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373 Results For 'break up'


June 14, 2024 @ (USA)

Tags: break up,

Hello my name is Sally my fiancé broke up with me last week i was so sad I changed completely, I wasn't eating and i wasn't talking to anybody, I cried a lot, I was so depressed and stressed out that I was scared I'm going to end up in the hospital because of all the stress and depression until one day i search online on getting love tips because I Love



May 30, 2024 @ (United States)

Tags: Bad break up

On April 7th 2021 was the day I started dating my ex boyfriend that broke up with me 2 years later it was the happiest day of my life when we started dating because I have had feelings for him since 2012 and like he's a City transit bus driver so when i would go on the bus sometimes he would be driving the city bus and one day the bus that he was driving was totally empty and I was the only one in the bus and he went outside for a break and I would just look at him because I didn't have the strength to go talk to him and then one day I gave him a paper and told him to text me and that I liked him so he didn't text me when he seen me in the bus he told me in person that he liked me too and so on April 7th 2021 he went to my house and talked to my mom and asked my mom for permission to date me and that day I really thought he was the men of my dreams he was so sweet with me he would pick me up from work and take me home and spend time with me at my house and then I would go to work on the city bus when he couldn't take me in his car just because he wanted to see me i would spend more time with him then with my family and at work i would spoil him buying him things i celebrated his birthday and him presents and then on Thanksgiving Day 2021 he took me to meet his family and his dad and they are awesome people and very sweet they loved me that's why they don't understand why he broke up with me but in December 2021 for Christmas he took me to spend time with him and his family he was still that sweet loving guy with me I had a great time his family loved spending time with me except the thing was that he was jealous of his dad and brother and I would respect my ex boyfriend I was truthful with him the real thing was when I was supposed to go back to spend time with him and his family again In new years eve because his other brother from California was going to visit to his house and he wanted his brother and his brothers wife to meet me so i was excited so in December 27 2021 when he was visiting me i showed him the dress I was going to put for new years eve so when they would celebrate in family and he got so mad he told me that he didn't want me to put that dress on because I was going to be having people look at me so he stopped talking to me for a couple of days I spent the worst new years day crying it felt like my life was going to end because he wasn't talking to me he started talking to me in January 5 2022 and i felt him kind of weird like he was treating me like a friend but I didn't want to see the truth that I didn't have his love anymore I truly thought I was going to be able to fix the relationship I did everything in my part he had my love still and he kept pulling away from me that was heart breaking and he still celebrated my birthday and i celebrated his but at the end he would come see me one day a week until the surprise was in July 29 2022 at 4:30pm that he called me in the phone and started the conversation joking because I answered my phone very serious my hands were shaking and my heart beating fast like i knew he wasn't going to tell good news and it was to break up with me so i kinda of got out of control started crying and the worst thing i did was that I asked him if he had another girlfriend but his brother told me he does is his ex girlfriend she threatened him to go back with her and chose her over me that i treated him nice and she beat him up
But until this day I still love him even though I haven't seen him since the break up I backed out from his life thinking I would forget him but I still love Michael glau with all my heart ??



May 22, 2024 @ (Delaware)

Tags: Bad break up

So my friend told me to talk to this girl so I did and she said do you want to be my boyfriend so I said yes and then I had to go somewhere and I told her that I need to go and I will call later and then I tried calling her but she didn’t answer so then Later she said I want to Break up so I asked why and she said because someone dared her to do it no I fell sad now I can’t trust no girl no more.



April 16, 2024 @ (California)

Tags: Breakup, long relationship

We have yet to break up. Its hard but I decided to do it.. I'm just mentally and emotionally getting ready to do it...11 years down the drain because he doesn't know if he wants to be with me or not. I'm the dumb one for staying all this time and being delusional year after year waiting on him to propose. But nope. He doesn't want that. He doesn't even want to move in together... says he's not ready. See, my clock is ticking. I'm 35 now and I want a family. Yeah I should have probably left him after the 5 year mark. Maybe then I would have met the love of my life. Maybe I would already be a mom. Life is hard. I never imagined my life without him. I get so much anxiety thinking about the break up but it has to be done. I feel I won't be able to live without him but I gotta be selfish. I have to think about my future and find someone who is willing to wife me up.



