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October 19, 2016 @ (Canada)

Tags: my fault, i\'m sorry

So there are all of these "my boyfriend did something to me" but this time its a little different, its actually me that did something not very cool to my boyfriend and I totally regret it! It all happened on THAT day, at my friend's uncle small cinema ( about 30-40 places). My friend told me I could bring some friends but only 2-3 since our whole "squad" was there and some other people she knew would come. So I went over there with my boyfriend and his brother and we sat at the complete back of the room, if i remember, we were on the 4th seat from the right side of the alley. So the movie started and my boyfriend went to get something (I don't remember what it was but I think it was food). He left for a good 5 minutes, so I started talking to him (yes i am part of these rude people at the movie theatre) and the more we talked the more I thought he was cute. I then put lip balm on since I am a lip balm addict and I always put some on so his brother told me "you must have very soft lips" and i said "well i guess your brother must be very lucky" and then he said "maybe one day" and I had the great idea of saying "why waiting for some other day when we can do it now" (i know its cheesy) and we kissed... The worst part is that I liked it! When my boyfriend arrived, I bursted in tears and ran to the washroom. I stayed there really long until I finally got out. I told him everything that happened but suprisely he didn't seem to care. I invited for him to break up with me because he did not deserve that but then he said that he wanted to stay with me : "why would I leave you? you like me so much you couldn't hide it from me and you care about me so much that you want me to leave you just because of that." I hugged me and we left the place and went at his house but the only problem and the one thing I didn't tell him was that since the kiss, I developed a small feeling for his brother. At his house, he made a test, he left me in a room with his brother to prove me it was an accident and that he trusted me. Now his brother kissed me and i didn't stop him, i kissed him too, a long and honest kiss. Then my boyfriend didn't trust me anymore... He broke up and we didn't talk anymore. Now its a bit better and we still talk together but not as much as we used to. During 3 months I secretly dated his brother and a few days ago, I told him about it. He was not that mad and he said one sentence I am always going to remember:

- love is like a wild animal, it seems nice but can be dangerous and even if we think we are its friend it will either jump in your face and attack you or run away to someone else's arms. No matter what you do or how you do it, you can't stop someone from loving as long as you can't stop the horse from running.

I dont freakin' know where he got this quote from but I will always remember it! This guy is the sweetest guy ever! he can be so stupid sometimes but is always full of wisdom!!! I really feel sorry and I am really thankful for him understanding my situation!



October 15, 2016 @ (Louisiana )

Tags: Baby break up

Wish I could make a long story short but I was with my child's father for 3 years he was like first everything , love of my life but little did I know he was cheating on me. It broke my heart cause now I have your baby and it's still not enough to at least you try to make something with with us get your family straight before moving on. So he got me a ring help me get car we took family pictures and everything. While our family picture #the(hislastname)... He then post his new li boo. We technically didn't breakup so I spent months looking for closure. But now I'm in a good place with everything but he stuck on I want him so he choose not to deal with me and my child doesn't even know her dad it's sad but touching he chooses to tend to his life and let his daughter grow in front his eyes. I think out of the whole break up that's the part I won't ever let go of because I know the feeling of growing up with no father but for him to say some of the things he says as mother of his child.. He literally watched me struggle to take care of her , just to see me hurt.. Still wanna know why he is so mad because He cheated and I basically expressed my feelings in messed up ways but I feel as if what's worse the having a baby for somebody who you loved and they never loved you back (let's talk about kick in the face , right)



October 08, 2016 @ (India)

Tags: Sad, Guilty, Bad, Break up, His Once Baby

He was my 1 year senior friend. That night he said he liked me. Idk if I had feelings for him or not. But my best friend said that he's a really good guy and that I should approve his proposal. And yes, I did. But as I said I didn't know that if I had feelings for him that's why I didn't say romantic words as I know it's not good being superficial. But after 3 months I confessed that I truly loved him Yeah he waited those 3 months for me. All went quite good the next 3 months. I was his Baby/Babe/Bae/Love. He loved me a lot. But then something happened and he wanted to break up. I didn't want to force him so I agreed. But the next day he said that he can't leave me and again I agreed. Actually we never met face to face properly. After a few weeks after final exams he stopped talking to me but I called him and everything was back to normal. The next month he went thousand miles away from me to another state. He had asked me to call him everyday before he went. But after he went there he didn't text properly. Talked weird and like he didn't want to talk. As a result I didn't call or text him. After 3 months he texted me that he was missing me. Even I did so. That's why I accepted him. But nothing was normal. I felt awkward an all stuff. We had a fight. He did apologize but I was not cool at all. I replied rudely. So he said "let's break up". I replied Affirmative. But then I realized I can't do without him. I texted a long message with an I love you at the end. He said he was confused and that he would reply After Some days as his exams were approaching. Today he texted that he didn't know what I feel but wanted to be out of this totally. I agreed but bashed at him. Bombarded him with rude words and at last congratulated for his new girl. He thanked me. I thanked him For teaching me that all guys are the Same. He said "mention not'. And blocked me on all social networks.
That's how it all ended.
I wanna get over him now. But I feel bad that I talked that rudely.



