3 months of torture and 3 days later he calls and says when ya commin home and i said i am home till ya start treatin me like a wife and stop runnin ta ya momma for everything and also i am not commin back till you stop yer drinkin and drugs and he said look i am who i am and if ya can not except that then it is over and i said well then i guess it is over and he said you bet it is and he hung up.and that is how we broke up.



May 14, 2010 @ (America)

Tags: living well

M and I were dating for 2 1/2 years when we broke up, but it wasn't like your ordinary breakup. Starting around January he started ignoring me all during the week then calling at the end of the week and giving me excuses like; I was sick, my phone broke, work was hard, and even once saying he forgot my number. Theses excuses went one for well over a months when I decided enough was enough - I simply stopped calling him, and he didn't call me either. It was like our relationshp faded.

It broke my heart so much, for the first month I was inconsolable. Then less than two months later I found out he was dating some other girl and It re-shattered my heart – it felt like he had never loved me in the first place if getting over me was that easy.

It compelled me to work harder at school, my career, and personal relationships – and to make a horrible story great, this year so far - I gotten the highest GPA I have ever had, I’m in better shape than I was when I was dating him, and I have an even closer relationship with my friends and family now.

What going on with me ex? He broke up with that girl he was dating and got fired from yet another job.

Living well really is the best revenge!



May 13, 2010 @ (Australia)

Tags: Acting break up

I met my ex through a friend- we had the most amazing relationship, I couldn't have loved him anymore if I'd tried. We moved in together a month into our relationship and it all went so well. Six months into our love fest he went away for 4 months to work as an extra on a mini series, he thought he was going to be a celeb after his debut, little did he know he was one of a hundred people playing the same role as him.

He came back a different person, totally different. I went from number one in his life to number?? I would never know.

It was pretty apparent that he was flirting with a handful of girls, I guess he was making sure that he had a back up for when he was done with me.

We ended up moving back in with each other when he got back. We found a gorgeous little place then a month into our move he came on our 2 year anniversary, a candle lit dinner awaited him with me standing in a sexy red dress, he didn't say a word. He grabbed his clothes looked at me and said "I just don't love you anymore".

He came back the next day saying it was a mistake so he moved back in, then a week later I woke to a letter with the words "I'm sorry I was right the first time"

For the month following he came in and out of contact with me- contacting our mutual friends and asking them to contact me to check up on me, contacting my old teachers, people that I really didn't need contacting me asking them to call me because i was in need of their.

The final blow was when he decided to come back, we were together for a month then a dear friend of mine passed away. I called him asking him to come home because i needed him and he said that he'd not be coming back, ever.

A month later, Facebook brought to my attention that he was dating a friend of mine, that was the last straw.

If he were as great an actor on stage as he was in real life he'd be winning oscars every year :)



May 05, 2010 @ (Bucharest)

Tags: chase, funny

We had a two and a half year relationship..Lot of fighting going on...
A couple of days b4 Valentine's day he tells me he is going for a trip to another town in Romania, to some friend of his, but I shouldn't call him there, because he wants to give RESET to our relationship and we would start afresh when he is back.
The day before Valentine's he dumps me on messenger!
His reason, I am tragic, jealous and crazy..And, poor thing, he can't go on anymore.

Couple of weeks later, coincidence!, I see him on the streets with a new girl, holding hands, acting all in love, taking picture and stuff..
I was on the other part of a big boulevard.
Curiosity seizes me, i wanted to confront it, or, truth be told, to see what she was like. So I trY crossing that busy boulevard, cars honking, the whole gamut...
But surprise, surprise, they spot me!!
For a second they stop and laugh pointing a finger at me(well at least that's how I remember it) and THEN the coward starts running dragging the poor girl along.
I run too, they run faster, they hide beyond a barrack, i lose sight.

Lol, that was pretty traumatic at the moment, but at least i can laugh about it now..
whereas for my ex, he did me a world of good for leaving:P


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