May 01, 2022 @ (South Africa)

Tags: Bad breakup karma

Karma is real . I was in a serious relationship for 7 years then I met this other guy and cheated on my ex with this guy till I finally broke up with my ex for this new guy. So the relationship went on for 5 months after breaking up with my ex and guess what the new guy left me for another woman exactly how I left my ex. So i called my ex and man that man still loves me and said he wants us back together. So I would question him about how he felt after our break up and realized then that it was karma because what I experienced after the new guy left me is exactly what he went through.



March 22, 2022 @ (US)

Tags: sad break up, sad, death

My fiance was 11 years older than me. About six months before the wedding was planned he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. All he was going to need was a surgery to remove one testicle and six rounds of chemo. Unfortunately both testicle were removed by mistake. It was absolutely devastating. I broke off the engagement a few weeks later. He was heart broken but understood why. Sadly the cancer spread and ended up passing away after Thanksgiving last year. He left his house and money to me. I feel so guilty because remained so generous and kind to me.



December 09, 2021 @ (West virginia)

Tags: Bad breakup, sad

Okay so I just broke up with my boyfriend of 5 months 2 days ago. We are both 15. It all started at church camp. My dad is a pastor and he goes to my dad’s friends church who is also a pastor obviously. So we will call my ex Gabe, how it all started was the first night of church camp Gabe’s pastor's son (Elijah) introduced us. I didn’t even give Gabe a second glance. Then that night we just got out of church and it was dark and late and my feet were hurting so bad, so I took off my heels. I was walking out the door and I hadn’t even noticed that he was in front of me. He held the door open for me but I didn’t say thank you, and he said “You’re welcome” and it went from there. He walked me to my dorm room and he said goodnight. I was head over heels for him now. The next day he was with me all day long. Turns out that he has had a crush on me for 2 years!! Now I just found out who this dude is but that was the main thing that got me was the fact that he had his eye on ME out of all the pretty girls at these things. So two days later he asked me out and I obviously said yes. So church camp was over but we still saw each other. He lived 2 hours away and the first time we met up was at Pittsburgh Zoo because that was like the halfway point for both of us. So everyone knew we are dating at this point. Now we would facetime for like 2 hours every night and we would talk about marriage and what age we would get married, you know like things every young couple talks about. Well everything was going good until last month. He tells me EVERYTHING and a lot of those things he shouldn't have told me. But he told me that his youth pastor said that he needed to let go of something . And I was terrified that it was me. But Gabe told me it wasn't and that it was the fact that he looked at pictures. And I was super upset because I felt that I wasn't good enough for him that is why he looked at pictures cause if I was good enough and pretty enough then he wouldn't need those pictures. I didn't break up with him though. So after that things just weren't right I didn't feel the same about him anymore and I couldn't trust him. I still tried to make it work because he loved me so much. But then I found out that he was telling my ex about my body and some of the things he's seen and things we've said and that drew the line for me because I didn't like how he was trying to make my ex boyfriend jealous. Gabe was too clingy from the start and I was too nice to slow it down. Now I broke up with him 2 days ago and I am really missing him and missing talking to him. I know he is hurting like crazy and that makes me just want to check up on him but I know it will make matters worse if I do.



December 03, 2021 @ (Dublin)

Tags: Horrendous

My ex strung me along for two years while
He “temporarily” moved to another city. He ended up going out with somebody else and never told me. So we were also sexting. Instead of actually saying it to me, he got his friends to break up with me for him by pretending to be him using his phones. His friends were also asking me for sexy pics, which I did. So basically he got his friends to sexually assault me.



