Searching for "marriage"

44 Results For 'marriage'


May 17, 2010 @ (Powell, TN)

Tags: marriage break up

Well i got married in 2007 and the first month was fine then my husbands mother calls and says she is gonna lose her place and well he goes running(such a mamas boy)he quits a dang good paying job and goes running home ta mama and well of course i went with him and well we get there and he let her run our marriage and run all over me treating me like cinderella and later he starts callin from work askin his mama if he can go out with some friends can you believe that he asked her and not me he let me there alone and my mother-in-law run all over me and he did not care well i put up with it till later when he started comin home drunk demanding sex and gettin abusive bic he had turned into a bad drug addict and was liein ta me about it well i go home after 3 months of torture and 3 days later he calls and says when ya commin home and i said i am home till ya start treatin me like a wife and stop runnin ta ya momma for everything and also i am not commin back till you stop yer drinkin and drugs and he said look i am who i am and if ya can not except that then it is over and i said well then i guess it is over and he said you bet it is and he hung up.and that is how we broke up.



January 07, 2010 @ (Delhi)

Tags: Family, control, dominating family

I was in love with some girl, when I met a girl who became my friend (very good friends). I broke up with my love just to offer her a chance to be with some one who was better for her than me. She would ignore her but he would wait. I thought of moving out so he could get his place which, he did. My love hated me for leaving but I could live with the thought that atleast she'll be happy all her life without me.

I was coming out of that love and discovered my friend had developed feelings for me. For the first thought I had her by my side in my low time so I accepted her but her sister and I had an ego clash. Her sister always ruled my friend (now my GF) and I opposed it. This took her sister be against me and I certainly could not accept her sister. I took a promise from my GF to not let her sister get involved in our life and in simple words leave her for me. She agreed but kept the contacts with her sister, this reason brought so many fights between us but nothing changed. After marriage till date, many fights and many chances to break up, she still wants to sail in 2 boats.

No breaking contacts at the cost of my happy married life. I realised some times you as a husband is expected to accept all you get but you are unable to....Can't be a doormat and can't keep fighting everyday when the reason is her family. I think of moving out but get blamed. Along the way the fights have made me hear things that haunt me now and I see my feelings for her are not the same anymore.

I regret to have given my LOVE in somebody's hand and sacrificed. 2nd time I was taken for granted. Now I am all broken and just dragging myself with her as we have a child as well.

Can't live with her and can't leave her. Living with her has a cost to pay and leaving her has a cost for my child to pay.

Sometimes life gives you a fruit that looks sweet but its bitter when you bite. I am responsible for my own mistakes and will have to learn to live with the memories of my Fisrt and only love. What is more ironic than this?



December 06, 2009 @ (Maryland)

Tags: Holiday Joy

Back story: B/f and I have lived together for 5 years. We have been through a lot. Losing grandparents, my father having cancer, him being laid off...the list goes on. We have talked about marriage before and he always said that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

We are at thanksgiving dinner with his family and as always the questions begin about future wedding plans. B/f flips shit and in front of his whole family tells me he is moving out, he can't handle the pressure. I still had to drive an hr to my parents house and have thanksgiving with them. I figured he just snapped with pressure of the holidays and what not. I went home around 10pm...his shits turned off.

To make things worse, his brother calls yesterday to ask me out on a date. Weirdest fucking family ever.


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