Searching for "broken heart"

27 Results For 'broken heart'


January 18, 2021 @ (Jaipur)

Tags: Toobroken

Broken hearted writing this i hate you i hate you so much,.
Made mefeel like no hope, nothing at all
The sweet words turned to ff words. Its not changing a guy its like you were same fro bigginning but i never realized with my eyes
When i ask myself i only got tears ntg elseand i just want to shut the door and simply cry over thats it. It all started in front of god but yet he keep his silence.When i met you first i had never realized how much i could love a guy but tdy wrting this why for god sake i met you.
You made me feel like i lived two years with you unloved just for your time pass. Bcz of u i lost my career and lost hope.Actually i lost my hope in god too. You have every thing and every one around you but why did you made me alone, I pushed my friends away and the thoughts thts in my head never rests bcz of you i made 3 times sucidal attempts but god saved me for more suffering and making me see you with someone else.
All you did was nothing just to hurt, once you controlled me said you loved me and protected me, then left me for higher study - said your father wont agree with you, then you put your frnds around me to keep an eye on me, then you fall with someone else, you started fighting for blaming me and then all of a sudden i was the one who made all the things bad in your life so the break up initiated.
Whts wrong with me why did you do this to me were the exact words i asked him.
He replied in cold tht he left me and it was over no point in arguing over the past and further told me he never truely loved me.I know my mistake,may be being loyal and expecting the same from you, little bit of understanding and bit of true love i guess, the time .
There is no hope. May god bless you even if you have thousands of gffs.
If anyone reading this plz be honest with your gf even the bitter truth can't hit her hear but your hidden lie does.



December 31, 2019 @ (Temecula California)

Tags: Bad breakup

I liked this guy a lot and he liked me back and we were pretty young but there was just this connection between us and he was almost perfect for me but the problem was my parents didn't know soon enough they found out and we had to break up, but a few months later my parents decided we could date again and we were both super excited! But as we got on he got more aggressive I don´t mean to brag but I come from a wealthy family so I get a good amount of money and I told him about that because I was clueless and Didn't think it through and the aggression started, It wasn't Anything Physical it was Verbal he would always get mad at me when other people were not around and my parents had not clue any of this was going on,I was too afraid to tell them but the problems only got worse because I started to grow irritated and one day we were fighting and he smacked me across the head and that´s when it got worse. Whenever I was with him my heart would drop and I just felt empty and sad. i asked my parents about it and that´s when I got the truth. I was born with Broken Heart Syndrome and it can get worse due to traumatic Experiences my parents let me date this boy again because he made me happy and they thought it could help my problem. That´s when I decided I had to end it before this would end up KILLING me so I ended it, I am now beginning to recover from this but I will NEVER be the same.



December 28, 2017 @ (Sydney)

Tags: bad breakup, broken heart, crying, tears

So there was this guy that my aunty had mentioned she wanted to set me up with and said he was a lovely, good looking boy, kind sweet and that we would be a great match. She had mentioned that we knew each other as kids but I was probably too young to remember. Beside the fact, I said no because it was a really weird idea and I didn't want to meet him that way. However, I did know that he had dated a girl at my school for quite a while but had broken up badly with her. My best friend was also really good friends with him, but never really talked about him much. Then a week passes by and me and my best friend are at a party which she told this guy to meet us at. Me and my friend got separated at the party and he tried getting in contact with her by she wasnt responding.But he somehow knew I was with her and messaged me on facebook, asking if we were still at the party, so I called him (keeping in mind i was almost drunk) and told him where we were. he came with his friends and picked us up and came back to my house around the corner. We were there for a long time, from like 10pm to 3am in the morning. He ended up inviting me to his 18th birthday that was in 2 weeks time and ended up kissing. The next day he has messaged me and asked me out on a date (or so i thought was a date.) We were talking for that week until the date, and had a blast but he didnt seem himself. Then he completely ghosted me and ignored my messages, so I gave up. He ended up messaging me saying that he liked me and didnt want a relationship at the moment, which i completely understood considering the fact that he was turning 18 and just starting to go out clubbing etc. Then i found out he was talking to a girl, not even a week later who he probably was messaging whilst talking to me which made my heart break into pieces because for days I thought i wasn't good enough, or pretty enough or that I was ugly and that it was all my fault. But in reality it was just him being an asshole. He then asked her out a month later, and we saw each other at a dinner, he had asked me if I was talking to any boys, and I told him that it was none of his business because I was just finally getting over him. He was being extremely flirty, and I keep right back in love with him. I asked him if he was talking to any girls and he said no, even though i knew he was. He broke my heart into pieces, and the worst thing is that I still like him, even though he did so many horrible things to me, even made me cry. He is the reason why I dont let boys into my life or heart so easily. Because he broke it and now the only thing that can repair it is time.


