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83 Results For 'matt'

Fatih Dikmen

August 16, 2024 @ (Türkiye)

Tags: Metallica, Break Up, Musician, First Love, Cheated

-Metallica: Nothing Else Matters-

I said to her; "This will be our song…"
I have never opened up to anyone else this much. I told her everything. Moreover, we had only been seeing each other for 7 months with a long distance. There were kilometers and countries between us. I promised her, despite everything, and she promised that she would do this for our love, despite everything. Nothing else mattered. I was blindly in love with her and trusted her for 7 months. Her lies seemed like a fairy tale to me and I fell for her like a child. I would never have believed that love would draw me in so quickly and change my life this much. I had never been in love before her. My only purpose in life was to work, support my family, do games, music and research. But when I met her, it was as if I had never been me before her. I was a brand new person with her. I, who used to get angry at the slightest thing, overcame everything and became a good person thanks to her. The words she told me, said and gave me were all lies, but she brought me back to life. I believed her and thanks to her, I discovered that I had a heart.

We have overcome everything, overcome everything and finally I had the chance to meet her. Last week I traveled for miles, crossed mountains, seas, continents and countries and reached her. When I first saw her at the airport, when I first hugged her, I felt my heart beat for the first time. I could only spend 5 days with her, I was happier than I had ever experienced in my life. When I fell asleep in her arms, I was no longer afraid of the anything. I felt peace with her scent.

But I will leave the sentimentality aside now! She left apartment one evening and came back 40 minutes later. There was no regret, fear or sadness in her eyes. She told me directly that there had been another man in her life for 6 years... She told me; "We have been living separately for the last 1 year, but I was talking to you because I felt good and I never expected you to come here, so i was need your support."

I had never felt alive before her in my life, now I felt dead more than ever because of her.
I was helpless, I was devastated there, crying pitifully, she was watching me and there was not a drop of tear in her eyes. She had only used me for a moment. She used my pure love, my feelings and emotions for herself.

But instead of being alone and foolishly harming myself or her, I called my friend for support, told this to people I didn't know and seek for support. And thank you everyone helped. And now I have become a little more courageous and decided to overcome my pride and write these.

She is over for me now. I'm going to forget her name, her smell, her smile, her voice, everything about her. I forgave her betrayal to me, I will not hold a grudge against her anymore. I will only keep the happiness I had with her in a corner of my heart, but it will be full of pain and betrayal. And I will continue to be braver and stronger for my future life, my dreams.

Thank you for everything people! I express my endless gratitude to all these people who helped me, to musicians and music groups who gave me life with music.

Never be afraid to love and live life... Remember, "Nothing else matters."



December 09, 2021 @ (West virginia)

Tags: Bad breakup, sad

Okay so I just broke up with my boyfriend of 5 months 2 days ago. We are both 15. It all started at church camp. My dad is a pastor and he goes to my dad’s friends church who is also a pastor obviously. So we will call my ex Gabe, how it all started was the first night of church camp Gabe’s pastor's son (Elijah) introduced us. I didn’t even give Gabe a second glance. Then that night we just got out of church and it was dark and late and my feet were hurting so bad, so I took off my heels. I was walking out the door and I hadn’t even noticed that he was in front of me. He held the door open for me but I didn’t say thank you, and he said “You’re welcome” and it went from there. He walked me to my dorm room and he said goodnight. I was head over heels for him now. The next day he was with me all day long. Turns out that he has had a crush on me for 2 years!! Now I just found out who this dude is but that was the main thing that got me was the fact that he had his eye on ME out of all the pretty girls at these things. So two days later he asked me out and I obviously said yes. So church camp was over but we still saw each other. He lived 2 hours away and the first time we met up was at Pittsburgh Zoo because that was like the halfway point for both of us. So everyone knew we are dating at this point. Now we would facetime for like 2 hours every night and we would talk about marriage and what age we would get married, you know like things every young couple talks about. Well everything was going good until last month. He tells me EVERYTHING and a lot of those things he shouldn't have told me. But he told me that his youth pastor said that he needed to let go of something . And I was terrified that it was me. But Gabe told me it wasn't and that it was the fact that he looked at pictures. And I was super upset because I felt that I wasn't good enough for him that is why he looked at pictures cause if I was good enough and pretty enough then he wouldn't need those pictures. I didn't break up with him though. So after that things just weren't right I didn't feel the same about him anymore and I couldn't trust him. I still tried to make it work because he loved me so much. But then I found out that he was telling my ex about my body and some of the things he's seen and things we've said and that drew the line for me because I didn't like how he was trying to make my ex boyfriend jealous. Gabe was too clingy from the start and I was too nice to slow it down. Now I broke up with him 2 days ago and I am really missing him and missing talking to him. I know he is hurting like crazy and that makes me just want to check up on him but I know it will make matters worse if I do.