December 01, 2021 @ (Massachusetts)

Tags: Twisted

So this all started from meeting this great guy in a game. I know meeting people usually isn't a great idea especially dating them but that didn't really bother me anymore. I met him in the game and we started talking that day. He told me about himself and I decided to as well. Then a red flag came up. He said he liked this girl...yet asked me out the day we met just to "try it out" and see how far that goes. So of course I accept his proposal. This had to have been the biggest mistake of my life. We started calling later on every week and it would be so awkward, the silence and everything. School was around the corner which was online since the whole pandemic happened. I met this girl and we would start communicating in the meets. I asked if she had discord...and she said yes! So i decided to add her. That day when I added her on discord and on game, we started talking more often. She decided to invite to this group chat in discord which had her best friend, crush, and me. I asked them all if its okay that I add my boyfriend. His name was Lume. I added him and that point on everyone liked him and would talk to him 24/7. He started slowly ignoring me and playing with them more often. Mind you I was very busy at that time and had no time to play. I got really upset and jealous because he would be bffs with the girl that he cheated on me with. We aren't at that point yet so, this day I decided to see what he was playing because he was playing with ash (the girl I met in the meetings). Then I noticed he was playing with everyone. Ashs crush, best friend, and Lume. Mind you I hated her crush. Her crush is the girl the Lume cheated on me with. Her name was Izzy. Izzy and I fought in the group at first due to her flirting with Lume. Yet Lume took her side. Another red flag huh? So I got so pissed I ignored him. We started fighting ect.....then depression hit. Lets get to the point, Ash and Izzy dated then broke up which I found strange. Lume later on in the weeks broke up with me....saying I was manipulated. This was a day that I was in call with him and Izzy!!! She knew the whole plan. He decided to block me so I did it back. I still talked to ash since she talked to Lume and Izzy. I was perfectly fine after the break up, I got over it little by little..then something happened. They started dating. Izzy decided to show pics of Lume kissing her in game or whatever and confessing love to her. I broke down. Of course she liked him too and mind you this was when Lume was dating me and Izzy was dating Ash. They are both fucking cheaters. I tried to ask them and yes we did argue over text and I was going all out, but I didn't give a shit. Lume broke up with her due to cheating on her. Then I started talking with Izzy again for a while and we got along yet it ended. Ash dated her best friend who was transgender to a girl and was straight on lesbian. They broke up too. She apparently didn't give a shit about us since she only wanted attention. She talks to Lume now and I'm pretty sure everyone else is too. I hope Karma gets him. He started dating more girls and they would break up. Hes a cheating bastard and you ladies should never date online especially when you notice red flags. Think twice, now I'm in a happy relationship with someone irl and I'm done with people online.



October 22, 2021 @ (Southeast Asia)

Tags: Crazy ex gf .

I met my ex gf while in college. She was good looking and funny and respectful . She was also tall and in shape. I was deeply in love. She was studying in another college near by. We meet every week end and every Wednesday. For the first 6 months, she was cool. Then she became manipulative and disrespectful. I called her out and she promptly broke up with me. I did not try to win her back and after one brief phone conversation, I stopped all contact . I was in love with her and the first 6 weeks of the grieving process was brutal.after that , my mood lifted considerably . I studied and worked out in the gym. About 3 months post break up, mutual friends started dropping hints and constantly talking about my ex to me. Apparently, she was open to reconciliation and I was supposed to win her back. Lol. By that time, I had not fully healed but I had already decided that my ex gf is history. I told them to stop And hung out with another group. About 18 months post break up, my ex gf called me on the phone . I cut the conversation short . She then came over to my place to talk . I told her you looks will fade but your personality will at best remain shitty . I said she was a bad long term investment. She got mad !! She started spreading crazy rumours . I started dating And about 2 years post break up my ex gf again tried to get a mutual friend to get me to talk to her. I said hell no.


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