
November 06, 2009 @ (Phoenix)

Tags: Phoenix

Josh and I hit the 1 year mark. we had been living in separate places, but I pretty much lived with him. we had a talk and we thought it would be best to move in together. my places was bigger than his so that was the winner. He moved in and things were cool for the first few months. I don't know if he stayed getting commitment issues or what, but he just started flipping out. He'd come home from work and he was mad. nothing really could Cheer him up. I'm not sure if he thought i was expecting to get married or what. it was more like roomies + benefits. worked out well for everyone. he took a swing at me the other day, that was it for me. no thank you



Comment on this breakup


November 30, 2009

I bet your place was a pig sty. Try dropping that drumstick and picking up a vaccuum.



November 17, 2009

you should have tried taking it up the ass once in a while. That would have kept him happy.



November 06, 2009

Geez what a schmuck find a way to keep him stuck on the lease and just go all out livin the single life while you watch this guy slowly lose his mind. Or maybe you're the unstable one; idk it's gotta be one or the other lol. He sounds like a mental midget anyway.


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