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100 Results For 'kid'

Pedro Ramirez Nancy

March 18, 2021 @ (Bangladesh)

Tags: #badbreakup #heartbreak #firstlove

My name is Taylor and now I am 15 years old. Here is my bad break-up story: I was 12 years old and in Grade 5 when this guy named Sam had a crush on me. But as days went He started liking me more and more and then in class 6, he asked me out. And I said YES. 2 months went and then suddenly his mom somehow knew. and then she texted me that I should stop texting his son and that it's all over. I got scared to death as I always feared his mom. (ngl but his mom was very strict so yeah that's why I was always scared. And she was very popular among all the kids' mothers). so the next day, I came to school and I see Sam talking to one of my classmates about how his mom knew and all. and I went up to him and then asked him "Hey, can we talk?", he shouted at me in front of all my classmates "You get out of my sight right now! RIGHT NOW!!", I didn't know what's going on so I left, humiliated. and then so after school was over and it was time for me to head home, Sam came up to me and then told me "Hey that was actually a prank." and I said "what was a prank?", he replied "that mom text" and then I left without replying as it was so lame. he chased me and said that he loved me. and I told him "Aren't we on a break or something?" and he just left, mad and I didn't like that for some reason. made me feel like I couldn't take his joke. so then I went to him and said that I loved him too (which was true btw, I really loved him) and then the next week, his mom again found out that we're still together and then she suddenly came to my school and I had to face her out of nowhere. She told the rest of my classmates' moms that their children should not talk to me as i will make their children bad and that I am toxic. So I eventually lost all my friends. So She started the conversation by saying "I'll slap you and break all your teeth, who do you think you are?" and she continued "do you even know who we are? how stupid of you to even think that I was uneducated like your mother??? Sam's mom and dad aren't uneducated like your parents so know your place. How dare you even run after my son?? I have warned you earlier. Didn't you reply to my text? why did you not listen to my warning? I will make sure that you get expelled from school. Where's the vice principal?" I still don't understand how my parents are involved here. Most of the stuff that she said was about my parents. My parents had nothing to do with this. An just because they are richer, doesn't mean that my parents are "uneducated" just because we aren't as rich as them. I was scared to death. and Sam just stood there. he didn't even stop his mom. and then I was shaking and standing in one corner and then I went home and I couldn't tell anyone as I thought it was actually all my fault.. and then the next day I go to school and I see Sam with his friends, all ready to start an argument with me. I really wanted to talk to him and so I ask him "can we talk?" and he starts his argument by saying "You're so cheap!", I felt bad. He then continues, "Do you guys know what his dad does?? Your parents are uneducated" - and my classmates then shouted "OHH DAMNN SAMM" and I just couldn't take it anymore so I head to the washroom and then my classmates started taking votes like "Sam or Taylor?" and everyone supported Sam. Months go by and we are always in the same classroom. He never stopped bullying me. And then quarantine happened and I am so happy. I feel so happy. But then a few days ago I had to go to school for something and then being back to school made me depressed once again and made me feel bad like all those flashbacks came and the whole week I was depressed. I'm okay now and I will have to face sam one day.
It just hurts so much. I'm in class 8 now and I still haven't moved on.


Hayleigh Marie

May 07, 2018 @ (Maine)

Tags: Bad Break up

I have been dating this kid for 6 years I knew he was the one for me we both knew it. He use to tell me all the time that he was ready for are future we have been together for six years. He use to sing me "My Girl" by Dylan Scott I loved him more then anything but the problem was he was 14 I was 17 about to turn 18 and I was not ready to break up with him He was so amazing his kisses and eveything well one day I decied to go to his house to see are daughter yes we had a daughter and I found her locked in her room and then after I found him having a threesome with my best friends and then he said hey wanna join and I told him no then he asked me to marry him after my friends were told to leave and I said no and a few days later after we broke up he killed himself and wrote a note im sorry princess i never meant to hurt you i love you and im sorry,... I was devisted that my first love was gone R.I.P Ryan Miles Mccromack



December 28, 2017 @ (Sydney)

