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62 Results For 'idea'


October 19, 2016 @ (Canada)

Tags: my fault, i\'m sorry

So there are all of these "my boyfriend did something to me" but this time its a little different, its actually me that did something not very cool to my boyfriend and I totally regret it! It all happened on THAT day, at my friend's uncle small cinema ( about 30-40 places). My friend told me I could bring some friends but only 2-3 since our whole "squad" was there and some other people she knew would come. So I went over there with my boyfriend and his brother and we sat at the complete back of the room, if i remember, we were on the 4th seat from the right side of the alley. So the movie started and my boyfriend went to get something (I don't remember what it was but I think it was food). He left for a good 5 minutes, so I started talking to him (yes i am part of these rude people at the movie theatre) and the more we talked the more I thought he was cute. I then put lip balm on since I am a lip balm addict and I always put some on so his brother told me "you must have very soft lips" and i said "well i guess your brother must be very lucky" and then he said "maybe one day" and I had the great idea of saying "why waiting for some other day when we can do it now" (i know its cheesy) and we kissed... The worst part is that I liked it! When my boyfriend arrived, I bursted in tears and ran to the washroom. I stayed there really long until I finally got out. I told him everything that happened but suprisely he didn't seem to care. I invited for him to break up with me because he did not deserve that but then he said that he wanted to stay with me : "why would I leave you? you like me so much you couldn't hide it from me and you care about me so much that you want me to leave you just because of that." I hugged me and we left the place and went at his house but the only problem and the one thing I didn't tell him was that since the kiss, I developed a small feeling for his brother. At his house, he made a test, he left me in a room with his brother to prove me it was an accident and that he trusted me. Now his brother kissed me and i didn't stop him, i kissed him too, a long and honest kiss. Then my boyfriend didn't trust me anymore... He broke up and we didn't talk anymore. Now its a bit better and we still talk together but not as much as we used to. During 3 months I secretly dated his brother and a few days ago, I told him about it. He was not that mad and he said one sentence I am always going to remember:

- love is like a wild animal, it seems nice but can be dangerous and even if we think we are its friend it will either jump in your face and attack you or run away to someone else's arms. No matter what you do or how you do it, you can't stop someone from loving as long as you can't stop the horse from running.

I dont freakin' know where he got this quote from but I will always remember it! This guy is the sweetest guy ever! he can be so stupid sometimes but is always full of wisdom!!! I really feel sorry and I am really thankful for him understanding my situation!



October 19, 2016 @ (Canada)

Tags: my fault, i\'m sorry

So there are all of these "my boyfriend did something to me" but this time its a little different, its actually me that did something not very cool to my boyfriend and I totally regret it! It all happened on THAT day, at my friend's uncle small cinema ( about 30-40 places). My friend told me I could bring some friends but only 2-3 since our whole "squad" was there and some other people she knew would come. So I went over there with my boyfriend and his brother and we sat at the complete back of the room, if i remember, we were on the 4th seat from the right side of the alley. So the movie started and my boyfriend went to get something (I don't remember what it was but I think it was food). He left for a good 5 minutes, so I started talking to him (yes i am part of these rude people at the movie theatre) and the more we talked the more I thought he was cute. I then put lip balm on since I am a lip balm addict and I always put some on so his brother told me "you must have very soft lips" and i said "well i guess your brother must be very lucky" and then he said "maybe one day" and I had the great idea of saying "why waiting for some other day when we can do it now" (i know its cheesy) and we kissed... The worst part is that I liked it! When my boyfriend arrived, I bursted in tears and ran to the washroom. I stayed there really long until I finally got out. I told him everything that happened but suprisely he didn't seem to care. I invited for him to break up with me because he did not deserve that but then he said that he wanted to stay with me : "why would I leave you? you like me so much you couldn't hide it from me and you care about me so much that you want me to leave you just because of that." I hugged me and we left the place and went at his house but the only problem and the one thing I didn't tell him was that since the kiss, I developed a small feeling for his brother. At his house, he made a test, he left me in a room with his brother to prove me it was an accident and that he trusted me. Now his brother kissed me and i didn't stop him, i kissed him too, a long and honest kiss. Then my boyfriend didn't trust me anymore... He broke up and we didn't talk anymore. Now its a bit better and we still talk together but not as much as we used to. During 3 months I secretly dated his brother and a few days ago, I told him about it. He was not that mad and he said one sentence I am always going to remember:

- love is like a wild animal, it seems nice but can be dangerous and even if we think we are its friend it will either jump in your face and attack you or run away to someone else's arms. No matter what you do or how you do it, you can't stop someone from loving as long as you can't stop the horse from running.

