Fatih Dikmen

August 16, 2024 @ (Türkiye)

Tags: Metallica, Break Up, Musician, First Love, Cheated

-Metallica: Nothing Else Matters-

I said to her; "This will be our song…"
I have never opened up to anyone else this much. I told her everything. Moreover, we had only been seeing each other for 7 months with a long distance. There were kilometers and countries between us. I promised her, despite everything, and she promised that she would do this for our love, despite everything. Nothing else mattered. I was blindly in love with her and trusted her for 7 months. Her lies seemed like a fairy tale to me and I fell for her like a child. I would never have believed that love would draw me in so quickly and change my life this much. I had never been in love before her. My only purpose in life was to work, support my family, do games, music and research. But when I met her, it was as if I had never been me before her. I was a brand new person with her. I, who used to get angry at the slightest thing, overcame everything and became a good person thanks to her. The words she told me, said and gave me were all lies, but she brought me back to life. I believed her and thanks to her, I discovered that I had a heart.

We have overcome everything, overcome everything and finally I had the chance to meet her. Last week I traveled for miles, crossed mountains, seas, continents and countries and reached her. When I first saw her at the airport, when I first hugged her, I felt my heart beat for the first time. I could only spend 5 days with her, I was happier than I had ever experienced in my life. When I fell asleep in her arms, I was no longer afraid of the anything. I felt peace with her scent.

But I will leave the sentimentality aside now! She left apartment one evening and came back 40 minutes later. There was no regret, fear or sadness in her eyes. She told me directly that there had been another man in her life for 6 years... She told me; "We have been living separately for the last 1 year, but I was talking to you because I felt good and I never expected you to come here, so i was need your support."

I had never felt alive before her in my life, now I felt dead more than ever because of her.
I was helpless, I was devastated there, crying pitifully, she was watching me and there was not a drop of tear in her eyes. She had only used me for a moment. She used my pure love, my feelings and emotions for herself.

But instead of being alone and foolishly harming myself or her, I called my friend for support, told this to people I didn't know and seek for support. And thank you everyone helped. And now I have become a little more courageous and decided to overcome my pride and write these.

She is over for me now. I'm going to forget her name, her smell, her smile, her voice, everything about her. I forgave her betrayal to me, I will not hold a grudge against her anymore. I will only keep the happiness I had with her in a corner of my heart, but it will be full of pain and betrayal. And I will continue to be braver and stronger for my future life, my dreams.

Thank you for everything people! I express my endless gratitude to all these people who helped me, to musicians and music groups who gave me life with music.

Never be afraid to love and live life... Remember, "Nothing else matters."



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