June 09, 2020 @ (India)

Tags: #bad breakup #cheaterboyfrind

I had the worst day of my life today,I got to know that my boyfriend has been cheating on me. I have been in a relationship of past 2.5 years he was very sweet to me ,the was a bit possessive he didn't like when I spoke to guys and later on he even asked me to stop speaking to my friends at first I fought but later I agreed to him,a year passed I said my parents about him and I expected him to do the same but the said he had a elder sister he can say about me at home till she gets married, then for higher studies I moved to other city and our fights because worst that before but later of he started understanding and the time passed, due to the lockdown I had to come back home,he was very sweet I had planned my whole life then I got a call from a unknown number it was a girl she said me that it was the matter of her and my life ,I didn't understand,I asked her to be clear so she asked me do I know zain I said yes he is my boyfriend she started crying she said he that she was in relationship with him past 2 year I was shocked I couldn't believe it then she showed me the proof she had tried to commit suicide for him ,I was completely broke right now I didn't know what to do the we both decided to meet ,the next day I met her she was 17 year old and she was his cousin we decided to speak to him directly so we went to his house his mom and sister open the door we said everything to her then I got to know that his name was not even zain he was not doing engineering ,he had one more girlfriend , I was blank my whole life was a lie ,I didn't know what to do at that time he entered the house he was in a shock seeing both of us together, I asked him he lied on my face ,I felt like burning him alive my blood was boiling I couldn't stand his sight ,I felt like my life is a joke I walked out of his house saying nothing ,I had no words to say I was broke from inside



March 12, 2019 @ (Virginia )

Tags: Hard breakup

My story goes like this. I started college this year and when visiting back home over winter break i found that someone down there liked me, after going on a few dates we began to seeing each other. Over the course of the next 3 months we laughed together, cuddled, and just had a blast. When things began to get busy for me again in college i made sure that i texted her everyday but i couldn't really go down there for weekends as my education needed me to study, or i wanted to spend some time with friends i hadn't seen in a while. I thought things were going good and was planning on going back down more regularly after spring break, but she stopped texting after a few days even when i texted her good morning which she told me that she loved waking up to. And we were going to go see How to Train your Dragon 3 together, but the day before we were supposed to we had a talk and she said that she wanted a relationship that wasn't so distant... This hurt... I told her we could try and make it work but she said " I don't want to force anything that wouldn't happen naturally." But still... I respected her view on the topic and that's where the relationship ended there... and now I'm just wondering if i did something wrong or should've gone down more even during my exam weekends... I just needed to get this off my chest... Because this was my first real relationship and I can't help but wonder if she just wasn't interested in me anymore, because after being bullied for years in elementary and middle school, I'm a bit self conscious of my looks even though I know that, that shouldn't be what matters in a relationship... But I can't help from thinking if it was just me you know?



