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December 31, 2009 @ (new jersey)

Tags: my fault

i've been with my girlfriend for 3 and a half years. after numerous break ups, each containing an amorous and sexual relationship for her, and nothing for me, she finally broke up with me. The thing that sucks is that she was a bitch for 2 and a half years, but for the last year she has been amazing and only had eyes for me. Unfortunately, i began to take her for granted and things went awry. We broke up 2 weeks ago, starting to hang out but she decided that she can't be with me, because i broke her heart, because our relationship has no thrills, and because i don't have my own apartment. She's already dating a very tall and tattooed man who's an ex drug addict. Also, he's ginger, so i don't feel too bad.



December 29, 2009 @ (PA)

Tags: counseling, eharmony, wedding

I had been in a relationship with my fiance for 3.5 years when he decided to move to TX after losing his job. He returned a couple months later but basically I had already emotionally detached from him leaving and him not talking to me while he was away. We went to couples counseling while I went on eharmony. I told a mutual about a couple dates I had went on (her husband was a close friend of my ex). A few months after I had forgotten about the eharmony stint my friend's husband tells my ex what had happened (right around the time the therapy was starting to work). One day after therapy he takes me to a park (we never did anything romantic) to have 'the talk' with me. He asked me if I had something to tell him...and I literally didnn't remember going on eharmony at this was so long ago. We talk for a couple hours...more than he ever communicated before. He didn't break up with me, but he wanted to take some time. I texted him a week later, and a week after that, and a week after that - the last time asking if he wanted the ring back. And then I discontinued our relationship on facebook. I talked to him later and he didn't even notice, and he "never got" my texts...he was planning to talk to me to tell me his decision... 3 months after I broke up with our mutual friends wedding (above).



December 29, 2009 @ (West Chester)

Tags: west chester

Me and the bf were staying in for the night, going to take it easy and watch a movie. He left his laptop on when he went to the bathroom. I heard this weird little bleep noise. I wasn't sure what it even was then i saw this little red balloon bouncing. He got a facebook chat from a girl named Liz. Well, i hate to even admit that i did this but, i read the instant message. She started off with hey babe. I didn't think much of that at this point. I really wanted to respond, but i just waited. few minutes go by and then liz sent another message. "So, when will she be going back home?" She was referring to me and, home was to me going to my parents house for the weekend. I was so angry that i typed back, friday morning. She replied, "Ok, see ya saturday night... miss u <3". I just the message up for him when he got out. I had all different way to break up with him in my head, but i just stood up, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and said "I hope she's worth it." I walked out, got in my car and balled my eyes out. We'd been dating a little over a year, and i really was into him. I guess it's back to square one now, yuck. Just for the record, i still haven't responded to his texts or calls. It is wrong if i never respond to him again?



December 27, 2009 @ (Niles, OH)

Tags: niles

I was going over to meet my girlfriend and her family for christmas dinner, that's when my phone rang. She tells me not to come over there was some family drama. I turned around after 15 mins of driving. another day goes by without me hearing from her. I didn't think that anything was wrong with us, i just wanted to make sure she was ok. she just wouldn't answer or respond. well, she txted me last night. i hate text messages, and i hate her.



December 22, 2009 @ (india)

Tags: serious, relationship

i was in this relationship for close to two yrs , we both were totally into each other but things changed when she started going to college , she gave me less time but i kept adjusting knowing she was busy , slowly our fights increased but they were not so hard , never lasted more then a day or two , but then one day i was just going through her inbox deleting our chat history( she shared her password with me) and i came across this conversation about this guy in her college with her another friend , when confronted she said it was just for fun thats how girls talk and before we could talk anymore she said she has to go , its been 2months , she has not answered any of my calls after that and never replied to 100's of sms's and e-mails i sent her.........i still wish we were together :(



December 21, 2009 @ (Pennsylvania)

Tags: question

Okay, so here's the story. I just started dating this girl. She lives in Ohio, i'm in Pennsylvania. Well we were talking on web cam tonight and suddenly another guys voice comes on and says "can you hear me" she said yes directly after. I asked who that was and the cam coincidentally shut off at that point. She said it wasn't another guy when I asked her about it. I'm not sure if i'm just not trusting because of the shit I just came out of recently or if I should believe her. What do you guys think?



December 16, 2009 @ (Atlantic City)

Tags: Atlantic City

Met a new girl recently, things were great. she was down-to-earth,funny, and super sexy. As things progressed, we got to the point that we had sex. During sex, her boobs looked smaller. I thought to myself WTF... but just kept going. after, she went and pick up her clothes quickly and something fell from her bra. she had TP all up in her bra. WOW, i didn't know what girls outside of Highschool still did this. Aren't there pushups or whatever? I broke up with her on principle.



December 15, 2009 @ (newjersey)

Tags: funny break up

here was a girl that got over after a while she was really boring so i started flirting and talking to other girls in front of her and when she asked me what i was doing so i said looking for a new girl friend she asked why i said cause were over bad move she got her dad and shot up my house im lucky i was with my new girl when the cops asked if i knew who did it i said no cause i did not want to die !!!



December 15, 2009 @ (pittsburgh)

Tags: etcc

My ex and I had dated on and off for five years, and just last month he went out with some friends from high school. I didn't go out partially cuz I wasn't feeling well, and partially cuz my ex-best friend was going to be there. Well, I found out that night from one of my friends that was there that my bf and my ex-best friend fucked around all night long. They had messed around at the bars, the taxi, and then he went to her house. I tried calling him but his phone was off. The next morning he leaves me a voicemail to call him because we needed to talk about something important. I ignored his calls, texts, voicemails, and knocks on the door for two weeks. I was so hurt, and in a depressed angry state of mind, I slept with two guys over that two week period. Then I find out he's taking my ex-best friend to court because she drugged him with ecstasy that night. I'm pretty mixed up and not sure how to feel, I can see how a drug could lower your morals, but he should have known what was going on and knew it was wrong, and I feel terrible cuz I didn't know that before I slept with those guys


Joe N

December 15, 2009 @ (Visalia)

Tags: etc

So I dated this chick for a little over 3 years, and I actually had thought that she was the one. Well in August of this year, I had found out that she had slept with my band mate about 2 years ago (before the band had formed). I may have been able to forgive it, being so long ago, but I had suspected that she cheated on me with him and had asked her several times over the years. She would always get upset with me (as would I if I was falsely accused) so I dropped it and went along with it because I trusted her. Finally, when I found out for sure, she admitted the whole thing, and we broke up. The band ended, and so did my friendship with my drummer. All he could say was that we weren't that close before the band started, and all she could say was that she was sorry and that she was stupid for doing the whole thing. I know I should just move on and forget about these people, but my gut is telling me to tell drummerboys girlfriend who he's been dating for 6 years about the whole thing, and hook up with her. Any thoughts?


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