Searching for "bitch"

76 Results For 'bitch'


February 14, 2010 @ (Texas)

Tags: bitch

this story starts off about a year ago when i met this amazing girl. i had just gotten out of a really bad relationship and so when i met this girl i wasent all ready to jump right into another relationship. so for the first few months i never really gave too much thought toward actually falling in love with this girl.but as time went on the girl starterd to grow on me and before i knew it i was completley in love with her and would have done anything for her and i was pretty shure she felt the way. after we had been dating for about 8 months she got a job working at a gym as a receptionist which never botherd me untill one night while i was wating on her call to let me know she was off i got a text from my best freind in all caps saying u need to call me thinking nothing of it i called him only to find out he had seen this girl with some dude she worked with at a late night coffee shop sharing a little more than coffee. instantly everything went red and i called her one right after the other only to have her reject my calls. finaly when i did get ahold of her she told me she had been home all night. i was completly heart broke i told her i knew what she had been doing only for her to hang up on me to this day i havent talked to her and it drives me crazy because i never knew what went wrong.



December 31, 2009 @ (new jersey)

Tags: my fault

i've been with my girlfriend for 3 and a half years. after numerous break ups, each containing an amorous and sexual relationship for her, and nothing for me, she finally broke up with me. The thing that sucks is that she was a bitch for 2 and a half years, but for the last year she has been amazing and only had eyes for me. Unfortunately, i began to take her for granted and things went awry. We broke up 2 weeks ago, starting to hang out but she decided that she can't be with me, because i broke her heart, because our relationship has no thrills, and because i don't have my own apartment. She's already dating a very tall and tattooed man who's an ex drug addict. Also, he's ginger, so i don't feel too bad.



December 08, 2009 @ (Hollywood, FL)

Tags: fl

I been dating this girl for close to 2 year, everything was great. We had a lot of common interests and shared a lot of the same views on life. I really though that she was going to be the one. I came home one day it was like someone flip the crazy switch. Everything i said, everything i did, she was bitching. Yelling and screaming, just being plain nasty. I figured that work might have been stressing her, and i wanted to be supportive. This kept on for close to a month, and i had enough. There's no point. I couldn't be with someone like that. She didn't make any attempts after i brought up what was going on. It sucks because i really did love her. I guess sometimes you just gotta move on.



December 05, 2009 @ (South Carolina)

Tags: man code

A friend of mine was finally taking the plunge. I drove 3 hrs to the wedding with my girlfriend, made it to the church on time and introduced her to all of my friends. We get to the reception hall and everything is going great. One of my good friends is chatting her up but I am thinking that he just was trying to be a nice guy, keep her company... We end up going to a bar after the wedding to continue the drunken fun. I go to the bathroom and as I am returning I see my girlfriend with this particular friend...kissing in a booth behind the bar. I went to the bar took a few shots and went back to the hotel. Left her ass there. She came back to the room in the morning...her shit was outside the door. I told her to get a ride with someone who cared. Haven't seen the bitch since or talked to my friend. What the fuck man.



November 29, 2009 @ (Florida)

Tags: heartbreak

Here's my most recent breakup story.... I went over to my girl's house early to surprise her. He had run down to the store but her mom was home. I came in and she offered to have a drink with me while i waited. she sat really uncomfortably close to me. she was being very forward with me, i kept telling myself, no way that shes hitting on me. she backed of some and we just were watching tv, i thought i was in the clear without making things more awkward. out of no where she turns and kisses me. i pulled away and was like WTF, are you crazy. Well she's pretty good looking and she came back in and we were making out like a highschool kids. well my gf walked in and saw us. she went into a mild sprint and bitchslapped me. she really hit me hard, my face was all red.



November 18, 2009 @ (Ohio)

Tags: she had to go

I'm a firm believer that you don't really know someone until a year or so into a relationship. I realized that she was a conceited, selfish, mean bitch. I saw her hit my dog. she didn't know that I was watching and my dog didn't do anything bad. I don't care what lip service came out of her her mouth... that was it for me. my dog is my very best friend in the world. an attack on him is an attach on me. later bitch.



November 09, 2009 @ (WV)

Tags: wtf

I met this girl who lived about an hr from me in another city. We talked and talked for about 3 weeks thru facebook emails, and regular emails, and then on the phone for quite some time - sometimes talking for about 5 hrs at a time. I would just lay in bed and talk. It all seemed like it was meant to be. We decided to meet and stay at a Red Roof Inn hotel in her City and so we met, went out to dinner, had a great dinner, then came back to the hotel and commenced to a night in the hotel. We woke up and said farewells and strangely I didn't get any message from her until i got all the way back. I texted her a couple times and still she wouldn't reply.

Then I get a message on facebook saying that she didn't see that attraction between us. That hit me like a two edged sword. I was pissed off and broken hearted. So that gf lasted two days. She is a bitch, a fucking whore. Hope she never has a good bf again.



November 07, 2009 @ (Alabama)

Tags: Bitch

So, I dated this girl for about a year. Things were good and even though she was busy with grad school and work, and had a hecktic schedule, I still hung in there. I made sure when she ws with me that she felt appreciated and that I still loved her and supported her no mtter what. So one day, I am at Starbucks during my lunch break and who do I see walking out as I am parking my Car? My girlfriend with another dude. I wouldn't have cared so much if she hadn't told me she didn't have time to meet today cause she was so busy...anyway, I confront her later that night. She proceeds to tell me that she is an has been cheating on me for a month or so. This being the case I flip out and tell her to leave. I decide that everyone should have a second chance. I tried surprising her and had a candle lit dinner and classic nusic playing when she came over...and asked her to marry me. She started crying an I assumed tht meant yes...then she jerked her hand back, and said no!!!!!!! Needless to say, I was devistated. I hate her...still hate her, and always will hate her....fuck you for wasting my time...and posting our fucking story on you broke up how .com you think this was fucking funny? your sick!



October 28, 2009 @ (Tampa)

Tags: florida

I graduated not too long ago from a college up north. abbey wasn't able to move down here yet. we've been doing the whole LDR thing. I hate it, it just sucks! I had a few days off work so i ahead up there to visit for the weekend. it wasn't a long flight but when i wanted to take a lil nap before we went out for the day. her phone was on the coffee table and she got a text. I looked down and it says, hey babe... i had a great time, can't wait to see you again. stupid bitch. I tell you what, i could have gone apeshit!!! i didn't. i just asked who tyler was. her face went white. i went and stayed with my parents. the rest of the weekend. boy did she fuck up. there are so many girls in Florida... it's on



October 23, 2009 @ (Florida)

Tags: Football game

I left work early one day to meet my boyfriend so that we could go to a football game with his friends. I parked in the garage across from my work and he met me at the car. We are all excited and we go to turn the car on and we get nothing. I try to start it again and still nothing happens. All of a sudden my boyfriend totally freaks out that he has food in the trunk and his friends are waiting to eat. I tell him its not a big deal since they are in the box seats...they will live without a few hotdogs before the game. He completely freaks out and starts walking away. I ignore the freak out and call AAA while he is screaming that it is my fault the car wont start. We have a huge blow out and we just start screaming at each other in front of everyone whose trying to get home. He calls me a bitch and walks away. 2 hrs later no AAA guy and no boyfriend. I go across the street to a bar and get completely hammered...thank you red headed sluts! FINALLY the AAA guy comes to get my car. I call my boyfriend and hes still screaming at me telling me its my fault and that I better come pick him up after the game. I hung up the phone and the AAA guy looks at me and asks if he can buy me a drink. Turned out to be an awesome night and yes random sex with strangers does solve all your problems :)