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57 Results For 'chris'


May 30, 2011 @ (Los Angeles, CA)

Tags: anniversary, lingerie, christmas, republican, gift

it dragged on 2 years more than it had to. I knew it wasn't a forever type of thing. He didn't. whenever I felt the breakup urge the strongest, it was always close to a special holiday or anniversary.

I was house sitting. It was xmas time. He came over and I let him know it was over. I don't remember if it was our anniversary but he had brought a gift of lingerie. He was also an inbred materialistic, cheapskate republican. So let's just call it even.


For Mike And Tiffany

December 30, 2010 @ (Arizona)

Tags: suicide, secretary

Dear Mike, Since you refuse to take my calls and you have blocked my email, I am left with no options but this. I know you will read this, because you chose to end our relationship on this site and I know you enjoy reading these things. First, I was devastated when you disappeared on Christmas Eve, so much so I had a spontaneous miscarriage. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I was going to tell you everything on Christmas morning, sort of your present from me. Mike, my dearest love, the reason I had been eating so much, and gaining weight was because I was pregnant with our child. When we were in Milan, I hadn't taken my birth control for a while. That was on purpose. After out fight in August about having kids, I really thought about it, and I decided to make some changes in my life. I wanted to show you I was committed to you, so I made the decision to get pregnant. (That is why those sheets were special to me. Our baby was conceived on them.) I'm so sorry that I just didn't tell you sooner, but I wanted to be sure I could carry it to term. Mike, I was so scared about bringing a child into this messed up world. When I lost my parents at 6 years old, I promised I would never make my children grow up the way I did. That is why I told you I never wanted to have a child. Mike, I'm sorry, I was afraid I would fail as a parent. And now, I'm sorry, I have done exactly that. Mike, they did all they could, but she was just too early. She lived for a few minutes, just long enough for me to hold her. Mike, she was so beautiful. She had your nose. I could see both of us in her tiny face. I named her Sarah Rose, after your G-Mom.
Mike, please forgive me for not telling you everything sooner. I did so want to make this Christmas a new beginning for us. I had already told Max, I was quitting after the new year. That is why I was pushing Tiffany so hard; she was to take my place when I left the company. Please tell her to call Max, the job is still hers.
Mike, I just wanted you to know, you are and will always be my forever love. I never wanted anything in this world but to make you happy. I realize now I have failed at that too.
You asked for a present for Tiff's and your child. So here it is. I've left everything to you, the house in Tahoe will be paid off, and everything else is here in Scottsdale. I've signed everything into your name. I've always known I never "fit" in this world, and now that you are gone, I see no reason to continue this charade. I wish all three of you all the happiness possible.
Please go to the bird lady's house and get Pete and Polly. I told her they now belong to you. I am going now to be with our little girl. Maybe, if there really is a heaven, we will all be together some day. Until then, I will always be loving you and looking over you. My dearest love, farewell.


Mike Hawke

December 24, 2010 @ (Arizona)

Tags: christmas, secretary

I am currently at my girl friends house, using her computer. Its Christmas Eve, and she's sleeping on the couch cause we just got done having sex all night. SO, here comes the break up!

She doesn't know but I have been sleeping with her secretary, Tiffany, for the last two months. We met at the Halloween party, and when I said I was giving "Randy" a ride home, I had actually taken Tiff back to our house and screwed her in our bed. (yes honey, on those sheets you bought in Italy.) Now you know why they smelled like Chanel, when you wear DKNY.

So, later when I leave this web page open, and tell you I'm going to the store for cigarettes and you begin to wonder why I don't come back and wont answer my phone, Its because I'm spending Christmas at Tiff's house and I'm dumping your Dean and Deluca gobbling fat ass!

By the way, Tiff says she's giving her notice and good luck finding a new secretary you "slave driving bitch".

Oh, and if you want to know the "why", remember how you said your career was more important than having kids or even me? Well, our baby (Tiff's and mine)is due in July and we will be expecting a gift! Good luck with that career thing! and MERRY CHRISTMAS! Ho Ho Ho.



December 22, 2010 @ (Ohio)

Tags: Break up

Ok, well here is my story, Me and my girlfriend were going out for about 3 months, i loved her to death, i would do anything to be with her, Im a nice guy, and i was devoting my life to her, we had great times together, a few days ago we broke up, she dumped me, saying she wasn't ready. i honestly would do anything to get her back, and feel like i used to. I cared about her so much, and we talked almost everyday, but sadly she was always busy and could only spend time with me sometimes, but we talked over the phone everyday. I loved her, and still do, i dont see what went on, i was told that 2 hours before we broke up she was think of a gift to give me for Christmas, because i got her an extremely nice necklace. I feel horrible, and i want her back. any advice to get her to take me back one day. It would just kill me to see her together with a jerk because i treated her like she was everything, and thats what i think scard her away from me.



