Searching for "long distance"

52 Results For 'long distance'

Fatih Dikmen

August 16, 2024 @ (Türkiye)

Tags: Metallica, Break Up, Musician, First Love, Cheated

-Metallica: Nothing Else Matters-

I said to her; "This will be our song…"
I have never opened up to anyone else this much. I told her everything. Moreover, we had only been seeing each other for 7 months with a long distance. There were kilometers and countries between us. I promised her, despite everything, and she promised that she would do this for our love, despite everything. Nothing else mattered. I was blindly in love with her and trusted her for 7 months. Her lies seemed like a fairy tale to me and I fell for her like a child. I would never have believed that love would draw me in so quickly and change my life this much. I had never been in love before her. My only purpose in life was to work, support my family, do games, music and research. But when I met her, it was as if I had never been me before her. I was a brand new person with her. I, who used to get angry at the slightest thing, overcame everything and became a good person thanks to her. The words she told me, said and gave me were all lies, but she brought me back to life. I believed her and thanks to her, I discovered that I had a heart.

We have overcome everything, overcome everything and finally I had the chance to meet her. Last week I traveled for miles, crossed mountains, seas, continents and countries and reached her. When I first saw her at the airport, when I first hugged her, I felt my heart beat for the first time. I could only spend 5 days with her, I was happier than I had ever experienced in my life. When I fell asleep in her arms, I was no longer afraid of the anything. I felt peace with her scent.

But I will leave the sentimentality aside now! She left apartment one evening and came back 40 minutes later. There was no regret, fear or sadness in her eyes. She told me directly that there had been another man in her life for 6 years... She told me; "We have been living separately for the last 1 year, but I was talking to you because I felt good and I never expected you to come here, so i was need your support."

I had never felt alive before her in my life, now I felt dead more than ever because of her.
I was helpless, I was devastated there, crying pitifully, she was watching me and there was not a drop of tear in her eyes. She had only used me for a moment. She used my pure love, my feelings and emotions for herself.

But instead of being alone and foolishly harming myself or her, I called my friend for support, told this to people I didn't know and seek for support. And thank you everyone helped. And now I have become a little more courageous and decided to overcome my pride and write these.

She is over for me now. I'm going to forget her name, her smell, her smile, her voice, everything about her. I forgave her betrayal to me, I will not hold a grudge against her anymore. I will only keep the happiness I had with her in a corner of my heart, but it will be full of pain and betrayal. And I will continue to be braver and stronger for my future life, my dreams.

Thank you for everything people! I express my endless gratitude to all these people who helped me, to musicians and music groups who gave me life with music.

Never be afraid to love and live life... Remember, "Nothing else matters."


Davina G

December 05, 2020 @ (India)

Tags: Bad breakup

I was in a very dark place mentally ,I had no life plans .we just recently parted from a 1 years live in relationship and shipped to long distance relationship. He was always avoiding my calls at 1st ,then only talked when he had the time to call that too for only 5 to 15 mins then he'll insisting hang up claiming he needs his sleep . I tried my best to maintain our relationship but I got a hint of him cheating me. Obviously ,I denied it 1st then I believe it but I still wanted to stay with Me. I love to hear him say he loves me but deep down I also knew that he only calls and contacts me when I m need by him .once I denied to help him only to tease him a little bit but he got mad ,and call me many names like slut and what not ,I could his friends laughing in the back. Then few nights later he called and apologized, I accepted his apology . After two days I was feeling very down ,I was even having suicidal thoughts with inferior thought . I kenew he won't pick up my calls but still I tried calling him, because I really need a talk that night . I called him 5 times he didn't picked up then I msg him saying I knew what he did .he instantly call back and then I said y did you ignored my calls he obviously denied it,I didn't got to say a word with him a friend of his snatched his phone and started talking to me which hurter me a lot then I said to the friends in an irritated voice that I had nothing to do with you plz give phone to my bf .then his other friends started to scold me ,I was in the very of crying when he picked up the phone and said why are u always disturbing my fun . Then again his other friend snatched his phone lecturing me how I should respectfully talk to them while my boyfriend was laughing in the back which shattered my feelings .Then I got mad and asked him to never call me . Then again I was so mad and wanted to say a thing or two to his friends and him .I call 38 times weeping but none of them were answered ,I haven't talked to him since. I m sad all the time think about him ,dream about him.worst part is in my dream both of us are happy together as soon as I wake up reality hits me .


