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9 Results For 'secrets'


May 24, 2022 @ (Phoenix, Arizona)

Tags: Bad breakup

We got together in 2020, it was the beginning of the second quarter of my 8th grade year, I was pretty much infatuated with him to say the least. He had a girlfriend when we first met, (he was a new student at my school.) but I wasn't going to let that get in my way. (I was a shitty person back then, I know.) They eventually broke up and he and I started to talk on the down-low because all of his new friends, (who all used to be friends with me.) didn't like me, for reasons I still don't know. We got together mid November, and I was so so happy, little did I know getting with him would be a horrible mistake. It had almost been a month of being together when suddenly during school he had just broken up with me, no explanation, no nothing. I had later found out that one of his friends got an old video of me kissing another boy and said I cheated on him with that boy days after out relationship started, (I obviously didn't cheat.) I explained to him that they were lying and we got back together, that was only the beginning. Throughout the rest of our 8th grade year we were basically on and off, we got into several fights because he and his friends did really mean messed up things to me. I almost got into a fight with one of his friends because they were flirting and I texted her while I wasn't at school, he made fun of me to them while we were together, he let them call me names right in front of him,he humiliated me in front of everyone several times, and that wasn't even the half of it. We finally had a steady going relationship during the summer, (because we weren't around any of his friends.) but when we started our freshman year everything would change. The first couple months weren't bad, he started to realize how his friends made me feel, and he made more time for me, but never learned how to stick up for me. We had reached a whole year, everyone thought we were the power couple, believe me, I thought so too. We broke up in December, The night of our winter formal, I was devastated, but I couldn't handle what he was putting me through anymore. He became suicidal, which ended up making me depressed and suicidal. Everyone turned against me for breaking up with him, they got my story all twisted, and before I knew it, I was alone, heartbroken, confused and I wanted to kill myself. I was harassed daily, he ended up making fun of me again, created all these stories and I was completely miserable. It had been 4 months of not being together and we tried to start working things out and were going to try and become a couple again, he had other girls in his life, he lied but I knew he did, and for a little time I did too. Me and my ex would fight daily, and when I told him I didn't want to try with him anymore he went and told my parents all these secrets about me and I had gotten taken out of school for it, it may seem like a relief but things were starting to get better, it was the end of the year and I was slowly recovering from what had happened. While at home he would email me because I didn't have a phone, I didn't want anything to do with him but he kept messaging me, on Saturday, ( 3 days ago) he started becoming mean and aggressive, I had a break down and I was back at square one. I'm not over him, I don't think I ever will get over him, I'm not 15 I was 13 when I met him, I know I'm young but he really was my first love, and my true first heartbreak. I just want to be okay again, I still feel pretty miserable, but this story definitely needed to be shared.



May 24, 2022 @ (Phoenix, Arizona)

Tags: Bad breakup

We got together in 2020, it was the beginning of the second quarter of my 8th grade year, I was pretty much infatuated with him to say the least. He had a girlfriend when we first met, (he was a new student at my school.) but I wasn't going to let that get in my way. (I was a shitty person back then, I know.) They eventually broke up and he and I started to talk on the down-low because all of his new friends, (who all used to be friends with me.) didn't like me, for reasons I still don't know. We got together mid November, and I was so so happy, little did I know getting with him would be a horrible mistake. It had almost been a month of being together when suddenly during school he had just broken up with me, no explanation, no nothing. I had later found out that one of his friends got an old video of me kissing another boy and said I cheated on him with that boy days after out relationship started, (I obviously didn't cheat.) I explained to him that they were lying and we got back together, that was only the beginning. Throughout the rest of our 8th grade year we were basically on and off, we got into several fights because he and his friends did really mean messed up things to me. I almost got into a fight with one of his friends because they were flirting and I texted her while I wasn't at school, he made fun of me to them while we were together, he let them call me names right in front of him,he humiliated me in front of everyone several times, and that wasn't even the half of it. We finally had a steady going relationship during the summer, (because we weren't around any of his friends.) but when we started our freshman year everything would change. The first couple months weren't bad, he started to realize how his friends made me feel, and he made more time for me, but never learned how to stick up for me. We had reached a whole year, everyone thought we were the power couple, believe me, I thought so too. We broke up in December, The night of our winter formal, I was devastated, but I couldn't handle what he was putting me through anymore. He became suicidal, which ended up making me depressed and suicidal. Everyone turned against me for breaking up with him, they got my story all twisted, and before I knew it, I was alone, heartbroken, confused and I wanted to kill myself. I was harassed daily, he ended up making fun of me again, created all these stories and I was completely miserable. It had been 4 months of not being together and we tried to start working things out and were going to try and become a couple again, he had other girls in his life, he lied but I knew he did, and for a little time I did too. Me and my ex would fight daily, and when I told him I didn't want to try with him anymore he went and told my parents all these secrets about me and I had gotten taken out of school for it, it may seem like a relief but things were starting to get better, it was the end of the year and I was slowly recovering from what had happened. While at home he would email me because I didn't have a phone, I didn't want anything to do with him but he kept messaging me, on Saturday, ( 3 days ago) he started becoming mean and aggressive, I had a break down and I was back at square one. I'm not over him, I don't think I ever will get over him, I'm not 15 I was 13 when I met him, I know I'm young but he really was my first love, and my true first heartbreak. I just want to be okay again, I still feel pretty miserable, but this story definitely needed to be shared.



