Searching for "face"

219 Results For 'face'


December 11, 2009 @ (West Haven)

Tags: west haven

I went over to pick up my girlfriend before we went out for the night. I get there and she was still in the shower. I sat at the table and was checking fb on my phone, just killin time and her phone buzzed. I dont read her messages, but i just happened to look over and saw the message, "are we on for *place's name* @ 7, i miss you baby". I want to just throw the phone at her in the shower, but i waited. i wanted to have some fun with this. I ended the night and we both went home, she had no idea. Well i went a little early and when they showed up, I walked up behind them. I got around and just said, hi. you should have seen the look on her face. she couldn't even talk. the dude was like, hey there (acting all cool and shit). I introduced my self to him. "Hey , i'm ryan... i'm her Ex as of this moment right now." I turned and walked away, all i could here is WTF. HAHA



December 10, 2009 @ (Empire State)

Tags: NY

Woke up to a Facebook message: "sorry, can't do it anymore"



November 29, 2009 @ (Florida)

Tags: heartbreak

Here's my most recent breakup story.... I went over to my girl's house early to surprise her. He had run down to the store but her mom was home. I came in and she offered to have a drink with me while i waited. she sat really uncomfortably close to me. she was being very forward with me, i kept telling myself, no way that shes hitting on me. she backed of some and we just were watching tv, i thought i was in the clear without making things more awkward. out of no where she turns and kisses me. i pulled away and was like WTF, are you crazy. Well she's pretty good looking and she came back in and we were making out like a highschool kids. well my gf walked in and saw us. she went into a mild sprint and bitchslapped me. she really hit me hard, my face was all red.



November 29, 2009 @ (Wisconsin)

Tags: josh christina

So i just found this website today and want to share what i found on facebook. This is the conversation from the now exs: Girl: Is single... And cold... Boy: you wouldn't be single if Maybe if you didn't disrespect people and admitt when you were wrong you wouldn't be sleeping in your car in a cub foods park. Girl: Loves her new black eye from her now ex. Random Friend: If he did anything why in the world would you post it on facebook, are you nuts you kicked him as hard as you could in the leg, so he pushed you, seriously, Josh is not 100 % to blame here Girl: Yeah dont you get im trying. He holds my belongings hostage then cries for me to never leave. Im leaving Girl:ye so i swung at him for being such a prick and he punched me in the face so i threw a drop of water on him and he kicked me in the stomach. Random Girl: Christina has beat him several times and he did nothing because he DOES NOT hit woman but this was the last straw for him and all he did was push her cuz she hit him several times.....There is more but this is the best of it...i'm guessing its over



November 27, 2009 @ (Longview)

Tags: longview

Got an interesting call yesterday. My cousin dana told me that i need to come over. I get there and she's on plenty of fish. She pulls up a message from someone named, Mr_romance*****. Even though i'm pissed, i won't put him out there. anyhow, he sent a message to my cousin. It's was a typical dbag message from someone using an online dating site, nothing to juicy. We replied, and told him that he messages his gf's cousin. He couldn't even make complete sentences, excuse this and excuse that. Kind of a funny breakup story, I thought so? Maybe i should have sent him a facebook message and broke up with him. eh, one more loser down



November 24, 2009 @ (cali)

Tags: cali

I got dumped over a "facebook" message, how shitty of a breakup is that... I'd never would of thought he was that kinda guy



November 24, 2009 @ (Minnesota)

Tags: Video, Camera

Things had been going rough for a while and I could tell we weren't going to last long. I guess she felt the best way to break up with me would be to send her best friend to my house. Lucky me, getting to answer the door with a video camera in my face and her friend saying, "She wants to break up with you." But I guess I got the last laugh. Now, two years and ten different sex buddies later, she's known as that girl with the huge vagina.



November 17, 2009 @ (Northeast)

Tags: breakingup sucks, badly

I saw an interesting picture on facebook. a mutual friend just got around to posting their summer beach trip pictures. you know when you go back and look over the pix for the 2nd or 3rd time you look at the creepers usually in the background, well i found quite the creeper! It was my bf taking a body shot of some sluuut at a bar. After confronting him about that,he ending up confessing to sleeping with that same girl. WOW.... super pissed off. thank you facebook breakup!


Breaking Up 101

November 16, 2009 @ (Texas)

Tags: texas, hearbreak, breaking up, breakups

We were driving over to his parents house a few weekends ago to visit for the weekend. We got in a huge fight in the car over some stupid issues. It's really too much to get into, so sorry uBUH readers! I hate fighting but its health every once in a while, right? But I don't think pulling over to the bus station and telling me to get a ride home is an ok end to the fight. he pulled off and came back after 5 mins or so. i hate having to put on a happy face when i was so furious with him!!! the fight continued, he yelled I don't even love you anymore.. I'm leaving. He storm out of the house going to god knows where. he came back to his clothes in the front lawn... breaking up is easy



November 10, 2009 @ (Cleveland)

Tags: cleveland, heartbreak, breakup, blaw

I got on facebook today to see on my feed that I was no longer in a relationship(sure was news to me). I click over to her profile to see that was now dating someone else. I got a text from her a short time later, I need to talk to you later. I didn't even answer her call. Facebook breakup, text message breakup all roll into one.