Tags: Broke up w me at school
Me and my bf went out for 4.5 months..and he broke up w me five days ago. He was my best friend my world. I NEED him...:( we would text FaceTime,e or see each other just about every day, we were a really close couple. I cry every night so much and I just don't know what to do. He seems like he's getting over me quickly but he says he'll always care for me. He says that he broke up w me bc the main reason was was that I told him he should stop this habit...I'm not going to say what it was but let's just say little kids do this...and it involves gold....anyways he said also that I didn't like things he like (ex. He likes video games and I like makeup and this is the example he gave me actually) he also said I was rude and sarcastic sometimes, and he told our mutual friend when she asked about our breakup that I gave him BS all the time....and gave him anxiety attacks... But he always got anxiety attacks and panic attacks over the littlest things and would over react on things. And the week before we broke up he was saying how his friend ally wanted to hang out w them at a skate rink and it wasn't going to be there...and he told me two months ago how he was attracted to a friend if mine... He also said we'd always argue. But not all the time, at least not to me. I remember some really good times...I just miss it so much. It hurts so bad. Idk hoe to deal with it...please someone please help me I'm 15 btw and I have to see him at school
Tags: Sad
When I first saw him I was stunned he was so sexy and tall with braids .... we starting talking but then something stupid happened and we stopped. We wound up in the same school and started talking again then eventually dating ... I knew instantly he was someone special .. we soon fell in love and things were going well ... but he had many secrets and he lied multiple times .... over and over and over ... he still thinks to this day that I believe all the lies he too but I just let him believe .. so we were on and off and I just kept going back because I really love him ... but I guess it just wasn't ment to be :( I still love him to this day but we don't really talk any more .. I git kicked out of my school so I don't see him any more ... it hurts really badly and I want him back ... I don't understand why though ... I want to know how he feels ... or at least how he felt ... I wish he knew :(
Tags: First Love
So i met this guy durring my summer before college, but i said that i didn't want to date anyone. We started as friends hanging out and watching movies. But as a couple weeks passed we started dating. We dated for about 3 or 4 months. I was a college half an hour away, and he stopped talking to me. No messages, no texts. He would ignore me for days, sometimes hours. To busy with his friends i guess. He completly closed up and wouldn't talk. I tried a lot and finally i had to break it off. It was tearing me apart, always wonder what was going on, and what i had done wrong. I has been a month and i still want to cry, and it makes my heart physically hurt. If anyone had any advise for getting over your first real love, please let me know.
Tags: Bad breakup
well there was this girl, her name was Marie. She was beautiful, funny and really smart. I loved her with all my heart. I started sacrificing my lunch to save money and take her out to see the twilight premiere. Then she just stopped talking to me and the next thing I know she starts posting love statuses on some other guys profile. When we finally spoke she told me she kissed him during their date and they were watching twilight. I died inside, I felt hurt. I practically wrote her a book of poems for her birthday but she never appreciated it. I just don't know how I got into this.
Tags: bad break ups, how to break up
I havent broken up with my boyfriend yet, but I'm about to. We have been together for 2 years. When we started dating I was still talking to my ex and that really hurt him(thats what he made me believe) and he made my life hell because I used to talked to my ex in our first month of being together. After like a month of being together I moved in with him and I dropped out of college, I quieted my job, I dint talk to my family, didnt have Any friends other than him. I did all that to show him that i really loved him and no one else. After a while I found out that at the beginning of our relationship, just like me, he was talking to his ex too and not only talking, after I moved in, He was begging her to go back with him. I also found out that he was inviting girls to go out. I also found out that in valentines day he didnt even say happy valentines day to me but he wrote his ex a big email saying how much he wanted to marry her and how much he loves her, and if she needed help, he was there for her. I found out all that almost after a year of us being together. Now we being together for more than 2 years on and off. We still leaving together. He has a son that I love like if he was my son, but he also has a step son (the son of his son's mom and they broke up like 7 years a go) and he is leaving with us and he is a fucking pain in the ass. But not only his step son leaves with us, my boyfriend's mom also leaves with us. Whenever she wants to yell at me she does, whenever she wants to be nice to me she is, but most of the time she doesnt talk to me. I dont work because if I work is a big fight because he doesnt want me to work. So, I have to be home taking care of his real kid, the pain in the ass of his step son, put up with my boyfriend's bitch mom and also put up with my boyfriends crap. On top all that he never complements, anything I do is enough for him. But after all that I'm still loving him and its been so painful every time we have broken up in the past and we always go back together within a month. I am soooo tired of this and i dont know how to break up forever because I'm afraid of the pain that I'm gonna feel plus i think of his real son that is like my son too.
So please I will appreciate any advice.
Tags: bad breakup, sad, douche
I had a 2 year relationship, with my ex. I loved him from the beggining and I gave him everything.He was my first relationship. He was always my priority but I wasn;t his. At six months he asked me to have a break I said ok no matter how hard it hurt, he came back and i accepted him.After 2 weeks i saw a conversation with his friend about another girl and how was he going to approach him. I broke up with him, but then after beggin for my forgiveness i accepted him back.Again. Another six months pass, and after coming back from vacation with his friends he tells me he kissed another girl while he was drunk and asks for my forgiveness, and i forgive him.AGAIN. And at last after we reach two years together, he talks to me on fb and asks me to break up cause he says he doesnt know if he loves me anymore. I said ok no matter how it hurt. After two days he comes back and asks me to get back together, but this time i didn't forgive and i decided not to forget, no matter how much i loved him, no matter how much it hurt. It's been 3 months since we broke up and I'm still sad and messed up but I'm not going back!
