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17 Results For 'sad breakup'


October 24, 2020 @ (Ozamiz City)

Tags: heartbreak, sad breakup

It's funny, how two people could meet online.
When I first met her on facebook, she was very pretty.
So I started liking a lot of her facebook posts and it return she also liked mine.
It was only on the first day we met on facebook, I asked her where she lived and it was actually really close to my house.
We lived on the same city.
I asked what she was doing, and she said "School." and her school was only a few distance from my house so I asked if we could meet up.
We went out for ice cream.
The say after, she told me she only had half a day of school so she asked me if she could hang-out in my house.
I said sure.
In that afternoon we watched a movie in my house and started taking a LOT of selfies together.
And before she went home, I asked her if I could kiss her than she sat next to me and gave me a kiss on the lips.
I never really thought of anything could be so sweet touching my lips, it was cherry flavored.
And a week after that, I was finally about to ask her to be mine I got everything ready, the movie tickets, red roses but she didn't show up.
She only texted me saying she already had a boyfriend from the start even though she told me they already broke-up.
Even until now, we're still friends on facebook lol.



July 13, 2017 @ (Indiana)

Tags: bad breakups, sad breakups

A couple of months ago, the girl i;ve had feelings for finally expressed her love for me we both knew how one another felt, just never said anything cause it was never the right time. we talked for a while and she finally broke up with the scum bag she was with. but, all of a sudden she didnt know what she wanted... said we couldnt be together.. and i had had enough heartbreak in the sate i was in so i left... left my job, and my care and flew out of state... the she texted me... called me all the time... begged me to come back for a month... so i did.... i came back for her because i loved her... and we had one good week before she told me she hated me... told me i was a mistake and told me to leave... as i was packing she laughed and said she had cheated on me a few days prior... i never got mad at.. never yelled or even said anything that would remotely hurt her through all this... i told her i loved her one last time as i put my bag over my shoulder and left...


Tia J

June 03, 2017 @ (malaysia sabah)

Tags: sad breakup

Everything was so perfect , me and him everything. I never loved anyone as much as I love him, I swear. He's christian, and Im a muslim :) it's common for relationship like this in my country, but not for his family. We were forced to break up because of his mom cant accept that im a muslim. It sucks cause we really in love. It happened last night, 4th of June. And we had been together for 9 months. It just, I dont know, everything was so perfect between us. I cant imagine that I met a guy who fully understands my attitude but at the end, I have to let him go. Even I love him to death. I know I wont be looking at someone the way I look at him. And everything wont be the same anymore.


Elanie Cruz

March 27, 2017 @ (philippines)

Tags: bad breakup, sad breakup

I was 14 years old when i meet this guy from our school, actually his my classmate..i was known from our school that I'm man hater with a stone heart but then when I met this guy my world turns into a new one, a one with a soft heart now...

I became his friend, he always make me smile when I'm sad, doing a funny thing just to gave the happiest day to me..And from that I thought he has also a same feeling to me but then I was wrong Im the only one who assume that we have a same feeling to each other because in reality i was the only one who fall for him and from falling to him break me into pieces....

But because I was a martyr girl I said to myself that its okay at least we are friend and that's enough for now...But for the second time around he broke me again, when I found out that he is courting my best friend my world turns into dark, lonely and sad...

My best friend said that she's better to be girlfriend to my guy friend than me... My best friend and my guy best friend totally lost to me, they became couple or should i say the sweetest couple in our campus...And me, I became invisible to them and from that i became quiet and i don't want any people to go beside me in short I only want to be invisible because from being invisible no one will make u cry and no one will get u hurt.....

From that I promise to myself that i would never ever fall inlove to a boy who do not love me....and i would never ever give my trust to a person who only know how to betray me...


Silly Girl

March 04, 2017 @ (Taiwan)

Tags: Sad breakup, silly breakup, silly girl, unimaginable breakup

When I was 13, I meet my ex in high school. I remember in the first class, we look at each other and smile which is the moment i remember until now. Those time, when young soul are pure and kind.. When time passes. We had a crush on each other, we knewit but we never confess it.

5 years later where we both are 19, we got together, he is my first love, while im not his first love. He went into several relationship during that 5 years. We were both in a long distance relationship(LDR) as at the year 19 people start going to college in University. I stayed local to further study, while he were in the State.

When we first separated, we fully committed to maintain this uneasy relationship, because i believe in fate. For those who been in a LDR, will know that how stressful, insecure, it is. It brings a lot of stress to me. At the first 4 months it was okay, and after that he start to playing missing, like for a whole day. Dint reply my text, dint pick up my call and dint even told me that when he is awake and when he is going to sleep. The time different between us is horrible, it was me that stay up till midnight to wait for him to wake up, but ended up receiving nothing. This kind of ignorance and gone missing go on and off continuously till another 6 months.