Davina G

December 05, 2020 @ (India)

Tags: Bad breakup

I was in a very dark place mentally ,I had no life plans .we just recently parted from a 1 years live in relationship and shipped to long distance relationship. He was always avoiding my calls at 1st ,then only talked when he had the time to call that too for only 5 to 15 mins then he'll insisting hang up claiming he needs his sleep . I tried my best to maintain our relationship but I got a hint of him cheating me. Obviously ,I denied it 1st then I believe it but I still wanted to stay with Me. I love to hear him say he loves me but deep down I also knew that he only calls and contacts me when I m need by him .once I denied to help him only to tease him a little bit but he got mad ,and call me many names like slut and what not ,I could his friends laughing in the back. Then few nights later he called and apologized, I accepted his apology . After two days I was feeling very down ,I was even having suicidal thoughts with inferior thought . I kenew he won't pick up my calls but still I tried calling him, because I really need a talk that night . I called him 5 times he didn't picked up then I msg him saying I knew what he did .he instantly call back and then I said y did you ignored my calls he obviously denied it,I didn't got to say a word with him a friend of his snatched his phone and started talking to me which hurter me a lot then I said to the friends in an irritated voice that I had nothing to do with you plz give phone to my bf .then his other friends started to scold me ,I was in the very of crying when he picked up the phone and said why are u always disturbing my fun . Then again his other friend snatched his phone lecturing me how I should respectfully talk to them while my boyfriend was laughing in the back which shattered my feelings .Then I got mad and asked him to never call me . Then again I was so mad and wanted to say a thing or two to his friends and him .I call 38 times weeping but none of them were answered ,I haven't talked to him since. I m sad all the time think about him ,dream about him.worst part is in my dream both of us are happy together as soon as I wake up reality hits me .



September 23, 2017 @ (Sky)

Tags: Hard breakup

Im 23, I met my ex at a running club when she was 16 and I asked her out, it all worked perfectly and we fell in love quickly. Our relationship was PERFECT, we both loved eachother and had a great time everytime we were together. We were made for eachother, and I really mean it, im not saying that because everyone says it. It was all really good.

For the record, we both new she was going abroad for her college studies, and we were willing to have a long distance relationship.

Sometimes she used to tell me that she was the only one contributing to the relationship, saying that only she wanted to see me and that I was indiferent when we dont meet. The truth is that it might be true, I was busy with college and in my free time I also liked to play video games, but we still saw eachother A LOT. I told her it was not true, every time I could I would go see her and that I love her with all my heart.

Time passed, and it was all still extremely good, but after 1 year and 8 months, she was 18 and done with school, while I am still finishing my last college year. We spent my summer vacations together, all the time, and when they were over, things changed, she had all that FREE TIME while I was extremely busy, that is when things fell appart really. I could not see her for 2 weekends straight, due to my overwhelming homework and also playing some video games; she basically transformed, and when I asked her what was happening, she said that she was getting used to not see me. I imediatelly went to see her and talk, but she was another girl, indiferent, not caring anymore. I told her that I will change and I will literaly sleep less so I can se her more. She said ok, but she was already diferent, nothing I did actually changed her mind. It was really messed up, so we sat down and talked, and she said that she had to change, she was suffering because she put a lot of effort into us and she left herself behind. This was true, she gave me all these little creative presents all the time, and I did not. She told me that the only way she could feel good is by caring less; I told her I was already putting more time into her, but she said that it was not the same, and that she thinks that the relationship is ending; nevetheless, we agreed to try to make it better. I really put an effort into everything, bringing her flowers, spending weekdays with her, and more, but after 2 weeks of this, she told me we need to talk, and broke up with me, saying we will be better off alone, she said she needed this time for herself before she went off the country. But she made her discontent clear, she told me that part of the breakup is due to her always giving me those little details, and that I never cared to give her the same, I did gave her some, but with time, I stopped.

The thing is that we broke up, and I am dying, feeling guilty as I gave her for granted and I lost her. She looks fine, I was crying really bad and she just shed a few tears. She said that maybe in the future we will meet, and she made it clear that she dreams of being my wife and having my kids, that im the perfect guy, but she wants to be alone.