I dont freakin' know where he got this quote from but I will always remember it! This guy is the sweetest guy ever! he can be so stupid sometimes but is always full of wisdom!!! I really feel sorry and I am really thankful for him understanding my situation!



October 12, 2016 @ (Australia )

Tags: Badbreakup

We met a year ago, the second I saw him I knew he was going to become a part of my life somehow, I was right 4 months in and we where inseparable, we started living together right away and life was a fairy tale, we would go away on beautiful beach vacations, never running out of things to talk about, or laugh about. We where the same person, we where each other's person, soulmates.

But there was another side to my love story and that was he had a family, I knew he was having problmes with his wife and he told me it was over, he had a two year old who he loved dearly, and ex that I soon learned was pregnant, I was in shock but I loved him so much, I decided at that point I would stick by him as long as he was open and honest and communicated with me every step of the way. That did happen for about 3 months, but then I got pregnant and we decided to abort our child, weeks after that my mind couldn't understand why my soulmate was ok with having kids with someone he didn't even like and with me the idea was so outrageous, at that point he stared hiding calls from his ex and emails and became more and more distant, it all came to a crashing end a month after that. I blocked his phone and cut him off but he creeped back in and I let him not once but twice, the second time he seemed different he told me he saw a shrink, he told me I was his path, his life and no matter what he will never hurt me again, we went away and spent a beautiful weekend together, he reconnected with my family, moved back in, and life seemed normal again, in the. Ack of my mind looking back I was never fully at ease, I was scared and my institution was right, just two weeks after hat beautiful getaway he started acting different again, not open, changing plans, but this time I tried fighting for it, how could this be happening again? I asked my self, not wanting to believe it, but it all came crashing down on me this weekend, he was missing all weekend, I was again in the dark, feeling alone and rejected, he kept giving me hope that he was coming home to talk, and as I sat and waited for what seemed like an eternity he never came, but instead I got an email saying he can't do this and is never coming back, 4 lines is all I got from him all he thought I was worthy of receiving, frantic I tried calling and to my disbelieve he had blocked my phone number. Now every day I can't stop replaying the last two weeks, what did I miss, why was I so stupid, how will I ever recover or love again.


David Pheng

October 10, 2016 @ (Cambodia)

Tags: Heartbroken Breakup

A month ago, I was deeply in love with this sweet tough guy whom I nicknamed him "Blueberry". The relationship we had was like an electromagnetic force turned into flames and sparks, although sadly it only lasted for a month. It all started in the late summer and ended in the early monsoon. It was the kind of love that was unexpected and overwhelming, and we had no idea why we ended up falling in love at first sight. Meh, you wouldn't believe me, right? Yup, I wouldn't believe myself, either.

I had always thought that the idea of being in love at first sight was "foolish" until it happened to me. He was brave enough to hold my hand, walking in the pouring rain and whispering to me that he'd never met someone like me before. At that blissful moment, I caught him looking and smiling at me dazzlingly, laughing like a little kid. Oh, you know what? His smile was infectious; his deep husky voice kept me interested in whatever he talked about; and his large and tall body kept me safe and warm. I knew he also liked me...and I was happy.

Time passes; feelings change; memories fade; people leave but hearts never forget. We broke up out of the blue. It hurt like hell when he told me he tried to make the relationship work but it didn't, because he made me fall so deep in love with him. It was the moment I knew I'd just lost a soulmate whom I could talk to for hours without any pretense, laughing at his jokes without acting like he was a funny guy (because he was one hell of a funny guy) and sharing secrets to each other. I felt like I'd lost someone more than a close friend, although we only spent a month together. We'd had plans to be done and promises to be made until we found out that we weren't meant to be together in the end.

