
October 23, 2019 @ (Florida)

Tags: bad breakup

On March 28 of my senior year, a day after my year and 7 months anniversary, my boyfriend had broken up with me. It was sudden and unexpected. We were fighting at the time about something stupid and I had apologized and he never did. I didn't go to school the day after because I was sick. Heartbreak. I loved this man and the reasons he gave for leaving was horrible. He told me I was a bitch, insensitive, and that he hadn't loved me for the last 2 months and he was only with me so I was happy. Although he already planned to break up with me the day after school ended. The next week comes and I found out he already had a new girlfriend. Realization set in. He was cheating. A few weeks later rumors about me were being spread, he was throwing shade at me. I snapped. I told him that if he wanted to be "done" with the relationship like he said then he needed to quit being a petty asshole and grow up. It was over, he moved on and I was on my way with a good life. He didn't stop, but karma was a bitch. His new girlfriend broke up with him after she talked to me and realized that everything he told her about me was a lie.

There was a lesson to be learned. If you say you are done with a relationship then don't make things harder for the other person. Move on. If you hate them, that's fine. Don't go and make their life miserable because you were.

Karma is a bitch.



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