March 12, 2019 @ (Virginia )

Tags: Hard breakup

My story goes like this. I started college this year and when visiting back home over winter break i found that someone down there liked me, after going on a few dates we began to seeing each other. Over the course of the next 3 months we laughed together, cuddled, and just had a blast. When things began to get busy for me again in college i made sure that i texted her everyday but i couldn't really go down there for weekends as my education needed me to study, or i wanted to spend some time with friends i hadn't seen in a while. I thought things were going good and was planning on going back down more regularly after spring break, but she stopped texting after a few days even when i texted her good morning which she told me that she loved waking up to. And we were going to go see How to Train your Dragon 3 together, but the day before we were supposed to we had a talk and she said that she wanted a relationship that wasn't so distant... This hurt... I told her we could try and make it work but she said " I don't want to force anything that wouldn't happen naturally." But still... I respected her view on the topic and that's where the relationship ended there... and now I'm just wondering if i did something wrong or should've gone down more even during my exam weekends... I just needed to get this off my chest... Because this was my first real relationship and I can't help but wonder if she just wasn't interested in me anymore, because after being bullied for years in elementary and middle school, I'm a bit self conscious of my looks even though I know that, that shouldn't be what matters in a relationship... But I can't help from thinking if it was just me you know?



March 12, 2019 @ (Virginia )

Tags: Hard breakup

My story goes like this. I started college this year and when visiting back home over winter break i found that someone down there liked me, after going on a few dates we began to seeing each other. Over the course of the next 3 months we laughed together, cuddled, and just had a blast. When things began to get busy for me again in college i made sure that i texted her everyday but i couldn't really go down there for weekends as my education needed me to study, or i wanted to spend some time with friends i hadn't seen in a while. I thought things were going good and was planning on going back down more regularly after spring break, but she stopped texting after a few days even when i texted her good morning which she told me that she loved waking up to. And we were going to go see How to Train your Dragon 3 together, but the day before we were supposed to we had a talk and she said that she wanted a relationship that wasn't so distant... This hurt... I told her we could try and make it work but she said " I don't want to force anything that wouldn't happen naturally." But still... I respected her view on the topic and that's where the relationship ended there... and now I'm just wondering if i did something wrong or should've gone down more even during my exam weekends... I just needed to get this off my chest... Because this was my first real relationship and I can't help but wonder if she just wasn't interested in me anymore, because after being bullied for years in elementary and middle school, I'm a bit self conscious of my looks even though I know that, that shouldn't be what matters in a relationship... But I can't help from thinking if it was just me you know?


Lord Harry

August 01, 2018 @ (ny)

Tags: bad break up

This is Secret powers where all dreams comes through, no matter your color or belief. What are your troubles? Do you need money in anything you put hand in? Power to see thing beyond your physical eyes, Love, Promotion, Health, To win election or to be loved by population, to win lottery and to have the man or woman of your choice, to win court cases and free your love one from prison, loan, clear debts and to collect all your outstanding money and many more? Your problems are half way solved, contact us via emails us: let's work for you so that you will start sharing the testimony from on to another.

Whatsapp: 1-(365)-300-3916


I Fell Out Of Love (The Scariest Thing You Can Do)

March 12, 2017 @ (U.S)

Tags: So sad it\'s almost funny, sad break up, don\'t cry while reading this,

When you read this story, I am certain you're going to think I am an idiot, But I promise if you give it a read, it will all tie together.

When I was 15 (he was 14), I thought I met the love of my life. We did everything together. I grew up dating him essentially all of high school. For reference, we are in the same grade. I experience so much of my life, shared everything with him.

You could say that over the course of almost 4 years of dating, we became inseparable. The inside jokes, the traditional dates, the teasing, the flirting, we had something special. But of course, over the last year of dating, the fighting only got worse. We had also been known to have a few huge fights here or there, but in all honesty, fighting is okay. But it came to a point for me that I realized I had simply had enough, I was tired of arguing with him. I was exhausted from telling him that he shouldn't ignore me, or that he should actually want to see me more.

