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March 12, 2019 @ (Virginia )

Tags: Hard breakup

My story goes like this. I started college this year and when visiting back home over winter break i found that someone down there liked me, after going on a few dates we began to seeing each other. Over the course of the next 3 months we laughed together, cuddled, and just had a blast. When things began to get busy for me again in college i made sure that i texted her everyday but i couldn't really go down there for weekends as my education needed me to study, or i wanted to spend some time with friends i hadn't seen in a while. I thought things were going good and was planning on going back down more regularly after spring break, but she stopped texting after a few days even when i texted her good morning which she told me that she loved waking up to. And we were going to go see How to Train your Dragon 3 together, but the day before we were supposed to we had a talk and she said that she wanted a relationship that wasn't so distant... This hurt... I told her we could try and make it work but she said " I don't want to force anything that wouldn't happen naturally." But still... I respected her view on the topic and that's where the relationship ended there... and now I'm just wondering if i did something wrong or should've gone down more even during my exam weekends... I just needed to get this off my chest... Because this was my first real relationship and I can't help but wonder if she just wasn't interested in me anymore, because after being bullied for years in elementary and middle school, I'm a bit self conscious of my looks even though I know that, that shouldn't be what matters in a relationship... But I can't help from thinking if it was just me you know?



March 11, 2019 @ (Delhi)

Tags: Breakup

I did mistakes in my 5 year relationship. Bcoz karma catches you after years as I was not good since last 4 years... Since 8 months I am trying to improve,but my ex gf (supposedly to be wife) did not want me. I feel depressed. Now she is with someone hurts a lot....but I think my karma was my karma is better since 6 months.....I believe in God....God don't gives you want, he gives you what you deserve,....



December 05, 2018 @ (CA)

Tags: Breakup

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November 03, 2018 @ (unites states)

Tags: Bad Breakup

So Im 15 and i was dating the 17 year old that my friend had introduced me to. me and him had talked for a long while about two months and then he finally asked me out but i was nervous saying yes because he had turned into my best friend when no one else was. i eventually had said yes to him . this was the best relationship i have ever had. well one day i decided to go camping with my family and i met this one boy who had talked me into being with him for the night and i did. well i told my boyfriend about it and he cried but he forgave me because i was the only girl he wanted in his life . after that i became depressed and had really bad anxiety and one day i called him and i thought i was telling him i loved him one last time well it didn't work so i had to tell him what i done and he started taking pills and i had to end everything and every once in a while i get these texts from him that he loves me and he cant find no one like me and i know its him because he used to call me "mi amour" and he used it in every text so i knew it was him . now he was my first kiss my first commitment my first relationship goal he was my everything now its over


Bad Luck

September 18, 2018 @ (Bulgaria)

Tags: Bad breakup, Cancer

Me and my girlfriend broke up this April after nearly 4 years of being together. Last October I was diagnosed with testicular cancer and had to undergo surgery (unfortunately lost one of my soldiers) and go to chemo. When this news came we had recently moved in together, but I had to return to my home town for treatment for about half an year. In that span of time she came to visit me 2 times and I went to visit her 2 times. Initially she was hesitant to come when I said that I will have to go through an operation. Her excuses were more than laughable - she had too much work in uni, I was too far away, couldn't we communicate through Viber, she though that this was a routine operation..... whatever that means. At least I think they are laughable, if the situation was in reverse I wouldn't hesitate to put everything on hold. So 6 month later I am fine, alive and kicking and when I return to her the first thing she literally said was ''Hi! We need to talk. I want to break-up with you''. She stated that she had learned to be alone for this time and thought our relationship was stagnating (which I have to agree with). Three-four months after we separated she has a new boyfriend. To whoever might read this - value your life, value your dignity, value yourself. For if you do not, nobody else will. If you do not live for yourself, nobody else will. I might come across as an egoist, but after this ordeal, life taught me that you have to an egoist, otherwise you will make compromises with no clear gain. God Bless and good luck to everybody. May you be spared such an experience!



September 14, 2018 @ (Georgia )

Tags: She ain’t the one.

Well it’s my first relationship ever and I dated her for a year. We broke up because we have different views on a relationship. I wanted to get closer and spend more time with her, but she wanted to be distant and have more space. She said she felt that way because I annoy her and she’s a independent person. Neither of us wanted to change for each other so we broke up.



September 01, 2018 @ (Texas)

Tags: Bad

So my ex broke up with me in June, saying that he was always alone and felt lonely (I’m a flight attendant)
He told me that we didn’t have anything in common (he figured that out after 2 years dating )
I begged him to stay with me I let my ego and dignity behind because I loved this guy and didn’t want to lose him.
After a week, he texted me saying that he went to the doctor and they told him he got a bacteria from the lake (yeah right!) that the dr said I needed to take medication as well. I was like hmmmm that doesn’t sound right, guys can only transmit StDs. I told him to be honest and admit that he cheated , he swore for his mom and family that he never cheated.
A week after I went to get checked and i got diagnosed with chlamydia, it was so devastating, I never though he could cheat on me since he kept saying he was loyal and would never that to me.
I confronted him and try to turn it on me saying that it was me the one that cheated.
Few weeks after he admitted that he cheated and I should’ve taken those pills, he didn’t want me to find out his infidelity. And after all this he said he still hope we can meet in the future and be together
What an asshole



August 25, 2018 @ (Singapore )

Tags: Lying bitch

My ex gf met in Uni and we dated for 3 years. She broke up with me saying she is not sure of her feelings for me. She assured me there was NOT another guy involved. I asked her what is it about me that she felt insecure with . She said there was nothing to do with me and that she just needed time alone. I tried to bargain and asked that we meet up once every 2 weeks but she wanted a clean break. I was devastated and pleaded via text for a week . I decided to stop becos it hurt too much to hold on to hope. I was sure she was seeing another guy and I hired a private investigator and I was right. She was dating some rich lawyer in his early 30s. I cut off all contact without confronting her and concentrated on healing. 9 months later she called me asking me how I was. I said I am ok and cut the conversation short. She began to call me once every few days talking stupid shit. I told her just get to the point. She wanted to talk face to face. I told her there was no need as I was sure she was not the right person for me. She sounded very surprised and said don’t you want to know why I wasn’t sure of my feelings for you. I was tempted to tell her “ bitch I know of that rich lawyer you were dating.” But i just said “ no not really, I do not love you anymore.” She never contacted me again.



August 17, 2018 @ (WI)

Tags: bad break up

Sorry its kinda long

We met 3 or 4 years ago and ended up dating while i was still with my now ex boyfriend. All three of us were dating until the original boyfriend broke up with us both so it was just me and my partner left. Just a couple months ago the other partner left me as well, out of the blue i was heartbroken. We had a son together who i saw the day he was born and were going to be married and suddenly they stopped talking to me as much claiming to just be busy then lied to me about why they broke up with me. Found out soon after they were already dating someone new and that they had actually lied to another person saying i said it was okay to date them when i didnt, they cheated on me while we were dating. Their excuse? they were afraid to break up with me. Even after they kept leading me on that they may get back together with me so i couldn't let go and move on from them. Finally i admitted my crush to someone else only for the ex to come back and start fighting with my crush and i over it!! Acting like we weren't allowed to date other people but they were allowed to. It felt like my heart was broken all over again when i stood up to them, but at least it helped me realize i deserve better than that. Stay strong.


Lord Harry

August 01, 2018 @ (ny)

Tags: bad break up

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