Searching for "done"

157 Results For 'done'


November 22, 2009 @ (Oregon)

Tags: dc, sucks, breakups

I was out with my friends, having a guys night. she was supposed to be study for a huge exam on the next coming monday, she wasn't going out. there's just 1 major street in our town and not too many bars. you can't really avoid people here. it was around midnight then i saw her in a bar across the street. first i was pissed because she didn't even let me know she was coming out. then! i saw her getting pretty cozy with some dude at the bar. i wanted to flip out but i didn't yet. i let it go some, they ended up kissing. I stormed over across the street, got a pint and dumped it on her. told her to piss off and i was done with her. two bouncers grabbed me and threw me onto the street, trying to brace myself from the pavement, i threw out my shoulder. Karma? eh, she needed it.



November 11, 2009 @ (East Coast)

Tags: dumped, ex, time filler

I used to be shy around guys (I was messed up with commitment and trust issues). Usually a guy would give up pursuing me cause I would always push them away. One time this guy didn't give up so I thought I would give it a chance. I mean, I can't be alone forever! So we start hanging out and he tell everyone we are dating and it is serious. News to me. After after about 3 months he has a work party that I am not allowed to go to. He told me a month in advance so I didn't really care. Then I find out his ex (who he used to work with) will be there. A few days later he breaks up with me claiming that I made him feel guilty for talking to his ex. First of all, I'm not sure how i did that because I never complained or anything. So I tell him maybe he is still in love with her. He tells me "no" and then proceeds to recite a laundry list of everything that was wrong with me. He got back with his ex and they have been together for a year. I'm just pissed he didn't have the balls to tell me the truth! I wasn't that into him anyway. But I did feel like I was a time-filler until his ex was done having her "fun" an wanted him back. That wasn't the best feeling in the world.



November 07, 2009 @ (Pittsburgh)

Tags: ho

Tyrell is an asshole. That player done stole my bus pass to go see his ex!!!!



November 07, 2009 @ (New York)

Tags: new york

How about his asshole breakup story. The yanks just won the world series so everyone's phone was just blowing up. well my Bfs phone kept ringing and ringing... he wouldn't pick it up. i thought it was a little weird. I asked him who it was... he says "Do you really want to know?" I reply yes... I was my other girlfriend she wanted to know if i was done hanging out with you... ummm yeah i think we are


Alberico Chief

November 03, 2009 @ (Italy)

Tags: Alberico19

I went over to my gf's house cuz she said we needed to talk. I took the train cuz my car was broke. After we started talkin she admitted that she had been cheating on me over and over again with 2 different dudes. By the time we got done chattin the last train had left the station. I had no choice but to stay on her couch. Middle of the night I wake up and I'm all pissed off. I take my sock off (wore tube socks cuz it was cold), poop in it, and start hitting her with it (lightly...i'm no abuser) she gets pissed and throws me out, I run away giggling my little heart out.

damn skippy.



November 02, 2009 @ (Boise)

Tags: boise

Just brokeup with my ex of 2 years. things were just getting hard. he wanted us to move-in together, and i just wasn't sure if that was what i wanted. I've been in grad school for a while and the course work has been so much that i've had to take extra time off work this month to get it all done. I wasn't able to give him what he needed, and i didn't want to hurt him anymore. the breakup wasn't fun. It was a really sad, long conversation. I hope its not really over, but I guess we'll have to see.



October 15, 2009 @ (Cleveland, OH)

Tags: football game

I was at the browns game a few week ago, this was our first time back at the stadium for a while. We were all tailgating before the game and guess who shows up. Her previous ex(of like 2years) happens to walk past our car. I don't like being a mean person so i didn't make a fuss about having him hang around, we had 10 or so people there anyhow. Long story short, we lost the game. Everyone was in a bad mood, we've been losing alot, but she gets in this huge fight with me. honestly no idea what i could have done. she calls him back up and gets a ride home with him. I got a text from her later, she'll be over this week to pick up her things. I'm pretty sure she made a fake fight so she could leave with him. she didn't even the guts to tell me to my face. I'm going to box up her shit real nice. and if i can get my dog to piss in it, I will. PEACE BITCH



October 15, 2009 @ (Rosewood)

Tags: ca

Today is week number two that I have not heard from dickhead. We both agreed to take a break to gain some more perspective on our relationship. Break or no break you don't ignore someone for two weeks. Really not even a returned text message. REALLY?!?! I'm now assuming its over and done with.



October 14, 2009 @ (Portugal)

Tags: gay,

I had this really close friend, and I totally knew he had clear gay tendencies. He kept telling me that he hadn't and that he had fallen in love with me. After a month or so of he admitting he was in love with me I decided to give him a chance. I wasn't really into the relationship because of the gay thing. But after 3 months dating he hadn't done anything suspicious, so I finally had sex with him, after it I got up to go to the bathroom (we were in his house) to find gay porn magazines "hidden" (not so well hidden buddy...) behind the toilet. When I talked to him about it he denied it... for 2 minutes and then he admitted how he was gay and was in love with my ex (well ex ex). Needless to say I broke up with him immediately.



October 14, 2009 @ (Melbourne)

Tags: Done Deal


I was dating this broad about six months ago for like 6 weeks. I broke up with her because she was getting in my way. For instance, I like to play about 3 hours of video games a night and she would always get upset about that. She would say things like, "Why don't we go out to eat?" or "Brendo, why don't you want to have sex instead of playing video games?"

Lol! What type of questions are these? Now I smoke bongs, play video games, eat pizza, and smash beers on the reg. WITHOUT some bird chirping in my ear.

Final Score: Brendo: 1 Dirty Birds: 0