Pedro Ramirez Nancy

March 18, 2021 @ (Bangladesh)

Tags: #badbreakup #heartbreak #firstlove

My name is Taylor and now I am 15 years old. Here is my bad break-up story: I was 12 years old and in Grade 5 when this guy named Sam had a crush on me. But as days went He started liking me more and more and then in class 6, he asked me out. And I said YES. 2 months went and then suddenly his mom somehow knew. and then she texted me that I should stop texting his son and that it's all over. I got scared to death as I always feared his mom. (ngl but his mom was very strict so yeah that's why I was always scared. And she was very popular among all the kids' mothers). so the next day, I came to school and I see Sam talking to one of my classmates about how his mom knew and all. and I went up to him and then asked him "Hey, can we talk?", he shouted at me in front of all my classmates "You get out of my sight right now! RIGHT NOW!!", I didn't know what's going on so I left, humiliated. and then so after school was over and it was time for me to head home, Sam came up to me and then told me "Hey that was actually a prank." and I said "what was a prank?", he replied "that mom text" and then I left without replying as it was so lame. he chased me and said that he loved me. and I told him "Aren't we on a break or something?" and he just left, mad and I didn't like that for some reason. made me feel like I couldn't take his joke. so then I went to him and said that I loved him too (which was true btw, I really loved him) and then the next week, his mom again found out that we're still together and then she suddenly came to my school and I had to face her out of nowhere. She told the rest of my classmates' moms that their children should not talk to me as i will make their children bad and that I am toxic. So I eventually lost all my friends. So She started the conversation by saying "I'll slap you and break all your teeth, who do you think you are?" and she continued "do you even know who we are? how stupid of you to even think that I was uneducated like your mother??? Sam's mom and dad aren't uneducated like your parents so know your place. How dare you even run after my son?? I have warned you earlier. Didn't you reply to my text? why did you not listen to my warning? I will make sure that you get expelled from school. Where's the vice principal?" I still don't understand how my parents are involved here. Most of the stuff that she said was about my parents. My parents had nothing to do with this. An just because they are richer, doesn't mean that my parents are "uneducated" just because we aren't as rich as them. I was scared to death. and Sam just stood there. he didn't even stop his mom. and then I was shaking and standing in one corner and then I went home and I couldn't tell anyone as I thought it was actually all my fault.. and then the next day I go to school and I see Sam with his friends, all ready to start an argument with me. I really wanted to talk to him and so I ask him "can we talk?" and he starts his argument by saying "You're so cheap!", I felt bad. He then continues, "Do you guys know what his dad does?? Your parents are uneducated" - and my classmates then shouted "OHH DAMNN SAMM" and I just couldn't take it anymore so I head to the washroom and then my classmates started taking votes like "Sam or Taylor?" and everyone supported Sam. Months go by and we are always in the same classroom. He never stopped bullying me. And then quarantine happened and I am so happy. I feel so happy. But then a few days ago I had to go to school for something and then being back to school made me depressed once again and made me feel bad like all those flashbacks came and the whole week I was depressed. I'm okay now and I will have to face sam one day.
It just hurts so much. I'm in class 8 now and I still haven't moved on.



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