December 19, 2010 @ (united states)

Tags: example 3

ok so me and my boyfriend were dating for a year 4 months.we were completely in love with each other for a year..then things were getting weird so we broke up,we then decided that we couldnt live without each other and got back together.we broke up and got back together about 3 times in 4 months.well we had a christmas dance the day after his birthday.things were going pretty good we had our little fights but what relationship doesnt? so the day of his birthday he we probably hungout for an hour.he said that he had things to do like go chritmas shopping and go out to eat with his family....i wasnt invited.oh and christmas was 4 weeks away.seemed a little the next day, the morning of our dance, he decided that he didnt want to go with me.i was so confused and ddnt really understand why.but we ended up going.we had a lot of fun at dinner but he was being awkward at the dance...that night my mom had decided that she didnt want me to be with she made us was terrible...but we still talked at school (the breakup happened on sunday) on monday he told me that he loved me and that he still wanted to be with me and i told him my feelings were mutual. well on tuesday he was all over this girl and they were holding hands at school all day...i go home to find a facebook message saying that he oesnt want anything to do with me and that he hopes it will work out in the end.i was doing good for two weeks.i was hanging out with another guy and didnt really think about my ex.well i just recently broke down.every song i heard remindedme of him...i read all the notes and messages we sent each other.we were in sooo much love with each other.he screwed me over so bad and i dont know how to get over him.i miss him so much and i still love him but i dont want to.he has been such a jerk to me and he hates! i need advice...please help.



November 21, 2010 @ (great britain)

Tags: any advice...

Ihave dated someone for 9 months. He proposed me and even asked my family for permission to get married...
Then it wasnt going anywhere, I wanted to talk about the future, he didnt, was always too tired or any other excuses... Then things became very violent, from his side and mine. We both have bad temper, but we both got worse. I asked him to go and talk to someone, somewhere, so we could sort ourselves out. I do love him... but then he's got a depression, I think it's a lot worse than he wants to admit... and he promised me he was gonna stop smoking marihuana, which turns him into a different person (in a bad way) and makes him very angry and irritable and I think has to do with his depression too... so, he smoked again, inspite of the fact he's on anti-depresants and we argued because of that and his mood swings, his behaviour and all that...... he kicked me out the house, i cried my eyes out. I am in a foreign country with no friends or relatives, so you figure out the rest of the story. I am destroyed, confused, crushed, feeling guilty, lonely and cold. Thinking, I could have done better than getting angry... but then we've been together for 9 months and always argued about his smoking habit..... relations are problematic enough to be adding a drug addition weight on top of all... I even bought tickets to leave the country for Christmas with him.......he doesnt realise how much smoking his thing makes us argue and puts pressure on us....... then he thinks I am yelling because I am a bitch with no other reason but nagging; and I cant put up with the fact that it's always his house and he can kick me out of it when he feels like it; that i always gotta give in if I want things to go smooth, otherwise, we argue....
I wish I had never met him, so I wouldnt be in this position now. I'm 30 and feel terribly sad and lonely, with no friends, family or place to go. I can't talk to anyone, cuz I dont have friends in here really, so I am writing this here, so I can get it out of my chest... I love him so much but I dont even think he realises how much it takes for someone to have the courage to come after the one you love in a foreign land... next time, I'll be more selfish and think more about me...
I feel left alone, sad, disappointed, heartbroken!!!!!!!!!! I thought he was the 1 and I adore him. It just that I dont know what else to do!!!! It's like a battle I cant never win and if he doesnt want to help himself and us, then there's no point in me trying to get this right... but it hurts so much!!! I was gonna spend the rest of my life with him!!! I even thought I could jump out of a building and end this!!!! .... I am just so sad...
Any advice???



