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127 Results For 'ah'


January 05, 2010 @ (OC)

Tags: guys, matt, emt, hospitals, loser, new orleans, fighting, crying

I met this guy on yahoo personals. I really thought I hit jackpot since most guys aren't that chatty, but he was. We finally met and instantly liked each other. He would text me every morning saying "good morning" and every night saying "good night." I was seriously on cloud 9. He works in a hospital so we only saw each other once a week. 6 months in we decided to take a trip to New Orleans together. We had been fighting a lot about stupid shit because we are both strong, opinionated people. I gave up a lot just to make him happy. It got to the point where I didn't care about my happiness anymore. It only mattered what he thought and what he wanted because it was easier that way. But I would slip and give my opinion sometimes and that's when we would fight, he would make fun of me for the dumbest things and put me down constantly if he didn't agree with my opinion. While we were in New Orleans he wanted to party every night, and sleep all day. I was super upset, I'm on vacation in an amazing City and you just wanna sleep all day because you wanna party all night?? I did a lot of exploring alone, which made me sad. Every time I made a decision to do something he always found something wrong with it and put me down. I cried every day. One night I begged him if we could stay home and relax. Our sex life was seriously lacking, but every time I was in the mood he wasn't...I wanted to stay in because I wanted to have a hot steamy night together. He wanted to go out. After telling me he was only going down to the hotel bar for an hour I called him 2 hours later, he said he was still there, 3 hours later he wasn't responding to my texts. 4 hours later he told me he was in the bar still, it was 2am! I went downstairs to the hotel bar and found out it had been closed since 11pm!When I finally got a hold of him and found him drunk outside he said he met some guys at the bar and went out with them. The next day I saw a couple texts in his phone to 2 girls that he was texting the night before. Saying that he wished they were there, and if they were there he wouldn't be "lonely in New Orleans."

I called him out and he laughed, saying they were just friends. I didn't really believe him but I let it go, we had 3 days left of our vacation. After coming home and a couple more weeks of me being miserable I decided we needed to talk, but he never had the time. He can't text me back, but he can text other girls? WTF?

He ended up coming over the day after Thanksgiving and breaking up with me. Stating that he cared about me sooooooooo much but just couldn't have a GF right now.

I wasted 6 months of my life with someone who wasn't all that into me and made me cry every day, and in the end, cheated on me and then HE broke up with ME. Lesson happiness should matter more then his.



December 11, 2009 @ (West Haven)

Tags: west haven

I went over to pick up my girlfriend before we went out for the night. I get there and she was still in the shower. I sat at the table and was checking fb on my phone, just killin time and her phone buzzed. I dont read her messages, but i just happened to look over and saw the message, "are we on for *place's name* @ 7, i miss you baby". I want to just throw the phone at her in the shower, but i waited. i wanted to have some fun with this. I ended the night and we both went home, she had no idea. Well i went a little early and when they showed up, I walked up behind them. I got around and just said, hi. you should have seen the look on her face. she couldn't even talk. the dude was like, hey there (acting all cool and shit). I introduced my self to him. "Hey , i'm ryan... i'm her Ex as of this moment right now." I turned and walked away, all i could here is WTF. HAHA



November 29, 2009 @ (Wisconsin)

Tags: josh christina

So i just found this website today and want to share what i found on facebook. This is the conversation from the now exs: Girl: Is single... And cold... Boy: you wouldn't be single if Maybe if you didn't disrespect people and admitt when you were wrong you wouldn't be sleeping in your car in a cub foods park. Girl: Loves her new black eye from her now ex. Random Friend: If he did anything why in the world would you post it on facebook, are you nuts you kicked him as hard as you could in the leg, so he pushed you, seriously, Josh is not 100 % to blame here Girl: Yeah dont you get im trying. He holds my belongings hostage then cries for me to never leave. Im leaving Girl:ye so i swung at him for being such a prick and he punched me in the face so i threw a drop of water on him and he kicked me in the stomach. Random Girl: Christina has beat him several times and he did nothing because he DOES NOT hit woman but this was the last straw for him and all he did was push her cuz she hit him several times.....There is more but this is the best of it...i'm guessing its over



November 12, 2009 @ (Anaheim)

Tags: Anaheim

I just found out recently that I'm pregnant. I was actually really happy. Jon is a good man, and I was excited that he might want to take the next steps together in our relationship. I tried to avoid the "we need to talk line". i feel like that line gets the mind ready for bad news. i was very direct with him and he seems pretty cool about the whole thing. he started becoming distant. I've yet to hear from him. pretty horrible breakup if you ask me. my friends tell me im jumping to conclusion to fast, but its over i can just feel it.



