Searching for "mother"

59 Results For 'mother'


October 15, 2016 @ (Louisiana )

Tags: Baby break up

Wish I could make a long story short but I was with my child's father for 3 years he was like first everything , love of my life but little did I know he was cheating on me. It broke my heart cause now I have your baby and it's still not enough to at least you try to make something with with us get your family straight before moving on. So he got me a ring help me get car we took family pictures and everything. While our family picture #the(hislastname)... He then post his new li boo. We technically didn't breakup so I spent months looking for closure. But now I'm in a good place with everything but he stuck on I want him so he choose not to deal with me and my child doesn't even know her dad it's sad but touching he chooses to tend to his life and let his daughter grow in front his eyes. I think out of the whole break up that's the part I won't ever let go of because I know the feeling of growing up with no father but for him to say some of the things he says as mother of his child.. He literally watched me struggle to take care of her , just to see me hurt.. Still wanna know why he is so mad because He cheated and I basically expressed my feelings in messed up ways but I feel as if what's worse the having a baby for somebody who you loved and they never loved you back (let's talk about kick in the face , right)



September 21, 2016 @ (Canada)

Tags: Sad Truth, LDR, Bad Breakup

June 2015 I dated a girl I met online. We were friends for about a month first though. I've never felt this way for someone before. She lived in the United States and I am in Canada. I gave her everything I had. We were originally suppost to meet in March for spring break of 2016. But In Augest she broke up with me for like a day lol. And I broke up with her a little bit after that cause of my insecurities. We got back together and literally a month later we got back together saying all these happy things to do when we finally meet in March!....Until November.(this isn't the worst part). She told me that her parents and her were busy on spring break. I was still in school (year after grade 12) when she told me this. I of course broke down upset. But in a week I got over it. So about a month later around Christmas we talked about seeing each other for our anniversary in June. I was so excited! I bought us matching necklaces with our names and anniversary date printed on them and alot of great stuff! So In February I was getting to the point of booking my flight to see her! I kept asking her where I should go to stay that's closest to her and where we would meet. She seemed really hesitant telling me and she finally told me she needed to work out her band schedule before I book anything. So I waited for about 2-3 months and she said it would probably be easier to meet half way in July. I couldn't belive it. So I said what would your parents think about that? You're only 17 and I'm 18 almost 19. So this is the thing....she never told her parents or anyone about me there! She told me she would when we first met but still she never did. She finally told her mother about me when I convinced her enough. I was so scared. Before she told her she said "I love you babe" I was waiting around for 15 minutes to hear back from her or her mother. It felt like an hour. I open my snapchat and it's a message from her saying "hey Curt....I don't want you dating my 16year old daughter ANYMORE"at this point my heart sank. I begged for her to give me a chance but she just kept saying "ITS DONE" I know she didn't wanna be with me anymore for whatever reason. But she told her mother to break us up to make it easier on herself. She lied about her age too after a year of being together. I've never felt so betrayed in my life.



June 29, 2016 @ (West Virginia)

Tags: gay, heartbroken, sad breakup

He was my stepbrother's friend, having moved in with us two years ago. He never showed any signs of liking me--or men in general--at all. In fact, I always thought he was a bit homophobic until he told me otherwise. He said, "As long as you don't like me." Well, of course, I kind of fell for him. I never told him, but I always tried to underhandedly flirt with him. I wasn't sure if he knew how I felt about him. Then, just this past weekend, I caught him looking at me and smirking. I asked why he was looking at me like that. He said, "Nothing." I then asked him if he knew how I felt about him. He sat down and grabbed my hand and asked if this was what I wanted. It was such a great feeling, being with him. Then he tells me that he'd had feelings for me since he first got to know me, but he never did anything because his dad was super homophobic and would literally kill him. Then he tells me he's leaving for a job in Virginia, so we couldn't be together anymore. It wasn't until two weeks from now, but he got kicked out due to bad blood between he and my stepmother. I'm completely heartbroken, and it's all I can think about.


Scarlett Withmore

December 01, 2015 @ (The Solar System - I live with Chewbacca)

Tags: bad break up

My names is Scarlett Withmore, I am 17 years old, and life for me has just sucked in every way. My family and I moved to Somerville, a small town in Georgia about six months ago. Changes really suck and all, i thought life was over until I met Evan. Evan was my gorgeous neighbor with green eyes, dark brown hair, tall and lean, and captain of the swimming team, he was the unbelievably hot boy next door. At first I kind of stalked him, well i'd see him through our windows in our bedrooms which faced each other. Then he just started talking to me, and gosh did I died.. He asked me out and of course I said yes. Evan was simply perfect and life was as beautiful and perfect as it could get for me,until one night. It was my 18 birthday and Evan had promised he'd ask my hand in marriage. I called him once, twice, so many times that my fingers hurt so much from dialing. That night I cried so much, I thought he'd only used me just for his amusement, but I was wrong. Evan's mother came the next day. Evan had died in a car crash, one caused by a drunk driver. My life was over. The future we planned was buried with him. I still feel the pain, all of it, i just hope that one day I will heal, or least that I'll see him again at least once more.