Jason Hare

September 21, 2017 @ (Missouri )

Tags: Lost my family and my home and was left broken hearted

Was the one woman who meant the world to me. We were together for 4 years when we were younger. She cheated on me twice and I tried to make it work. We even had a daughter together. I left her on my daughter's first birthday. I was broken at that point and couldn't fix myself. It hurt like hell to leave both her and my child. Five years later she gets a hold of me lol for what I thought was because she missed me and wanted to try again. In reality it was to tell me I was going be paying child support. We took our daughter and her other 2 kids to the zoo. Was beyond happy to be able to see my little girl. After that we just got back together. It was the happiest day to finally be able to hold her close after so many years. I worked hard to make us a livable home. Dang near rebuilt it by myself. Started getting better things for our home new appliances. Her second daughter had kidney problems and we had to take 5 hr trips and got her on a donor list. I treated the other 2 like my own. I actually loved her more and more as the years went by. We were a family and I worked a lot to pay for everything. Own my own company so I had to stay out of town a lot. I was always faithful and loyal. My mom got cancer and almost died. Stress for me was huge but I struggled on. 7 years we were together and I thought we were doing good. I took my mom to see my older brother a few states away being that she might not see him again. While we were there I sold a job to a neighbor of my brothers. I drove home with my mom. Mind you i had to work 30 days straight to pay for the trip. Got home worked another 30 days to make trip back to do job I sold. Now this is when I lost everything and never even knew that she had been with another man while I was gone. She moved in with him and never once told me what was going on. Apparently they got together just days before I took my mom to see my brother.Years of bonds with children and I thought with her. The day I came home I called her because naturally I had been away and missed her and the kids. That's when I was told that she had a new bf and that I had lost everything. As stupid as I am I thought she was joking. We had promised to breakup if we found someone else we wanted to be with. So now shattered and alone I realized that I was only the one that was truly in love. I asked her why she didn't breakup with me like we promised. I was told that the 7 years we lived together and everything we had gone through that we were never really a couple. So for 7 years I was nothing not a friend not a lover. Not a family so what was I then? I was ghosted after all that time. I was used to fix up the house. Pay for the trips to the doctor. I paid bills as a couple. That was 2 years ago and I'm still broken inside. I'm not sure if I can ever trust anyone ever again. I'm not sure but I don't know how you just leave someone that you were supposed to love. Then to realize I didn't even warrant being broken up with. I meant nothing at all that's the worst part. How do you do that knowing that your hurting someone so deep and not even flinch. So that's my story how that what you think you have can actually be completely different from what is really there. In my case I loved and I meant nothing at all. When I met her I was sure I had found the one person who was put here for me. I was wrong I did learn how painful it is to love and not to be loved in return. Years of lies. I'm not sure how to say I love you and it mean nothing. When I said it I meant it with all my heart. To her it was just meaningless. Karma though always comes around.



March 12, 2017 @ (Vermont)

Tags: first girlfriend, broken heart, love, sad

Im 16 and I met my first girlfriend at summer camp. She was 15, had short blonde hair and was always really funny and energetic. During one of the dances I asked her to dance during the song Forever Young only because I had heard an offhand rumor that she liked me. I had no idea what it would become. I loved talking to her because we were both really talkative and she never lost interest in my long stories. Over two weeks of summer camp we really grew to like each other. Only one problem, she lived in DC, I lived in vermont. At first i thought long distance was stupid but after two weeks I would do anything to keep her in my life. That lasted 4 1/2 months, I even flew in for a weekend to see her (i dont know how I convinced my parents to pay for that one). During that trip she told me she loved me which was the happiest moment of my life. We talked for hours every night and even during school. She really was my best friend.

Then December 18, 2016 came along. Everything seemed great until she told me she had been talking to one of her friends about our relationship, I thought "eh whatever", then she just stopped snapchating me (which was strange because she would never ever do that without an explanation). Then I looked at me phone 3 hours later and there it was. The breakup text.

In that moment, every bit of happiness drained out of my life. I felt like a shell of a person. It sounds crazy now but at the time I genuinely thought I was gonna go to college with her and we would get married. I didnt ever want to go back to the god awful world of high school dating and I thought I had found my way out for good.

I still sometimes have nightmares about her with another guy even though shes probably dating a girl now (shes bi). I dont stalk her facebook feed because id rather remain blissfully ignorant. Not sure ill ever meet another girl like her.


David Pheng

October 10, 2016 @ (Cambodia)

Tags: Heartbroken Breakup

A month ago, I was deeply in love with this sweet tough guy whom I nicknamed him "Blueberry". The relationship we had was like an electromagnetic force turned into flames and sparks, although sadly it only lasted for a month. It all started in the late summer and ended in the early monsoon. It was the kind of love that was unexpected and overwhelming, and we had no idea why we ended up falling in love at first sight. Meh, you wouldn't believe me, right? Yup, I wouldn't believe myself, either.