November 07, 2009 @ (New York)

Tags: new york

How about his asshole breakup story. The yanks just won the world series so everyone's phone was just blowing up. well my Bfs phone kept ringing and ringing... he wouldn't pick it up. i thought it was a little weird. I asked him who it was... he says "Do you really want to know?" I reply yes... I was my other girlfriend she wanted to know if i was done hanging out with you... ummm yeah i think we are



October 28, 2009 @ (Tampa)

Tags: florida

I graduated not too long ago from a college up north. abbey wasn't able to move down here yet. we've been doing the whole LDR thing. I hate it, it just sucks! I had a few days off work so i ahead up there to visit for the weekend. it wasn't a long flight but when i wanted to take a lil nap before we went out for the day. her phone was on the coffee table and she got a text. I looked down and it says, hey babe... i had a great time, can't wait to see you again. stupid bitch. I tell you what, i could have gone apeshit!!! i didn't. i just asked who tyler was. her face went white. i went and stayed with my parents. the rest of the weekend. boy did she fuck up. there are so many girls in Florida... it's on



October 21, 2009 @ (New York)

Tags: NYC Breakup

So I had been dating this guy for 2 years...thought he was the one blah blah blah. We buy a house together and everything is going great. I work weird hours due to my job and got off early one night. I wanted to surprise him and rushed home early to cook a nice dinner (I never cook) and make his favorite dessert. I have everything ready and he never shows up. I find this odd (obviously) and can not get him on the phone. He works in a lab so its hard to get reception. I decide to surprise him. Pack everything up and drive over to his work (10 min. away). First mistake. Second mistake..finding him fooling around with his co-worker in his office. Third mistake...It wasn't a woman.



October 21, 2009 @ (Minnesota)

Tags: yes I'm crazy

I dated this total loser for a few months and over time he moved in with me. he quit his job in october and announced to me that under MINNESOTA STATE LAW (some winter cold state law bullshit) I could not evict him into the cold. He was rude to my daughter, mean to my dog, ate all our food used all of our stuff, hogged the T.V. blah, blah, blah. So I stopped buying food and my daughter and I ate out every night. and locked our food in her room. He started going to his Ex's to eat. and started to hang out with her. When he stayed gone over night I put all his crap outside in the snow and changed my door lock. When I put all his stuff out I forgot to pack his VIAGRA. He called me yelling "I WANT MY VIAGRA" I told him he could pick it up the next day. I so had to know if the nail polish trick works so I said lets go to the casino for buffet lunch. I was flirty and said "hey I got a coupon for a free room, lets go up and fool around" He popped a pill on the way up to the room. We waited, he slapped it around, NOTHING. "dead as a door knob" after 45 minutes I said I was going to go get us some soda pop. I left him there. About 5 hours later I noticed his truck was gone from my drive way. about 3 weeks later I ran into the mutual friend that set us up in the first place. He told me that "he said he was in total erectile disfunction. He started going to church (pretty much a jesus freak) moved home with his mom and dad and is looking for a job.
I am not proud of tampering with his meds. But I feel great about how it all turned out.



October 20, 2009 @ (San Fran)

Tags: mother, mom, ah

Been dating Brian for close to 6 months. It was that time, to meet my parents. It's always a hard time for me because my parents are very protective and CRAZY. well he really hit it off with my parents. I thought wow, I'm in the clear... awesome. We get back from the little drive from my parent's place and he sits me down on the couch. He proceeds to tell me that we can't continue to get anymore serious about our relationship. My mother is kinda heavy set and he can't take that chance... what a prick!



October 16, 2009 @ (Miami, FL)

Tags: florida

I got caught cheating. It wasn't like third person bs either. she straight up caught me. it was really funny because she made a huge scene. i was out eating with the other girl when this happened. it was around dinner time too so the place was pretty busy. she was like "HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT THE CHEATER!!" she must have said cheater 50 times. haha. "DON"T LET ME INTERRUPT YOUR MEAL OF CHEATING" omg the shit was so funny. really this was like 5 full minutes, people were crying because they were laughing so hard. I haven't heard from her in a week, i'm assuming she doesn't want to work it out. haha


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