At the 10th month of LDR, i received an odd message from him. It was some very rude words, saying that I am a bitch. And then I realized that it sent by another girl through his phone. At that moment, my heart felt apart. My heart was broken. I cried and call him to explain everything, he told me that he was actually with the girl when he is in the State. He throw all the responsibilities to me to settle all this mess. Ask me to make the decision. I was mentally and physically being tortured. Everything was in a complete mess. His cheating partner was crying and screaming while we having phone call and I am really not under a sober condition to settle this mess. And I decided to hang up the call since I cannot think comprehensively towards everything. After the night, he keep send me sorry words, saying that he din't mean it, saying that he still love me, and a lot of sentences that mentally hurt me a lot. He spam and spam and spam.. every single day and act like he is the one who got hurt. MAN!! I am the one who silently being hurt all the time, every single time! 6 days after the messy break up, his cheating partner texted me, asking me to give him another chance, and told me that he was sick, asking me to send him some warm messages. I cried every single day, i cried a lot. The pain that both of them gave me is unbearable. It's like a knife stuffed into my heart and slowly twisting.

And finally I decided to text him, because I still love him at that point, he cried and beg me, asking me to give him another chance. Because I still love him, and we are back together. Same thing happened, okay at the first month was so good. And the following months he was playing missing. Finally at the third month he wanted to break up, and he said that he is in love with someone else. And we never contacted ever since.

After the break up, I couldn't sleep well at night. I always had nightmares, felt lonely and sad. When I look into the mirror i asked "What now? Am I not good enough?" "Why does being kind people will still get hurt?". All the question i asked, but non of them gave me an answer. Those sadness and insecurities haunted me quite a long time. It started to effect my health.

And after 4 months, someone with him told me the truth, the person told me that he had a lots of girlfriend before and after he gets back with me, all those classes, working timetable and trips with friends that he told me as an excuses of can't make a video call was actually going out have fun with a lots of chicks! Truth hurt. Truth really hurt like hell. I burst into tears when I knew this. I always thought that both of us need a closure, but the pain he gave me that feelings just wont go away. After the truth, and I finally realized that he doesn't deserve my tears. It is not worth to cry for him. Love yourself first girls!

Xoxo Best wishes


Im Not Over You

January 13, 2017 @ (china)

Tags: sad breakup

I started to like this guy when I was in school. One day I was with my friends and they were face timing him and we were all playing truth or dare. Some how the truth question was... Who do you like? since it was his question he started to hesitate but bravely he said my name. My hear dropped to the floor. I told him I liked him too. He texted me later "Hey Cutie" and we started to talk. We talked about random crap and said things like "Love you"or we sent heart emojis to each other. In school we would flirt and talk and he asked me out. People say that being so young I don't know what love is. Or how to do it. I disagree but even if that was true... I'm positive I know this.. I CAN love someone and feel like they stabbed me in the chest saying that they loved me one day and don't like me the next. We can even look at each other the slightest bit now without is being awkward. I hate walking into a room with it because I feel so much anxiety. How can it be that I'm still not over him? Someone PLEASE tell me... How do I get over him?



June 29, 2016 @ (West Virginia)

Tags: gay, heartbroken, sad breakup

He was my stepbrother's friend, having moved in with us two years ago. He never showed any signs of liking me--or men in general--at all. In fact, I always thought he was a bit homophobic until he told me otherwise. He said, "As long as you don't like me." Well, of course, I kind of fell for him. I never told him, but I always tried to underhandedly flirt with him. I wasn't sure if he knew how I felt about him. Then, just this past weekend, I caught him looking at me and smirking. I asked why he was looking at me like that. He said, "Nothing." I then asked him if he knew how I felt about him. He sat down and grabbed my hand and asked if this was what I wanted. It was such a great feeling, being with him. Then he tells me that he'd had feelings for me since he first got to know me, but he never did anything because his dad was super homophobic and would literally kill him. Then he tells me he's leaving for a job in Virginia, so we couldn't be together anymore. It wasn't until two weeks from now, but he got kicked out due to bad blood between he and my stepmother. I'm completely heartbroken, and it's all I can think about.



March 10, 2016 @ (sabah)

Tags: sad breakup

sad story



January 18, 2016 @ (Brasil)

Tags: Sad breakup

I met her 4 years ago, i remember it like it was yesterday. I was at home when one of my friends called me and asked if i wanted to go out with him, as soon as i arrived he introduced me to this girl. At the very first moment when i saw here my heart just stood still. She was beautiful. We talked just a few minutes but it was enough. Later that day, at night time, she came to me in Facebook and Skype; from that day on we talked everyday, for hours and days we shared our love. At that time, i couldn't see my life without her. All i was able to think was about her, her day, what she possibly been doing or thinking. I would have done everything to make her happy. When i kissed her, i felt peace. Every kiss was magic, everytime i touched her skin i could feel my heart beating like it was for the last time. But, last month, we met a few days before the new year's eve and we kissed for the last time, i felt nothing. I just had a sudden realization. Our love was over. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead while i whispered "Be happy, i'm sorry."We haven't talked to each other since then. I miss her. I feel the loneliness and regrets consumes me. At the same time i want her back, i know i can't love her as she deserve to be loved. I'm sorry.



December 04, 2015 @ (Indiana )

Tags: Bad Breakup Sad Breakup

When i was 13 i got in to a serious relationship... (Haha serious at 13) but he was my first love. Anything i could ever want, but after a year and 8 month it got dull and he started to pressure me for sex. I eventually ended it. Soon after i had a rebound and i went into a spiral of depression. Throughout dating my rebound i cheated on him with my first love repeatedly. I can to the epiphany that i was still in love with him. Its been years and I still am close with his family, and I'm still in love with him, so much so that the inside joke in my family is "He could say jump, you would ask how high?"


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