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June 19, 2015 @ (London)

Tags: bad breakup, betrayal, work,

I meet this girl at work, she's sexy, interesting, nice, everything I wanted really. I was rarely on shift with her when she started there, and then she takes time off for medical reasons. When she comes back, we get talking and begin to date. Everything's going well, really well; but then one day I realise that I have a lump on my nut sack. Not wanting to worry her, I don't tell her and try to get it checked out. I have to wait for 2 weeks with registering and making an appointment, and in this time I begin to stress out, fearing the worst, as I began to feel ill in other ways (btw all turned out to be nothing). Also during this time, she just suddenly stops texting me (she'd text me all the time when we weren't around each other). I have to make all the effort, and she keeps refusing to see me outside of work, where I just wanna tell her how scared I am of going to the doctors, but don't wanna text her it. When I see her at work I feel as though she doesn't wanna be around me. I knew she'd been talking to some other guy at work too, but he was in a relationship (with another girl at work) and I respected her too much to ever think too much of it. She texts me the night before my doctors appointment, breaking up with me for being distant. I was gutted, however I was given the all clear the next day at the docs, and I text her that day to tell her that I've been distant because of this, and that I still wanna be with her. She doesn't reply, and oddly enough I soon find myself getting over her. She takes a week off work, so I haven't seen her since she ended it. I try talking to her a few days back, just to get some dialog going between us, hoping we could get back together, or at least just not have it awkward between us when she gets back to work. Our convo's just small talk, and I get the impression things are over for good. Then that night things really go to shit, when I get a text off this girl at work. She tells me her bf broke up with her the same day my gf did with me, and then two days later our ex's slept together (these are the same people I mentioned earlier). They'd been texting each other behind our backs for weeks, she knows this having logged onto his fb profile and read the messages between them. 10 mins after receiving this text, I get one off my ex telling me the same thing. I'm livid and don't know what to do. I angrily text her back, insulting the shit out of her. I go into work a couple days later and almost everyone knows the story. Everyone's really supportive and stuff, but when I go in the next day he's there. I didn't know what to do, I wanted to hit him so badly, but I know that if I did, I'd lose my job. He can't even bring himself to look at me. She's got another week off now, and I begin hearing stuff about how much people disliked her and slutty stories people had heard about her. I also find out that people where only nice around her because she was with me. She comes back in just under a week, but I don't know what to do. It's easy for people to say just be the bigger man, but I almost find it embarrassing to go into work now. I wouldn't say she broke my heart, as I never really imagined us being together forever, but I did care for her and loved her, and for her to betray me in this way has just left me feeling shit.



June 18, 2015 @ (Alabama)

Tags: Hurt, betreyal , overlapping , rebound

I met him at work, we got to know each other and start dating. We were madly in love for 3 years and we were planning to get married, our obstacle were our parents. They did not get along, we tried and tried and it did not work out. We decided that it was best to move on since we are not meant to be although we were still in love. He was much older than me and it was the time for him to get married. His parents and friends were constantly introducing him to women but he was never interested. Until he started talking to one girl, at first it was normal and i ignored until it became everyday. I told him it is time for us to moveon since i dnt want to drag this relationship to nowhere. He agreed and 1 week after we stop talking, i checked his facebook and read a conversation with her all flirty. I never expected he would move on that fast. It hurts so bad.. I dnt understand how can he do that if he was really in love with me. I talked to him and told him what i thoughy and he said that he doesnt have time to move on he has to move fast, and no mattee what he stil cares. i dnt believe him and i really feel betrayed. What do I do, is it his rightt to do that or just disrespectful?



June 17, 2015 @ (Mumbai)

Tags: sudden breakup

met him on a friendship site at first, and I had no intention to date anyone. I was 22 an year ago and that's when I met him there. We talked almost everyday for hours and I thought he had good views and ideas. I happened to read a few stories on his blog which were about his crushes or maybe girlfriends in the past. He never wanted to talk about his past,he told me he's not ready to tell me yet. By the way,I never sent him my picture,because we planned to meet in real. after few months, I realized that my mom was totally unhappy with me having a boyfriend,and I decided to break it. But that's when he missed me and i missed him too, and we got back together. I always was trying to convince my mom about us. Later, we fell much more in love, he asked me to marry me, thrice. And then I imagined things like that. He started to ignore me sometimes and used to come back again, though I told him I was not able to take it, he used to talk everyday but sometimes he still ignored me again. He started to be highly flirtatious and his chats were not making me feel comfortable. I finally told him not to make me feel uncomfortable. I asked him about marraige, he said that it involves many things and he do not know what the future holds. Then why should he propose to me?? . He did not tell anyone about me, not at least his mom. That always bothered me. He started to ignore me again for tv shows and his hobbies, and we were talking one night, I asked him if it's worth talking anymore, he said no, i wasn't expecting that answer, I asked him again, if anything is left to talk,he said no again. I asked him if anything is new in his life, he said maybe after 6 months,things can be new. I said, so that will happen, he said it happens if he finds someone. that's when i decided to break up. I went away and I went online again to make things clear. I asked him about it again, he said if i leave him,he'll find someone and he also acted like he's ok with me leaving,he didn't stop me. I told him, that I never thought of someone else or what I'd do if i broke up with him but as he's able to entertain such thoughts i asked him to break up with me. He asked me to go to sleep and never talked to me again. I also found his comments on another site in which he was flirting with girls, and I have stopped to feel comfty with him since then, it kinda broke my heart



