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11 Results For 'funny break up'


December 19, 2019 @ (usa)

Tags: funny break up

Its been months since we broke up so the boy basically ruined my life after he left me it broke my heart completly i knew he never loved me after dating him about 12 times...yes i might be in middle school but i knew he was the one but not anymore i got hoessss.



October 21, 2019 @ (Doha,Qatar)

Tags: funny break up and post break up

At the moment i am in 11th grade. 4 years ago ie, when i was in 7th grade, i got into a relationship with my classmate.Well the funny part is that we were enemies in 6th grade (lmao).So when we got into 7th grade he told me that he liked me but i wasnt interested,my friends forced me to get into a relationship and eventually we became a couple and also the talk of the school.Then within few months we started to like each other and our relationship progressed.We did the lame stuffs that couples would do at that age .But when i look back into that year rn i am laughing my ass off.Anyways when it was the end of 7th grade he told me that he is going to leave the country cuz his father lost his job and then he disappeared.
well after four years my friends were super curious to know where and what he is doing rn.And somehow they found out his address and texted him.Well he told my friend that he still likes me(lmao) and that he wanted to talk to me and i told her to tell him to FUCK OFF.
Anyways that was my first so called love and prolly the last.



June 21, 2017 @ (Germany)

Tags: Food Break up, Funny Break up

My girlfriend and i just broke up yesterday.
She screamed at me just because I ATE her donut. I gold to geht a New one, but she only wanted the one in my mouth. So i spit it out again. After that she totally lost controll and throw TH wjole table to the ground. She gold me that I am so supid and that I should leave and never come back. I ran out. And now I don't know what to do. I mean it was jusz a donut.
Let me tell you do nut let a donut Ruine your relationship.



May 13, 2017 @ (Canada)

Tags: Funny break up

I loved him or I just liked his fluffy hair I really have no idea. So when I got home to find a a bouqet of the flowers I'm ALLERGIC to I just walked up the stars in the room and found him in bed reading a book, I grab the book and just say "what nice flowers" he says "thx they are for my mom when she comes over" I yell at him for God knows what reason probably because I love flowers and can't get enough of them and that he made plans without me oh and let's not forget HE IS AN IDIOT. He gets up and asks me what's wrong the thing that is wrong was that he never got me flowers and never spoke to me and only his MOM so I just said see yah loser I'm going to get mmy self some flowers and get a new boyfriend cause mine needs a new brain! With that I was gone and he was just standing there motionless oh and I ripped up the flowers 😂



February 10, 2017 @ (Ohio)

Tags: bad break up, funny break up??

After four months of dating on and off me and my boyfriend finally broke up. It turns out he was playing me and ended up falling for me... i forgave him.. we wanted to get back together again but there was too much hurt.. i really gave my all and it sucks because we had a good thing going. three years passed .. feelings were still there . we would see each other occasionally and tention would be there. I actually believed he was the one. Its sad that things didn't work out...



July 18, 2016 @ (clearwater, fl )

Tags: bad break up, funny break up, ridiculous break up, epic break up

So me and her were going strong when one day her brothers girlfriend steps to her over allegedly stealing from them [i still don't know if she did or not] regaurdless I jump into action and throw my girl in the car immediately and diffuse the situation [I've been in enough trouble and am not hitting a female] I then i comfort my girl and call an hour late into work when it just so happens the district manager is there. so I square things away feeling good about how I handled the situation and went to work. she ends up calling me and breaking up with me saying I should have beat the girl up and skipped work [so glad I didnt] she had already wore me out emotionally that whole month [this day was supposed to be our 1 month anniversary lol] anywho so I say ok whatever I'm coming to get my stuff so I did and she said she wasn't ready for comminment that's all i needed to hear whatever [



May 15, 2015 @ (Ohio)

Tags: funny break up

So I had dating this guy for three years and one day he comes home with his best friend like usual and we hang out and I decide to go pick up some pizza so I leave. I drive to the nearest pizza hut and when I get there I realize I forgot my wallet so I drive back to grab it. When I open the door I see a shirt on the floor, I think nothing of it so I pick it up and as I walk closer to my bedroom I hear moaning and stuff. I open the door and J (my bf) and C (his best friend) are having sex. I first feel my heart break but at the same time I had a feeling the liked each other. I was upset but I got over it. We are all still friends and I'm getting married next week so yeah. They are engaged too.


Trees Of Glory

March 29, 2015 @ (united states of america)

Tags: funny break up

So I wanted to break up with this guy for quite a while, he was so rude. I couldn't bring myself to do it. We had been dating a year and a half, when he said we are having problems. So we meet up infront of some trees at a park he gets there and stares at me like a weirdo. I say we are breaking up he agrees and proceeds to tell me how perfect I am and I start to cry. He trys to hug me and I say don't fucking touch me. He started crying and I walked away. afterwards me and my bestfriend went to the fair and made out with 2 really hot guys. BEST DAY EVER



February 25, 2015 @ (Michigan )

Tags: funny break up

Ahhh, this site is so nice to hear all these stories. I think I'm going to share all of my break ups story by story, so here's my first one:

My first boyfriend, I dated from beginning to end of my high school freshman year. He was a dorky theater and choir kid, and I was (and still) an art nerd. We were really shy and had a calm relationship, no drama, doing things from going to theater productions or getting lunch. One day, at the end of my freshman year, we had a mutual break up. We felt like we were too different and it was simple and there were no tears at all. It had a nice ending.

Funny thing, 6 months later, he started dating a close friend of mine, which I had no issue with at all :) We even hung out sometimes. I'm 20 now, so that was 5 years ago.


Thadra S

August 13, 2014 @ (Minneapolis)

Tags: dating a musician, funny break up,


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