I am confused and dont know what to do. I am shocked, I still think its not reall, I cant believe she broke up with me, SHE LOVED ME so much, and I did to. It all just happened in a second. Help me please.



June 12, 2017 @ (Las Vegas )

Tags: Bad breakup

I just got dumped 3 days ago by the love of my life. It was long distance for one year, we broke up 5 days after our one year anniversary. I'm still hurt, He broke up with me because he was tired of long distance and doesn't love me anymore. Everything was perfect until last September when I cheated on him by sending nudes to another guy. Other than that I've been faithful and wish I hadn't been so stupid. He took me back but it wasn't the same, he stopped being that sweet guy I fell in love with. He lives in Florida and I moved to Las Vegas a month ago. I miss him so much, I want to tehe'll him how much I love him and how I'm still willing to make it work. I'm moving to Florida in the next year so I believe we will see each other again but I doubt he'll still want me.



April 28, 2017 @ (Japan )

Tags: Bad break up dramatic

We met in college. Dated for two years, he joined the army, he got send to another country. We were separated for 6 months before the reunion. I realized that he changes a lot after joining the military. He became so busy and tired.
I found myself not being introduced to his new friends anymore. I found that he has been using social media a lot. I saw him leaving flirty comments to some girls. He wanted to break up with me for a few times.every time I said no to him and told him :we can get through this long distance relationship. I flew back to my country after that
reunion(1semester of study abroad). He asked for a break up again. I couldn't deal with it anymore, as he has no willing to come to visit me or even come back to me anytime in the future. I see him dated a girl who I saw he left the flirts message with. I tried to ruin his relationship with that girl by making him feeling guilt about cheated on me. Then I kinda successed, he expressed he WANTED ME BACK, while he was still with that girl .
I said no. Shortly after, they broke up for whatever the reason. and I heard that he is dating another girl.
I am still feeling sad, because I still miss him.



March 12, 2017 @ (Vermont)

Tags: first girlfriend, broken heart, love, sad

Im 16 and I met my first girlfriend at summer camp. She was 15, had short blonde hair and was always really funny and energetic. During one of the dances I asked her to dance during the song Forever Young only because I had heard an offhand rumor that she liked me. I had no idea what it would become. I loved talking to her because we were both really talkative and she never lost interest in my long stories. Over two weeks of summer camp we really grew to like each other. Only one problem, she lived in DC, I lived in vermont. At first i thought long distance was stupid but after two weeks I would do anything to keep her in my life. That lasted 4 1/2 months, I even flew in for a weekend to see her (i dont know how I convinced my parents to pay for that one). During that trip she told me she loved me which was the happiest moment of my life. We talked for hours every night and even during school. She really was my best friend.

Then December 18, 2016 came along. Everything seemed great until she told me she had been talking to one of her friends about our relationship, I thought "eh whatever", then she just stopped snapchating me (which was strange because she would never ever do that without an explanation). Then I looked at me phone 3 hours later and there it was. The breakup text.

In that moment, every bit of happiness drained out of my life. I felt like a shell of a person. It sounds crazy now but at the time I genuinely thought I was gonna go to college with her and we would get married. I didnt ever want to go back to the god awful world of high school dating and I thought I had found my way out for good.

I still sometimes have nightmares about her with another guy even though shes probably dating a girl now (shes bi). I dont stalk her facebook feed because id rather remain blissfully ignorant. Not sure ill ever meet another girl like her.


Silly Girl

March 04, 2017 @ (Taiwan)

Tags: Sad breakup, silly breakup, silly girl, unimaginable breakup

When I was 13, I meet my ex in high school. I remember in the first class, we look at each other and smile which is the moment i remember until now. Those time, when young soul are pure and kind.. When time passes. We had a crush on each other, we knewit but we never confess it.

5 years later where we both are 19, we got together, he is my first love, while im not his first love. He went into several relationship during that 5 years. We were both in a long distance relationship(LDR) as at the year 19 people start going to college in University. I stayed local to further study, while he were in the State.

When we first separated, we fully committed to maintain this uneasy relationship, because i believe in fate. For those who been in a LDR, will know that how stressful, insecure, it is. It brings a lot of stress to me. At the first 4 months it was okay, and after that he start to playing missing, like for a whole day. Dint reply my text, dint pick up my call and dint even told me that when he is awake and when he is going to sleep. The time different between us is horrible, it was me that stay up till midnight to wait for him to wake up, but ended up receiving nothing. This kind of ignorance and gone missing go on and off continuously till another 6 months.

