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645 Results For 'old'


October 13, 2009 @ (TX)

Tags: divorce, kid, life, sucks

After talking to this girl online for a year, we finally get to go out and things go great. Not long after going out with her another time, she tells me she's gotten back with her ex....even though she said she wouldn't. Normally a story would end there, but no. I continue talking to her because I'm not sure how her relationship with her ex is (I assume it's already bad considering what she told me at that time.) Next thing I know, she marries him. Then, she becomes pregnant with his kid, to which her ex leaves her and they divorce (an ugly one, considering the ex was trying to blackmail her into staying with her). Instead of continuing my relationship with her, I end up being her "counselor" during her situation and pretty much ended any hope I had with her.



October 13, 2009 @ (Maryland)

Tags: facebook, internet

So I had this bitch of a girlfriend back in college, but I, being an easy going type of guy, always made excuses for her and we stayed together much longer than we should have. Anyway, we had decided to go see a concert one weekend. Now the Monday before the concert a friend of mine, who had been battling cancer for 3 years, passed away. The funeral was scheduled the day of the concert so I called my gf to explain that I can no longer go. She gets furious about how she already bought the tickets and it is to late to return them. The coup de grâce, however, was when she coldly stated "I don't see why his funeral is so important, you weren't even friends on Facebook." I dumped her there and then on the phone. Now the night before the concert she calls me again, asking me when I'll be there tomorrow for the concert. Confused, I repeated that our relationship was over and I wasn't coming. She, however, thought I was joking. To help her understand, I told her to log onto Facebook (something I rarely do) and I changed our relationship status right in front of her, saying "well it's on Facebook now so it must be true" and hung up.



October 09, 2009 @ (us)

Tags: us, ring, broke

4 years i dated this guy. we broke up and 3 weeks later, 1 day before my 29th birthday he told me he was leaving the next day for Hawaii to get married. I had no clue, really not even 1 small hint of a clue, in fact I had loaned him money the week before and he used it for her ring. He never paid me back either. Prick.



October 08, 2009 @ (Dallas, TX)

Tags: tx, dallas

Ok well I was dating this amazing guy for 8 months and I told him were going to need a break. for a bunch of reasons really. i think that he has hurt, or at least he seemed to be, but the next day i got a blast of truth. He was already dating some other girl that I knew had liked him since 4ever. My guess is that he's always liked her2. and get this... he like totally made out with herright in front of me. i was so hurt, but acted like I didn't care. I'm cool now, i am dating again some one who cares for me 4 once in my life!!!!!!!!!!!



October 08, 2009 @ (PA)

Tags: pa

we had a new girl join our staff about 2 months ago. we ahd to work closely together, almost on daily basis. we got to know eachother pretty well, and we started dating. my best friend told me that it was a bad idea to date in the workfroce, did i listen.noooooooooooooooooo

my boss found out bout a month later. guess who got fired.



October 08, 2009 @ (Socal)

Tags: pa

I had to work a really long day and so my now ex-husband took the day off work. He took our 6 year old daughter to McDonalds' restaurant on his day off, accompanied by his 23-year old new girlfriend......... I happened to be at the same place for lunch



October 07, 2009 @ (PA)

Tags: Only me...

My X and I had been seeing each other for awhile. He lived in my parents hometown and I went to school an hr away. He never came to see me so when we had "the talk" he told me he was afraid to drive over bridges...I went to school in Pittsburgh. For those of you who don't understand this...we have three rivers surrounding the city. The best part...he's moving to the South Side.



October 05, 2009 @ (my bed)

Tags: sadness, breakup

let's see....oh ya, saturday night, i walked in on my girlfriend screwing another guy....we broke up...

my girlfriend before her told me over lunch one day that she had a date that night, so we had to hurry up and eat...

ya, i'm a winner!



September 28, 2009 @ (North Carolina)

Tags: sad

I always thought that my boyfriend and I were very close. We've always been honest with each other. It was actually a point of pride in our relationship. Last night he asks me, Do you think my old girlfriend still likes me? how horrible is that. i mean on one end i can't blame him... at least he was honest. but wow that was tough to swallow



September 28, 2009 @ (PA)

Tags: pa



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