October 06, 2016 @ (Rhode Island)

Tags: young love, love, boyfriend, relationship, break up story

He was my first boyfriend. I met him in my freshman year of college and I was going through a rough time. We were both on the tennis team together, so we met at a tennis party one night and he texted me the next day after the party and we just never stopped. We went on some dates and then he told me he loved me. I was so taken aback we had only been together a couple weeks, but I was stupid and I said it back even though I didn't necessarily feel it back. He would send me long messages about how he never wanted to lose me and how we would be together forever. Suddenly, I felt myself falling in love with him. In fact, I was more in love with him than he was with me. Then the summer came. We lived 4 hours away from each other, but he promised me we would make it work. He promised we would text everyday and call and would trying and see each other. The first month was okay. I went to his house and vacationed in his town with my family. Then he went on a cruise and he had bought a text plan to text me. Then after the cruise he came to my house and I felt like something was different. Like he didn't care anymore. When he went home after that things got difficult. He wouldn't text me good morning anymore, he wouldn't send me long messages, he wouldn't call me. I got into a car accident and when I tried calling and texting him he responded with "sorry I had a crisis of my own" and it was how a contact was stuck in his eye. Then he told me he wasn't sure if we were more than sex. But I stayed with him because I was sure it was just because of the distance. We finally got back to school and when I first saw hiim (I came to help him move in) all he did was say hi and didnt bother to give me a hug. Things were fine at first, but then I could see he was gettign annoyed to see me and we would fight everyday. I broke up with him. We have a class together and still do tennis and it is so hard to see him. I tried telling him how I felt the other day and how I wanted him back and the conversation ended with him leaving me outside of his Hall crying. I was stupid and kept texting him to see if we were going to work through this and there was no answer. I have never felt so unwanted in my life. I just want to move on.



October 03, 2016 @ (india)

Tags: bad

I met her last month through instagram we had lot of fun together we talked and laughed. She was really something to me i knew that she felt the same to me, But we didn't had a phone call yet just because i was not comfortable or prepared to talk her i need time.Then she said it's okay you can take your time and call me!!!!!!!
You know guys, Everything happens just because a phone call!!!
I took more time to call her and i didn't do that yet.
Yesterday she asked me to call her and talk to her she can't wait anymore its like so hard to love someone who are not comfortable with talk over phone, and i said give me some more time and i am gonna call you today, it was over my head i felt so obsessed and i was like pressuried to talk her bocause it was my very first time to gonna talk someone like this, but she didnt get that, anyway i dont wanna blame her everybody have their own feelings i need to consider her feelings too,
She said i was like, make her an idiot.
and i said i am gonna call you now she said she dont want to talk to me anymore she pissed off!! if i call her she will fight me and be rude. After a long converstaion she said goodbye!!
I dont know what to say
She really need to say goodbye to me??
Yeah!! she really need that, i can understand her feelings...
Everything gonna endup!!
Just because of my stupidity
I am a big fool in this world
I really dont need her to say goodbye
But everything has already ended up!!
I am fucked up!!
If i hurt you please dont despise me!!
I still need you happy!!
Stil i can love you!!
I dont know what the fuck*** am i!!!



October 02, 2016 @ (Southern Russia )

Tags: Bad Breakup

So when I was in 10th grade I saw this girl in Engineering class and she was my first Crush ever, I thought she was perfect, She had this long beautiful hair, breathtaking smile, cute, a little bit shy, challenging, caring and had some little knowledge about video gaming which was my weak spot. This was also my first love, I tried to flirt with her but I was a very insecure person at that time, I was pretty much obese (115 KG,253 lbs) and I was the probably the ugliest guy in the class :(, my flirting skills were a disaster and she eventually had a boyfriend from another class, they were together for 4 months and after that they broke up.
I dreamt about this girl for a whole year and I told myself that in 11th grade I will make something out of myself and I will GET HER.
Starting from February 2016 and till July 2016 I lost 37 KG (that's 81 pounds) and went from 115 to 78 KG (253 lbs to 171 lbs), I lost weight for my own private reasons but one of the main one was for my crush. The WHOLE SCHOOL was in complete shock of my body transformation (I'm talking about teachers, students, janitors, community workers, cooks, friends) and I was voted student of the year in my school, I've never felt this much happiness in a long time, I've felt completely on top of the world, my confidence rose up and I felt that I needed to flirt with my crush, but that failed too.
Eventually I found a job in my school and I worked there as a painter (I painted the walls, classrooms and etc... for the school year) to pay truck driving license. And then one day my CRUSH showed up in the school and literally started talking to me straight away, I was really busy with my work and I told her if she can hold on just for a few minutes but she ignored me and we started talking, the conversation went deep in a matter of minutes, I though to myself ''SO FAR SO GOOD'' and we literally spent the next 2 months (June and July) talking to each other on the phone ever SINGLE day. one day when I felt the right time to quit my job, I told her that I wanted to hang out with her (was my first time talking to a girl over whatsupp) and we've set the meeting in my city.
During August we hanged out every day and we felt closer and closer with each meeting. During the beginning of 12th grade (the final senior year) I told her that I loved her over the phone and she said she loves me too. It was the most magical moment that I've heard over the phone. The next morning we went to quiet place in my school yard near the teachers parking lot and we kissed, it was my first kiss EVER and especially with my crush, it was such a special moment in my life and I will never forget it, I've felt completely happy. We were the most popular couple in my school apparently because people had known me for being a single guy for my whole life.
After a week and 4 days my nightmares became to reality, we broke up.
I wasn't depressed but I felt sad as fuck man, we had a fight the night before and its just a long story, things weren't going great for us, so we decided to break up.
I was very sad with myself, and I was being told that time heals everything, and I shouldn't be upset because we were barely together for a month,but it doesn't matter if the relationship lasted for a week, I've felt heartbroken and pretty sad with myself.
She on the other hand felt completely good after the break up and told me that she had 2 boyfriends before me and she is going to chase for another one and I need to do the same, find the one, she told me that I will fine the love of my life but to never give up, even in my darkest moments of my life.
I will never forget these words that she said to me the day after our break up. But the awesome memories we had together still taunt me till this very minute. And the worst thing is, I pretty much regret the decision to leave her.
I've came to the point that not anything that shines has to be golden.
I feel very disappointed because I've wasted so many energy over her for the past 2 years.
But I need to look at the bright sight, this short relationship taught me that to make sure I will never do any mistakes in my next serious relationship, life is one hell of a tough journey, and we need to keep going, keep looking forward and never give up.