I had always thought that the idea of being in love at first sight was "foolish" until it happened to me. He was brave enough to hold my hand, walking in the pouring rain and whispering to me that he'd never met someone like me before. At that blissful moment, I caught him looking and smiling at me dazzlingly, laughing like a little kid. Oh, you know what? His smile was infectious; his deep husky voice kept me interested in whatever he talked about; and his large and tall body kept me safe and warm. I knew he also liked me...and I was happy.

Time passes; feelings change; memories fade; people leave but hearts never forget. We broke up out of the blue. It hurt like hell when he told me he tried to make the relationship work but it didn't, because he made me fall so deep in love with him. It was the moment I knew I'd just lost a soulmate whom I could talk to for hours without any pretense, laughing at his jokes without acting like he was a funny guy (because he was one hell of a funny guy) and sharing secrets to each other. I felt like I'd lost someone more than a close friend, although we only spent a month together. We'd had plans to be done and promises to be made until we found out that we weren't meant to be together in the end.

I would be lying if I said that I was fine going through the breakup...but I guess, it was okay, because I kept reminding myself that all I've always wanted is for him to be happy even if I'm not the cause of his happiness. The combination of anger, guilt, and revenge built up inside me has finally subsided. I admit I was so mad and depressed, leaving him numerous messages and calls...because I wanted him to be there when my heart was broken and fire was burning inside me. I couldn't sleep and eat well for several weeks; I lost some pounds; I looked up "how to mend a broken heart" articles on the internet, yet they couldn't help much as my heart still wanted what it wanted, although my head tried to prevent me from going back to what'd shattered my heart into pieces. The funny thing was I even cried at work when he instantly popped up inside my mind.

Buried deep inside my head, his presence was still there. I saw the invisible him every where we used to go together. As much as I tried to erase him from my mind, I only kept hurting myself by doing so. It took like a month to get better from it. However I'm in the process of healing my heart and bringing back the old happy me, deep down inside I still miss him and wish him all the best. I love him. I still do. But I'm letting him go if that's what makes him happier. Thanks for all the memories which will be kept and locked forever in my heart.

Stephen King once said, "Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure."



March 16, 2016 @ (ny)

Tags: Broken Heart

Before I share my story just a quick history. I had a 3 year relationship in high school i fell out of love then I met Erik and i was head over heels for about 8 months little dod I know he had feelings for his ex and his best friend. Being paranoid about this i gave him an ultamaduim and he broke it off. After this I did not believe in love I thought he was the one then I met chris. I dont know why I loved him since he was mentally abusive but I did. He also broke up with me while this was happening I had met another guy but he was just a friend to help me. And here is where my break up story begins. At first we just hooked up weird for me because I have never been that type but I felt so safe and comfortable with him. Although I didnt trust him because of my other relationships so he broke up with me briefly then we got back together. We then moved in together and were together for a year and a half. I kept threatening to kick him out because he was misplacing money and other events. He got sick of it and broke up with me. I understood that what I did was painful to him but I just thought he would try to workout it out since we had spent so much time together and lived together. I just don't know where to go from here. After Erik i didn't believe in love then i met my last bf and starting believing again now im back to where i started.



March 13, 2016 @ (Florida )

Tags: bad breakups, heart broken

Growing up, I've never had a sexual preference. I was always afraid to tell people because I knew no one would understand. Then my 10th grade year in highschool, I met the perfect being, the "love of my life". We started talking December 28th and made it official January 1st at 12:04. We've had a bumpy road. I always was so used to being heart broken that I didn't know how to love anymore or even appreciate it when it's shown to me. But he sat there and he waited for me to open up to him and he was stern when he needed to be. Truth of the fact is, I wouldn't have this stronger state of mind if it wasn't for him. He was such an inspiration to my life. In my sophomore days he was a senior and was off to college. We was in a log distance relationship. He stayed in West Virginia and I stayed in Florida. We was going together for 8 months before I left him, because I thought I haven't loved him anymore. Then later that September we got back together and saw each other in person for the first time in October. We made a bond like no other. And one thing I remember is when he told me he don't ever wanna live without me by his side..."I need you in my life" He would say. We was going so fine until the day he got in college. I got less attention and began to beg him and antagonize him because I didn't understand that being in college is time consuming. He then began to pay his attention to other guys. After we had a talk about it we was fine for our 1 year anniversary "one year down forever to go." I still remember him saying. Little did we know forever was just about to time flew by he began to loose interest in me. He would call me too gay and tell me he don't like the way I dance or the way I dress. He'll say he didn't like my body being a certain way, but he would always be attracted to other guys that was just the same as what he didn't want in me. He would like their pics, text and call them. And we've had multiple falling outs about it. Finally I understood that he felt I didn't appreciate him is why he was distant from me. I gave in to my faults and offered to fix the situation. He agreed but would never let me. He would either ignore me, be rude to me or just act like I don't even exist. Or like I'm just an associate. This has been going on for months. A week ago he said he wasn't in love with me anymore. Today, March 13, 2016 I am a single broken hearted man. We've been through the hell and back together. We've lost friends for each other. His dad won't talk to him and my mom rebuke me. We both don't get along with our families because of the way they treat us. I've never had a shoulder to lean on. He's all I I have nothing...once again my heart is broken and he don't even care anymore. I've cried so many times and he didn't care. I don't know what to do. I'm hurt. AGAIN...



