Was dating this guy for a few months.. he kept doing some shady BS and I was tired of putting up with it. So I decided last week to finally end things... We talked about it a couple times actually, but on wednesday it was official. Now begins the text messages...
Me: No. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry..
Jerk: okay. I had gf whole time. I knew you were a fling
Me: Did you really have a gf the whole time?
Jerk: It's over. No need to talk. bye
Jerk: Deleting your number. Outta sight outta mind
Jerk: u can't hurt me anymore
Jerk: one day you love me, next you can't do it anymore.. first time thats happened
Jerk: you'll never know.. cuz we done. cuz u are unrealistic.. and its spring time.. aka playa season. i only date during the winter
Jerk: You were fun... thanks :)
Me: Likewise (My last message to the jerk) Wed morning
Jerk: What about one last fuck
Jerk: My last comment to u is.. a bitch is always last to get fucked. sorry it didnt work.. I almost gave up my gf for u. so glad I didnt
Ok.. those were all Wednesday morning.. then at 6:30pm he sends this...
Jerk: I miss u. i'm addicted
Then at 10pm
Jerk: Goodnight Lexi
Then the next morning he actually tried calling me. Then more text messages
Jerk: Are we not friends anymore?
Jerk: Wow. I guess I'll never hear from you again. couldn't give up girlfriend. she is hella rich. and Im going on 3 vacations Vegas Hawaii and she gave me money also towards new york. I like u. I'm sorry i couldn't give you 100% of me. u need a sugar daddy and cool dude to fuck on side. fuck a relationship. get this money
On Friday morning he tried calling again.. then more text messages
Jerk: I need to hear your voice
Jerk: can we talk
Jerk: I'm coming over to talk to you (I left for work at this time, I dont think he ever showed up)
Jerk: I can't live without you Lexi. I love you more than anything
Jerk: remember i'm the cereal, you're the milk
Jerk: you weren't a fling. u are my soulmate
Jerk: I haven't been able to eat since we broke up. I am sick... love sick
Jerk: one last talk, I need that
Then that night.. he sends me a picture message with his photo.. saying..
Jerk: miss you
Jerk: These other bitches dont do it for me. I need u
Then I heard nothing all weekend so I thought maybe he was actually going to stop contacting me. But I was wrong. Monday morning...
Jerk: without you i'm lost. talk to me
Jerk: or do i gotta show up at your work just to see you again
Jerk: this sucks. all these other girls wanna kick it, but i dont. I want my LEXI BACK!!!
It's weird how crazy someone can be once you break up.. Or at least that's when you finally realize it. I've been ignoring him since last wednesday morning. If he continues contacting me I'll post an update...
Tags: liar
Okay-we were high school sweethearts.I met him when I was 14 and he was 15. We started dating months later. Our relationship always moved slow. But now that things ended, I realized how he has always slowly tried to pull himself away from me but because he was my first EVERTHING I always put up with alot. Well through many fights and break ups on and off we were together for 6 years.
He broke up with me a month ago. He said I was selfish, immature and spoiled. As much as it does hurt. Why should i give my WHOLE heart to someone who just stomps all over it! LIAR!
Tags: Craigslist, cheating
I was with my boyfriend for a year when one morning I wake up and check my e-mail to find his ex had emailed me. She lives in France now and we are here in the states. The e-mail stated that they had been exchanging e-mails for 6 months and that they were going to get together the next time she was here (which was the week I got the email). She also says that he still loves her and wants to be with her. I confronted him and he acted very confused by the whole situation. He still proclaims that he never spoke with her while we were together. Anyways, this led me to not trust him so I started lurking on his e-mail where I find that he has been replying to casual encounters on craigslist and even posted a No strings attached ad. I confronted him with this and he said it was because he got bored one night and was just messing with the people on craigslist. I tried for 4 months to get over everything that happened. My gut told me he was lying, but he is a great guy and I love him so much. This morning I woke up to find pictures of some ugly fat girl in his email and another response to a craigslist ad. I decided that I couldn't take it anymore so I got dressed and drove to his house. I sat outside debating whether or not to wake him up and break it off. Which I did. He cried and says he doesn't want to lose me. He still says that he didn't cheat on me and that he never talked to his ex, but I've never been the person to be so sad and depressed as I am now. I broke up with him today because I need to remember who I used to be before him. He was my first boyfriend and this is the exact reason why I stayed single for 20 years. He was an amazing boyfriend and I just don't understand why he did this to me or what I did to deserve this. I don't know where to go from here.
Tags: Confusing long distance
So, I lived in the USA for a year and got a boyfriend. We dated for approx. 8 months before I had to leave. We went in to a long distance realtionship which was hard but it worked. Now 8 months into it, and 4 moths before I come back, he decides to end it. I was heartbroken. Now after a week of silence he e-mails me and asks: did we use condoms when whe had sex"!? He also said "he was just thinking about it the other night." This all happened after he said he didn't have any feelings for me anymore, he even said he didn't want me to come back and now he's randomly e-mailing me! What is this supposed to mean? Does he regret breaking up, or just trying to make it harder for me to get over him?
