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55 Results For 'tears'


January 18, 2021 @ (Jaipur)

Tags: Toobroken

Broken hearted writing this i hate you i hate you so much,.
Made mefeel like no hope, nothing at all
The sweet words turned to ff words. Its not changing a guy its like you were same fro bigginning but i never realized with my eyes
When i ask myself i only got tears ntg elseand i just want to shut the door and simply cry over thats it. It all started in front of god but yet he keep his silence.When i met you first i had never realized how much i could love a guy but tdy wrting this why for god sake i met you.
You made me feel like i lived two years with you unloved just for your time pass. Bcz of u i lost my career and lost hope.Actually i lost my hope in god too. You have every thing and every one around you but why did you made me alone, I pushed my friends away and the thoughts thts in my head never rests bcz of you i made 3 times sucidal attempts but god saved me for more suffering and making me see you with someone else.
All you did was nothing just to hurt, once you controlled me said you loved me and protected me, then left me for higher study - said your father wont agree with you, then you put your frnds around me to keep an eye on me, then you fall with someone else, you started fighting for blaming me and then all of a sudden i was the one who made all the things bad in your life so the break up initiated.
Whts wrong with me why did you do this to me were the exact words i asked him.
He replied in cold tht he left me and it was over no point in arguing over the past and further told me he never truely loved me.I know my mistake,may be being loyal and expecting the same from you, little bit of understanding and bit of true love i guess, the time .
There is no hope. May god bless you even if you have thousands of gffs.
If anyone reading this plz be honest with your gf even the bitter truth can't hit her hear but your hidden lie does.



December 28, 2017 @ (Sydney)

Tags: bad breakup, broken heart, crying, tears

So there was this guy that my aunty had mentioned she wanted to set me up with and said he was a lovely, good looking boy, kind sweet and that we would be a great match. She had mentioned that we knew each other as kids but I was probably too young to remember. Beside the fact, I said no because it was a really weird idea and I didn't want to meet him that way. However, I did know that he had dated a girl at my school for quite a while but had broken up badly with her. My best friend was also really good friends with him, but never really talked about him much. Then a week passes by and me and my best friend are at a party which she told this guy to meet us at. Me and my friend got separated at the party and he tried getting in contact with her by she wasnt responding.But he somehow knew I was with her and messaged me on facebook, asking if we were still at the party, so I called him (keeping in mind i was almost drunk) and told him where we were. he came with his friends and picked us up and came back to my house around the corner. We were there for a long time, from like 10pm to 3am in the morning. He ended up inviting me to his 18th birthday that was in 2 weeks time and ended up kissing. The next day he has messaged me and asked me out on a date (or so i thought was a date.) We were talking for that week until the date, and had a blast but he didnt seem himself. Then he completely ghosted me and ignored my messages, so I gave up. He ended up messaging me saying that he liked me and didnt want a relationship at the moment, which i completely understood considering the fact that he was turning 18 and just starting to go out clubbing etc. Then i found out he was talking to a girl, not even a week later who he probably was messaging whilst talking to me which made my heart break into pieces because for days I thought i wasn't good enough, or pretty enough or that I was ugly and that it was all my fault. But in reality it was just him being an asshole. He then asked her out a month later, and we saw each other at a dinner, he had asked me if I was talking to any boys, and I told him that it was none of his business because I was just finally getting over him. He was being extremely flirty, and I keep right back in love with him. I asked him if he was talking to any girls and he said no, even though i knew he was. He broke my heart into pieces, and the worst thing is that I still like him, even though he did so many horrible things to me, even made me cry. He is the reason why I dont let boys into my life or heart so easily. Because he broke it and now the only thing that can repair it is time.



September 23, 2017 @ (Sky)

Tags: Hard breakup

Im 23, I met my ex at a running club when she was 16 and I asked her out, it all worked perfectly and we fell in love quickly. Our relationship was PERFECT, we both loved eachother and had a great time everytime we were together. We were made for eachother, and I really mean it, im not saying that because everyone says it. It was all really good.

For the record, we both new she was going abroad for her college studies, and we were willing to have a long distance relationship.

Sometimes she used to tell me that she was the only one contributing to the relationship, saying that only she wanted to see me and that I was indiferent when we dont meet. The truth is that it might be true, I was busy with college and in my free time I also liked to play video games, but we still saw eachother A LOT. I told her it was not true, every time I could I would go see her and that I love her with all my heart.