I would be lying if I said that I was fine going through the breakup...but I guess, it was okay, because I kept reminding myself that all I've always wanted is for him to be happy even if I'm not the cause of his happiness. The combination of anger, guilt, and revenge built up inside me has finally subsided. I admit I was so mad and depressed, leaving him numerous messages and calls...because I wanted him to be there when my heart was broken and fire was burning inside me. I couldn't sleep and eat well for several weeks; I lost some pounds; I looked up "how to mend a broken heart" articles on the internet, yet they couldn't help much as my heart still wanted what it wanted, although my head tried to prevent me from going back to what'd shattered my heart into pieces. The funny thing was I even cried at work when he instantly popped up inside my mind.

Buried deep inside my head, his presence was still there. I saw the invisible him every where we used to go together. As much as I tried to erase him from my mind, I only kept hurting myself by doing so. It took like a month to get better from it. However I'm in the process of healing my heart and bringing back the old happy me, deep down inside I still miss him and wish him all the best. I love him. I still do. But I'm letting him go if that's what makes him happier. Thanks for all the memories which will be kept and locked forever in my heart.

Stephen King once said, "Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure."



September 10, 2016 @ (Los Angeles)

Tags: Bad Break up, heart broken, doesn\'t believe in love no more

Met my boyfriend at a party in December, 2015. We were both attracted to each other and started dating straight away. Due to his busy schedule we only saw each other twice a month for an hour. At the beginning, it wasn't much, but I thought it takes time to have something serious. The summer came by and he had to study for his exams and I only saw him twice. He promised me that once his exams were over, we would spend more time together. That didn't happen, so I called him out on it and asked him what was going on over text. 6 hours later, he texted me asking me out for thursday and said we seriously needed to talk about our relationship. He broke up with me due to the fact he didn't have time for me and college was going to start for our sophomore year and he would be busy with tons of work as well as holding down a job and taking singing classes. He said that he didn't deserve me and I deserve someone better, someone who is able to give me all of their attention. He said that he tried his best, but he couldn't give me half of the things I've given him. What left me confused was that two weeks before our break up, he confessed his love for me and two weeks later breaks up. This leaves me with questioning if he ever did love me or he loved the idea of being in a relationship with me and just wanted some fun and I was just a temporary distraction.



June 02, 2016 @ (England)

Tags: #badbreakup #lessonslearned

We were together 18 months. In the final months she said she worried I wasn’t earning enough and doubted our ‘compatibility’ with contradictory reasons, yet would reject my suggestions to break-up (I always had to be the one to bring it up). When we eventually did it was hard, but I couldn’t take the uncertainty.

Afterwards it felt like we hadn’t broken up, talking as normal. She told me she still loved me and was upset. Her birthday was coming up and she was working nights that weekend, so I thought I would deliver her presents/belongings on one of the nights. But she wanted to see me, and said she’d been struggling after the break-up, so I agreed to come after Monday lunchtime following her final night shift.

When I arrived she came out her bedroom naked, claiming we hadn’t confirmed I was coming round (she sent an odd text that morning asking what I was up to that day, to which I replied to confirm/remind, and tried to ring four times). She grabbed a dressing gown and opened her presents. I sensed awkwardness and then it clicked; there was a guy in her bed.

I felt sick and humiliated. She said he was a locum she’d met at work over the weekend, it hadn’t meant anything, etc. I said I wanted answers/closure to move on (this upset her, yet I’d found her moving on!). She even blamed me for turning up. The next day she became remorseful and wanted to talk in person, but I wanted immediate answers – it had been an unnecessary and horrible thing to do.

A week later she called me and I apologised for how I’d reacted, even though I’d suffered a trauma! She wouldn’t discuss what happened, distressed at the slightest mention. She’d flipped the situation and gone back to claiming I was in the wrong. At the end we agreed we would meet to exchange stuff. That was the last time we spoke; 8 weeks later she just ignored me and mailed my stuff without any words.