Tags: bad breakup, broken heart, crying, tears

So there was this guy that my aunty had mentioned she wanted to set me up with and said he was a lovely, good looking boy, kind sweet and that we would be a great match. She had mentioned that we knew each other as kids but I was probably too young to remember. Beside the fact, I said no because it was a really weird idea and I didn't want to meet him that way. However, I did know that he had dated a girl at my school for quite a while but had broken up badly with her. My best friend was also really good friends with him, but never really talked about him much. Then a week passes by and me and my best friend are at a party which she told this guy to meet us at. Me and my friend got separated at the party and he tried getting in contact with her by she wasnt responding.But he somehow knew I was with her and messaged me on facebook, asking if we were still at the party, so I called him (keeping in mind i was almost drunk) and told him where we were. he came with his friends and picked us up and came back to my house around the corner. We were there for a long time, from like 10pm to 3am in the morning. He ended up inviting me to his 18th birthday that was in 2 weeks time and ended up kissing. The next day he has messaged me and asked me out on a date (or so i thought was a date.) We were talking for that week until the date, and had a blast but he didnt seem himself. Then he completely ghosted me and ignored my messages, so I gave up. He ended up messaging me saying that he liked me and didnt want a relationship at the moment, which i completely understood considering the fact that he was turning 18 and just starting to go out clubbing etc. Then i found out he was talking to a girl, not even a week later who he probably was messaging whilst talking to me which made my heart break into pieces because for days I thought i wasn't good enough, or pretty enough or that I was ugly and that it was all my fault. But in reality it was just him being an asshole. He then asked her out a month later, and we saw each other at a dinner, he had asked me if I was talking to any boys, and I told him that it was none of his business because I was just finally getting over him. He was being extremely flirty, and I keep right back in love with him. I asked him if he was talking to any girls and he said no, even though i knew he was. He broke my heart into pieces, and the worst thing is that I still like him, even though he did so many horrible things to me, even made me cry. He is the reason why I dont let boys into my life or heart so easily. Because he broke it and now the only thing that can repair it is time.



September 23, 2017 @ (Sky)

Tags: Hard breakup

Im 23, I met my ex at a running club when she was 16 and I asked her out, it all worked perfectly and we fell in love quickly. Our relationship was PERFECT, we both loved eachother and had a great time everytime we were together. We were made for eachother, and I really mean it, im not saying that because everyone says it. It was all really good.

For the record, we both new she was going abroad for her college studies, and we were willing to have a long distance relationship.

Sometimes she used to tell me that she was the only one contributing to the relationship, saying that only she wanted to see me and that I was indiferent when we dont meet. The truth is that it might be true, I was busy with college and in my free time I also liked to play video games, but we still saw eachother A LOT. I told her it was not true, every time I could I would go see her and that I love her with all my heart.

Time passed, and it was all still extremely good, but after 1 year and 8 months, she was 18 and done with school, while I am still finishing my last college year. We spent my summer vacations together, all the time, and when they were over, things changed, she had all that FREE TIME while I was extremely busy, that is when things fell appart really. I could not see her for 2 weekends straight, due to my overwhelming homework and also playing some video games; she basically transformed, and when I asked her what was happening, she said that she was getting used to not see me. I imediatelly went to see her and talk, but she was another girl, indiferent, not caring anymore. I told her that I will change and I will literaly sleep less so I can se her more. She said ok, but she was already diferent, nothing I did actually changed her mind. It was really messed up, so we sat down and talked, and she said that she had to change, she was suffering because she put a lot of effort into us and she left herself behind. This was true, she gave me all these little creative presents all the time, and I did not. She told me that the only way she could feel good is by caring less; I told her I was already putting more time into her, but she said that it was not the same, and that she thinks that the relationship is ending; nevetheless, we agreed to try to make it better. I really put an effort into everything, bringing her flowers, spending weekdays with her, and more, but after 2 weeks of this, she told me we need to talk, and broke up with me, saying we will be better off alone, she said she needed this time for herself before she went off the country. But she made her discontent clear, she told me that part of the breakup is due to her always giving me those little details, and that I never cared to give her the same, I did gave her some, but with time, I stopped.

The thing is that we broke up, and I am dying, feeling guilty as I gave her for granted and I lost her. She looks fine, I was crying really bad and she just shed a few tears. She said that maybe in the future we will meet, and she made it clear that she dreams of being my wife and having my kids, that im the perfect guy, but she wants to be alone.

I am confused and dont know what to do. I am shocked, I still think its not reall, I cant believe she broke up with me, SHE LOVED ME so much, and I did to. It all just happened in a second. Help me please.


