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1230 Results For 'b'


November 13, 2016 @ (Malaysia)

Tags: Bad breakup

English is not my first language so I hope you guys can overlook my errors. I honestly don't know where to start hahah. In my case, I was the one who screwed up. I screwed up BIG time. It's a little bit more complicated than that tho.. This girl, Dina is her name, she used to have a very serious ex issues when we were dating.. I guess you could say that i was her rebound.. Her ex did all sorts of horrible things to her as he was abusive asf. But Dina dated with that guy for like 4 years so she found it hard to move on and really get over him.. When we were still together, she'd still text her ex and they would fight over the phone and i'd just stand there doing nothing as i respect her decisions..I kept pushing her to just ignore that guy(in a good way) but Dina still have feelings for that son of a bitch and that she couldnt hurt him.. and she said she can handle it.. so i let 'her way of doing things' proceed only until i realized that she's developing some deep feelings of affection again towards her ex..when i wanted to take actions, she yelled at me.. we never yell at each other that point i knew it was already too late for me.. so i decided to send an offensive text to her ex and i did.. he got mad.. at Dina.. and Dina got mad at me.. which i deemed to be very unfair.. so me and Dina had a huge fight and we broke up by hating each other.. Soon after that i realized i have made a huge mistake.. the biggest mistake of my life.. i have lost the love of my life becase of my own ego and selfishness.. I mean, its not her fault to begin with.. her ex started it.. and Dina is just another weak and innocent girl.. she just wanted to help everyone.. i apologized to her.. MANY TIMES.. send her texts..letters.. but she wont return any of em.. and her bestfriend told me that she hates me so much right now.. the unfairness is real..



November 08, 2016 @ (Las Vegas )

Tags: Worst break up ever

So me and my boyfriend had been going out for 9 months straight he then dumped me on oct 31.... and then the next day went out with my best friends cousin.... and we were so close to a year I'm in high school we're soft mores and she's a senior..... so yeah it hurts like shit... I hope this makes you feel better girls or guys if something like this happened to you ....



November 08, 2016 @ (canada)

Tags: Cheated husband while pregnant

I have been with my husband 10 years married for 5, we have 2 kids and I'm pregnant with our third, we where a great couple, in love the envy of everyone, but this year we where a bit distant from each other he owns a business with his family and has always worked 6 days a week at least 70h and I have never said a word, but got a bit bored this year and checked out, when we had the talk we decided to work on things and I got pregnant by accident/surprise right after , we sold our house for a bigger one for me to find out he was cheating on me the entire summer, he says he just got confused with us not being as connected as before and had tried to brake it off when we had our talk but was scared to piss off the other women and that she would tell me. Now I'm 6 month pregnant and not sure what to do . His work schedule has not changed and as much as he says he loves me and wants to work it out I dont find he is putting any effort in at all and all I can think of is that if you had time when you had no time to have affaire then you should have time to work on things, I think he thinks this will just blow over with time and since I'm pregnant its not like I'm going anywhere, what should I do , I would like to work this out but not with someone who seems to have no interest in doing the right thing at the appropriate moment.



November 07, 2016 @ (A place)

Tags: bad breakup, cheating, deserve better, sad

I met this guy three years ago through friends and it seemed to go really well. We were both in high school and the first year was lovely with us going on adventures and going on dates. However, during the first year of college, he turned incredibly immature (he had failed his GCSE's and I had just started A Levels), stopped making an effort with me and there were rumours he had cheated on me. We broke up for 2 weeks but I was stupid to take him back after he begged me that he missed me.
The next two years sucked. I would put in all of the effort into the relationship whilst he spent all of his money on cigarettes and spent his time playing video games. I felt trapped and lonely.
Recently I started university and he is still stuck at college. As all of his decent friends are at university or working, he started to become friends with some very dodgy people (known to do drugs and commit crimes). He started to get close with a lot of girls and it became obvious he was cheating on me when he suggested we go on a break. I ended it after receiving a text from him saying he was sleeping with another girl and yesterday we gave each others things back (three years worth of his things given back to him in two bin bags). He had hickeys all over his neck and random girls kept calling him whilst he was saying we should remain friends.
I know I deserve a lot better than him and I'm going to try and focus on my degree and find someone who will make an effort with me. It's just that it is hard to move on from three years of confusion, bittersweet memories and him in my life.