Tags: didn't work out
I broke up with him just last week and it sucks. I can't say "officially" broke up because we didn't have the official talk. We have been dating (purely dating, no sleepovers etc) for nearly 10 months. Even though we've never discussed commitment, we've spent time with each others parents and traveled together, texted and talked to each other nearly everyday and meet at least once a week. Everything was progressing well. Last Monday, while we were out playing tennis, he told me he was going to spend the next weekend with some girl, to visit her hometown and check out the festivities there. I acted normal but became quiet after he told me that. He asked me later during dinner if I was upset, I said a bit but its ok. Later that night, he texted me goodnight and I replied with goodbye. I haven't heard from him since. I wonder if I will hear from him again. He was one of the kindest men I have ever met, and I felt safe with him, and I've never felt like that before. Guess at the time, I figured if after 10 months of dating he was going off like that with some girl, might as well just move on... :((
I found out my husband was cheating and I confronted him. When I asked her name he hesitated then said
Husband "Do you want me to be happy?"
Me " Just be a man and admit it."
Husband " I work with her, her name is xxxxx".
At that point I was so angry I reached out to slap his face, He locked me and pushed me down. I got up and tried to slap him again but he pushed me against the wall and held me there. I grabbed his neck and pushed him away. I then walked out of the room and told him to pack his bags and never come back. The he (are ready for it??) He CALLED THE POLICE AND SAIDHE HAD BEEN ABUSED! The police showed up and becasue he had nail marks on his neck they took me to jail. I spent the night in jail. Then he insisted the DA charge me with a felony which could result in 1 year in jail. For the next year and a half, I waited to go to trial while he used the threat of taking my kids away from me as a weapon.
I was found not guilty but he still insists I am an abuser and I lied.
Before you judge... He is 6ft 2 240lbs and I am 5ft 3 and 150 lbs. He has also punched my 17 yr old son (his stepson)and then called the police on him when he fought back.
Tags: wat!
First off I am not a nutcase,yes I can write fuck and I didn't write it because the word because that's how I texted it too him and this was not the first time he ignored me like that for your info I wouldn't answer for the whole day and then call me the next day when I was sleep ok and I might be clingy but he actually told me he wants me to cling to him when I told him I would stop being clingy and you know what I am younger than him but so what he's about 7yrs older than me. Here's an update on that he called me and said that he was mad at me for sayin fuck you and he didn't want to speak to me and he said he doesn't want us to have a love/hate kind of breakup because he loves me and cares about me
Tags: recent
My first love,boyfriend and everything(well not everything) broke up with over a text I sent him or so he says. We were together for about 6 months and I felt like everything was fine,we had an occasional disagreement and we broke up a couple of time for like a couple of hours but all in all I thought we were ok was and still am in love with him he told said he loved me and everything was good so I thought. I started noticing he would ignore my calls a lot and when I asked him why he would be like (the next day) he was busy and he didn't want to tell me that because he felt like it would hurt my feelings which I thought did't make any sense. So one day when he was ignoring my calls he finally answered and he sounded like he was just having a good time hanging out so I was mad and I asked "why your not answering me " he replied "I'm on the phone now right" so right there that made me mad. So because I was mad I hung up on him and then I felt bad for doing that so I tried to call him again and of course no answer so I started to text him and he texts back I'm doing homework so I text back (mind you I was mad) that he's a liar and f.u (you know what that spells. So the next day he doesn't answer me or call me all day and when he finally does he says I broke up with him because of what I text him and I'm like I was just mad and I'm sorry but he doesn't want to hear that. I think he was just trying to make an excuse to break up with me what do you think?
She was my first love. We were lovers and best friends, it was amazing. We had our moments where there were spats and petty arguments, but we always got over them pretty quickly. About 6 months in we hit a rocky patch where we were constantly fighting and holding grudges longer than we were in spending time together so we called everything to a halt and "took a break" but after being apart for a week and a bit got back together. Things, although still great, were never the same. Our relationship lacked the passion and we were fading to bare friendship. By the end of our 7th month I tried to cling to the scraps of our relationship but she was slipping away and i was constantly having to call, txt and arrange when and where i'd see her. It got to the point where i knew she'd lost interest in me completely and i had nothing i could hold on to. After one of our last "arranged" dates i moved in to kiss her hello and she leaned away. I confronted her about her feelings and she turned around and said that she wanted our "infatuation" to slip into a comfy, close friendship. I agreed, i couldn't force her to feel differently about me. We avoided each other for a week when she started txting me again. I asked how she was, if she was seeing anyone and i got a few stinted replies our conversation dwindled and died. She then txted me a few hours later asking how i'd feel if she was to start seeing someone; i tried to stay nonchalant and told her it was her choice and to do what made her happy and, stupidly, asked if i'd know the person. She replied with one of our mutual acquaintance, of which, i felt a bit put out knowing a few trashy, sleazy stories about him but left it up to her. She then pushed the matter, asking how i'd take it if they were officially dating and i repeated my "whatever makes you happy" but then it struck me and i asked her how long they'd been dating. She replied that she'd hooked up with them days after we'd officially broken up. I was heartbroken. She continued to text me, then kept calling but i couldn't bring myself to answer. It's been a two years and i still refuse to fall into any relationships due to the scars shes inflicted. How long did her relationship with the sleaze last? 4 weeks.
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