At the 10th month of LDR, i received an odd message from him. It was some very rude words, saying that I am a bitch. And then I realized that it sent by another girl through his phone. At that moment, my heart felt apart. My heart was broken. I cried and call him to explain everything, he told me that he was actually with the girl when he is in the State. He throw all the responsibilities to me to settle all this mess. Ask me to make the decision. I was mentally and physically being tortured. Everything was in a complete mess. His cheating partner was crying and screaming while we having phone call and I am really not under a sober condition to settle this mess. And I decided to hang up the call since I cannot think comprehensively towards everything. After the night, he keep send me sorry words, saying that he din't mean it, saying that he still love me, and a lot of sentences that mentally hurt me a lot. He spam and spam and spam.. every single day and act like he is the one who got hurt. MAN!! I am the one who silently being hurt all the time, every single time! 6 days after the messy break up, his cheating partner texted me, asking me to give him another chance, and told me that he was sick, asking me to send him some warm messages. I cried every single day, i cried a lot. The pain that both of them gave me is unbearable. It's like a knife stuffed into my heart and slowly twisting.

And finally I decided to text him, because I still love him at that point, he cried and beg me, asking me to give him another chance. Because I still love him, and we are back together. Same thing happened, okay at the first month was so good. And the following months he was playing missing. Finally at the third month he wanted to break up, and he said that he is in love with someone else. And we never contacted ever since.

After the break up, I couldn't sleep well at night. I always had nightmares, felt lonely and sad. When I look into the mirror i asked "What now? Am I not good enough?" "Why does being kind people will still get hurt?". All the question i asked, but non of them gave me an answer. Those sadness and insecurities haunted me quite a long time. It started to effect my health.

And after 4 months, someone with him told me the truth, the person told me that he had a lots of girlfriend before and after he gets back with me, all those classes, working timetable and trips with friends that he told me as an excuses of can't make a video call was actually going out have fun with a lots of chicks! Truth hurt. Truth really hurt like hell. I burst into tears when I knew this. I always thought that both of us need a closure, but the pain he gave me that feelings just wont go away. After the truth, and I finally realized that he doesn't deserve my tears. It is not worth to cry for him. Love yourself first girls!

Xoxo Best wishes



February 05, 2017 @ (California)

Tags: Breakup

Well 2 years ago well this will sound pathetic but whatever anyways 2 years ago I met this girl on call of duty now I know what you're thinking but still read on. We met each other in a zombies game and immediately hit it off so a year or so passes then I admit O actually liked her and she liked me but at first I didnt think it would last long but still the more we texted Skype in video chats and long conversations we went to the point of loving each other however, I joined the army and couldn't talk to her as much we both were about 17 and since I was in the military I asked of we could wait until I finally got home. Then once home she started to ignore me more and more ignoring my messages and when I asked her out she said "I dont want a relationship right now im sorry" it was heartbreaking but being the patient man O am I said ok but then weeks later I found out she fell in absolute love with my best friend who was a complete jerk to her ive seen how they texted each other and he says mean things and even though our long distance guess where my friend lives. Canada and she's living i. Arkansas I was absolutely furious then but then way before this occured I said I would pay an expensive plane ticket to see you graduate as soon as my honerable discharge comes through but she said it wouldn't work and now I know why keep in mind I said I would do this and sooo much more for her but she leaves now almost two years of a man who treats her beyond fairly like a queen yet she throws me to the side for a jerk who she knew at the time of their first dating week only two weeks TWO weeks let alone my 2 years what should I do we rarely text but if they break up she'll have nobody do I cut her off or be friends with her?



November 05, 2016 @ (Around)

Tags: Dishonesty, FOMO, boysareajoke

About a year and two months dating, my boyfriend broke up with me.. saying he couldnt do long distance anymore. I had only moved away 3 months prior due to family changes and school etc. He said he was still in-love with me and that we could be together once i moved back in a few years. The day after he had a new girlfriend, in which i realized thanks to facebook. I was heartbroken, and when i asked him if it was true he told me it was a dare” and they had to wait a week before taking it down from facebook. I then later found out it wasnt a dare, he had just lied about that. The best part was finding out they had sex 3 days after being together and he broke up with her the day after and asked to be back together with me.


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