March 13, 2016 @ (Florida )

Tags: bad breakups, heart broken

Growing up, I've never had a sexual preference. I was always afraid to tell people because I knew no one would understand. Then my 10th grade year in highschool, I met the perfect being, the "love of my life". We started talking December 28th and made it official January 1st at 12:04. We've had a bumpy road. I always was so used to being heart broken that I didn't know how to love anymore or even appreciate it when it's shown to me. But he sat there and he waited for me to open up to him and he was stern when he needed to be. Truth of the fact is, I wouldn't have this stronger state of mind if it wasn't for him. He was such an inspiration to my life. In my sophomore days he was a senior and was off to college. We was in a log distance relationship. He stayed in West Virginia and I stayed in Florida. We was going together for 8 months before I left him, because I thought I haven't loved him anymore. Then later that September we got back together and saw each other in person for the first time in October. We made a bond like no other. And one thing I remember is when he told me he don't ever wanna live without me by his side..."I need you in my life" He would say. We was going so fine until the day he got in college. I got less attention and began to beg him and antagonize him because I didn't understand that being in college is time consuming. He then began to pay his attention to other guys. After we had a talk about it we was fine for our 1 year anniversary "one year down forever to go." I still remember him saying. Little did we know forever was just about to time flew by he began to loose interest in me. He would call me too gay and tell me he don't like the way I dance or the way I dress. He'll say he didn't like my body being a certain way, but he would always be attracted to other guys that was just the same as what he didn't want in me. He would like their pics, text and call them. And we've had multiple falling outs about it. Finally I understood that he felt I didn't appreciate him is why he was distant from me. I gave in to my faults and offered to fix the situation. He agreed but would never let me. He would either ignore me, be rude to me or just act like I don't even exist. Or like I'm just an associate. This has been going on for months. A week ago he said he wasn't in love with me anymore. Today, March 13, 2016 I am a single broken hearted man. We've been through the hell and back together. We've lost friends for each other. His dad won't talk to him and my mom rebuke me. We both don't get along with our families because of the way they treat us. I've never had a shoulder to lean on. He's all I I have nothing...once again my heart is broken and he don't even care anymore. I've cried so many times and he didn't care. I don't know what to do. I'm hurt. AGAIN...



February 09, 2016 @ (india)

Tags: breakup is good

I have known him from 8th class. He was the most flirtatious boy in my school.He was always behind my friend. I just hated him that time. We were in different classes until 10. Then for three years we were classmates. In plus one we both were absent for biology test paper.I was ill and he was lazy. However next day teacher prepared a new question paper. Only two of us were in the classroom. That was the first time he noticed me and asked me to show the answers. But i didn't help him. Because i just hated him.But after that we started talking and towards the end of school life we became best friends. He always flirted with other girls but was a genuine friend to me which sparked my soul. After school we joined different colleges.I felt very lonely those days and i don't had any phone for communication. After one year i was the one who proposed him. To my surprise he said he too feel the same for me. I was in cloud nine. Only communication was through messages. So yes somehow it was a long distance relation. We were from different religion which is a big problem in India even now. So we had a doubt about our future. Anyhow i loved him wholeheartedly. I thought he too loves me badly. But then i heard the gossip. I have a best friend from school other than my lover. he told me that my lover is having an affair with another girl. I didn't took it seriously then. But slowly i found he is not talking to me much. Then one day he told me that he loves someone else. How do you feel when you hear something like this from the one whom you love most? Yes it was terrible. It broke my heart and soul. I was numb for almost one year. Nothing was okay. It was my final year in college and i got very low marks.I never hid anything from my parents. I was afraid to face them. I was feeling very guilty. I was not okay until my post graduation. After that i gave myself a reality check. In between this i forgot about my family,my dreams and myself. It's been four years after breakup. I changed myself completely. I have lot of dreams to achieve. I am on a chasing mode now. My wrong and right decisions made myself complete. Now i don't fell any guilt or something anymore. But after that i never fallen in love. Even an infatuation scare the hell out of me. I am happy as single. I have a word for those broken hearts out there. Let him or her go. Tomorrow is always a new day. These moments will never come back. Be happy and always stay with your family.
Thanks for reading (i'm little bit weak in English.Sorry for that)


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