Time passed, and it was all still extremely good, but after 1 year and 8 months, she was 18 and done with school, while I am still finishing my last college year. We spent my summer vacations together, all the time, and when they were over, things changed, she had all that FREE TIME while I was extremely busy, that is when things fell appart really. I could not see her for 2 weekends straight, due to my overwhelming homework and also playing some video games; she basically transformed, and when I asked her what was happening, she said that she was getting used to not see me. I imediatelly went to see her and talk, but she was another girl, indiferent, not caring anymore. I told her that I will change and I will literaly sleep less so I can se her more. She said ok, but she was already diferent, nothing I did actually changed her mind. It was really messed up, so we sat down and talked, and she said that she had to change, she was suffering because she put a lot of effort into us and she left herself behind. This was true, she gave me all these little creative presents all the time, and I did not. She told me that the only way she could feel good is by caring less; I told her I was already putting more time into her, but she said that it was not the same, and that she thinks that the relationship is ending; nevetheless, we agreed to try to make it better. I really put an effort into everything, bringing her flowers, spending weekdays with her, and more, but after 2 weeks of this, she told me we need to talk, and broke up with me, saying we will be better off alone, she said she needed this time for herself before she went off the country. But she made her discontent clear, she told me that part of the breakup is due to her always giving me those little details, and that I never cared to give her the same, I did gave her some, but with time, I stopped.

The thing is that we broke up, and I am dying, feeling guilty as I gave her for granted and I lost her. She looks fine, I was crying really bad and she just shed a few tears. She said that maybe in the future we will meet, and she made it clear that she dreams of being my wife and having my kids, that im the perfect guy, but she wants to be alone.

I am confused and dont know what to do. I am shocked, I still think its not reall, I cant believe she broke up with me, SHE LOVED ME so much, and I did to. It all just happened in a second. Help me please.



March 29, 2017 @ (MN)

Tags: Bad breakup

I am a young and lovesick boy, one that thought online dating over a game was a good idea. I thought it was silly and rather joke like at first, until I absolutely fell for a girl. I was in love. I wanted her. I needed her. She felt the same way and eventually we started texting. We had plans of marriage, further romance, college, and so much more. Then one day I had gotten a text from her that said nothing more than, "I'm literally in tears rn...". I said "what's wrong baby?" No reply. "Are you there?" No reply. "Please don't tell me what I think happened happened..." Once more, no reply. I soon got a text message from her mother saying I was forbidden from ever talking to her daughter again. I fell into tears immeadiately. I deleted the game, and am still recovering from it. Please careful of what you do on the may end up very hurt. Thank you for reading my awful breakup story...


Silly Girl

March 04, 2017 @ (Taiwan)

Tags: Sad breakup, silly breakup, silly girl, unimaginable breakup

When I was 13, I meet my ex in high school. I remember in the first class, we look at each other and smile which is the moment i remember until now. Those time, when young soul are pure and kind.. When time passes. We had a crush on each other, we knewit but we never confess it.

5 years later where we both are 19, we got together, he is my first love, while im not his first love. He went into several relationship during that 5 years. We were both in a long distance relationship(LDR) as at the year 19 people start going to college in University. I stayed local to further study, while he were in the State.

When we first separated, we fully committed to maintain this uneasy relationship, because i believe in fate. For those who been in a LDR, will know that how stressful, insecure, it is. It brings a lot of stress to me. At the first 4 months it was okay, and after that he start to playing missing, like for a whole day. Dint reply my text, dint pick up my call and dint even told me that when he is awake and when he is going to sleep. The time different between us is horrible, it was me that stay up till midnight to wait for him to wake up, but ended up receiving nothing. This kind of ignorance and gone missing go on and off continuously till another 6 months.

At the 10th month of LDR, i received an odd message from him. It was some very rude words, saying that I am a bitch. And then I realized that it sent by another girl through his phone. At that moment, my heart felt apart. My heart was broken. I cried and call him to explain everything, he told me that he was actually with the girl when he is in the State. He throw all the responsibilities to me to settle all this mess. Ask me to make the decision. I was mentally and physically being tortured. Everything was in a complete mess. His cheating partner was crying and screaming while we having phone call and I am really not under a sober condition to settle this mess. And I decided to hang up the call since I cannot think comprehensively towards everything. After the night, he keep send me sorry words, saying that he din't mean it, saying that he still love me, and a lot of sentences that mentally hurt me a lot. He spam and spam and spam.. every single day and act like he is the one who got hurt. MAN!! I am the one who silently being hurt all the time, every single time! 6 days after the messy break up, his cheating partner texted me, asking me to give him another chance, and told me that he was sick, asking me to send him some warm messages. I cried every single day, i cried a lot. The pain that both of them gave me is unbearable. It's like a knife stuffed into my heart and slowly twisting.