August 11, 2010 @ (Canada)

Tags: sad, depressing

My boyfriend (now ex) started dating in my first year of highschool. It was one of those highschool relationships that you see on the movies, and who every teenage girl hopes to have. We were together all through out highschool. He was so in love with me. Honestly, Im pretty sure I could of gotten away with anything and he would always come back to me. A lot of it had to do with the fact that we were eachothers first time and lust/love was being thrown around together. But at the end of the day we really did love eachother and we had something that some people will never ever experience. We were best friends. We knew every single thing about eachother. It was a relationship where I could take a crap infront of him and that wasnt a problem at all! haha! at one point he even moved away for half a year and still we some how made it work. But then, oh i forgot to mention he is a year older than me! anyways, he started university and I was in my last year of highschool. Thats when everything changed. We had always had our problems. his was honesty issues, mine where anger issues. But once he moved on, it was like we were completley different people! I know... if any of you are reading this you are probably thinking my story is pretty boring. he never cheated on me with my sister, or i never left him at the alter. We were just two regular people who were at one moment so in love... to not even knowing who eachother were. I guess im writing this because im so depressed and bitter with the reality of relationships and life in General. We ended up breaking up because our lives and our relationships became so routine. We new that we loved eachother but we were stuck making time to see eachother to make love with one another, to make sure we set enough time to have a phone conversation once a day, made sure we sent eachother at least 10 txts a day to make sure our days were going alright. It was horrible and I was unhappy, and because I was unhappy we fought... all the time. So those "dates" turned into a boxing ring. So eventually I had to end it. that was about around last christmas. I didnt blame him, nor did I blame myself. I blamed our situation. He was in Univserity and leading a completley different life than me, I was enjoying my last year of highschool. But since we broke up, I have had a few flings, slepted with a random, tried to pretend that those guys could at some point mean something to me, but at the end of the day, it was always him, and I feel as if it will ALWAYS be him. But again, it hurts me so much to see how things change... it wasnt supposed to turn out this way. I am now moving to Europe in a few weeks for a year, he has a new girlfriend( who is horrible) and we went from being so happy and to not being able imagine our selves without eachother, to leading completley different lives without eachother in them. Am I still in love with him- Yes. most definatley... if he magicaly asked me to be with him again would i say yes-No. Definatly not. I wish i could of met him in 5 years.. thats what i always told him. I wish we met in a different life where we could be with eachother and love eachother completley without having such barriers set up between us, masking the love we had for eachother. I cry at night, i miss him every night. I dont want to leave without him touching me, kissing me, looking me in te eyes one last time. But i know thats not possible. i want him to be able to move on, all i want is for him to be happy. He deserves it.


John L.

July 20, 2010 @ (Orlando)

Tags: 8 year dream

I was with a girl for 7.5 months. When we first met she told me that she was going to try and get back together with her ex.8 years earlier I had begged God to show me the girl I was to marry. I had seen this girl and her dad for 8 years in my dreams and had been looking every day. 2 days before my 23 b-day,I took her out to dinner and it was my first date.We ended up hanging out more and more. FOund out later she was with a guy I knew and was having sex. I am a true Christian and wanted to show her that sex wasn't how you loved someone it was just being with the that mattered most. Her ex had messed up her head. I got drunk for the first time forher and apparently I woke up next morning with no clothes on. I lost my virginity.To me it was the most sacred thing I wanted to give my wife to say this is all that I am and I am giving it to you. We ended up doing it a lot and I thought she would stay with me. She was talking with her ex the whole time and I hated that but was trying to show I cared. He came back 4 two weeks and she had sex with him. I had just given her a 200 dollar pair of earrings saying the night before don't forget about me. She came back and we were together for a few months then she started working at a place full of guys then the there was no contact with her. I was like what the crap. She didnt tell me anything. I had nightmares of me being in the room while she was having sex with a guy I had never seen. Later found out she was seeing a guy from work. And that she had finally broken up with her ex.
I said is there any way that we could start over since she now had a clear head. No. She never once loved me or had feelings for me. They were all transferred from her ex to me. Sorry.
In the end I gave my virginity so she wouldn't go to another guy who would use her for sex,gave her my heart, mind, body and soul. I waited 8 years for this girl and she took everything and said it meant nothing. Now I am afraid to even ask a girl out because I believed in her. One time after sex she was like what is your favorite part. aka on her body. I pointed to her heart. I never wanted sex. I kept telling her it was just holding her hand, being in her arms, and looking into her eyes that made me forget everything. Now I fear she is destroying her future. All I can do is pray



March 13, 2010 @ (SC)

