April 26, 2022 @ (N/A)

Tags: Bad Breakup, Sad, Emotional

Here's a link to they story. (trigger warning is very emotional and talks about calling a hotline for people going through a critically unstable mental state) Thank you for reading if you do writing this has really helped me figure things out and work on my mental health as well.

We had a "closure talk" I thought it went well considering it was 13.5 hours long and I though she had given me all of the answers I wanted. I just couldn't trust her word and I reached out to the person she cheated on me with who claims he didn't know she was in a relationship and said he was so sorry. There stories did have overlap it's just the frequency and timelines are slightly different. She told me it was only 3 times but he claimed it to be more. Who should I believe?



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