September 21, 2016 @ (Saipan)

Tags: Religion, Too Young

It was the most perfect relationship. Met in 5th grade and had a crush on each other. Saw each other in high school and ended up going out since freshmen year of 2011. Shared our first kiss together under the rain... all first experiences together. He went to the airforce after high school while I continued college and did long distance for one year. He cheated the first year but 3 months the following summer with him couldn't compare to the 4 years we've been together, that completely changed him to a better person. You know when they say that cheaters don't change? He did and he became a better person. We've never loved each other so much and the sparks between us were on fire during those 3 months. We knew what we wanted and we were ready for marriage in the future.

However, right after that summer, I began to withdraw from the religion, Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ), which meant more than anything to him. He invited me to his church and I believed in the teachings until later this year when I realized that this wasn't for me. We overcame so many problems but this one was overboard and we just couldn't handle it. We handled two years of long distance, cheating, fighting, and growing in our differences but religion was something he valued a lot. We were also young and needed to explore. The breakup was the hardest between us and everyone in our home knew about us. We were voted as, "Cutest couple" in our class and everyone rooted for us. But really.. sometimes love is not enough.

However, through it all. Through all the good and hard times, we still respect and love each other so much but this time of our lives, this could be the biggest mistake we ever made or the best decision... only time will tell.



August 27, 2016 @ (Nj)

Tags: Bad breakup, heartbreak

I was with my ex gf for 1.5 years and things towards the end started to get worse with more fights happening. tI'll one day she called it quits. I asked her what I did wrong and all she said was that it wasn't me. That I was the perfect guy, that all her friends thought I was sweet and that her family thought I was too good for her, but rather that her depression was getting worse and she couldn't handle a relationship. We stopped talking and not even two weeks later I see her as I was walking back to my friends apartment get out of a car with another guy and go into her house. Later thy night I get a text that she slept with this guy.... My heart sunk, I also heard from other people that she was the one to make the move and kiss him and leave with him and that she was planing on dating this guy... So much for not being able to handle a relationship, apparently moving on was easy for her as I was here struggling to be happy



July 23, 2016 @ (Toronto)

Tags: Bad break up

Me and her had been dating for a year and 5 months and we had broken up 3 times before. Afte the last time she cried and hugged me said she was sorry for being a horrible person and breaking up with me when i needed her the most (my dad had commited suicide few months before) and she told me she would never let me go. Then a half year to a year later we had arguements every other day for a month, she kept lying to me i got fed up and yelled at her. She cried in school her das picked her up and told me never to see her. She just allowed him and we talked a bit she said theres no reason why we cant get back together. A day later i found out for the last week of our relationship till now shed been flirting with a dude from her summer school. Fucking whore thinks ill wait till he hurts her and then ill be a crying shoulder waiting for her. We both argued i said im done talking to you she said good block me while ur at it. Cold hearted whore could never tell the truth.



July 18, 2016 @ (clearwater, fl )

Tags: bad break up, funny break up, ridiculous break up, epic break up

So me and her were going strong when one day her brothers girlfriend steps to her over allegedly stealing from them [i still don't know if she did or not] regaurdless I jump into action and throw my girl in the car immediately and diffuse the situation [I've been in enough trouble and am not hitting a female] I then i comfort my girl and call an hour late into work when it just so happens the district manager is there. so I square things away feeling good about how I handled the situation and went to work. she ends up calling me and breaking up with me saying I should have beat the girl up and skipped work [so glad I didnt] she had already wore me out emotionally that whole month [this day was supposed to be our 1 month anniversary lol] anywho so I say ok whatever I'm coming to get my stuff so I did and she said she wasn't ready for comminment that's all i needed to hear whatever [


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