June 18, 2017 @ (Florida)

Tags: Yikes

My (ex)boyfriend just dumped me. We were high school sweet hearts but my parents messy divorce made me snap and end it but we tried it again in college. Everything was going great and we were so in love until he started using steriods for a body building competition. Things got bad bc roid rage is real and I hated it when he smoked bc he would try to hide it from me but obviously boys can't keep secrets for their lives. We were off and on and then he gave me a promise ring and promised a future and that he wouldn't do anything to lose me again (steriods and weed specifically). 2 months later and he asked to get back on steroids and resented me for not wanting him to smoke. He couldn't commit anymore because of his body building competition coming up in a few months and he "needed" the roids. He dumped the most loving girl, faithful girl, and supportive girl for drugs.
Lessons learned:
Boys don't change
Love doesn't fix problems
Don't date a body builder(the body is not worth it!!!!)


David Pheng

October 10, 2016 @ (Cambodia)

Tags: Heartbroken Breakup

A month ago, I was deeply in love with this sweet tough guy whom I nicknamed him "Blueberry". The relationship we had was like an electromagnetic force turned into flames and sparks, although sadly it only lasted for a month. It all started in the late summer and ended in the early monsoon. It was the kind of love that was unexpected and overwhelming, and we had no idea why we ended up falling in love at first sight. Meh, you wouldn't believe me, right? Yup, I wouldn't believe myself, either.

I had always thought that the idea of being in love at first sight was "foolish" until it happened to me. He was brave enough to hold my hand, walking in the pouring rain and whispering to me that he'd never met someone like me before. At that blissful moment, I caught him looking and smiling at me dazzlingly, laughing like a little kid. Oh, you know what? His smile was infectious; his deep husky voice kept me interested in whatever he talked about; and his large and tall body kept me safe and warm. I knew he also liked me...and I was happy.

Time passes; feelings change; memories fade; people leave but hearts never forget. We broke up out of the blue. It hurt like hell when he told me he tried to make the relationship work but it didn't, because he made me fall so deep in love with him. It was the moment I knew I'd just lost a soulmate whom I could talk to for hours without any pretense, laughing at his jokes without acting like he was a funny guy (because he was one hell of a funny guy) and sharing secrets to each other. I felt like I'd lost someone more than a close friend, although we only spent a month together. We'd had plans to be done and promises to be made until we found out that we weren't meant to be together in the end.

I would be lying if I said that I was fine going through the breakup...but I guess, it was okay, because I kept reminding myself that all I've always wanted is for him to be happy even if I'm not the cause of his happiness. The combination of anger, guilt, and revenge built up inside me has finally subsided. I admit I was so mad and depressed, leaving him numerous messages and calls...because I wanted him to be there when my heart was broken and fire was burning inside me. I couldn't sleep and eat well for several weeks; I lost some pounds; I looked up "how to mend a broken heart" articles on the internet, yet they couldn't help much as my heart still wanted what it wanted, although my head tried to prevent me from going back to what'd shattered my heart into pieces. The funny thing was I even cried at work when he instantly popped up inside my mind.

Buried deep inside my head, his presence was still there. I saw the invisible him every where we used to go together. As much as I tried to erase him from my mind, I only kept hurting myself by doing so. It took like a month to get better from it. However I'm in the process of healing my heart and bringing back the old happy me, deep down inside I still miss him and wish him all the best. I love him. I still do. But I'm letting him go if that's what makes him happier. Thanks for all the memories which will be kept and locked forever in my heart.

Stephen King once said, "Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure."



May 31, 2016 @ (Everywhere)

Tags: Bad breakup

We met exactly a year ago, everything was perfect he was everything I've ever wanted, I fell in love with him instantly, we were both passionate about each other, I mean after our 2d date we were inseparable, we were practically living together, I trusted him completely so I told him all my secrets little did I know he would use it against me on every fight, he was bothered by the fact that I dated people before him and he was comparing me to him the whole time (he only dated 3 girls his entire life) he used to blame me for my past even though I was still a virgin when I met him he used to even blame me for kissing a lot of people before him (FYI he's 30 years old and I'm 25 ) he used to make me feel like a hore, he was very charming so when he apologizes and sweet talk to me I used easily forgive him.
I was spending all my time with him so my friendships faded with time, I even stood against my family at one point for him, 7months after we met he asked me to marry him and he even got me the perfect ring that I wanted and it was great and perfect, until he gets mad and he turns into this cruel careless person, by that time I don't even recognize him anymore he never physically hurt me, but he broke wine bottles and glass and all he could see, I tried explaining that that's wrong of him I tried talking to him, I tried doing the same but he didn't change a thing it even got worse,
I remember once I was too tired to have sex he got so mad and he was acting so bad when I told him how he was acting he just took my things and threw them to the door and kicked me out, he used to blame me for looking at my phone when I'm with him (and I mean just checking notifications ) he used to give me hell if I took a selfie calling me selfish and I love myself too much but I'm not doing anything a normal 25 year old women doesn't.
I took him on a trip for his birthday and he picked up a fight on the that day just to keep blaming me for ruining his birthday.
When we fight he just completely ignores me or call me a bitch or just keeps insulting me and when I fight back he goes mad and he blames me for it, he manipulated me so many time and hurt me just so he can feel better he used to make up stories just to see if I'm jealous I tried my best to be patient telling myself he will change, he will grow up, he will understand how much I actually love him but he keeps forbidding me not to even go out with male colleagues while he can go out with female colleagues all he wants so that was it I broke up with him and the scary part is I have no one to talk to abt this even the one only friend I have left Is so tired of me complaining about him I don't know where to start I don't even leave the bed



