Searching for "break up story"

11 Results For 'break up story'


October 06, 2016 @ (Rhode Island)

Tags: young love, love, boyfriend, relationship, break up story

He was my first boyfriend. I met him in my freshman year of college and I was going through a rough time. We were both on the tennis team together, so we met at a tennis party one night and he texted me the next day after the party and we just never stopped. We went on some dates and then he told me he loved me. I was so taken aback we had only been together a couple weeks, but I was stupid and I said it back even though I didn't necessarily feel it back. He would send me long messages about how he never wanted to lose me and how we would be together forever. Suddenly, I felt myself falling in love with him. In fact, I was more in love with him than he was with me. Then the summer came. We lived 4 hours away from each other, but he promised me we would make it work. He promised we would text everyday and call and would trying and see each other. The first month was okay. I went to his house and vacationed in his town with my family. Then he went on a cruise and he had bought a text plan to text me. Then after the cruise he came to my house and I felt like something was different. Like he didn't care anymore. When he went home after that things got difficult. He wouldn't text me good morning anymore, he wouldn't send me long messages, he wouldn't call me. I got into a car accident and when I tried calling and texting him he responded with "sorry I had a crisis of my own" and it was how a contact was stuck in his eye. Then he told me he wasn't sure if we were more than sex. But I stayed with him because I was sure it was just because of the distance. We finally got back to school and when I first saw hiim (I came to help him move in) all he did was say hi and didnt bother to give me a hug. Things were fine at first, but then I could see he was gettign annoyed to see me and we would fight everyday. I broke up with him. We have a class together and still do tennis and it is so hard to see him. I tried telling him how I felt the other day and how I wanted him back and the conversation ended with him leaving me outside of his Hall crying. I was stupid and kept texting him to see if we were going to work through this and there was no answer. I have never felt so unwanted in my life. I just want to move on.



March 16, 2016 @ (ny)

Tags: Broken Heart

Before I share my story just a quick history. I had a 3 year relationship in high school i fell out of love then I met Erik and i was head over heels for about 8 months little dod I know he had feelings for his ex and his best friend. Being paranoid about this i gave him an ultamaduim and he broke it off. After this I did not believe in love I thought he was the one then I met chris. I dont know why I loved him since he was mentally abusive but I did. He also broke up with me while this was happening I had met another guy but he was just a friend to help me. And here is where my break up story begins. At first we just hooked up weird for me because I have never been that type but I felt so safe and comfortable with him. Although I didnt trust him because of my other relationships so he broke up with me briefly then we got back together. We then moved in together and were together for a year and a half. I kept threatening to kick him out because he was misplacing money and other events. He got sick of it and broke up with me. I understood that what I did was painful to him but I just thought he would try to workout it out since we had spent so much time together and lived together. I just don't know where to go from here. After Erik i didn't believe in love then i met my last bf and starting believing again now im back to where i started.



January 31, 2016 @ (england)

Tags: good break up

I know everyone is hear to share their breakup story. I have a break up story but I am not hurt. This time I am relieved, I feel happy, I feel secure. I feel like many more doors have opened when I closed one door. My Ex. I still dont know if he love me but he had been playing sick games with me for the past couple of years. Finally I decided I was sick and tired of him and I told him I was leaving. Honesly If you are not getting the love and care and repect that you deserve in a relationsip then srew eveything .Who cares about how rick he is , how good looking he is, how secure your future is going to be .What matters is are you really happy..Ask your self? BE happy and makre sure you are getting the above three things.Life is too short to spend with a jerk who dosent know what he has.



November 12, 2014 @ (Melbourne)

Tags: What

Hi I am gonna break up soon. It is just about on its way. I could not say this guy is my boyfriend because we never in any kind of relationship. We are not girlfriend and boyfriend. We are not in an open relationship. We are not in partnership. Do you think we could call it non string sex relationship ? But we are for beyond this. I would not go for non string sex relationship with someone for more than 3 years. Will you? We love each other we have to break up because too many issues : age difference culture parents ...Honestly speaking he could not make me satisfied at all. Oh well what the hell... I have been thinking sex life does not really matter and I do enjoy the period of time he make my mind in peace. I think I should say thanks to him for giving me more that 3 years peaceful time. He does not wanna listen to his parents to get married as he said. Well also as he said he was not into marriage and kids. It seems like that we are really in common on these views. Anyway he said he could not leave his parents so I am the one he is gonna to leave. Mom's boy right? If I knew it He was mom's boy from the beginning I would not go further breaking up now. Ehem nothing to be regreted anyway I love him I have been loving him and I am still in love him It sounds very stupid for sure. However I am the one who believes still there must be Sth forever oh my god stupid again Anyway that is my story. By the way we are meeting up tonight. Sry guys my break up story to be continued ...



