I was out with my friends, having a guys night. she was supposed to be study for a huge exam on the next coming monday, she wasn't going out. there's just 1 major street in our town and not too many bars. you can't really avoid people here. it was around midnight then i saw her in a bar across the street. first i was pissed because she didn't even let me know she was coming out. then! i saw her getting pretty cozy with some dude at the bar. i wanted to flip out but i didn't yet. i let it go some, they ended up kissing. I stormed over across the street, got a pint and dumped it on her. told her to piss off and i was done with her. two bouncers grabbed me and threw me onto the street, trying to brace myself from the pavement, i threw out my shoulder. Karma? eh, she needed it.
Tags: she had to go
I'm a firm believer that you don't really know someone until a year or so into a relationship. I realized that she was a conceited, selfish, mean bitch. I saw her hit my dog. she didn't know that I was watching and my dog didn't do anything bad. I don't care what lip service came out of her her mouth... that was it for me. my dog is my very best friend in the world. an attack on him is an attach on me. later bitch.
Tags: texas, hearbreak, breaking up, breakups
We were driving over to his parents house a few weekends ago to visit for the weekend. We got in a huge fight in the car over some stupid issues. It's really too much to get into, so sorry uBUH readers! I hate fighting but its health every once in a while, right? But I don't think pulling over to the bus station and telling me to get a ride home is an ok end to the fight. he pulled off and came back after 5 mins or so. i hate having to put on a happy face when i was so furious with him!!! the fight continued, he yelled I don't even love you anymore.. I'm leaving. He storm out of the house going to god knows where. he came back to his clothes in the front lawn... breaking up is easy
Tags: never calls, dumpee
So we had a lot of issues and we were constantly fighting but I still cared for him and did everything I could. That might have been the problem. I spent all my efforts making him happy and he rarely returned the favor. Well it has been a week since our last heated argument and he said we would talk soon. Yet I haven't heard from him. Don't lie to me! If you don't want to see me and work things out then just say so! don't lead me on! ass-wipe!
Tags: dumped, ex, time filler
I used to be shy around guys (I was messed up with commitment and trust issues). Usually a guy would give up pursuing me cause I would always push them away. One time this guy didn't give up so I thought I would give it a chance. I mean, I can't be alone forever! So we start hanging out and he tell everyone we are dating and it is serious. News to me. After after about 3 months he has a work party that I am not allowed to go to. He told me a month in advance so I didn't really care. Then I find out his ex (who he used to work with) will be there. A few days later he breaks up with me claiming that I made him feel guilty for talking to his ex. First of all, I'm not sure how i did that because I never complained or anything. So I tell him maybe he is still in love with her. He tells me "no" and then proceeds to recite a laundry list of everything that was wrong with me. He got back with his ex and they have been together for a year. I'm just pissed he didn't have the balls to tell me the truth! I wasn't that into him anyway. But I did feel like I was a time-filler until his ex was done having her "fun" an wanted him back. That wasn't the best feeling in the world.
Tags: new york
How about his asshole breakup story. The yanks just won the world series so everyone's phone was just blowing up. well my Bfs phone kept ringing and ringing... he wouldn't pick it up. i thought it was a little weird. I asked him who it was... he says "Do you really want to know?" I reply yes... I was my other girlfriend she wanted to know if i was done hanging out with you... ummm yeah i think we are
Tags: Phoenix
Josh and I hit the 1 year mark. we had been living in separate places, but I pretty much lived with him. we had a talk and we thought it would be best to move in together. my places was bigger than his so that was the winner. He moved in and things were cool for the first few months. I don't know if he stayed getting commitment issues or what, but he just started flipping out. He'd come home from work and he was mad. nothing really could Cheer him up. I'm not sure if he thought i was expecting to get married or what. it was more like roomies + benefits. worked out well for everyone. he took a swing at me the other day, that was it for me. no thank you
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