November 06, 2016 @ ((Around))

Tags: Bad breakup, betrayal, BoysAreTurds

Okay so two years ago I met this guy and when I first met him I absolutely hated him. He was obnoxious and irritating and got under your skin on purpose!! UGH! But, as life would have it, our seating charts in classes started putting us close to each other, so we began talking. And he surprised me by not being as bad as I had thought. We ended up becoming best friends somehow and he kept me smiling. I quickly realized I had caught feelings for him (how, I have no idea. I hadn't imagined myself as one to fall for an arrogant, popular guy). And, well, soon we started dating. We grew closer and I knew I had fallen for him bad. But sometimes it was as if he knew but didn't even care. Some days he would just be a total jerk to me, or (yeah, even better) I would find him flirting with another girl. I brought up these things to him and we ended up getting in a big fight about it. In the end, he yelled "Maybe we should just break up!" and I said okay. and he said okay. And he's moved on since.



November 05, 2016 @ (Around)

Tags: Dishonesty, FOMO, boysareajoke

About a year and two months dating, my boyfriend broke up with me.. saying he couldnt do long distance anymore. I had only moved away 3 months prior due to family changes and school etc. He said he was still in-love with me and that we could be together once i moved back in a few years. The day after he had a new girlfriend, in which i realized thanks to facebook. I was heartbroken, and when i asked him if it was true he told me it was a dare” and they had to wait a week before taking it down from facebook. I then later found out it wasnt a dare, he had just lied about that. The best part was finding out they had sex 3 days after being together and he broke up with her the day after and asked to be back together with me.


Sophia Styles

November 03, 2016 @ (San Antonio)

Tags: Dishonesty, lack of communication, fear of commitment

I met him at a party in December 2015. It was obvious that we were both attracted to each other and we started dating straight away. On our first date he tells me he loves me, that freaked me out and I saw it as a red flag, but decided to dodge the bullet to give him a chance. Being with him was amazing since I loved spending time with him, but we barely ever saw each other. We only saw each other twice a month for 1 hour or 2. I wanted to see him more than that since we only lived 30 mins apart. I told him that, but it never happened.

Last month he broke up with me because his feelings weren't as strong as mine and his feelings were diminishing. He never communicated this to me at the time and instead he repressed this since he wanted to still be with me, so he pretended like everything was ok and was telling me how he loves me and misses me when he wasn't feeling it. That made me feel like the past few months was all a farce and was leading me on. The fact that he wasn't honest with me is what hurts the most.

A few months later he still wants me around since he is inviting me to events, so I am left being really confused.



November 02, 2016 @ (Eugene Or)

Tags: Smh

So this was last year (8th grade) and he lived in Springfield for a while but moved to Carolina but cane to visit. I didn't really know him at the time. I hung out with my friend and she would FaceTime with me around and he would say I'm hot and stuff (I hadn't dated anyone in a year at this time) and I started to catch feelings. We hung out for the first time and the mall. He was a little shorter then me but I didn't care. He came to my basket ball games and we would FaceTime everyday. Then after about a week he said he didn't have time for me and thought it was ridiculous because he lived so far. I cried because I really liked him. A lot. But I accepted it. In the summer I went to the fair and saw him kissing another girl (who lived here) which Pissed me off because he broke up with me because he lived too far but then..idk. It was stupid. But now I'm in a happy relationship for almost 5 months now. 🙂



October 30, 2016 @ (California )

Tags: Long distance, relationships, breakup, ldr

So about a year ago I was single and I decided to make a dating profile just for the fun of it. I started casually talking to guys on this online dating app and I came across one and got a good laugh at a joke he made on his profile. Now I usually don't message guys online but his was pretty funny so i decided to message him a response to his joke. We talked a bit. I'm from California born



October 29, 2016 @ (Ontario Canada )

Tags: Break up

My girlfriend "Lisa" went to Newfoundland for two weeks to visit family. I never saw or heard from her again. I found out years later that in that two weeks, she met a guy at a bar and decided to stay. I've never got over her, I have no closure.


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