April 10, 2014 @ (USA)

Tags: Break up, devastating

Best Break Up Story Ever
So there I was having dinner with my several of my friends. Two of the guys in very happy loving relationships, when my friend says to me, "that is the greatest break up story of all time." Although I felt smile crept through, inside my heart just froze.

On a chilly November night in Leipzig Germany, my co-worker and myself went out for dinner after 2 weeks of business behind us. Now we were on our own time. A little exploring and big dinner were on tap. My coworker was decent company, not a bad guy, loved European women, married, didn't mind having some fun.

After dinner we wandered around having some drinks at various places where we ended up a jazz club, 60's style, with a Beatles cover band playing in the corner. The place was fun and the people very friendly. All the people wanted to talk to us Americans. As the night progressed something terrible happened.

Let me rewind about a month now. What started out some minor gastric distress once, slowly progressed to be having severe stomach eruptions, completely unexpected. A week would go by and nothing, and than all of a sudden I could be walking into a work meeting and feel something just slide right out of me. Horrifically embarrassing.

Back to Germany. I was standing talking to a factory worker over a half liter of Leipzigs best, when all of a sudden it started happening again. An explosion already started to poke on out and there was no stopping it. I ran downstairs to the bathroom and locked myself in the toilet stall. To my dismay it was too late. The Hershey Highway was everywhere, even running into my brand new black dress shoes. I quickly looked for toilet paper.... Nothing.... My tie was the only source of anything worth cleaning myself up.

I tried to get myself into some type of working order and planned my exit. A side door out of the basement, I quickly exited leaving my co-worker behind. With a dead cell phone I wandered the streets for a bit to find my hotel. Without google maps Leipzig is a confusing city to navigate by foot. I found my hotel and quickly locked myself away to clean up. What a mess.

The next day my dear girlfriend at the time asked what happened to me last night where I responded nothing good. I told her about my issue and that I was driving up to Berlin. I was nervous because I didn't have my passport on me and couldn't remember where I packed it. Turns out it was still in my soiled pants double bagged in plastic. The relief of finding that passport once I arrived in Berlin was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

That night in the Berlin hotel, my coworker texted me to insure I was ok and what happened to me. I responded that everything was good and I met some girls and left with them and headed back to the hotel. I didn't want him to know of what happened to me.

Once I arrived home my girlfriend picked me up at the airport and we had a wonderful day. Filled with love making, shopping and cooking ourselves a wonderful meal. Jet lagged I fell asleep with a soft smile on my face, happy to home and loved. Than I woke to slamming door and my love gone. I thought I was dreaming and drifted off to sleep, where again I awoke to her coming and going once more and speeding away in her car.

I called her and asked her what was going on, and she responds you F'd a girl in Germany.... I saw your text message....

Turns out she snooped through my phone. For what reason I do not know, but saw my text to my coworker and assumed I cheated. I have never ever cheated in my life. And I would never....

Long story short, we sort of reconciled and started to move the relationship forward where 3 months later the relationship just fell right apart. Our trust was never repaired and the relationship just fell apart on Valentines day with a text from her saying she is done because she didn't believe I was out with my boss and his wife.

The best and worst heartbreaking break up story ever. I thought she was the girl I was going to marry.....



September 17, 2013 @ (London)

Tags: bad breakup

Went over to my girlfriends house early this morning to bring her coffee and flowers. As we were talking there was a knock on the door, she didn't want to answer it. I went and opened the door to a man with all wrinkled clothes. He seemed a bit weird, and then he said he left his phone. She had to breakup the fight that almost occurred between us. I've never had such a terrible break up story. I thought she could have ben the one too. I guess there are no good ones out there anymore. Maybe there are, but I can't find them.

Can you top this story?


Dislike Chandra

November 05, 2012 @ (Duluth, MN)

Tags: Break up story

When you told me you had found someone, I was worried. I thought there wasn’t possibly a way you cheated on me because I knew you. I trusted you. You weren’t that person. You said you hadn’t started dating her yet and that you were “just friends” but that you’d spent the night at her apartment on her couch a few times, that you’d gone out for drinks, etc. I digested this news. You had found someone else. I begged, I cried, I starved myself for several weeks – because I couldn’t understand how you, someone who I thought to be a good person, could have cheated on me.

I read her Facebook updates and it appeared that you had been dating since April, going on little vacation trips together, meeting her family, etc., all the while you were still dating me. You used my car to visit her, to bring her to work, and to take trips out in the country with her. When I was extremely ill, you claimed you were at a cabin with your parents and elderly grandmother, so I would have to take an ambulance. Turns out you were with her in the country, with my car.