Space Bunny

November 25, 2015 @ (Somewhere in America )

Tags: Sad breakup, sucky breakup

My boyfriend broke up with me AGAIN yesterday after 14 months. He broke up with me last month but got back with me after realizing he didn't want to do that. So yeah, in the span of those 8 hours we had broken up I came out with the truth (More on this in a second) to my mother because well: it was early in the morning and I just had my FIRST breakup. I had no one to talk to and it all hurt bad. We fell hard for each other, but we were living a lie because I had to hide my relationship from my parents. I didn't mind entirely because I thought being with him was worth it but I guess lying for that long was too tough for him. Plus we couldn't do much outside of school.
tl;dr: we broke up because of my parents not letting me date. Regrettably, we went on for a year on a throne of lies and fell harder for each other as time went on. We made the healthy choice to break up, but it is quite a sad one.



October 20, 2015 @ (Carpenter)

Tags: Embarrassing Breakup

One day in my 6th grade school year a young biy in my class asked me out and said he wanted me to meet his parents THAT night so without his parents knowledge. So I knock on the door that night and he got the door I came in and he said hey mom thiswas the one I was telling you about. His mother said you never said anything about company coming over for dinner, and you never said that you had a girlfriend!! Since his father screwed around, he had 26 siblings somehow. I had dinner there. During dinner he brought up the topic that he wanted to take me to the Valentine's day Dance at our school the next day. I said sure so the next night we went and guess what he broke up with me at the dance. I was soooooo embarrassed. I haven't gone to a school dance since. And there's been about 25 of them



September 02, 2015 @ (france)

Tags: break up

Here goes it going to ne long.

I mst this girl on august 15 2014, I was working at work a hotel where i was working the night shift and she walks in with her daughter.10 years old.
She put her daughter to bed in the hotel and she came down and spoke to me , we had sex .
She game me her number we met up on the next day in a restaurant , then she stayed at mine for 4 nights with her daughter, everyday while sh was at mine she said tomorrow I am leaving , but she stayed.
She lives 150 miles from me so on weekends I would see her and most weekends on a monday morning she would say I want you to leave then when I leave she would say I love you .
Her daughter would cry at night if her mother stayed up with me , if she went to bed she would not.
One night her mother got angry through out her daughter on the street , I tried to bring her in but her mother said no.Finally she brought her in and she smashed her place up plates and glasses and furtuinre then she said I have had enough she took her car and wanted to commit suicide.
Me and the daughter cleaned up the place 10 mins later she came back and said now the daughters a sleep. she then through me out at 01:00 no taxi in the area and my phone was dead. after 30 mins she let me back in the house.this was in around nov 2014.

I still went back on weekends and sometimes it was ok sometimes she wanted me to leave.

She has been to my house a few times, she would have a go saying I am always on the phone, so I thrw the phone outside . and she went quite.

Sometimes at mine she would say I dont like it hear. I want to go home so I would drive her back home and then next day she said she loves me.

I used to pay for her shopping buy her found even though we are both working.

She used to coplain about my hair my clothes, her life and her daughter her family.

One time she said she tried to commit suicde from a 3rd floor window.
We booked a weekend to Paris away I booked train tickets and hotels 4 days before she said I am not going with you . so I lost money on train ticket but got hotel cancelled ok.
weeks later we went with my son and her daughetr and her to paris for 5 days. 1st day she complained about the room, she walked out half way out of a meal. I payed for all the stuff in paris she did not give me the money for her part I finally said its ok..because everyday she said I will give it to you.

after Paris she did not speak to me and 4 days later she said she loves me .

My sons grandfather passed away in august 2015. My ex (sons mother) had to orgnaise everything also she had to change appointements for drs for my son before he returns back to school. MY girfriend got upset said we dont have hoildays together and we have 1 week off and your ex did it on purpose to change dayes, I said no because her father died.

Anyway, she has split up with me for that also she said, because I work the night shift and I tried to stay at your place I cant .

My son was happy I split up with her and sent her 2 text messages and she was unhappy about him saying hes happy we split up.

She then told me its finished I should go and fuck my self .

I miss her no idea why after everything. I have not written everything because thier was so many tantrums and her having a go at me .