And finally I decided to text him, because I still love him at that point, he cried and beg me, asking me to give him another chance. Because I still love him, and we are back together. Same thing happened, okay at the first month was so good. And the following months he was playing missing. Finally at the third month he wanted to break up, and he said that he is in love with someone else. And we never contacted ever since.

After the break up, I couldn't sleep well at night. I always had nightmares, felt lonely and sad. When I look into the mirror i asked "What now? Am I not good enough?" "Why does being kind people will still get hurt?". All the question i asked, but non of them gave me an answer. Those sadness and insecurities haunted me quite a long time. It started to effect my health.

And after 4 months, someone with him told me the truth, the person told me that he had a lots of girlfriend before and after he gets back with me, all those classes, working timetable and trips with friends that he told me as an excuses of can't make a video call was actually going out have fun with a lots of chicks! Truth hurt. Truth really hurt like hell. I burst into tears when I knew this. I always thought that both of us need a closure, but the pain he gave me that feelings just wont go away. After the truth, and I finally realized that he doesn't deserve my tears. It is not worth to cry for him. Love yourself first girls!

Xoxo Best wishes



February 26, 2017 @ (Ec)

Tags: Bad breakups , sad break ups

Me and my ex , we met 5 years ago we were so in love , was the first time in my life I had boyfriend ( I was 22 y.o ) he treated me like no other ever... I was facing depression and he took me out of it ... after almost 2 years , he texted me saying he was getting enough of me and that he didn't loved me anymore wasn't the first time ,I did begged him before not to leave me anyways he did I was in a terrible depression for over 3 months I didn't almost left my house or my room I cried all the time he then texted me saying he wanted to remain friends I said yes because I still had feelings for him , he sometimes talked about a girl saying was like hypothetical situation . A month later I found out he was dating ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS , i couldn't believe it everything made sense then she never apologized he didn't told me into my face either , cried and yelled to him the pain I was experiencing became unbelievable, after a month he texted me again saying sorry and all and that he was having a really bad time with his family and needed me , at first I sent him to hell but because I'm so stupid I kept contact and tried to help him out 4 months later he was having issues with his current gf ( my ex friend) and turned still to me saying that he understood now who really loved him , to make it short we came back together I forgave him but things weren't that great since I was all the time afraid that he might cheat again he was patient but sometimes he wouldn't pick the phone and it rang as occupied very late at night . He would go freaking mad if i would quise took him about it ,he kept saying I was being crazy that he was sleeping as always I apologized all the time we went on a wonderful trip to Asia and was wonderful , after that I made some decisions of my career that he didn't liked much but accepted , he travelled a lot because of his job , I even fought him looking for prostitutes when he was in Vietnam , to which he said I was being mental because he didn't do anything and I was going through his privacy , i always caught him trying to talk to other woman and was exhausting ,he cried and everything so I decided to believe him always , so I gave up and became that kind of woman that he could yell at and say I was stupid , that kind of woman that couldn't be angry because he didn't replied in 7 hours but he could be mad at me for not doing it in 10 minutes , I was being called stupid ,asshole etc etc every time I tried to ask about something .... one day we fought so badly that we didn't talked for 1day , I felt the end coming and felt pity for myself I loved him so much but I cried every single day and couldn't do anything in any other aspect of my life , I texted him finally being so afraid telling him that he could decide our future since he last words to me were "I want to break up with you so many fucking times but I don't say it" I told him I would do what he decides ,fight one more time or end ... he asked me time to think , 2 days later or silent I asked him ,he said was hard that he loved me but he made me cry and sometimes he didn't even felt bad about it ... anyways he broke up and broke my heart for second time...
Now one month later , i get to know that he is talking to another girl , younger prettier... and even I was doing okay and slowly not crying for him . I went back to the pain of the first time we broke up , that pain in your chest that won't go , the feeling of the tears going down your face without you even noticing, because I still love him and miss him like I did almost 5 years ago



February 22, 2017 @ (Covina, CA)

