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1118 Results For 'and'


November 06, 2009 @ (Phoenix)

Tags: Phoenix

Josh and I hit the 1 year mark. we had been living in separate places, but I pretty much lived with him. we had a talk and we thought it would be best to move in together. my places was bigger than his so that was the winner. He moved in and things were cool for the first few months. I don't know if he stayed getting commitment issues or what, but he just started flipping out. He'd come home from work and he was mad. nothing really could Cheer him up. I'm not sure if he thought i was expecting to get married or what. it was more like roomies + benefits. worked out well for everyone. he took a swing at me the other day, that was it for me. no thank you



November 03, 2009 @ (Johnstown)

Tags: pa

I don't spend a lot of time on facebook, I don't really like it. At lunch today a friend said to me have you seen allison's photos? She was like I don't want to say anything more just go look. Well after seeing her pics, it was a clearcut choice.... time to breakup. I was going to make up a whole breakup story but I didn't want to drag it out. I called her over and said we need to move on. I've never seen such whore pics on facebook before. I might need 2 go get tested


Alberico Chief

November 03, 2009 @ (Italy)

Tags: Alberico19

I went over to my gf's house cuz she said we needed to talk. I took the train cuz my car was broke. After we started talkin she admitted that she had been cheating on me over and over again with 2 different dudes. By the time we got done chattin the last train had left the station. I had no choice but to stay on her couch. Middle of the night I wake up and I'm all pissed off. I take my sock off (wore tube socks cuz it was cold), poop in it, and start hitting her with it (lightly...i'm no abuser) she gets pissed and throws me out, I run away giggling my little heart out.

damn skippy.



November 02, 2009 @ (Boise)

Tags: boise

Just brokeup with my ex of 2 years. things were just getting hard. he wanted us to move-in together, and i just wasn't sure if that was what i wanted. I've been in grad school for a while and the course work has been so much that i've had to take extra time off work this month to get it all done. I wasn't able to give him what he needed, and i didn't want to hurt him anymore. the breakup wasn't fun. It was a really sad, long conversation. I hope its not really over, but I guess we'll have to see.



October 30, 2009 @ (Swindon, England.)

Tags: depressed, love

Well, I really loved this boy, and he loved me back. When we were going out he was so nice and kind and everything I could have wished for. Then after 4 months he broke up with me, saying it was stuff at home which was preventing him from going out with me. Then recently I made a big mistake of asking him what it was all about, why he doesn't love me any more (I made a mistake because I wanted to ask him IF he still loved me, not WHY he doesn't any more.) I'm still deeply in love with him, it's been 2 months since the breakup. Can you comment me some help/advice please? Thankyou, Harriet. x



October 28, 2009 @ (Tampa)

Tags: florida

I graduated not too long ago from a college up north. abbey wasn't able to move down here yet. we've been doing the whole LDR thing. I hate it, it just sucks! I had a few days off work so i ahead up there to visit for the weekend. it wasn't a long flight but when i wanted to take a lil nap before we went out for the day. her phone was on the coffee table and she got a text. I looked down and it says, hey babe... i had a great time, can't wait to see you again. stupid bitch. I tell you what, i could have gone apeshit!!! i didn't. i just asked who tyler was. her face went white. i went and stayed with my parents. the rest of the weekend. boy did she fuck up. there are so many girls in Florida... it's on



October 28, 2009 @ (Pittsburgh)

Tags: Pittsburgh, PA

This is a funny breakup and a worst breakup and a happy breakup all put together. I was seeing tom for close to 5 months. things weren't very serious but we were together alot. I have to admit the relationship was getting rocky. I'm not all the sure why or how, but it just did. We had dinner plans to meet up last friday. It wasn't a super nice place, but still i was excited. He was going to meet me there, and he was late. I was trying not to get angry, but my blood pressure was starting to rise. I see him walk in with someone next to him. He has this guy sit down at the seat across from me. "I think you two will get along much better then we do". Good luck hun. I wanted to throw my knife at him. who the hell does he think he is. I was kinda in shock, what just happened? the guy actually introduced himself as tom's co-worker. He ended up being a really cool guy, and we're going to see each other again. wow, couldn't have ever seen this coming.



October 27, 2009 @ (Dallas,Texas)

Tags: texas

I cooked my bf a nice dinner and drove over to his house. he wasn't expecting me, but i wanted it to be a surprise. Well upon arriving to his house, i walked in and caught him singing in a hairbrush to Brittney. I know its a shitty reason to breakup, but i like a real man.. not that kinda of man. lol



October 27, 2009 @ (Parma)

Tags: cleveland, oh

I was seeing girl #1 for close to 8-9 months. it wasn't completely serious, but we were hanging out alot. I was getting bored with her for some time now, but she is a cool girl. well my ex that i was completely in love with, the one that broke my heart just came back into town. we just happened to meet up and we hit it off again. I leave girl1 and started hanging out with my ex. we dated for a maybe 2 weeks and she left me again. sucks bad. I didn't end it bad with girl1, but i just had to try ya know?



October 24, 2009 @ (California)

Tags: Freak

hey everyone what's up. i had to post my story, it unbelievable! been dating ally for close to year. I've got a real perv buddy. the guy that watches porn on a daily basis. well, hes a little weird so i don't like hanging out with him much so when he called the other day i didn't pick up. he kept calling and calling and this isn't like him, so i called him back. he told me to log in to my email he just sent me a link. well, the link was to an amateur porn site. guess who the star of the film was? need to call the Dr. asap. fuck me.


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