Jason Hare

September 21, 2017 @ (Missouri )

Tags: Lost my family and my home and was left broken hearted

Was the one woman who meant the world to me. We were together for 4 years when we were younger. She cheated on me twice and I tried to make it work. We even had a daughter together. I left her on my daughter's first birthday. I was broken at that point and couldn't fix myself. It hurt like hell to leave both her and my child. Five years later she gets a hold of me lol for what I thought was because she missed me and wanted to try again. In reality it was to tell me I was going be paying child support. We took our daughter and her other 2 kids to the zoo. Was beyond happy to be able to see my little girl. After that we just got back together. It was the happiest day to finally be able to hold her close after so many years. I worked hard to make us a livable home. Dang near rebuilt it by myself. Started getting better things for our home new appliances. Her second daughter had kidney problems and we had to take 5 hr trips and got her on a donor list. I treated the other 2 like my own. I actually loved her more and more as the years went by. We were a family and I worked a lot to pay for everything. Own my own company so I had to stay out of town a lot. I was always faithful and loyal. My mom got cancer and almost died. Stress for me was huge but I struggled on. 7 years we were together and I thought we were doing good. I took my mom to see my older brother a few states away being that she might not see him again. While we were there I sold a job to a neighbor of my brothers. I drove home with my mom. Mind you i had to work 30 days straight to pay for the trip. Got home worked another 30 days to make trip back to do job I sold. Now this is when I lost everything and never even knew that she had been with another man while I was gone. She moved in with him and never once told me what was going on. Apparently they got together just days before I took my mom to see my brother.Years of bonds with children and I thought with her. The day I came home I called her because naturally I had been away and missed her and the kids. That's when I was told that she had a new bf and that I had lost everything. As stupid as I am I thought she was joking. We had promised to breakup if we found someone else we wanted to be with. So now shattered and alone I realized that I was only the one that was truly in love. I asked her why she didn't breakup with me like we promised. I was told that the 7 years we lived together and everything we had gone through that we were never really a couple. So for 7 years I was nothing not a friend not a lover. Not a family so what was I then? I was ghosted after all that time. I was used to fix up the house. Pay for the trips to the doctor. I paid bills as a couple. That was 2 years ago and I'm still broken inside. I'm not sure if I can ever trust anyone ever again. I'm not sure but I don't know how you just leave someone that you were supposed to love. Then to realize I didn't even warrant being broken up with. I meant nothing at all that's the worst part. How do you do that knowing that your hurting someone so deep and not even flinch. So that's my story how that what you think you have can actually be completely different from what is really there. In my case I loved and I meant nothing at all. When I met her I was sure I had found the one person who was put here for me. I was wrong I did learn how painful it is to love and not to be loved in return. Years of lies. I'm not sure how to say I love you and it mean nothing. When I said it I meant it with all my heart. To her it was just meaningless. Karma though always comes around.


Karma Is A Bitch

September 13, 2017 @ (Quito)

Tags: bad break up, friendzone, karma

Ok, first, sorry for my broken english.

I met this girl in college, when we were 18, so I did my best to get her to like me, we were friends and I felt weird because I was falling for her really deeply, fast forward 7 years; we graduate from college, during that time she had at least 5 boyfriends (and some sex friends) while I was alwas at her side, we spend a lot of time together in that time, I used to help her with homeworks study and stuff; even I helped Her with her tesis; one day she tell our group of friends she broke up whit her current boyfriend.

So I decided that was my chance, but one day I texted her using sweet names like princes and all that stuff; and she texted me back: "I really like the way you treat me, but my boyfriend got mad, so please dont' treat me that way in texts".

I was devasted, I didn't knew they went back, so I decided It was enough, I remember like It was yesterday. I just stopped talking or texting her, and when she finally decided to ask me what happened (3 weeks later and she only texted me because she needed help with her tesis again) I told her the truth; I told her my feelings for her and I told her I wanted her to be happy and decided to leave.

So of course I was the liar, the fake friend, she said she couln't believe I lied her all these years and even she told me she never used me as I told her (even when all my friends told me "she is using you idiot", litterally with that words) and she did nothing else; we never speak again, I letf and she did nothing about it, and is really hard because we have common friends.

So yes, she broke my heart, she didin't give a crap about what I felt for her, and all 7 years or my life went rigth into the trash can, all my friends tol me she was using me and actually teke my side in this story.

Then she met Karma.

She broke up with her boyfriend, dated 2 more guys and finally got married with a guy she met at work, this guy has a child with another woman, and this other woman is crazy, so the girl I love (yes, I still love her) had to take care of the kid, and she has ugly fights with the mother of the kid (she even got hit in the head with a phone, they both ended in the police station).

Even worse, she and her husband don´t have a place of their own, they live in his parents house (My first thougth: wow they can't even pay rent) and my friends always tell me when she has problems in her marriage, she was unemployed for a while, and she even wrote a post on facebbok about her husband's ex and the problemns they had (my friends showed me the post) I don't know how to feel for her.