You didn’t even come clean with me, I had asked for honesty. Please just tell me how long you’d been dating, what had gone on behind my back, etc. I felt made a fool of and humiliated. I was embarrassed that I defended you when you were “at a friends house” (turns out you were spending the night with her), or when you were hours late coming home from work, I figured you stopped to hang out with a friend – turns out I was completely over-trusting.

When I found out the truths splattered all over her Facebook, knowing that she had been married and her ex-husband had cheated on her and caused the end of the marriage less than a year before you two started dating, I was angry. How can another woman agree to date a man and put another lady in the same position she herself was in? She knew how this kind of betrayal hurt.

There was a time after the cheating when you made me feel like the cheating was entirely my fault and that if I tried to change some things about my behaviors and my income situation, you’d still date me. You claimed you wanted to be friends. You cried like a baby several times. You insisted that you didn’t hate me.

I moved out. We broke up. Things were spiraling out of control – and there you were being cruel to me any chance you got. I ran into you and your new “fiancé” (you got engaged after four months of dating, all of which were done when you were cheating on me, really), and instead of showing some respect for me being in the same vicinity as you two – you made out the entire night for hours on end in front of my friends and me! Talk about disrespectful.

You couldn’t understand what caused me to hate you. You couldn’t understand what caused me to hate her? You wanted me to play nicely and be kind. I’ve moved on with my life, I’ve met someone I can trust and depend on. We bonded over the horrible things you did to me, how low you were as a person, and we laugh at you. I’m glad we’re able to be together – but I’m still angry at you for NOT apologizing for the kinds of cruel things you did to me.

I’d be ashamed for your mother and father that they raised such a horrific human. You lied to your parents while you were cheating, you didn’t even invite them to your wedding – because you’ve changed. You’ve become the most evil person I’ve ever known, and it’s sad – because you use to be a good person.

I’d like to say I wish you health and happiness, but I wish almost every ill the world can throw at you. Every impossible situation where you’ll find pain, I wish that for you. I hope one day karma throws you several things at one time and you can feel what it feels like to not have a choice in a situation, to be made a fool of, and to hurt.

I know in my heart, you will cheat on her. Once she doesn’t pay enough attention to you. Once she gets too busy working and being a mother, she’ll forget to give you the insane amount of attention you require and you’ll do horrible things to her like you’ve done to me. The only difference is, she’ll deserve it.



June 03, 2012 @ (Provo, Utah)

Tags: Breakup, Friendship, Gay Best Friend

This isn't abnormal breakup story. This is a friendship breakup story. But I was in love and it hurts like hell. 

About a year ago I started the job I'm currently at and I met someone there that I instantly knew was an amazing person and someone I was meant to be friends with. Well we did become friends, best friends in fact. Now would be a good time to mention he's gay. Anyways for the last 9 months he was a big if not the biggest part of my life. We did almost everything together. We would text all day every day. We didn't go more then a few days without seeing each other and most of my plans included him or were made around him. He soon became my everything. I didn't care he was engaged. He gave me the love and attention I so desperately craved. And I slowly started to fall in love with how he treated me and then I fell in love with him. But I tried hard to keep my feelings in check. And we had boundaries that helped with that. 

Well at the end of February we went to visit our friend at college about 3 hours away. He is also gay. Well late that night things got weird. There was a 3 way kiss. And then there was cuddling, touching, scissoring, and just crazy awkward stuff. But I also enjoyed it because I loved my one friend and I wanted him to be in love with me. But there was a part of me that felt like I was included to prevent me from getting jealous and crazy. I also knew our relationship would never be the same because so many boundaries had been crossed. 

Then 2 weeks later that same friend from college came to visit. And I decided I needed a break because I felt to attached to both of them. I also felt like my best friend had feelings for our mutual friend. But he assured me that he didn't. They both talked me out of taking a break and we decided to have a big party with alcohol at my bffs apartment. I knew this was not a good idea and bad things were going to happen but I secretly hoped that with enough alcohol in both of us something might happen. Well everyone got drunk. We ended up making out. But he made out with everyone. It was like a mini orgy. I was physically and emotionally sick. It couldn't be undone and my feelings were stronger but I also knew he didn't feel the same. 

The next morning I found out he had lied to me and he actually had feelings for our friend. And that our friend had pretended to have feelings back. When I confronted him he to me said he was embarrassed and thought I'd freak out. His feelings for him confused him. And then he said my feelings for you sometimes confuse me. Something I believed and actually gave me a spark of hope. 

From the time of the party on nothing was really the same. We fought often. I couldn't forgive him for lying to me. And my feelings for him were stronger then ever. Being around him gave me such happiness but also brought me agony. I was in love but he was never going to be in love with me. But I couldn't accept his love and friendship. I just wanted more. I pushed and pushed. I expected way too much. I told him every chance I got about my feelings for him. I to him those feelings brought me pain. I was suicidal. I was mean. I was angry. I did all of this to push him away and prove that he would walk away. Even though he said he never would.