Tags: drinking, texting

So here is our story. We met on a dating website. After meeting him and a few others, I realized he was absolutely normal and just looking for what I was looking for. Anyway, after a month or so, we began dating officially, and he always said stuff like "You're the best," "I definitely want this to be the real deal," etc. Buttttt, eventually after like 3 months, he confessed his previous break ups were screwing him up and he no longer wanted to be with me. When this happened, he was drunk. I went to his place to discuss this stuff that happened and what all he said to me to find out he was completely trashed and didn't know why he said that stuff to me. I told him that was his last chance. We were going strong so I moved in right after Christmas. It was absolutely amazing...until last night. He had his first bottle of Jim Beam in three weeks so he definitely got drunk. After three drinks, he was drunk (which isn't normal for him). His guy friend came over to play beer pong so I had my girl friend come over. She had to go home and then the crap started. He sent me a text (by the way, he was on drink 7 or 8 by now) that said "Idk if we should be together." I'm not much of a drinker. I don't like to lose control of myself. So, I took the text and went to the bedroom. He continued to drink. I told him to get in there and say stuff to me and not through texts. Of course he wouldn't so I told him that I love him and that I know I am good for him and his son. He said "Youre a great girl yeah but I can live without you sorry." Immediately, I packed a bag and left. I don't know why in the world he pulled this stuff, but I am going to move out. He apparently doesn't want to work this out.



March 12, 2010 @ (US)

Tags: Love? Lust? Lonely?

Well me and this girl were dating for 6 months...She was my first love, I can still honestly say I never met anyone like her...She is really something, Which makes her so special..But sadly I am not the only one who notices those traits. I was in love, We would talk for hours on the phone I would write poems and say the most romantic things I could think of. Things were almost perfect the only problem was that we couldn't see each other as often as we liked. I hated it, and when she told her mother that we were dating....She didn't approve. I was younger and in her book....That's bad. One night she calls me crying her eyes out that she needs time alone ( Her and her mom got in a fist fight and got a black eye out of it ) She said she needs to deal with her problems and needs to break up with me. I was crushed....But I understood and said I would wait for her.
After the break up there were rumors going about that she was cheating on me and that was the real reason she broke up with me....This was coming from my closest friends and there would be no reason for them to lie to me. I believed them. ( Very Bad Choice ). I told her that I don't want to speak to her and to not talk to me, think of me or anything. I hated myself for what I did to her. Days later I called her and she made it clear that the rumors were started by her ex-boyfriend who just wanted to piss her off. It sadly worked and got me into deep trouble. (Oh by the way the day I told her...was on her birthday...yeah..I know..)
I felt like such an idiot. For weeks I tried to do everything in my power for her to forgive me. A few times she said that she doesn't feel the same way anymore for what has happened. (I don't blame her). After a while we start getting the spark back and begin to show feeling again. I still wanted her ever so much and I was waited for the right moment to ask her out again, It was Christmas time and I had a necklace in a box and underneath that box was a letter and a ring, asking her to be mine once more.
I call her to let her know I'm coming over, She starts acting strange and I ask her whats wrong. She tells me that she's not sure If she wants to be with me, "I didn't do anything wrong did I?" I ask her and she say no...But If she really did love me she wouldn't care what her Mom says.
Scared and worried that Ive lost my only chance to have her back I go over the following day with the present and flowers. I get there and she refuses to take the gifts. For fear that she doesn't feel anything for me anymore. We have a long talk and she concludes that the only reason that she wanted me was to pretty much F.... ME!. I refused to believe that fact I doubt that every "I Love You" she ever said to me was to have me in bed... After a long talk I ask her to look at me In the eye and tell me..."You Don't Love Me" she hesitates and finally says it. "I Don't Love You" ...I had nothing left to say...I give her my present and leave.
Weeks pass by and she calls me to say "Sorry, she only said those things because she doesn't want to get attached to me, and doesn't want a boyfriend." I forgive her and say that she could have just said that in the beginning. After a week I notice...Shes flirting with other guys and I see it kind of odd.
I confront her about It and ask If shes ever lied to me...She says that shes not with anyone ...BUT she is starting to like another guy. She starts to cry and tells me that shes truly sorry. I love this girl and there is nothing I can't forgive her for. and so I forgave her and let her know how special she really is to me. The following day, Merely hours before me and her finally get into a good start. The guy she likes starts calling her his girlfriend, and saying how much she means to him.
I didn't know what else to do...I confronted her about it for the last time and she says that she didn't know anything about him calling her his girlfriend. But she is kind of happy that he does indeed call her his girlfriend. The last thing I tell her..Is "I love you...Take Care"

I hope shes okay.


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