Searching for "until"

223 Results For 'until'


February 13, 2010 @ (SC)

Tags: drinking, texting

So here is our story. We met on a dating website. After meeting him and a few others, I realized he was absolutely normal and just looking for what I was looking for. Anyway, after a month or so, we began dating officially, and he always said stuff like "You're the best," "I definitely want this to be the real deal," etc. Buttttt, eventually after like 3 months, he confessed his previous break ups were screwing him up and he no longer wanted to be with me. When this happened, he was drunk. I went to his place to discuss this stuff that happened and what all he said to me to find out he was completely trashed and didn't know why he said that stuff to me. I told him that was his last chance. We were going strong so I moved in right after Christmas. It was absolutely amazing...until last night. He had his first bottle of Jim Beam in three weeks so he definitely got drunk. After three drinks, he was drunk (which isn't normal for him). His guy friend came over to play beer pong so I had my girl friend come over. She had to go home and then the crap started. He sent me a text (by the way, he was on drink 7 or 8 by now) that said "Idk if we should be together." I'm not much of a drinker. I don't like to lose control of myself. So, I took the text and went to the bedroom. He continued to drink. I told him to get in there and say stuff to me and not through texts. Of course he wouldn't so I told him that I love him and that I know I am good for him and his son. He said "Youre a great girl yeah but I can live without you sorry." Immediately, I packed a bag and left. I don't know why in the world he pulled this stuff, but I am going to move out. He apparently doesn't want to work this out.



January 29, 2010 @ (everywhere)

Tags: love, year, age, done, everything, was, good, until, I, pronunced, my, age, sorry, but, funny, haha, I, was, talking, with, a, girl, time, a, go., Everything, looks, fine, until, she, asked:, insted.., How, old, are, you?.., we, have, to, much, in, common, and, else, but, I, just, have, no, idea, How, old, are, you... , I, said, *, I, think, my, age, is, not, a, problem, (, because, I, all, ready, know, she, was, 4, years, older, than, me, .., ), and, she, just, say, *ok, tell, me.., When, she, realized, I, was, 18, ..., We, never, talk, again..., u_u,

I was talking with a girl time a go. Everything looks fine until she asked: insted.. How old are you?.. we have to much in common and else but I just have no idea How old are you... I said * I think my age is not a problem (because I all ready know she was 4 years older than me..) and she just say *ok tell me.. When she realized I was 18 ... We never talk again... u_u



January 22, 2010 @ (California)

Tags: cali

It's been close to a week now since i've talked to him. We had a huge fight and now he won't pick up my called or even respond to a text. the fight was really over something quiet stupid. He wanted to go meet up with his ex girlfriend for lunch. He claims that they're still friends and talk every so often. I'm not really friends with any of my exs, so i guess its hard for me to get a grasp on this. I didn't make a huge deal about it, but i did do the while, im not going to talk until you ask me what is wrong 100 times. That whole situation never leads to anything good. I know he went to lunch, with her. So instead of it just probably being a lunch date. He prob did meet up with her again later on. Eh. Terrible way to break up. After reading other posts on here, whats the deal with people not even responding after a breakup. You at least owe it to the other person to tell them its over. Breakups suck.



January 18, 2010 @ (davao city, philippines)

Tags: 1

i gt a relationship way back in march 10,2008.. i fell in love with a so happy whenever we are together.i just dont know if he truly loves me but he always tell me that he loves me.the only thing is that i don't trust him.every time he don't text me i easily got angry it is because we don't see often hats why i want him to text me..we always broke up but we patch things up again..but until the time came that he told me he don't love me anymore. that was april 23, really hurts me.and i got a news that he had a new we are 9 months broke-up.and i heard a news about him that he is going to marry his new gf because her girlfriend got pregnant and im so hurt



November 24, 2009 @ (Horsham)

Tags: crack, hemorrhoids

One night, my 21 year old ex-girlfriend let me hang out and drink with the boys so she could go hang out with her "girls". After not hearing from her for 3 days, she called asking me to pick her up from a strange apartment 15 miles away from our place. It turns out, she went on a wild crack-cocaine binge and then took a bunch of xanax to help herself sleep and was out of touch for days. Being overwhelmed with the discovery of her newly discovered addiction and possible infidelity, I punched and kicked our bedroom door until it was broken into splinters. Unphased by the violent outburst, she pulled down her pants in the bathroom, bent over weeping and asked if I thought she had hemorrhoids.

I assume she got them from being constipated from all the drugs; Her mom picked her up later that afternoon.


Still Pretty.