 About 3 weeks ago we got in a huge fight and I guess he had, had enough. He said even if i was a boy or if he was straight he wouldn't be in love with me. That all the nice things he told me around the time i found out he lied about our friend were actually more lies. That most of what he did day to day was out of guilt and to keep me alive. He told me he couldn't handle me and all that went along with me. He was done. 

I was crushed and devastated! He was my whole world. My best friend and the guy I was in love with. It was like the one person I trusted the most ripped out my heart and shredded it. The pain was/is unbearable. 

Now that said I realize that our relationship was unhealthy and things needed to change. I knew maybe a break was needed to. But I never expected him to walk away. I would NEVER walk away form him or any of my friends.

So like I said this is a different break up story but a break up story nonetheless.


Young And Naive

November 29, 2011 @ (nj)

Tags: naivegirl stupidguy

Ok so my break up story is about a guy I dated in my highschool years. I met Shane my sophomore in highschool he was a freshman. I thought he was really cute and vice versa. He always asked our mutual friends about me. I liked him because he was sweet and he seemed like he genuinely liked me. He tried getting a friend to ask me out for him cuz he was shy but I refused to give an answer until he asked for himself. Eventually got the nerve to ask me I was ecstatic and of course said yes. We dated for about a month and a half and he broke up with me cuz I refused to be the one to kiss him first and he didn't have the balls to do it. So we kept in touch and remained friends. We started "talking" again my junior year and he told me he wanted to try us out again. I told him I wouldn't do it unless he kissed me first so he kissed me and I said yes. He got excited and hugged and kissed me again. He treated me pretty good and we talked on the phone almost every night but we never got the chance to hang out cuz my mom is over bearing and extremely strict. We dated for about a month before he broke up with me only to ask me back out a day later. I wasn't going to say yes but his twin brother told me that he talked about me nonstop and that he missed me so I gave in. We dated for 2 more months after that we loved eachother or so I thought. One day while on the phone he broke up with me after a huge argument and it absolutely crushed me. Again we remained friends. My senior year we started talking again but it didn't go anywhere. I graduated highschool and we kept in touch. I dated other people he dated other people. We started talking again(I couldn't stay away being with him just felt so nice) we had sex a couple times and we're thinking about going out again but I decided I didn't feel like risking the hurt again but we remained in touch and flirted all the time. No matter how many girls he dated it always came back to me so I know deep down he does have real feelings for me but he's too immature to commit(none of his relationships last long) I eventually just gave up on him and could not be happier with that decision. I'm with an amazing guy now. We've been together for a little over a year and are engaged. I have no contact with my ex at all. Ahh it feels nice to get all of this off of my chest$


Little Ol\

February 24, 2011 @ (Winnipeg, Canada)

Tags: (example1, example2)

I had moved to Ottawa to live with my mom when I was 16. Shortly after my 17th birthday I met this guy "D" who I fell head over heels with, my first true love so to speak. Though we never really branded ourselves as an "item", we did spend a lot of time together and would make out often. We told each other EVERYTHING. This would only last for a few months as my mom announced that we were moving back to Winnipeg. I was devestated, but me and him kept in contact while I was back in Manitoba.

Fast forward four years... I went back to Ottawa to see if we still had anything left from before. We were still close friends and told each other everything, but, he was not ready to commit to me or anyone, I was crushed but wanted him in my life in some capacity even if we were just "friends". Then it happened, some one made up a story about something I did and he believed it. We had a huge fight and he vowed he never wanted to see me again. I went back to Winnipeg again with a broken heart.

Over the next decade I ended up getting married and having a son, but my thoughts would always roam to "D". Sometimes fond memories, sometimes anger, but a huge piece of my heart still belonged to him.

My "husband" turned out to be a chronic cheater and we were in the process of ending our marriage. I had gone online and ended up talking to one of my old friends from Ottawa and the topic of "D" came up and I had mentioned that I missed "D". My friend had to go offline as did I but we ended up online again later that night, this time he brought "D" into our conversation.

"D" and I talked that whole night, and every day since then. We STILL had feelings for each other and I flew out a month later for a visit. It was amazing, we laughed, we talked, we kissed, we made love, and we cuddled.

For seven months we did the long distance thing, then I took the big plunge and moved to Ottawa for the third time, this time it's been four years together, we are in the midst of planning our wedding and our future lives together.

I know that this was not a break up story per say, but I wanted to show that you can break up a few times before getting it right. A break up doesn't always have to be forever.


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