Tags: Worst break up ever

I fell in love with my best friend. He was a sweet and kind boy that loved to help people. And he loved me back. I knew he did because he treated me like I was special. He said things that no one who saw you as just a friend would say. 4 months of magical romance that everyone saw but we didn't want to admit was there. Finally one day we told each other how we felt and all our friends were so happy for us. I had never been happier in my life. We loved each other. At first it was cute puppy love, I guess you could say, but when my growing depression finally got ahead of me, we found out how much we truly loved each other. He cared for me unlike anyone I've known. The puppy love became a romance and passion that we had building up inside of us for months. We were completely in love with each other even if we both hated ourselves. We were each other's reasons for living. And I can't tell you how many times we were so close to giving up but saved each other. I'll never forget that day I wanted to kill myself and he told me that he loved me and I meant everything to him. That I changed his life for the better. That summer, 3 months after we first confessed to each other, was depressing because we missed each other dearly. School was the only time we got to see each other. Then one day I got my phone taken away. The only way I could contact him was through text. For 2 weeks I sometimes secretly went in my phone to text him. It was brief but those moments were everything to me. Then... 5 days after our 5 month anniversary, I got my phone back. I texted him happily and he replied. But he was depressed. I asked him why and he refused to tell me. I hadn't talked to him in 3 days at the time so anything could've happened. I finally got him to tell me what was wrong and he said.... "I think I'm gay..." I was in shock. And when he said he liked me as a friend, I wanted to throw my phone and just kill myself. I struggled to stay calm for his sake. If I showed how much it hurt, he would regret telling me even more. I told him I needed to be alone. I was in public, totally unprepared for any tragic news. But slowly as reality sunk in, I couldn't hold back against the tears that threatened to pour. I excused myself to the restroom where I cried so hard I couldn't breathe because I tried to stay quiet. I didn't feel anything but pain and sadness. For the next few weeks, he begged me to move on. He was extremely sad and was angry at himself for breaking my heart. He even said he wish had never said anything at all. But I would've found out one day. He wouldn't love me anymore and I would be able to tell. School started and we were friends who pretended we were fine. No one asked about our relationship. Only one person did but we ignored them. It's funny. A lot of people keep asking us if we are dating. No one asked when we actually were. He isn't the same anymore. He isn't positive anymore. He shuts down when he's sad and only talks to his therapist. He used to talk to me. I dont know what we are at the moment. Sometimes I see my boyfriend again in the way he looks at me. Sometimes I see my best friend. But sometimes I see my ex boyfriend, the broken shell of the person I once knew and loved. I still love him to this day.

If you ever hear about a break up where the boyfriend finds out he's gay and the girlfriend is sad, don't laugh. It sounds humorous, but when it becomes your reality and the thing that tears you apart everyday, you won't be laughing. In these cases, there's little to no chance of getting back together. And it hurts like hell.



January 01, 2017 @ (india)

Tags: breakup

There was this girl who i had been best friends for 2 years and then we shared an almost two year relationship..initially it was amazing..being college kids we could go out a lot and quite regularly but she moved to another state and distance changed everything..the promises she made were lies perhaps...i am an introvert so i dint have friends at all and it was just her but she was different ,she had a huge friend circle..i wasnt comfortable with her flirting with other guys,i even told her somehow,she reacted sweetly and i felt so much at peace,but reality was different,when she came back and we were sitting in a park..i saw a text in her phone saying “love u gal”..tears rolled and i hated that being a guy i couldnt believe for a girl i cried and that too for this reason..i loved her like hell..however i couldnt be myself and became controlling and annoying and eventually she left me…i lost myself…i lost control because i feel i gint get what i deserved…so many more serious bad things happen to a million people i know but still i thought she would never let i neva did…now its bn 8 months and i still secretly see her fb profile ..she seems happier..more lovely..and it aches deep down…a strange pain ..a heavibess in my chest…maybe everything happens for the best but i am still a lone introvert..she made fun of me and laughed it out with her friends and rubbrf it in my face..and i jus kept being broken...i wanted to move on but every once in w while she gave a cal and texted sayin she wants to be friends and misses me but cant be with me..i loved her but i dint kbow what to jus stung thats all i felt..i still remember that horrible evening days before my exam and a month after she dumped me she cald me nd said she started dating a better guy than me and she changef coz it was me who was controlling...i wish i could shout amd scream..i couldnt ,my mother was in the next room...its bn 8 months and it sucks for me..i want to change but i feel less now .so small ..insignificant....