Sometimes I feel sad , I just want to speak to her , I miss the sex and this was my 1st realtionship since 8 years



May 30, 2015 @ (US)

Tags: Bad break up Sad Break up

Moving to a new school, I didn't know anyone except for a few people. At first I was being bullied for being different, (And for being the new kid). Fast forward. It was the last class of the day and I saw a guy. Let's call him.. Kevin. Well, I thought he was cute and so for a few weeks we started chatting online. Then he finally asked me out. I was so happy, but everyone told me that he was a liar, a cheater, etc. I didn't listen (Because 'liking someone a lot' makes people stupid)
We had a lot of things in common. We had never-ending conversations, I thought we were the perfect couple.
Just then, the 2nd week we were dating, he tells me the news that his mom found out about our relationship.
He told me that his mom was forcing him to break up with me.
I cried... for what seemed like days, even had mental breakdowns in class..
Then I just think,
"Why didn't he fight for me? We could still be together when we're at school. Please don't tell me this is real."
FAST FORWARD even more...
I found out that he lied, he lied about everything. And I finally realized, he was a lying cheating motherfluffer.
Few days later, he dates my friend.
Broke up with her.
Dates my other friend.
We don't talk, to this day.
( He still attempted to flirt with me after we broke up BTW )
Kevin is lame. -.-



May 05, 2015 @ (Norway)

Tags: It hurts

So about 4 years ago i meet this awsome girl that i fell in love with at a friends party. We keept meeting for coffie and just to talk. She had a boyfriend at the time. Then after awhile she cheated, with me. So her boyfriend threw her out, and i took her in. We moved to a flat after a year and was happy. Started about thinking of kids. Tryd to get kids, but we just couldnt. So doctors and all that started to found out what and so one. We was happy. Thought of might buy a apartment and just live our life to the fullest as we could. Then after 3,5 year into our relationship, my dad had a stroke. He didnt die, but was half paralyzed the first week.. My gf had allready ordred a few week befor a trip to her brother. So she and her mother went to her brother about 1 week after my dad had hes stoke. She comes home a week after, and everthing is as normal from her side atleast. 4 weeks after she get drunk at a party where she told a m8 of mine that she had cheated on me to. I was gonna ask for her hand the next year.... my life fell totaly apart.. kids. marriage.. how she supported me when my dad got his stoke.. 40 hours after she phoned me from that party and told me, she was out of the flat we rented. I even help her move to her new appartment. 5 months after just abit contact between me and her she calls me and ask if i could see a future with her now, cos she had a new job offer at another ciity, and ask if i could move with her. Im still inlove with her. I throw everything aside and say yes. Only thing is that she is kinda in a relasonship with someone else.. But we have a long chat, and even kissed. It feelt so god to smell her, taste her lips, and just holding her. Next weekend comes and she is gonna break up with her boyfriend. atleast that is what she tells me. Monday comes. And she ask if we can be friends, and stay friends..My hearth get ript out of me, and she jumps on it and put it back again.. She didnt break up with the boyfriend she have now, but have cheated on him after just a few months. I know the saying, once a cheater always a cheater, but i just cant hate her. I want to so bad but just cant. not even after all this. And belive me that this is just the really short version of this story, cos my english is bad i have skip alot..

But still..
I love her.. And the feeling that im not gonna be with her is eating me up...Im 35 years old. She is 33. and This last part happend just 14 days ago..I really just want to disapear..


Broken (part 4)

April 21, 2015 @ (toronto)

Tags: bad breakup

Three weeks into my still ongoing vacation i get a call from a friend. Says he wasn't in paris with his friends for new years but with his so called ex-wife who is not an ex wife and never was. I feel a flutter of wrongs come back into my stomach. I feel a volcano of emotions. But most of all i feel like puking I puke out everything, the lies, the emotions, the hurt, the champagne, the empty promises, the real promises? I don't know at this point but i keep puking and then i cry. I cry for the lies he has told me and i cry for the two hearts i broke because of him. I cry for the man i let go and i cry for the mistake i have made. I cry for lying to myself and ignoring all the red signs, i cry for believing him, and mostly i cry because i can't and won't let him go. I call him i break up with him. He doesn't run after me and won't run after me. I block him and then unblock him i do this for the next 3 months. once i unblock him i hurl insults at him through Facebook, text messaging, voice messaging. I feel empty so i block him again. I do it again and this time we go back to saying i love yous but then the anger rises in me and i hurl my insult my pain at a screen. So i block him again. I unblock him and so it begins a cycle. I laugh sometimes. My friends stare at me. They used to call me the ice queen now i am the melting queen. I have break downs and melt downs. I can't hurl my anger at him so i hurl it at them whenever they'r ehappy i do it when they're down i do it when they're sad i do it. I don't know myself. The last time i blocked him was 7 days ago today i say its done its over. But deep down i don't know if it is. I love him as a child loves its favourite blanket or as mother loves her unborn child. I love him as if he were the beat of my heart and soul. I feel a physical pain when i see a flash of his smile in my head. I miss him so much that its physically painful to breath. I tell myself it is better to have loved and lost then to have felt no love at all. Then i google and try to find who said that quote and i then i want to find them and murder them. I want to see if they really have loved and lost because anyone who has truly loved. As in loved with their entire soul and finally understood what i would die for you would never ever ever say such a fucking stupid quote. So i go online and i try to find sad break up stories. I find this website but all the stories are about 18 year olds whom portably thing they have found true love. And i think to myself they are only 18 and they don't know what love means. But then i look at myself and i remember i was 18 and i knew love and look where that love has brought me. Which really is nowhere.