And me? Well, I got my law degree; I moved from my parents house, got a decent job, and I'm proud to anounce that I'm buying a house of my own.

So, yeah, karma is a bitch !!!!



May 19, 2017 @ (USA)

Tags: lovely

Hello viewers out there, I just want to share my experience with the world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage… I was married for 7 years with 2 kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time… it got worse at a point that she filed for divorce… I tried my best to make her change is mind



May 03, 2017 @ (South Africa)

Tags: Sad break up

we met,connected.He had a kid,that i knew...he lied and said he wasn't with the mother of his child and a few months later he breaks up with me because he wants to marry the mother of his child.

Now left broken,i wander around all the memories made,all the lies he told just to use me.I feel like trash.



April 01, 2017 @ (Alberta)

Tags: Past regret

I was in a serious relationship with a girl for a while. We shared dreams about marriage, having kids, etc.

We were 19 and 1 day over the phone she brought up a "what-if" scenerio. "If I got preganat what would you do with our baby?" I tried to think about it rationally, instead of emotionally. I said if it was early on in the pregnancy I would consider aborting, but if it was further along and I felt I was killing a baby I would def keep it. It depends.

She was mortified by my answer; the idea that I even considered abortion was monstrous to her. I was just trying to have a conversation and she took it out of proportion, imo.

She didnt talk to me for a cpl days till she called me out of the blue to break up, blaming me for not loving her.

In hindsight I wish I answered the question differently, yrs later now having a child and would never consider abortion now that the situation is actually real.

After a cpl weeks of breaking up she found someone else, she has been with him ever since, yrs later.

I def have moved on, but it will always be a regret I always made.



February 28, 2017 @ (Ontario)


My hs sweetheart lived 5 min away. We went to different schools, had different friends. She had a lot of guy-friends; I didn't fully understand it but didnt let it bother me. I just chalked it upto her sporty nature so she was always associated with them. One day one guy friend (a few yrs older) invited her out for lunch with him and his business partner. She called me after lunch to tell me her friend's parter kept hitting on her, saying things like "You should dump your bf, I will treat u better, I have money, a bmw, you need a real man". My gf responded with "no thanks I love my bf". I commended her and thought this guy sounds like a real douche.

A week or so later she called me out of the blue to break up with me. All she could do is blame my character flaws and other things. I am too possessive, controlling, we dont do anything, etc. All of this was a surprise as we never discussed anything like this before, I was totally dumbfounded that she was saying this. Anytime I tried to explain myself it was responded with coldness and more blame. I was devastated, confused, crushed. Anytime I reached out to her for closure she would either ignore me or be cold. I decided to write her a heartfelt letter and deliver it personally to her mailbox one night. I pulled upto her place and she was standing on the drive. I got out and said that I am not stocking, I just wanted to deliver a letter to her mailbox and be on my way. To my surprise she was very spunky (it was the 1st time I saw her face to face since the break). She says "hey np! How are u? I'm just waiting for my friend to pick me up". We made small talk for 2 mins until we hear this car screeching around the corner and ripping up the street. Guess what car it is? yup..... Mr. Bmw. "My friend is here, gotta go..bye!" That was it.

I was crushed

She called me later that night after reading the letter, crying and apologizing because she had commitment issues (supposidly). She never mentioned bmw boy but we talked it out and started again. Things were ok for a bit but I'll admit that I didn't fully trust her anymore. One days she asked for me to come along with her to a coffee shop to meet her friends. I came along and it was full of guys, not 1 female. 10 male friends of hers. I just sat there and watched her prance around from 1 guy to the next...mingling. I just sat there in silence thinking wtf is this? After 30 min or so she said we should go. Upon driving her home she kept rubbing my leg and had a smirk on her face saying "it's ok I knew u felt uncomfortable which is why I suggested we leave". Her whole demeanor was showing she was getting great satisfaction out of my supposed discomfort, and it was some sortof test/game.

Another time she had a 30yr old male "friend" invite her to a bar for a work party (she was 19) and asked me to go with her. I told her I wasnt up to it but go along and have fun. She kept questioning why I didnt want to go. I just kept being dismissive...told her to go, I wasnt feeling good..whatever. She refused to let it go until I finally caved and said "honestly, we are 19...I dont feel the urge to go hang out with your 30 yr old male friends. Within a cpl days she was breaking up with me again... over the phone.

I'm much older now, married to a wonderful lady, with wonderful kids. I'll never forget those days though.


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