The lesson here is that there is no such thing as a good break-up. I thought I was having one, and then she had other ideas. So, when you break-up with someone, do just that – cut contact and stay away. And speak to people (friends, parents, counsellor, etc.) – they will stop you from making things worse.



May 03, 2016 @ (Fredonia, NY)

Tags: none

broke up with my boyfriend of about 2 years but we live together with our friends until my semester end and i go home for the summer. Well we decided to be friends with benefits. I am aware that this is a really bad idea but I was hopeful because the last time we broke up we were fwb and got back together. It's been about 2 to 3 weeks we have been fooling around and the other day he kissed me and asked if I was ok with it. At first I thought we were getting back together since this was exactly what happened last time only he still wanted to be fwb. Lately we have been kissing a lot but only at night when everyone else goes to bed but he seems to kiss me really passionately and caresses my face and is very sensual with me. Not only that but he does little things like ruffle my hair to show me affection. I still love him very much and I want more should I talk to him about this? I'm scared he's going to say no and we won't be fwb because I love being able to touch him or do you think he has feelings for me but is scared of getting back into a relationship? I know this post is long and annoying and I'm sorry but I really would love some advice on what to do!!!



April 02, 2016 @ (Austin, Texas)

Tags: Bad Breakup

I promposed to my boyfriend of 5 months by spelling out prom with sushi, his favorite food. (Side-note: I have a fish phobia and was gagging the entire time I was spelling it out). He came over, said yes, ate all the sushi, brainstormed tux ideas, then broke up with me 4 days later after an hour of my friends and me planning hair and make-up right next to him. He said that he realized that he didn't want to be with me anymore when his first thought after my promposal was "no".



February 26, 2016 @ (Netherlands)

Tags: Crying, Heartless, Brother, Long-Distance, Love, Unfair

I met a girl on a app, The connection made in the very beginning was a special one even though we were more than 10000 KM apart. It was wonderful, We had ideas for the future until her brother found out and made her break up with me not long ago, Nearly banning full contact with me. How can someone be so heartless? Still slightly crying while reading back those messages with her, Hoping one day when she is free from him, that she can continue with me.

Anyone else had those kinds of breakups? And what do you think about family forcing breakups?



January 08, 2016 @ (Canada)

Tags: @Idont tag #isthisahashtag

I didn't see the signs. We were together for over two years. The first year and a half was crazy, wonderful, love. Then he slowly began distancing him self. More and more. He never communicated what was on his mind, so I thought everything was OK. Little did I know he was slowly starting to resent me. I was in denial about the distance. I loved him so much and kept thinking things would get better, it was just a rough patch. Through out the relationship I always worked away on and off. I went working away again and he broke up with me after I had been away for three months. later that year I was supposed to move to another town not so far away to attend school for a year. Then come back and live in the town we live in. Because he needed so much space, I didnt think he would mind if I ran off to school for a year to take a course. I hoped maybe distance would some how save us. (Absence makes the heart grow fonder?) Man was I wrong. He had time to stew over things I had no idea he was upset. When I got back from work he told me all these things he had been stewing over, he was mad about this and that, and a few minor events from a year a ago? and that apparently I am a horrible person. I won't give full details but the things he said really hurt. He was not the man I knew. He changed and decided that he disliked me. With in the matter of two months he went from saying 'I support you in anything you do baby' to you are so irresponsible i don't understand why you have to go to school, you don;t need school ect. You have done all these things that pissed me off. I don't want you around.
Then fast forward to five months, he calls me out of the blue before Christmas time. He said he's sad too. It's good to hear my voice. WTF. He was all nice again. I dont understand. I'm still crushed. I still have some of my belongings at his house. I had packed up my apartment (no we didnt live together) with the intention of going to school. I was storing my things at his house before he broke up with me. I didn't end up going to school this year because I was crushed. He left me just before school started. I'm not blaming him, I also had a lot of stressful events happen in my life during the same time. My ex leaving me was the icing on the cake. I just dont understand I thought I was a really nice girlfriend. I tried my best.


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