June 13, 2015 @ (Philippines)

Tags: hope, love, time, heartache, pain,

You know what's hard?it's when you wake up one morning and you're no longer wanted. That's how I felt when he broke my heart for a one night stand... AGAIN. My friends think that I'm stupid by staying in a relationship that we all know is doomed the first time he cheated on me. But I can't help it. I love him, more than his mistakes. I thought that if I'm gonna give him a chance he'll change. And he told me he would. I hold on to the hope that I was the one he always wants and need. Then one night as he was sleeping beside me I had this weird feeling that i need to check his phone. I know its my fault. I should not go thru his stuff coz I believe that what you don't know won't hurt you. But I did and hell I found out every thing. He saw me and he knew by the look in my eyes that I'm hurting. I'm not mad and I'm not even sad. I felt like I'm going to explode. Maintaining my calmness I took his had and gave him the phone, I made sure that when he look at the screen he would see everything I saw on his phone. I dressed up and leave but he would not let go of me. He was crying, begging for us to talk and make things right. I can't even say a word. My eyes just burst in tears, my heart beats fast and my breathing starts to be so deep feels like I'm drowning. Maybe I'm drowning with everything. I felt tired and all I want is to sit beside him. He was crying and I never expected him asking for my forgiveness. He was like a child, as I looked at him I felt something breaking inside my soul I feel responsible for the pain he's feeling. I'm not sure why, but it feels like I have to stay...with him and make sure that things will be okay. Maybe someday I will learn to walk away with everything. I'm not sure when and I don't know how but maybe just maybe I can still hold on to that hope that people do change... hopefully for the better.



June 12, 2015 @ (Philippines)

Tags: break up, ex bf, advice

Pls help me. I have broken up with my boyfriend last month. We were in a relationship for 2 yrs and 1 mo. We had a bad break up and I said some horrible things to him. After a week, I said sorry to him and realized that I want him back. But he said he just wanted to explore other people and that I should just give him time and space, even just for two months. He asked me not to go anywhere and that he'll miss me.

The whole month after our break up I pleaded/begged/asked him to get back to our relationship. A week has passed after our break up, he is now in a relationship and he chose the 'new girl' over me. I asked him why he has done this to me, he said I already broke up with him. And now they are facebook official and posted a lot of pictures of them together. He hides these pictures from me on his facebook, but I can see them using my friend's account. Why does he do that? I already know that he has a girlfriend, then why hide the pictures from me? He does not text me anymore and completely ignores me.

I just started the 'No Contact Rule' this month. I have not contacted him for almost 2 weeks now. But he texted me on the 1st day of NC that he wants his money back. I ignored him because I was hurt. He shows no concern for me anymore and just asks for his money. So, I was angry. Should I reply now? or should I wait for the 30 days to reply and give his money?

And this weekend, they went out of town for a vacation already. They haven't even been together for a month! They went to this place where we planned to go together and exactly on our monthsary date. Is she just a rebound?

Ever since we broke up, I posted happy pictures of me hanging out with some friends and exploring life by mountain trekking and swimming. I think I am doing a good job pretending to be happy. But to be honest, I am totally hurt and don't know if I want him back. I miss him and our good old times but his attitude now makes him so immature.

Can you please explain what is going on? I've been making excuses for his actions that he is just hurt over the break up, just like me, which is why he moved on so fast and doing these things. Has he totally moved on? How can I fix this?



June 09, 2015 @ (Canada)

Tags: funny breakup?

So just wondering if anyone else has had a similar dating experience. I was casually dating a girl for about a month and a half, but we had been talking everyday for about two and a half months. We were taking things slow, and one day we were on our way to the park (were I planned to talk to her about how she felt things were going) when I got struck by car. I was projected onto my head and was brought to the hospital trauma unit due to the nature of my bloody head. I surprisingly came out of it in pretty good shape, except for a mild concussion that has been lingering for over a month now. She stayed with me that night and over the weekend our communication was intimate and she even mentioned about making me dinner as I was in recovery. Then bang, she 180s and decides she is not ready for a relationship thus ending our dating experience. So basically, I got hit by a car while walking with her and the next week she decides that she doesn't want to continue. Not going to lie, it messed me up a bit going through a traumatic experience like that, and then having the person who you thought could support you a little pull the chute.