Tags: The worst feeling in the world is being replaced
We were together for four years. I loved him with every ounce of me. I gave him my all. He was my everything. His parents were a big issue, they never allowed us to go out on dates and we constantly had to hangout with his family. He never asked me on dates, and never really wanted to spend time with me. I loved him more than he loved me I guess. My graduation party came and went and he never showed. His father would not allow him to come to it. It hurt very bad but I wanted to stay with him through it all. A few days went by and he said we needed to talk. He came over and broke up with me that night, he said he needed to focus on himself and I was not outgoing enough for him. It hurt days passed by and I found out he cheated on me with a girl four years younger than he is. Shortly after I went onto facebook and had to see pictures of them begin to appear, comments and love statuses going up about each other. His parents are constantly talking about how much they love her and how she is perfect for him. I thought he was the one, and he told me we were going to get married that i was the one for him. Four years, we were together four years and he moved on. He moved on and I cannot get him out of my head. I hope everyday he will come back to me and it tears me up inside what he is doing. He can take her out on dates, hangout with her all the time, and do everything for her. What does she have that I don't? I thought he loved me...
Tags: Bad breakups
After almost 9 years, a child and a house I thought we were set for a happy ever after.
We were planning more babies, looking to upgrade the house. But then one night he just never came home. He said he was alone, needed time alone to grieve the loss of his father. Said he wanted no one else. He quit his job and I supported him. I honestly thought he just wanted
Time alone. But once his inheritance cleared he stopped talking to me. And then the discovery of a love filled card from another women clarified the actual situation!!
He said she was great. A really good girl - aren't all mistresses great people!!! Hahaha. She was the one. Who knows how long they were seeing each other but that was that.
He moved in with her, took our son and introduced her and her kids as part of his new family.
All a bit quick? If only I knew he was cheating . . . If only he told
Me the truth instead of lying and lying. He was staying with me only until his inheritance was in his account. The other woman and him planned a new life together. He said he didn't tell me because he wasn't sure if they would work out! Hahahaha I was the back up plan!! Oh And he didn't want to hurt me! Brilliant.
Nothing as shocking, devastating and soul destroying like it. On the bright side, at least I'm no longer with a lying, cheating, unemployed, delusional moron!!
Tags: Bad breakup
Her and I were together for 5 months. It was great and all but eventually she became bossy and a snotty bitch. She would always point out y flaws, never let me have a say in anything, and she would yell at me... A lot!!! Honestly it turned to a point where I was losing it. It felt like we no longer had the same sense of humor, we would fight over the smallest things, and she was changing me to something I'm not. This girl got me into a lot of shit, she also got me in huge trouble at school (but that's another story). I did a lot for her and trust me when I say a lot.
On our last date she was being rude to me, through out the entire date she kept upsetting me. The fact that my feelings for her were deep I took every thing she said seriously. But towards the end everything bottled up and I exploded on her just dumped right there and then.
It hurt me to dump her and I never knew I had it in me to do it. Although there was bad times in our relationship there were also good. And knowing I wasn't going to be with her this summer it really sucked. That doesn't matter anymore. I must admit I miss her and I do think about her time to time. But I believe everything happens for a reason. That reason was for me to find someone better, and I did. This new relationship is so far better. It really is and throughout this new relationship we experienced more than what I experienced with my ex. I hope this new relationship will be longer than my previous ones. And to all you people in this site: please believe there will be someone for you. I promise it took me a while to realize that!!
For the past 2 years I've been in an online relationship. My ex would always make sure I would never dishonor her trust in any way or shape. So I I'd just that for these two years. This year was my hardest year yet. With personal issues, college, and general life matters knocking at my door, I have been through hell. Then I notice my ex starts acting funny. I ask her what is wrong and she refuses to tell me. I guess if she has feelings for someone else and she said yes. Then proceeded to put said person above me and even defend him when it hit the fan.
I can never claim to be perfect. And I never will claim to be perfect. However, to have that happen on top of what has occured for me this year has wounded me immensely. I tried to reconcile and stop the eventual break up though. By constantly apologizing if only to allow us to be together again. Yet she would just blame my faults on her extremely poor and hurtful choice, and never once apologized for it or asked to work through it. Eventually I realized how dead I was to her and broke it off. The truth is that my decision was necessary because what would stop her from doing it again? More over, what would it take to feel remorse? Should I have to deal with all that with everything I've dealt with this year? So I broke it off and look towards my future. A future with family, friends, and in time, a girl I can give my heart to that deserves it. Not someone who admits the truth then lies right there after to hide the shame brought upon it.
My ex was too immature to understand how much she hurt me. By blaming me for her mistakes instead of being a woman and owning up to them, she brought this on herself. Just because she does not value herself to admit the truth does not mean the truth does not exist. I plunged my hands into the filth, while she jumped into it and refused to leave it. I cannot be with someone like that. As much as it hurts to admit it I can't, because I would have never done that to her. No matter how bad I have felt. I would have never betrayed her.
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