November 24, 2009 @ (California)

Tags: hypocrisy, ldr

My ex lived in Oregon. I live in California. So I was exstatic for his four-day visit. And all seemed to be going well... until he started having problems in the sack and we started fighting.

He broke up with me the last day of his visit, citing distance as the factor. I found out later in a forwarded email that he thought I was too ugly for him.



November 18, 2009 @ (Ohio)

Tags: she had to go

I'm a firm believer that you don't really know someone until a year or so into a relationship. I realized that she was a conceited, selfish, mean bitch. I saw her hit my dog. she didn't know that I was watching and my dog didn't do anything bad. I don't care what lip service came out of her her mouth... that was it for me. my dog is my very best friend in the world. an attack on him is an attach on me. later bitch.



November 12, 2009 @ (Canada)

Tags: cheating

So my ex always wanted to learn spanish. So for our 1 year I bought her everything she needed the translation books, the software. I put her in a spanish class, and even I booked a trip to Mexico for the two of us. About a month later I was hanging out with some friends at our local watering hole (which happened to across from the adult learning centre where she was taking her classes) having a smoke, when in the distance I see her come out of the centre with a guy, get in a car and drive away. When i asked her about it the next day she proceeded to tell me he was only her Mexican spanish partner and not worry about it. Now I gave her the benefit of the doubt, up until later that day when running out to get a coffee i put on my hoodie (which like 9/10 girls in the world she felt the need to wear whenever she pleased) reached in the pocket and found a paper with a conversation between them discussing them sleeping together. Needless to say my buddy and I had a great time in Mexico sitting by the swim-up bar all day for 2 weeks staring at all the little bikinis.



November 11, 2009 @ (East Coast)

Tags: dumped, ex, time filler

I used to be shy around guys (I was messed up with commitment and trust issues). Usually a guy would give up pursuing me cause I would always push them away. One time this guy didn't give up so I thought I would give it a chance. I mean, I can't be alone forever! So we start hanging out and he tell everyone we are dating and it is serious. News to me. After after about 3 months he has a work party that I am not allowed to go to. He told me a month in advance so I didn't really care. Then I find out his ex (who he used to work with) will be there. A few days later he breaks up with me claiming that I made him feel guilty for talking to his ex. First of all, I'm not sure how i did that because I never complained or anything. So I tell him maybe he is still in love with her. He tells me "no" and then proceeds to recite a laundry list of everything that was wrong with me. He got back with his ex and they have been together for a year. I'm just pissed he didn't have the balls to tell me the truth! I wasn't that into him anyway. But I did feel like I was a time-filler until his ex was done having her "fun" an wanted him back. That wasn't the best feeling in the world.


Keeper Of The Corgis

November 11, 2009 @ (Pittsburgh area)

Tags: drunk dial

I first met this ex online while I was out of action. I was sick and had to stay in the hospital for some time when we first started talking. Anyway, while I was recovering, she drunk dialed me and accused me of not having the "testicular fortitude" to meet her. At which point I pointed out I still had stitches and a JP tube in my abdomen. I let that one go, as I didn't know what she was like while drunk and she apologized up and down afterword. So we were going out for over 2 years and even discussed getting married (I even bought an engagement ring, but I'll get in to that later). So here I'm working full time, going to school full time and I have another health problem pop up and need another surgery. As soon as I regained my senses after the surgery, I called her to tell her I was OK (a little irrelevant but I'll explain later). So we went out one night when I had recovered and she told me she wasn't happy and accused me of not making time for her. Keep in mind I just recovered from surgery, was working full time and attending class full time, and I admit I'm not the best academic so I take longer then normal to study. So I thought we had worked that problem out, and I had thought it was time to pop the big question. I got a ring, and had planned when to propose and all that good stuff. My birthday had came up and we had plans.....key word is had here. She blew off my birthday (her parents got me a gift, but she did squat) and it seemed like she was trying to get rid of me ASAP. Also before the sh*t hit the fan, her and a friend went out of town, and her friend drunk dialed me, pretty much telling me my then girlfriend thought I was boring. I needless to say was quite offended, and we were going to meet when she got home. Oh wait, were supposed to......until she stood me up and didn't even call to tell me there was a change in plans. Back to our dilemma.... so low and behold, she comes up with this brilliant idea to spend some time apart. During this stretch I wasn't in the best form of mind....A cat of mine for 14 years had to be put down, I broke my wrist in an accident, and the Redwings lost game 7. So she uses this opportunity to bury me about how horrible I am. Then the cherry on top comes on the day I was going to ask the question, she thinks I'm going to forget everything and be her friend. Well.....maybe after I lobotomize myself