
May 18, 2010 @ (Michigan)

Tags: break up, cheating, lies, sad, heart broken, broken, depressed

In December of 2009, I started dating this guy. I was really in love with him, and I thought he loved me, too. At the end of the month, I found out he'd been cheating on me with some girl he met online. I decided to give him another chance because he had begged me, and I loved him. So, he tells me he's still cheating, and that he's sorry. I know it's stupid of me, but I gave him ANOTHER chance.

In March, right before my spring break, he tells me that he doesn't love me anymore and that I'm taking all his friends out of his life. I only said I was jealous because he was sleeping in the same bed as his ex girl friend who has a crush on him. (They weren't having sex.) I asked him to stop over a text message and he texted back saying he didn't love me anymore and that he was speaking from his heart.

While I was on vacation over spring break, I met a guy on YouTube, and we exchanged AIMs. On the last day of my vacation, this guy tells me that he's really my ex boyfriend and that he really still loves me, but he doesn't want to get back together.

We stayed apart for a few days after I returned from my vacation, and then he asked me out again. I said yes, because... I have quite the weak spot for him. He promises he loves me and I'm sure he's not cheating anymore, but the fact that he put me through that makes me cry all the time.



Comment on this breakup


July 12, 2010

Hah, hah, hah. Brenna you are one dumb cunt. You're spreading your legs for him while he's tapping all sorts of pussy on the side.



June 22, 2010

chances of him chaning or slim to none, guys and girls do this shit all the time play the i will change card and things will get better we all know that most of the time they never do. your always going to think about what he did and when you guys fight you will hold that over his head. Move on and find someone who WONT cheat cause the person whose worth all your tears WONT make you cry



June 15, 2010

if he's done it that many times what makes you think he wont keep going. Its probably a game for him and your playing ball he has you where he wants you and he knows that with you he can do what he wants and you'll still take him back. I know that people say love can survive anything but thats just taking the piss. If i were you i'd call it quits the FIRST time. No person should be treated like a toy and thats what your being.



May 23, 2010

He's just playing with you. He's jerking you around like that because it's fun. How can you not see that? The stuff on youtube? That was cruel for the sake of being cruel - he's probably laughing about it with his girlfriend.



May 19, 2010

Wow, do you have a big bowl of stupid for breakfast or what??? You give this guy chance after chance, believe that he is sleeping with his ex but not fucking her, try stepping out yourself but he traps you on YouTube and outs you,but you still go out with him anyhow. He must have a 10 inch personality. Or you are just unbelievably dumb.