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396 Results For 'tell'


October 13, 2009 @ (San Antonio, at the time)

Tags: example1

i come home from work and take a nap. me and my wife just had a baby so i was wrecked. i wake up from my nap to go into the living room to see my wife butt ass naked on cam. on the pc screen i see some dudes dick on cam. i guess they knew how to party. i look down and the baby was sleeping up next to her just out of cam range. she giggles and i say fuck this shit and leave to the bar with friends. i come home and ask her if she was all taken care of or something sarcastic like that. she tells me the baby wasnt mine (the baby was the only reason i married her) and that she was cheating on me (i figured that much). we split up that night. fuck that shit right? a few months later i get a letter from the state wanting me to pay child support. because of this i will never get married again. just not worth it.



October 13, 2009 @ (NY)

Tags: evil

MY ex and I were together for over 4 years, married for three. We bought a house together just 8 months ago. My ex pressed for this house even though I did not want it. I did EVERYTHING to get it, and put myself under so much stress that I ended up having a breakdown and losing my well paying job. About a month later my ex tells me "I can't deal with you like this. I have been thinking about leaving for over a year now, and oh, yeah, get out of the house."
That bastard waited until I got him the house (HIS Credit sucked) and lost my job before telling me he thought it was over.



October 13, 2009 @ (New York)

Tags: Facebook, Really?

I had been dating this girl for about four months, everything seemed great. The one problem I had (which I amounted to me being jealous) was that she was always receiving texts and IMs from this one guy. She would explain them away with "Oh, he's just my gay friend." I bought it. I left for college (an hour away) and not a week into it without warning she changes her Facebook relationship status to in a relationship with him. I call her and she tells me it's just a joke and she can change it to say nothing if I'd like. I actually had to contact the guy she was cheating on me with to get the truth. He seemed equally infuriated about this development and swore that the two of them were done (a week later they were back together). She tells me she was lying so that I would get so angry that I would break up with her and that would somehow make me feel better. Evil.



September 28, 2009 @ (New York)

Tags: ny

my ex and i loved to make youtube videos. we'd go out and record all kind of stuff. well one day i got an im from him telling me to goto this video. I did was it was him breaking up with me... ;( Worst part was it already had 5 other views. I wasn't even the first to knew. ahole



September 23, 2009 @ (Atlanta)

Tags: atlanta

I know you don't really celebrate 1 month of being with someone but, i wanted to take us to a nice restaurant. We get there have a nice meal , and i tell her happy 1 month. her reply 'we've been dating?'