He never was overly affectionate towards me during the last year. It had seemed that we were two ships that could not stop one storm after the next. On our 3.5 year anniversary, he asked to take a break because he had been so tired of me. He cut off all communication with me for days. I was devastated. I couldn't think or sleep. I had never felt more crushed. However, when he came to my doorstep with flowers and an apology, I felt like he had changed.

And he did. He wanted to plan our dates, talk to me more, call me, anything. It was one of the best points of my relationship, those few months. However, it wasn't enough, because to me, something was missing. I didn't love him anymore. I can't express to you what it feels like to wake up one morning, and you see this person you've always loved, but you feel different. I had fallen out of love. When I chose to break up with him, after taking a week of a break to clear my head.

He was devastated. I had hurt him so much, and it wasn't something I could help him with. Because I did that. But I could never force myself to love someone when I did not. Over the next months, we were friends. We did not want to hate each other, or be like every other ex. So we were close friends. He had made me agree that we shouldn't date for the rest of the school year, that way it would be easier on us. So I agreed. I figured, it was the least I could do, right?

Then, I found out he had been dating a girl. The worst part, was it was a girl he spent my entire relationship telling me he hated. So I assumed she was never a threat. The pain I felt/feel is the most intense sadness I could have ever felt. It's comparable to the time he didn't know if he loved me. I didn't eat right or sleep well for almost an entire week. Nothing has hurt me more.

In fact, I am still hurt because of the recency of this, as I type this, I have been tear filled, dry throat, and head throbbing. I think what is sad, was for the first time in a long time, I was starting to feel like I had missed him, and I was going to tell him that week, but then I found out he was dating someone else. The most unfortunate about all this, is I lost not only a boyfriend in this entire process, but now I have lost a friendship. We don't talk anymore. I dearly hope that will change, because he doesn't know the magnitude of how hurt not only I feel, but the rest of his friends, because suddenly, none of us exist. What hurts is I will never stop caring about him, no matter how much I hate him for the moment, I will always care. But now I have never felt more devastated. I want to tell myself I deserve it for breaking up with him, but I wasn't happy dating anymore. Do I deserve this?



January 03, 2017 @ (Honolulu)

Tags: Bad breakup, for you guys

The girl that I had cared about and loved for a year did not have her priorities straight at all. Apparently she thought that it was okay to ditch me for her friends, even when I had plans with her before them. I just had the vibe that they did not like me and I have no idea why. On top of that, she never followed through with things involving me, such as dedicating her time and effort to me, even though I spent tons on her. What really upset me was that she had the nerve to break up with me. I am a very passive aggressive person and I am well aware of it, and that is the reason why I stuck with her longer than I really wanted to. I always had that harmful and false mindset that things would get better. Her own mother did not even know about our relationship so that should have already been a sign that things weren't gonna work out. And to make matters even better (sarcasm, I really mean worse), she had the nerve to ask to stay friends after all of that. I agreed even though I didn't mean it. It has been almost four months since the break up and I am still waiting for her to follow through with it (not that I care). I guess I should've expected that from someone as immature as that. I am not still stuck on her, it is just I haven't really been venting to my friends about it because most of them go to college out of state so I really only had a couple of friends who I rarely saw to vent to. And this also explains why I still talk about it today and why I am sharing my story online. I am just amazed that someone who I gave 110% to can do something like that to me. To all my guy friends out there: if you are with a girl like the one I was with, do not stand for it, especially if you are passive aggressive like myself. It really isn't healthy to stay with someone who just drags you down and you pretend like it is okay, when it really isn't.


Sannon M

December 19, 2016 @ (cinco)

Tags: bad break ups

I started dating a friend. We were seeing each other couple times a week. He never treated me very well, and acted as is I didn't matter. then after a couple months, he began to ramp things up, treated me like he really cared, treating me very good acting like he cared about me. He said he was getting feelings for me I began to start believing we had a future together. Then, one night he told me that he had met someone else, and he thought he cared for her. And how he didn't want to cheat on he. Afterwards he actually got mad at me for being angry and hurt. Worst thing is he knows he hurt me, he just didn't care that he did


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