March 28, 2015 @ (Brazil)

Tags: bad breakup, first love

Started dating this guy in December 2013, and he was the best person I've ever met. I've never felt the things I did when I was around him. He shared his deepest secrets and so did I. I didn't use to believe in love before him, but he managed to make me do it. He said he would never abandon me and I believed it after half a year. He never betrayed me, he never lied to me. The only time he did was when he said he wouldn't give up on me.
I thought things were going great. He even said he loved me that morning, like he always did. But at night he texted and said he needed a time to think. He wanted a break. I asked why and he said it was because of school and as we only saw each other on weekends, he couldn't take it anymore. I cried my eyes out.
Two days after he said we were done, he just didn't want to be with me anymore, but I'm a great person and he still wanted to be friends.
We continued talking like we always did, but now there was pain. I still don't get the point. One day he said he still loved me, the next day he said he didn't know anymore.
Yesterday he asked me out again, and I said yes because I'm desperate to see him again. Today in the morning he cancelled it because he didn't want to.
I can't stop crying. I want him to stop throwing me around like I'm his toy. I want him back so bad. I don't understand.


Broken Hearted Girl...

December 19, 2013 @ (Philadelphia )

Tags: Sad

When I first saw him I was stunned he was so sexy and tall with braids .... we starting talking but then something stupid happened and we stopped. We wound up in the same school and started talking again then eventually dating ... I knew instantly he was someone special .. we soon fell in love and things were going well ... but he had many secrets and he lied multiple times .... over and over and over ... he still thinks to this day that I believe all the lies he too but I just let him believe .. so we were on and off and I just kept going back because I really love him ... but I guess it just wasn't ment to be :( I still love him to this day but we don't really talk any more .. I git kicked out of my school so I don't see him any more ... it hurts really badly and I want him back ... I don't understand why though ... I want to know how he feels ... or at least how he felt ... I wish he knew :(



March 03, 2012 @ (Atlanta)

Tags: Matthew, John

So basically I used to date a guy, let's call him Mark, for almost 2 years. In the meanwhile his best friend and I were getting super close. You see Mark was a very possessive and religious person and would really get on my nerves. Moreover I could not trust him as he would spill all of my secrets and said some pretty personal things to others about me :/

So John (the best friend) was nice to me and comforting and we would occasionally hold hands. My friend Matthew, who is currently my best guy mate, would tell me to break up with Mark..

Eventually John was a bastard and spread a rumour around school that I was cheating on Mark with him and well I dumped Mark.

Fast forward to 7 months later and I started dating John even though he was really horrible and mean. Throughout the relationship he would ignore me, would not tell me where he was headed, and basically really hurt me. Matthew was upset as he told me that John was using me.

Things were pretty intimate with John, but one day, out of the blue, he said and I quote 'I was only with you to use you.. and anyway I'm not ready for a relationship bla bla bla... Its me not you'

This happened in July and it is now February.. he has a girlfriend and seems so loved up with her.. I have a boyfriend who loves me and respects me and cherishes me for who I am.. The day after John dumped me I went out with my best friend but after some intense make out sessions he decided that he doesnt want to be more than friends..

So that's the story of my life




February 01, 2010 @ (youngstown)

Tags: Secrets , Games, Lies

I was with her for what feels like almost 2 years. We had our moments you know good and bad just like everybody. To her though I was this horrible person, but I didn't keep secrets from her and always told her how I was feeling. She was the complete opposite we broke up 4 times and got back together. The last time was on the third time we broke up I met another woman she was younger and we had a lot in common. She wasn't interested in me well that's what she told me. After awhile we stopped talking. Well me and my ex got together yet again and I was happy really but while me and this friend was talking I was gonna do something for her birthday and it was also around Christmas to. So she gave me something to help build her this present. I broke the thing she gave me to use and I felt like I owed her. I had forgotten about it but I had it programed it in my phone for that day I got paid. So I figured I would get her a card and put 10 dollars in it and say I was sorry and explained myself in the card. Well I didn't tell my ex and after awhile I got afraid of her finding out some other way. So I told her what I did and why I decided to tell her to. She didn't like any of it and she said some nasty things and we broke up for the very last time. She was my first and I loved her and some part of me still does but I don't think we will ever make it work and it sucks.