Anon Pls

December 18, 2016 @ (california)

Tags: bad break up, just ugh all sad

i mean i'm not entirely sure what we were. which is pretty sad but, i'll explain. so i met this guy at school a long time ago and we hardly talked at all, he was an upperclassmen anyway. :/ so towards the end of the year apparently he told me how he liked me for a while and he gave me his number which i was shocked because he doesn't even talk to me. I eventually let him into my walls which i'd built so protected and he was a sweet guy. He told me all about his past, and how he had a girl of two years dump him because of her snake friend. He was suicidal because of this and it took him a long time to recover, and how during that small time he would see me everyday he was amazed at how calm i looked and how i looked so mysterious because i never really talked to anyone. We talked everyday for a while there and one day i said how i loved him and he started crying tears of joy. I figured that he was a perfect guy and i wanted to be with him. We hung out over summer and one day when we were cuddling, we kissed and he asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes. Shortly after I left, a friend of his (who was a girl) got really pissed at him getting a girlfriend and forced him to dump me immediately. He listened to her and it was just really sucky. We were still talking like usual. Then a month later he finds out that his ex of two years got a boyfriend right after they broke up and that they were as happy as could be. He was heartbroken that he didn't get to even know (she blocked him on everything) and he disappeared for a while. He eventually came back and he was different. He tried flirting with me on a whole new level and wanted to have sex with me. It was just rediculous and i did let him do some things but not even close to letting him put himself in me. That was a no no. He was pretty pissed that i didn't want that and he would only talk to me for sex really. I stood up for myself one day and said "if you want me then ask me out." and he never did, proving to me that he was just using me. We share a class now (yeah he kind of taught me a lot school wise and i moved up to be able to take higher level classes) and i see him watch me sometimes, but he acts like he's never met me before


The Unstable Entrepenour

November 21, 2016 @ (United States)

Tags: Bad Breakup

I remember that it hurt. Hearing the words hurt - and at the same time, it felt like something out of a movie, like it wasn't happening. After all, how could it? It had been merely a week since our second anniversary, and as an anniversary gift she had given me a card that said, "I promise to be with you for all the years to come."
I couldn't even begin to process it. "How do you feel," she asks me, trying to decipher my off smile and my wondering eyes. I only smile because I don't know what to say, what to feel. I don't fight it, I merely say all-right, shed a couple tears, and drop her off at her house. It took me a couple days for my emotions to catch up with me - and oh boy, did they come in force. Like a thousand crashing waves, every single negative emotion in the book comes, all at once, all clamoring for my attention in a sea of deprecating voices: "you weren't enough," "she got tired of you," "you aren't good enough for anyone" ; and as I struggle to get them in check, I was still left wondering: why exactly did it happen?
I never got a straight answer to that question; at least, none that I understood. She mentioned that she wanted to try being with a girl (she's bi, but not in practice yet), that I had been insensitive about one fight that we had more than a year ago, that I was too unstable in my life for her to think about settling down with me. "If my ex had asked me to move in with him, I would've done it in an instant" she said. Surprisingly enough, her life wasn't in any way better than mine: a education major working as a cashier at one of the lowest paying grocery shops in the area, with no car telling me, a computer engineering major with a car, and a delivery job earning 2.5x more per hour as her.
While I could see how she was right, since I had been thinking about dropping out of school, and I had changed my major more than three times in the last six months, I just didn't understand why that was an issue now, all of a sudden. The only answer I can come up with is that perhaps the spark, that magical, elusive feeling that binds people together just died over time for her, while mine grew stronger and stronger. While she was thinking about how to break the news to me, I was thinking what would be the best date to travel to Disneyland with her, since she had told me not too long before, that she'd like me to propose to her at the Cinderella Castle.
I write this now, two months later, even thought it feels like a lifetime ago. My speculating and unstableness paid off after all; because I was willing to take risks, I dropped out of school, and started working in Real Estate. In the first month, I rose from Intern to District Manager at a local firm, and when some shady situations came to light regarding the owners, I left the firm, and opened my own. I'm earning four times what I was before, and it'll only grow from here. Even so, I still look back and wonder what could've been. When she ended things, it felt like someone had taken a hammer to the glass sculpture that was my future with her; and even though I'm not crying over it anymore, I have yet to pick up the pieces, and start again.


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