June 05, 2015 @ (Wyoming)

Tags: bad breakup

Okay so it all started when I asked to see my boyfriends phone, he started saying things like "why do you wanna see it?" And complaining about it which was really unusual about him. He eventually let me see it and I went through his messages and saw that he had been texting this girl (let's call her Rebecca) they weren't flirting or anything but I got upset cause I had told him the week before to delete her number. I then let it slide and told him not to let it happen again. Three days later I asked to see his phone again and there were no messages so I went through his calls and I noticed a number and I clicked on it and it said they were texting the whole weekend from morning to night and I asked him who was that. Like always he was acting dumb and saying that he doesn't know who's number that is blah blah blah, he then said it was one of his old friends from his old school which was a girl. I didn't mind that only the fact that he deleted the messages. I later then asked one of my friends for Rebeccas number and sure enough it was the same number as the one my bf was texting the whole weekend I got really mad I through this big fit and my bf was still trying to deny it!!!!!!!! The next day at school we decided to give each other space so we didn't see each other all day. I decided to stay with one of my friends after school to get my mind off things and she said she saw him hugging Rebecca oh and I forgot to mention that the day I asked to see his phone and I saw the call log he stood after school with her!!!! So yeah I tried texting him that day and he wouldn't reply until he got home that's when he started kissing ass and that's we we took that little time apart at school, so yeah he's a liar and he lies way too much and idk if I should stay or just leave



June 05, 2015 @ (USA)

Tags: Bad Break Up

I just turn sixteen when we made our relationship public. We dated and waited for a month. I thought he was the one but after five months he said he needed some space. A week later I saw him with another girl at the movies. So I wrote a song about it and now I am still waiting...



June 04, 2015 @ (Seattle)

Tags: Awesome relationship, clean break up

2 years ago, at the age of 17, I met a guy at a night bar and the week after I resaw him at a party of a friend of mine. We got on really well and everyone at that party could tell he was attracted to me. He asked me out for the day before my birthday, which doesn't happen often, but it was the coolest thing ever. We dated for 5 months.

One night I planned on surprising him, since I hadn't seen him in a month as we were in different schools. That night, I could tell that something was bothering him, but I didn't know what till the end of the evening. At the end of that evening, he told me that we needed to take a break since he couldn't hang out with me as much as before and he wanted to be done with senior year. Senior year was over and we were still broken up, even though I wished that things between us were different



June 01, 2015 @ (Atlanta)

Tags: Awesome

Wasn't really my breakup but I was involved in it. Go back 14 years, my best friend and I were both 16 years of age. He had a girlfriend who was unworldly beautiful, like a model, and let's face it - who wouldn't be attracted to a young Jessica Alba?

One night, we were to a club and we all got a bit tipsy, I ended up slamming my mate more and more drinks and then ended up having sex with his hot girlfriend. He didn't find out at the time, but we kept going at it behind his back - probably about 6 times a week for the rest of the time they were together? They were together about 3 years lol. They broke up because I came clean to my mate and he respected me for that so we remained best friends. I told myself that I wouldn't touch his girl the next time he gets one.

Fast forward back to current time. My best friend recently just got married six months ago and again... his, now, wife looks like Natalie Portman. I mean... who wouldn't want to tap that ass? Anyway, after they returned from their honeymoon, he told me that he hasn't had sex with his wife since the wedding and that they were a little 'dry' (whatever that meant). So I decided to go to talk to her about what was going on, when my mate went to work the next day. BAM! Ended up shagging her on the kitchen table. We would go at it for hours when my mate was at work and we'd do this like three-four times a week.

A couple of weeks later, my mate tells me that they still aren't having sex. So I go back to her and tell her that she has to have sex with him at least once... Next day, my mate comes to me and asks me "How did you do it?! We finally had sex!" So I congratulate him. Then, he complains to me that he had to do it in a rubber and that he shouldn't have to now that he's married.

Last week we were at it again, this time on their couch and after I came in her, she tells me that she's pregnant with my kid. I tell her that she's crazy and it's probably her husbands (I pretty much knew it wasn't his - I probably had more sex with her in a week than he had with her in his entire life...)

Next day, my mate comes to me really happy and says that he's going to be a pappy and not sure how it happened as he's only had sex with her once after the wedding and it was using a rubber. I quickly ensure him that the rubber must have broken and that the kids is his to which he believes LOL!

I'm still banging his wife when he's at work several days a week and she's about to have my kid in three months! I haven't had a relationship with no strings attached as much as this ever! And I just wanted to tell you guys out there how good this is. I'm still best mates with him, I'm having a blast banging his hot wife and she's about to have my kid which my best mate will bring up free of charge!


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